The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 733: The long-lost villain (54)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The ninth mysterious thunder was so powerful that it seemed to destroy everything.

He Tiantian's soul trembled, her adrenal glands soared, she was instinctively afraid, but she also felt inexplicable excitement and desire.

Danger and opportunity coexist!

Get rid of distracting thoughts and focus on He Tiantian's crazy operation of the Five Elements of the Supreme Heaven.

Su Nuan also felt the danger and terror of the last thunder. She stuffed the elixir into He Tiantian's mouth and stuffed it into her own mouth.

Gather all the spiritual energy in the body to quickly burn the newly improved cultivation level.

Su Nuan regarded herself as a spiritual energy conversion instrument, converting the absorbed spiritual energy into spiritual power, and then nourished the injured He Tiantian like spring breeze and rain.


The golden elixir that had just been condensed seemed to be unable to withstand this overdraft and began to crack.

Su Nuan ignored it and continued to run the technique crazily.


Flying on the sword in mid-air, True Lord Yuanyang took a breath of cold air.

He finally discovered something strange about the people in the Black Turtle Shell.

It was obviously Su Nuan who made the breakthrough, but it was another female cultivator who was responsible for the thunder disaster.

If it was because of their deep sisterly bond, it seemed reasonable for the female cultivator to take the initiative to help share the thunder disaster.

However, the scene in front of me is not sharing at all, but a different person.

Also, Su Nuan had just formed the golden elixir and had not been tempered by the thunder tribulation. His cultivation was not stable and the golden elixir might also turn into a fake elixir.

At this time, Su Nuan didn't talk about cultivating quickly to stabilize her cultivation, but she looked like she didn't care and tried her best to help the female cultivator convey her spiritual power.

This this

True Lord Yuanyang claims to be a man who has seen the world, but this is the first time he has seen such a breakthrough and such a good sister!

Is this some new way of overcoming the tribulation?

Or is it the peculiarity of Tianlinggen?

There were several strange speculations in Zhenjun Yuanyang's heart.

Apart from doubts, True Lord Yuanyang was also a little worried. Su Nuan looked too crazy.

She doesn't care about her golden elixir at all. The way she almost burns herself can easily damage her cultivation, or even fail to form the elixir.

Su Hao's cultivation level is lower, and he has been in the sect these years.

His knowledge and understanding of cultivation may not be as good as Su Nuan who has been making waves in the Jiuyou Sea.

He just felt that the scene in front of him was slightly familiar.

The corners of Mo Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched. It was obvious that she had thought of something.

Leaning close to Su Hao's ear, Mo Xiaoxiao said speechlessly, "Brother Su, Chu Baozhu is so unlucky!"

Ten years ago, it was okay to be struck by lightning at every turn. After all, she did bully the Su family brothers and sisters.

However, it has been so many years now, and even though Chu Baozhu was suspected of running away at the critical moment, he still saved Su Nuan in the end.

Mo Xiaoxiao felt that the grudge between Chu Baozhu and the Su family should be settled.

He never expected that Chu Baozhu would have to bear the thunder calamity for Su Nuan.

Seeing that the once arrogant and arrogant young lady was turned into charcoal by lightning, and the smell of burnt incense floated in the air, Mo Xiaoxiao felt a little sympathy for her.

It's so miserable, dear!

Su Hao:

He didn't know what to say.

Say Chu Baozhu is pitiful?

However, the person who benefited was his sister.

Are you saying that Chu Baozhu deserves it?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, Chu Baozhu is not really evil, she is just a spoiled naughty child at best.

All that happened back then was offset by the time she saved Su Nuan and stayed with her for ten years!


Just when Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao were biting their ears quietly,

A shrill scream came from the black turtle shell not far away.

The sea beasts and monsters in the sea were frightened, and they lay on the seabed or on the island, trembling.

He Tiantian only felt electric current surging all over her body. The pain was no less than torture.

She could barely hold on.

The most painful thing is not the physical body, but the heavy blow to the soul.

He Tiantian endured the pain, wailing miserably, and continued to run the Five Elements of Heaven.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but He Tiantian felt that the "efficiency" of storing spiritual energy in her Dantian had improved.

Her spiritual roots became more pure!

However, she couldn't bear the damage caused by Xuan Lei.

Her body was no longer visible, it was completely charred and black, and if it weren't for the warmth from her breath, she would be no different from a corpse in a fire scene.

"Sister Baozhu!"

Seeing Sister Baozhu dying, she looked like she would die in the next second.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao both exclaimed.

Su Nuan became even more crazy, and the Qing Emperor Changchun Art was driven to the extreme by her.

Wave after wave of spiritual power overdrafted her cultivation.



The golden elixir in Su Nuan's body had a few cracks on its round surface.

Su Nuan's face turned pale and her body was crumbling!

"Nuan Nuan!"

Su Hao noticed Su Nuan's abnormality and was worried, and subconsciously exclaimed.

He wanted to run closer to check on his sister and stop her from doing something stupid.

However, before he could make any move, True Lord Yuanyang stopped him, "Uncle Su, wait a minute!"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment and looked at True Lord Yuanyang blankly, "Yuanyang, my, my sister's condition is not very good!"

"" True Lord Yuanyang is not blind, so of course he saw Su Nuan's appearance.

However, he always had an inexplicable feeling that what Su Nuan suffered was also a refinement of her cultivation.

Whether she can form a golden elixir, success or failure depends on this!

"Look again! Su Xiaoyou's situation is a bit special."

True Lord Yuanyang pondered for a moment and said slowly.

Su Hao's face was full of hesitation and struggle.

There is still a little thought in my heart.

Finally, all his emotions turned into a long sigh, "Okay, Yuanyang, I listen to you!"

In the black turtle shell, it was discovered that Su Nuan was in bad condition, but Long Jiaojiao did not hesitate.

She quickly took out bottles of elixirs from her storage bracelet, including Qi and Blood Pills, Spirit-Gathering Pills, Changchun Pills, and Qingling Pills.

All kinds of top-quality elixirs are all at Xuan level or above, and there are even a small amount of Earth level ones.

Long Jiaojiao stuffed handfuls of pills into Su Nuan's mouth without even looking.

The spiritual elixir entered the body and turned into vigorous spiritual power, nourishing Su Nuan's injured meridians and golden elixir.

Su Nuan was replenished and her cultivation was even more evident.

Just when the golden elixir was about to be unable to withstand this overdraft, suddenly, strands of spiritual energy emitted from the golden elixir and in turn enveloped the golden elixir.

The cracks in the golden elixir were quickly repaired, the elixir body solidified, and faint golden runes began to appear.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


The golden elixir is ready!

The clouds in the sky dispersed, and the thunder in the distance disappeared.

After the breakthrough was successful, the remaining spiritual energy in the air gathered into spiritual rain, dripping down.


"The sixteen-year-old golden elixir power is really, really coming out!"

"Oh, why are you standing there stupidly? Hurry up and practice!"

"Yes! Yes! This is the spiritual rain after promotion. The spiritual energy is the most abundant!"

The monks on the flying boat were talking a lot.

The three people who had left the flying boat and were standing near the black turtle shell were all stunned.

It was True Lord Yuanyang who reacted quickly and quickly reminded: "Uncle Su, Junior Sister Mo, practice quickly, don't miss this spiritual rain!"

He has a high level of cultivation, so this bit of spiritual rain doesn't have much effect on him.

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao were in the middle stage of foundation building and the Great Perfection stage of Qi refining, which was the stage that required spiritual rain cultivation.

"Oh! Okay! Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me!"

When Mo Xiaoxiao heard the reminder, without any hesitation, he quickly sat cross-legged and started running the technique.

Su Hao was still stunned on the spot.

It's not that he reacts slowly, but he's a little awkward

He is the older brother, and he has always been the one taking care of his sister.

Now, he wants to practice with his sister's spiritual rain when she formed the golden elixir!

This feeling is really subtle!

"Uncle Su? Uncle Su?"

Seeing that Su Hao was still in a daze, True Lord Yuanyang didn't know his little thoughts and reminded him again.


Su Hao suppressed those complicated emotions and said nothing. He sat cross-legged silently and practiced the ancestral Hongmeng Chaos Art.

The surroundings seemed to be quiet, and the monks with lower cultivation levels were busy practicing.

And several powerful people in the Golden Core stage were paying attention to the surrounding trends while protecting their juniors.

There was only one female cultivator, looking at the black turtle shell with a somewhat strange look.

"Long Jiaojiao? She is not possessed by a demon?"

Wearing a snow-white dress, the young female cultivator has a beautiful face and an extraordinary temperament, making her look like a noble and beautiful fairy.

Her name is Yang Yunrong, and she is the famous Dan Fairy in Yuancang Continent.

She was born into a family of immortal cultivators, and became a member of the Alchemy Sect, one of the four major immortal sects. She formed a golden elixir before she was even a hundred years old.

In Yuancang Continent, they can be considered among the elites.

And she is most famous for alchemy. Before she broke through the golden elixir stage, Yang Yunrong was a Xuan-level alchemist.

Now, she has become a powerful person in the golden elixir stage, and her alchemy skills are approaching the earth level.

Breakthrough is just around the corner!

Once she breaks through to the level of an earth-level alchemist, she will be a veritable alchemy fairy!

Looking at the entire Yuancan Continent, there are only a handful of earth-level alchemists, and most of them are Nascent Soul monsters who are older and have high cultivation levels.

It is absolutely rare for a young and beautiful female cultivator like Yang Yunrong to be so good at alchemy.

This is Yang Yunrong's pride, and it is also her capital to gain a foothold in Yuancang Continent.

Even the Tianyan Sect and Han Xiao would make concessions and tolerate her because of her talent in alchemy.

If you have something to rely on, you can be unscrupulous.

Therefore, Yang Yunrong drove away Long Jiaojiao and asked Han Xiao to obey her words.

The double cultivation ceremony between her and Han Xiao will be held next month.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

By the time

She will definitely return the pain, hurt, and humiliation that Han Xiao gave her to Han Xiao twice as much!

As for the evil beast Long Jiaojiao, she will become a sacrifice to the nightmare, become a demon, become an immortal, haha, she will become a witch that everyone wants to beat.

Yang Yunrong's plan was very good, and she had made a lot of preparations.

However, when she came to Wucang Mansion and wanted to accept the "victory results", she was shocked to find that

"Long Jiaojiao is not possessed by the devil!"

"Why? Why is this happening?"

"God, you're unfair!"

"Han Susu, you are a loser. You can't do such a simple thing well. You are simply a scoundrel!"

Yang Yunrong used his spiritual consciousness to capture Long Jiaojiao busy in the black turtle shell.

This damn girl looks even more lively and agile than before.

The key is that her cultivation level has actually improved!

A monk in the foundation-building stage is nothing to Yang Yunrong, a great master of the golden elixir.

She could crush him with just a finger.

Yang Yunrong didn't do it himself, but he didn't want to get his hands dirty.

In addition, doing things by herself was too low and was not in line with her noble status.

However, no matter how much Yang Yunrong looked down on the monks in the foundation building stage, she never expected that Long Jiaojiao, who had always been lazy and naughty, could actually calm down and practice hard.

In such a short period of time, the foundation building was successful!

This, this is completely different from what she planned.

Also, how did she get involved with Su Hao's sister?

Yang Yunrong's chest was full of anger, and questions emerged one after another in his heart.

Finally, all these turned into a question: "Han Susu, what on earth have you done?"

Yang Yunrong held the armrest on the side of the spacecraft with all her strength, and there were blue veins on the back of her fair and slender hands.

Her beautiful facial features were a little distorted.

Fortunately, the disciples on the flying boat were busy practicing at this time and were afraid of missing the spiritual rain, so they didn't notice anything unusual about Yang Yunrong.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yunrong controlled his emotions a little.

She took out a communication charm from her storage bag.

Facing the talisman, Yang Yunrong called in a cold voice: "Han Susu, come quickly! Han Susu, come to Wuji Sea quickly!"

She shouted several times in succession, and then she turned her wrist, and a wave of spiritual power rippled out.

The messenger talisman burned and turned into ashes.

On an island in the Wuji Sea, Han Susu felt a call from her soul.

She blinked her scarlet eyes, moved her dantian, and accepted the power transmission.

"Han Susu, come quickly! Han Susu, come quickly to Wuji Sea!"

A strange and fierce smile appeared on Han Susu's originally beautiful and delicate face: "Jie Jie Jie, Fairy Dan is here!"

"Well done! I'm about to settle a score with her!"

The spiritual rain finally dissipated, and there were still traces of spiritual energy remaining on the sea.

Su Nuan finished the last lap of the Qing Emperor Changchun Jue and let out a long breath.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Near Su Nuan, a dark object suddenly made several coughing sounds.

"Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao were overjoyed and shouted together.

"What's the fuss about?" I'm almost to death from you guys! "

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian shouted impatiently.

She slowly opened her eyes and tried to move her limbs.



As she moved, the charred shell on her body began to crack.

He Tiantian raised her hands and kicked her legs a few more times.


Click, click, click!

Black lumps, large and small, fell off He Tiantian's limbs.

Well, to use an analogy that would make He Tiantian go berserk, she looked very much like a prepared beggar's chicken at the moment.

At this moment, all the "soil" covering the body peeled off, revealing the white, tender and fragrant meat.

Su Nuan:

Oh my god, I'm thinking all sorts of shit.

Su Nuan was shocked by her thoughts. She quickly shook her head to get rid of these unreliable thoughts.

Well, I really can't blame her. In fact, she has eaten too many novel delicacies with Sister Baozhu in the Jiuyou Sea these years.

What kind of barbecue, what kind of hot pot, as well as beggar's chicken and beggar's fish.

And the appearance of Sister Baozhu at this moment is indeed very similar, ahem, I can’t say it, I definitely can’t say it!

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