The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 734: The long-lost villain (55)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's like a beggar's chicken that was just cooked, ah, no!

As if emerging from a cocoon and becoming a butterfly, He Tiantian experienced a ninth-level thunder tribulation and did not die, but also broke through.

Her original cultivation level was in the middle stage of foundation building.

After this thunder catastrophe, the spiritual roots were purified into the Five Elements Jue of Heaven and matched the spiritual roots of "rebirth" incomparably.

When He Tiantian practiced, he got twice the result with half the effort.

She was promoted directly from the middle stage of foundation building to the late stage of foundation building.

Of course, this is what it looks like on the surface, and it also belongs to the cultivation level of the original owner Chu Baozhu.

As for He Tiantian herself, she successfully obtained the golden elixir.


Therefore, the thunder disaster just now was not entirely caused by Su Nuan.

There is also He Tiantian’s own Golden Pill Thunder Tribulation.

Tiandao seemed to acquiesce to the "two sets of procedures" adopted by He Tiantian, an outsider.

On the one hand, He Tiantian is that Chu Baozhu has the cultivation techniques and cultivation level that belong to Chu Baozhu.

On the other hand, He Tiantian is He Tiantian. He can practice the Wuji Art of his junior uncle, and he can also have a cultivation level that even the great immortal cultivators in this small world can't see through!

He Tiantian didn't know why this was happening, but it didn't seem to be a bad thing for her.

When He Tiantian played the original protagonist, she did not lose herself.

"Oh, Su Xiaonuan, I almost died because of you!"

While He Tiantian was "coming out of her shell", she did not forget to take credit from Su Nuan, "You must treat me well in the future, be good, be sensible, and listen to my words!"

"Otherwise you, you are sorry for me!"

He Tiantian's remarks were simply trying to repay a favor.

But Su Nuan didn't resist at all. She even nodded in agreement, "Yeah, sister Baozhu, you're right. Don't worry, I will definitely listen to you in the future!"

She will never feel sorry for Sister Baozhu.

Although Sister Baozhu took on the thunder tribulation on her behalf, she was not willing to do so, and it also had some benefits for Sister Baozhu.

However, the result is that Su Nuan does not have to bear the heavy blow of Xuan Lei, and does not have to worry about failing to overcome the tribulation or dying. This is all thanks to Sister Baozhu.

Don’t ask about the reasons, just look at the results!

This is Su Nuan's principle.

Therefore, she won't think too much and will only remember the benefits she got from Sister Baozhu.

For the rest of her life, she would be with Sister Baozhu.

The sisters will practice together, break through together, and ascend together until they embark on the true path to eternal life.

"And you, Long Xiaojiao! You performed well today. You must continue to work hard in the future!"

He Tiantian did not forget the new little follower.

She turned her head, and a few pieces of burnt skin on her neck fell off instantly.

He Tiantian paused for a moment, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Damn, this feeling of shelling out is really like eating a beggar's chicken.

"Sister Baozhu, I know! I will follow you like Su Xiaonuan from now on and listen to your words!"

Long Jiaojiao was happy and lucky to see Sister Baozhu who had "emerged from her cocoon and turned into a butterfly".

Great, Sister Baozhu is fine. Not only did she survive the thunderstorm, her cultivation level also seems to have improved.

"Nuan Nuan! Nuan Nuan!"

Just when the three sisters of the "Eldest Lady Team" were chatting enthusiastically and making promises to each other, Su Hao also ended his practice.

He stood up, used his spiritual power to activate the Lotus Seat flying spiritual weapon, and came directly to the side.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

he shouted, excitement in his voice.

"elder brother!"

Only then did Su Nuan remember that her brother was here too, right nearby.

However, she did not immediately stand up to greet her.

Instead, he glanced at He Tiantian subconsciously.

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, with an unhappy look on her face, but she didn't stop her, "Go! Humph, it's true that Su Hao has received the news for many days, and he's just here now!"

Don't get me wrong, He Tiantian said this just to sow discord.

There's nothing I can do about it, Sister Baozhu is a selfish, willful and vicious villain.

As a villain, it is daily routine to work tirelessly against the protagonist.

Being narrow-minded and gossiping is a habit.

"Also, you just passed through the thunder tribulation. It was such a critical moment, but that guy Su Hao only knew how to look at you!"

"Yes, I was often struck by lightning back then, but after so many years, Su Hao is so sure, can I help you share the lightning disaster?"

"Tch, this is still my biological brother. I think he is even worse than Long Xiaojiao!"

As for Sister Baozhu, she can't even compare to a toe.

He Tiantian raised her chin, giving a harsh and malicious instigation.

Su Nuan:

Although Sister Baozhu's words were unpleasant and contained personal information, they were not unreasonable.

It has been a month or two since she and Sister Baozhu came to Wocang Mansion, and the master of the mansion had already sent the eldest brother a messenger.

As a result, her brother didn't come to her until now.

Of course, my brother may be in seclusion, or he may have more important things.

Su Nuan is not a messy person, but she really can't be as tolerant and generous as the Virgin Mary.

Because the fact is right in front of her, to her brother, she, Su Nuan, is not the most important person.

Realizing this, Su Nuan was not as sad as she imagined.

So what, her brother is not the most important person to her.

They are brothers and sisters, they are the same, so don’t let the eldest brother laugh at the second brother!

However, the dependence on each other that we once had will eventually become "once".

Su Nuan lowered her eyelids slightly, covering up all the emotions in her eyes.

"Okay, okay! I won't say anything anymore, just go over there quickly!"

Seeing that Su Nuan didn't speak, He Tiantian pretended to be angry.

Obviously, He Tiantian mistakenly thought that Su Nuan was making a "silent protest".

The eldest lady's temper got angry, so He Tiantian naturally didn't have a good tone.

"Sister Baozhu, come with me. You saved me back then, and my brother should also say thank you to you!"

Su Nuan didn't want her two most important relatives to be so hostile.

Even if the relationship can't go back to what it used to be, you still have to get by in terms of face.

Furthermore, she and Sister Baozhu are not in the Jiuyou Sea now, but have entered the Yuancang Continent.

In a sense, the two sisters have "joined the world".

When you enter the world, you should follow the rules and customs of this world.

In Yuancang Continent, the four major immortal sects are like Optimus Prime.

His elder brother is a disciple of Tianyuan Sect, the number one immortal sect. Needless to say, Su Nuan himself is the most important one. The key is Sister Baozhu.

If you make good friends with the four major immortal sects, you can avoid a lot of trouble in the Yuan Cang Continent.

Su Nuan is not afraid of these, maybe it is better to avoid them.

"Well, you speak quite fluently!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian seemed to have had her hair smoothed down, and she didn't look so irritable.

She raised her chin proudly and said reservedly, "I am Su Xiaonuan's savior. As a brother, Su Hao should thank me!"

"Hey, I haven't seen you for ten years, and I don't know what Su Hao has become like?"

"And what about Xiaoxiao? Has she been following Su Hao all the time? Tsk, they can't be a couple!"

"Oh, no, Su Xiaonuan, you are going to have a troubled sister-in-law!"

As He Tiantian talked, he started talking nonsense. His kind of gloating about others' misfortunes should not be too obvious.

Su Nuan:

Sister Baozhu, you are my sister, you can do whatever you want!

It's just that I'm afraid that my brother and the young lady will argue with each other.

Su Hao Mo Xiaoxiao:

As soon as I stepped onto the black turtle shell, before I could say hello to my old friend, I heard such words of tiger and wolf.

Su Hao's face turned dark.

This Chu Baozhu really has the same poisonous tongue and bad mouth as before!

Why hasn't this Ying'er Ying'er been beaten to death by a monk with a hot temper all these years? !

While Mo Xiaoxiao was embarrassed, she felt a little excited for no reason.

"They can't be a couple, right?"

Hehe, what a wonderful blessing this is!

If she can become a partner with the male protagonist, she will be able to draw twice as much energy from him.

Her task progress bar can finally be pulled up.

"Chu Baozhu! You" are still so annoying.

It was originally a very happy thing to meet again after a long separation.

However, Su Hao would not be happy at all if the person he saw again was a bad and stupid brat like Chu Baozhu.

The joy of finally being able to see her biological sister was greatly dampened by Chu Baozhu.

"Oh, Su Hao, long time no see. You're welcome. I saved Su Xiaonuan because she and I are good sisters, not for you!"

"Although as Su Xiaonuan's parent, you should thank me, but I don't need it!"

He Tiantian held Su Nuan's hand and stood up slowly.

She threw a cleaning charm to herself, and the "charred" remains that were not peeling off disappeared in an instant.

She is that young, beautiful, and elegant young lady again.

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to react.

His expression was a little embarrassed.

Although Chu Baozhu was very annoying, his words were also very harsh.

One thing reminded him: when they encountered a big storm in the Wuji Sea, she was the one who saved Su Nuan from falling into the water at the critical moment!

As Su Nuan's eldest brother, her only relative, and the first thing he wanted to do when he saw his sister's savior again was to say thank you.

But, as soon as he saw "Chu Baozhu's" face that disgusted him and her smug and arrogant attitude, Su Hao couldn't bend down.

Su Nuan lowered her eyelids, and there wasn't much emotion on her delicate face.

However, her hot heart became cold again.

"Brother, in order to repay Sister Baozhu for saving her life, I will always follow her!"

I have repaid the kindness I owed myself, so brother, you don’t have to be too embarrassed.

Of course, if Su Hao did not assume the responsibility of "guardian", he would not be able to exercise the rights of "guardian" in the future.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

From then on, Su Hao was just Su Nuan's elder brother, not an eldest brother like a father.

Su Nuan didn't realize it herself, but she was indeed led astray by Sister Baozhu. She became cold and selfish, without much affection and kindness.


Su Hao didn't notice the change in Su Nuan's mood. He felt extremely relaxed once he heard that he was not required to bow to Chu Baozhu.

However, there are still a few words that should be said to save face. At most, it is just not to bow and say thank you.

"What about that, Chu Baozhu, it was all thanks to you!"

"The grievances between us have been wiped out. From now on, no one will owe anyone anything!"

Su Hao first made a fool of Chu Baozhu's life-saving grace to Su Nuan.

Then, he said seriously, "We don't owe each other anything."

Su Hao felt that he had been very generous. The hatred of exterminating the family, the humiliation of breaking off the engagement, and the hatred of abuse were all offset by Nuan Nuan.

And when Chu Baozhu came back to save people, it was not because she was willing, but because she was afraid of God's punishment.

Can you be considered a good person if you are forced to do good deeds?

Su Hao didn't think it mattered, so he still didn't have a good impression of Chu Baozhu.

"" He Tiantian looked at Su Hao speechlessly.

The male protagonist, oh no, it’s the former male protagonist. Do you know that you are so arrogant and self-righteous? Do your master and disciples know?

He Tiantian saw Su Hao with her own eyes and had a face-to-face communication with him, which further confirmed her guess.

Sigh, what a pity, the good male protagonist was turned into a male supporting role by her.

This shouldn't be her fault!

He Tiantian glanced at her task progress bar and suppressed her conscience that had just emerged.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Mo Xiaoxiao felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

She could only stand up and lighten the atmosphere first, "Miss Chu, Nuannuan, long time no see! Where have you been these past years? How are you doing?"

"It's been a long time, but, Mo Xiaoxiao, why are you still in the Qi refining stage? I've already established the foundation, tsk tsk, I don't know how Su Hao did it, he only cares about his own breakthrough and doesn't care about you!"

He Tiantian continued to sow discord with bad intentions.

Mo Xiaoxiao: Are you the only one with a mouth? If you can’t speak, don’t speak!

"Sister Mo, long time no see!"

Su Nuan finally raised her eyelids, with an innocent and sweet smile on her face, and greeted Mo Xiaoxiao politely.

But she still couldn't help but worry about it in her heart.

When her brother saw her, he didn't even ask where he had been these past years and how he was doing.

On the contrary, it was Mo Xiaoxiao, a stranger, who asked first.

Regardless of whether the other party is being polite or not, they have this intention at least.

Brother but

Suppressing the fleeting sourness in her heart, Su Nuan began to answer Mo Xiaoxiao's question:

"In the past few years, Sister Baozhu and I have been to the Jiuyou Sea Area, and we have always been wandering on the sea or on the island!"

"Sister Baozhu is very kind to me. She gave me pills, spiritual weapons and talismans, and she also helped me find the practice method!"

Therefore, her closeness to Sister Baozhu was really not just because of a life-saving grace.

She and Sister Baozhu have long been an inseparable and inseparable whole.

Oh, by the way, now we have to add Long Xiaojiao.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Just when Su Nuan thought about Long Jiaojiao, she heard Mo Xiaoxiao say, "Did you go to the Jiuyou Sea Area? Oh, I understand. You met Long Jiaojiao there, right?"

Mo Xiaoxiao's mind was spinning very fast, and she instantly figured out her previous doubts.

Long Jiaojiao seemed to be very close to Chu Baozhu and Su Nuan, and it didn't look like they had just met.

It turned out that they had known each other several years ago.

"Yes! We met Senior Han and Long Jiaojiao in the Nine Nether Sea. After arriving at Wu Cang Mansion, we met Long Jiaojiao again, and we started practicing together!"

Su Nuan said simply.

If possible, she really didn't want to mention Han Xiao.

Although Long Jiaojiao never said anything, Su Nuan and He Tiantian had some vague guesses.

Master and disciple, Han Xiao and Long Jiaojiao, are very likely to turn against each other!

"What a good Long Jiaojiao, you actually left your fellow disciples and got together with two casual cultivators of unknown origin!"

A cold female voice came from far away, aiming directly at Long Jiaojiao!

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