The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 732: The long-lost villain (53)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What a bastard! He has been sealed in the deep prison under the sea, and he still dares to cause trouble!"

The leader of the team is True Lord Yuanyang of the Tianyuan Sect. He is the eldest disciple of the sect leader and a powerful master in the later stage of the Golden Core.

He noticed that wisps of demonic energy silently enveloped Feizhou, and he flicked his sleeves vigorously.

Streams of spiritual power spread out, crushing all the demonic energy.

Su Hao became clear instantly.

He was frightened for a while, and a chill ran down his spine: "I, what was I thinking just now? Nuannuan is my sister and my relative, how could I?"

"It's all the fault of that nightmare. Its demonic energy can amplify evil thoughts for no reason."

"Yes! It wasn't my idea just now, it was the nightmare that was causing trouble!"

Su Hao tried his best to make excuses for himself.

He directly ignored the fact that the nightmare only amplified the evil thoughts in people's hearts and was not fabricated out of thin air.

Therefore, Su Hao was still a little jealous and afraid of his sister deep down in his heart.

It's just that there are very few negative emotions.

But just because there are few, doesn't mean they don't exist.

It is like a seed. As long as it takes root and sprouts, it will grow into a towering tree sooner or later.

"Chu Baozhu! It's Chu Baozhu!"

Su Hao was secretly despising it when Mo Xiaoxiao's exclamation suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Brother Su, have you seen that person is Chu Baozhu!"

"...Wait a minute, Chu Baozhu appears, then the person next to her, my God, Brother Su, the genius girl that Senior Brother Yuanyang said is Nuan Nuan!"

Mo Xiaoxiao was so surprised and excited that she forgot to control the volume for a moment.

Her shouting not only woke up Su Hao who was in a trance, but also attracted the attention of everyone on the flying boat.

"Junior sister Mo, what did you just say?"

"You said that the talented girl who is forming elixirs is Master Su's sister?"

"No, what a coincidence?"

"...Is that Master Su's sister? They are indeed brothers and sisters. They are both rare geniuses!"

On the flying boat, the disciples of Tianyuan Sect were talking a lot.

Zhenjun Yuanyang was a little excited. Before coming, when the master explained the task to him, he once said something casually——

"Your uncle Su's biological sister is also in Wu Cang Mansion. I have promised him that as long as Su Nuan has spiritual roots, I will accept her as a disciple regardless of her qualifications!"

At that time, Zhenjun Yuanyang only thought that he was going to use a back door for others.

I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it, haha, Master Su’s sister is actually a monster!

Yes, monster!

True Lord Yuanyang felt that genius could no longer be used to describe Su Nuan.

Sixteen-year-old Jin Dan, haha, looking at the entire Yuan Cang Continent, he is absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented!

"Tianlinggen! This girl Su, like her brother, should have rare Tianlinggen!"

True Lord Yuanyang was so happy that he really wished he could hug Su Hao, who was still sitting cross-legged in meditation, and kiss him hard.

Talent, oh no, a hero!

It doesn’t matter that he is a Tianlinggen, but he actually recruited another even more awesome monster into the Tianyuan Sect!

True Lord Yuanyang couldn't believe it. If the entire Yuancang Continent knew that their Tianyuan Sect had another heaven-defying spiritual root, it would definitely cause a storm.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Uncle Su, is that fellow Taoist who is forming the golden elixir really your sister?"

Holding back his excitement, True Lord Yuanyang approached Su Hao and asked in a low voice.

Su Hao:......

After ten years of separation, he missed his sister's most critical stage of growth. Based on her appearance alone, he couldn't recognize Su Nuan at all!

But Chu Baozhu,

It's still the same as it was ten years ago.


Su Hao didn't know what to say.

It was Mo Xiaoxiao who was beside him. He didn't know whether he was too excited or too shocked. He grabbed the conversation and said suddenly like a machine gun: "Elder brother, it's Nuan Nuan!"

"Ten years have passed and I can't recognize Nuan Nuan, but I remember the woman next to her. She is Chu Baozhu. She disappeared with Nuan Nuan and now they come to Wocang Mansion together..."

Mo Xiaoxiao spoke loudly and explained the relationship between Su Nuan and Chu Baozhu in detail.


True Lord Yuanyang got the accurate answer from Mo Xiaoxiao's mouth, and he repeatedly said hello with paws.

"Uncle Su, you have made another great contribution to our Tianyuan Sect!"

"Haha, a sixteen-year-old golden elixir power! Only the largest sect like our Tianyuan Sect deserves to have it!"

"In the future, Fellow Daoist Su... we will all be counting on you, Master Uncle Su!"

True Lord Yuanyang said to Su Hao pointedly.

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth.

He should be happy, but he just had a weird feeling.

The proud man who has always been aloof from above, now he actually has to rely on others to gain merit and win respect?

Reason told Su Hao that he shouldn't think too much.

But, he just couldn't help it!

"It's all that damn nightmare! These monsters are used to confuse people's hearts!"

Su Hao couldn't help but cursed the nightmare in his heart.

He suppressed the trace of negative emotions and his smile became sincere and bright, "Don't worry Yuanyang, I will have a good talk with her after Nuannuan successfully forms the pill!"

At this point, Su Hao suddenly reacted——

Nuan Nuan was still making breakthroughs, and she encountered the most powerful and domineering Nine-Level Thunder Tribulation!

If she can get through it, she will be officially considered to have formed a pill.

If you can't hold on, you may end up with fake elixirs and your cultivation will stagnate; at worst, you may die directly!

"Yuanyang, it's not good! I, I have to go ahead and take a look!"

Su Hao's face was full of anxiety. He stood up with a roar, rushed to the flying boat, and patted the storage bag.

A small lotus seat floated in mid-air.

Su Hao poured spiritual power into it, and the lotus seat instantly grew larger.

This is an earth-level flying spiritual weapon given to him by Patriarch Yan Yuan.

Not only can it fly, but it can also play a certain defensive role.

In the words of Patriarch Yan Yuan, "This spiritual weapon can withstand a full blow from a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

Su Hao jumped directly from the flying boat onto the lotus seat flying spiritual weapon.

Mo Xiaoxiao was Su Hao's little follower, and now it was an "old friend", so she followed him directly.

True Lord Yuanyang thought for a while and took out his own magical weapon.

He is a powerful golden elixir and can fly with a sword even without flying magic weapons.

He stood on a spiritual sword with his hands behind his hands, "Uncle Su, I will accompany you to take a closer look!"

If at a critical moment, the little girl can't hold on, he can help.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In this way, Su Nuan owed Tianyuan Sect karma.

...This is double insurance. Su Nuan, a talented girl, and their Tianyuan Sect are going to make a decision!

"Yuan Yang, thank you very much!"

Su Hao is a very smart person. He can tell his little plan just by looking at True Lord Yuanyang's posture.

A strange feeling flashed in his heart, and Su Hao quickly returned to normal.

He is still the graceful, noble and reserved man of heaven!

"Uncle Su is too polite!"

True Lord Yuanyang said a polite word, then activated the flying sword under his feet and came to the black turtle shell.


It is already the eighth mysterious thunder.

He Tiantian's whole body was chopped until it was burnt.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao, one stuffed the elixir into He Tiantian's mouth, and the other continued to throw lots of talismans and spiritual weapons into the sky.

"..." As they got closer, Yuanyang, Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao could see more clearly.

They can also capture some of the overflowing aura.

"The best spirit-gathering pill, or the earth-level one?"

True Lord Yuanyang opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

It stands to reason that at his level of cultivation, he has basically mastered the ability to remain unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai.

Few things could shock him so much.

However, the little girls in front of me are too, too rich.

Even if you come from a great family of cultivators, or have a pair of very awesome parents, you can't do this kind of "spending".

The best elixir was stuffed into his mouth as if it was free of charge.

One high-grade spiritual weapon after another, as casually as throwing a piece of firewood.

There is also the flying spiritual weapon in the black turtle shell. If he saw it correctly, it is the shell of the ten thousand-year-old black turtle.

Just such a turtle shell is worth a lot of money.

Nowadays, such a valuable black turtle shell has been refined into a high-grade spiritual weapon. Gee, it is no longer easy to value.

If it were sent to an auction held by two trading houses, it would definitely fetch a sky-high price.

"Huh? And Long Jiaojiao?"

Mo Xiaoxiao is very popular in Tianyuan Sect, and occasionally goes out on missions with his senior brothers and sisters in the sect.

She knows people from the other three major immortal sects.

When Han Xiao returned with his disciple, Mo Xiaoxiao was startled and confused, so she found an excuse to go to Tianyan Sect.

Therefore, she has met Long Jiaojiao and knows the grudge between Dan Xianzi and Long Jiaojiao.

However, Mo Xiaoxiao never imagined that Long Jiaojiao would get together with Chu Baozhu and Su Nuan.

Look at the way they cooperate and trust each other, it doesn't look like they've just met, but like close little sisters who have known each other for a long time!

"Nuan Nuan, is it Nuan Nuan?"

Su Hao didn't care about Long Jiaojiao. He saw that it was not his sister who was struck by lightning, but the annoying Chu Baozhu.

His anxious heart was relieved.

He shouted at Su Nuan with his spiritual power.

Su Nuan's heart was shocked, and she looked over subconsciously.

"elder brother!"

Really big brother!

Su Nuan's appearance changed greatly, but Su Hao, who was a monk back then, still looked the same as when they separated.

Su Nuan recognized the other party at a glance.

"Su Xiaonuan! Don't be distracted!"

"Why, when you see your brother, you don't want me as Sister Baozhu!"

"Aww, Su Xiaonuan, you have no conscience!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...I would be so miserable, for whom?"

He Tiantian was half dead, relying on pills to keep him alive.

In fact, He Tiantian had noticed it as early as Feizhou stopped to watch.

Su Hao urged the flying spiritual weapon to come closer, and she discovered it immediately.

After not seeing each other for ten years, the male protagonist seems to be more calm.

However, I don't know if it's an illusion, but He Tiantian always feels that Su Hao seems to be missing a bit of "charm".

She had already guessed in her heart, and seeing Su Hao's changes with her own eyes made her even more sure of her thoughts.

The difficult task progress bar has been dragged again.

Su Hao opened his mouth to call Su Nuan, but He Tiantian didn't care.

But "Chu Baozhu" didn't do it. For the sake of character, He Tiantian continued to be a "dislike".

"Brother! I am Nuannuan!"

Su Nuan's distraction just now was just an instinctive reaction.

Without He Tiantian's sour reminder, she realized that now was not the time to "reunite" with her brother.

However, she couldn't ignore people.

Su Nuan replied, "The situation is urgent now. After I get through this disaster, I will talk to my brother properly!"

After saying that, without waiting for a reply, Su Nuan began to give He Tiantian the elixir while running exercises to heal He Tiantian's injuries and extend his life.

Qingdi Changchun Art is very magical. It converts spiritual energy into "rejuvenation" spiritual power, and quickly repairs He Tiantian's skin, flesh and meridians that were severely damaged by Xuan Lei.

He Tiantian was able to hold on to the eighth mysterious thunder, not only because she had prepared all the elixirs, talismans, spiritual energy and other items.

It's not just because of He Tiantian's "professional counterpart" in Jitian Five Elements Jue.

It's also because Su Nuan has been using exercises to restore her health and mana.


The last heavenly thunder seems to be the synthesis of the first eight mysterious thunders.

Incomparable power, incomparable strength, carrying the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, chopped down from the void.

Not to mention He Tiantian, Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao who were in the center, even Yuanyang and his party who were standing in mid-air and watching from a close distance couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in their souls.

Especially Mo Xiaoxiao, who had the lowest cultivation level. She was frightened by Xuan Lei's remaining power, and her dantian surged.

Finally, she spit out a mouthful of blood.

Su Hao was worried when he saw this, and quickly took out a Qi and Blood Pill exchanged from the sect from his storage bag.

Well, it's definitely not the best, but the most ordinary mid-range.

Su Hao paused in feeding the medicine, then looked down at the pills in his hand, and then thought about how Su Nuan just stuffed all kinds of top-quality pills into "Chu Baozhu's" mouth like eating jelly beans.

He suddenly felt a sense of sadness.

Where did those pills come from? Su Hao, as smart as he was, had a vague guess in his heart.

When she first entered the Wuji Sea, "Chu Baozhu" showed extremely high talent for alchemy.

At that time, he was just like Su Nuan, and his storage bag was full of pills.

Su Hao has indeed been taken seriously in Tianyuan Sect these years, and behind him is the powerful master Yan Yuan.

But the problem is that Tianyuan Sect is too big and has many disciples. No matter how much the head brother values ​​him, it is impossible for the entire sect to support him alone.

Su Hao has no shortage of elixirs and spiritual stones.

But it's just enough, and it hasn't reached the point of "squandering it at will".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At least it's not as steady as when I was walking with "Chu Baozhu".

There is also a master who retreats all the year round, and even the daily teaching is done by the head senior brother.

Before the Master went into seclusion, he gave him a storage bag full of treasures.

But if this kind of thing can only come out but not come in, it will be nothing.

Unlike "Chu Baozhu" in the past, she could make elixirs, refine weapons, and draw talismans by herself.

Chu Baozhu can continuously provide these items necessary for cultivation.

As long as Su Hao can get enough raw materials.

The process of obtaining raw materials is also an experience.

Su Hao couldn't help but feel a little dazed when he recalled this, and had a strong feeling in his heart——

He seems to have missed something!

He Tiantian: ...Haha, if you miss such a treasured villain like "Miss Chu", your position as the male protagonist will be in jeopardy.

It's a pity that He Tiantian doesn't have time to be proud of this at this time.

She finally faced her biggest crisis after traveling through this small world.

The last Xuan Lei was so terrifying.

If she survives, not only can she survive, but she can also advance and follow Su Nuan on the road to eternal life.

But if you can’t survive it——


I can definitely hold on!

He Tiantian gritted her teeth, frantically running the Five Elements of Heaven, and faced the final blow with all her might...

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