The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 739: The long-lost villain (60)

"You want Su Xiaonuan and I to join the Tianyuan Sect? Why?"

He Tiantian tilted her head, her face full of questions.

Zhenjun Yuanyang, who was in charge of being the lobbyist, looked confused:


Why else?

of course--

"Our Tianyuan Sect is the first of the four major immortal sects in the Far Cang Continent!"

True Lord Yuanyang raised his chin slightly, proud and reserved.

He Tiantian continued to ask: "Then what?"

W-what then?

True Lord Yuanyang found that he couldn't keep up with He Tiantian's brain circuit at all.

In other words, he and this earth-level alchemist had nothing to talk about!


After being silent for a long time, Zhenjun Yuanyang finally found his voice.

However, at this time, he no longer had the calmness and pride he had just now, and his voice was very dry: "Our Tianyuan Sect has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and several of our ancestors have ascended to the upper world!"

This time, True Lord Yuanyang found it very difficult to say what he had already learned by heart.

Because these are things that everyone is very familiar with.

There are some truths, which are also common sense.

However, the arrogant eldest lady opposite her put on a "why" look.



There are so many reasons why!

Coming to Yuancang Continent and joining the four major immortal sects is not the dream of all cultivators.

Once you join the sect, you have someone to rely on.

With a reliable master, you can get enough training resources.

Whether it is daily practice,

Even if you go out to practice, you will have masters and classmates to help you, which is definitely better than fighting alone!

What a simple truth, everyone understands it.


After listening to True Lord Yuanyang's dry explanation, He Tiantian lost interest and dismissed it with just one word.

True Lord Yuanyang:...

Damn it!

Just "Oh", who are you sending away?

You can tell me whether it will succeed or not.

Or, if you want to wait for the price, then put on the posture of negotiating terms.

So careless, so indifferent... Zhenjun Yuanyang was almost hurt from anger!

He finally understood why Dan Fairy, oh no, it was Yang Yunrong, a cultivator, was so angry that he vomited blood!

The Dan Queen in front of me is really not very likable!

"Little friend Chu, the journey of cultivating immortality is difficult and rugged. If we are the best sect in the world and have a master who is high in cultivation, generous and kind, we will be able to get twice the result with half the effort—"

True Lord Yuanyang suppressed the grievance in his heart and continued to persuade patiently.

When he mentioned "Master", he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said: "That's right, my Master, who is also the head of Tianyuan Sect, heard about your situation and sent a messenger specially!"

"My master said that he can 'acquire disciples on behalf of his master'. As long as you and Su Xiaoyou are willing to join the Tianyuan Sect, he will record you two under the names of Ancestor Hongyuan."

"Ancestor Hongyuan is my master. He ascended to the upper world a thousand years ago!"

When he mentioned Ancestor Hongyuan, True Lord Yuanyang couldn't help but puff up his chest and his face was full of pride.

Su Hao, who had been silent all this time, took the opportunity to interject, "Ancestor Hongyuan is the senior brother of my master, Ancestor Yan Yuan!"

Therefore, if He Tiantian and Su Nuan agree to join the Tianyuan Sect, they will become the master's junior sisters and can be "on an equal footing" with Su Hao!

"so what?"

He Tiantian continued to pretend to be confused!

Isn't it just because of his seniority? Apart from being called "junior uncle" everywhere, there are no additional benefits.

True Lord Yuanyang:...

He was really about to vomit blood from anger.

However, the master was very excited after receiving his communication talisman, and told him to recruit these two geniuses into the Tianyuan Sect.

Listening to Master's eager tone, if he hadn't been unable to get away for a while, he would probably have made the trip himself.

In addition, the other three major immortal sects may have also received the news.

Although they are not very competitive - their rankings are not good and they don't have "relationships" yet, everyone has a sense of luck, and they will give it a try anyway.

just in case--

Tianyuan Sect cannot afford to lose this face, let alone bear such a loss!

Taking a deep breath, True Lord Yuanyang prepared to fight with the naughty child:

"Little friend Chu, our sect leader accepts disciples as teachers and can personally teach you the techniques. In addition, our Tianyuan Sect also has the largest and most complete Kung Fu pavilion in the Yuancang Continent..."

If you want to practice cultivation, the exercises are the foundation.

As the head of the four major immortal sects, Tianyuan Sect's reserve of skill scrolls is definitely second to none.

"I have skills, god-level!"

He Tiantian wasn't interested at all.

Not only does she have the Five Elements Jue of Jitian, but she also has the Wuji Jue of her junior uncle.

The two sets of exercises are both incredible and can be practiced from Qi training to ascension!

In addition to being awesome, the key is the word "suitable".

Especially the set of Jitian Five Elements Technique, but the heroine Su Nuan got it for her, and combined with the original owner's useless spiritual roots, it is simply not perfect!

He Tiantian doesn't need any other techniques at all.

True Lord Yuanyang was choked.

After a while, he regained his composure and continued to persuade:

"Our Tianyuan Sect has several spiritual veins, full of spiritual energy!"

"The Infinite Sea! The Nine Nether Seas! Ancient ruins! Secret realms big and small! There is a lot of spiritual energy in these places!"

"Our Tianyuan Sect has rich cultivation resources, including spiritual stones, spiritual pills, spiritual talismans, spiritual weapons..."

"Huh, do you think I will be short of spiritual stones?"

True Lord Yuanyang choked again.

An earth-level alchemist cannot be said to be extremely rich, but he will certainly not be short of spiritual stones!

People are even more self-sufficient in things like magic pills.

There are also talismans, spiritual weapons, and formations——

"Oh, I forgot to mention, I can also refine weapons, draw talismans, and draw formations!"

He Tiantian added another sentence.

True Lord Yuanyang's eyes widened, no way, so unnatural?


The four cultivations of elixir, talisman, weapon, and formation, do you want to be so awesome?

Are you leaving a way for others to survive?

Such a powerful golden elixir master with high cultivation level and good character like Zhenjun Yuanyang can't help but be envious and jealous!

"...Do you know why I asked the question 'Why should I join the Tianyuan Sect?'"

He Tiantian was a coward, "I don't lack anything and I know everything, so why do I have to join a sect and let others take care of me? Just follow the rules set by others?"

"Is it not good for me to be the boss and make my own rules for others to abide by?"

When He Tiantian said this, he didn't seem to have much interest.

"Tch! It's boring!"

After He Tiantian finished showing off, he felt a little tired.

She stood up directly and shouted at Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao: "Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, let's go!"

With her natural look, she didn't worry at all that Su Nuan would follow her brother whom she had just reunited with.

Su Nuan indeed lived up to her "trust".

"Brother, I feel relieved to see that you are fine and have become the junior uncle of Tianyuan Sect!"

Su Nuan smiled with crooked eyebrows, her happiness came from the bottom of her heart.

"You practice well in Tianyuan Sect, and I will follow Sister Baozhu!"

She identified Sister Baozhu.

When Sister Baozhu joins the sect, she will come with her;

If Sister Baozhu wants to be a free and easy casual cultivator, she will not object.

In fact, apart from Sister Baozhu's factors, as far as Su Nuan is concerned, she doesn't really like joining the sect and being restricted by those rules.

Su Hao was a little stunned.

This was completely different from the "brother and sister reuniting" scene he had expected.

However, when he actually encountered such a situation, Su Hao didn't feel so sad or disappointed in his heart.

In this world, there is no relationship that will never be separated.

Especially when embarking on the path of cultivating immortality, family affection, love, and friendship, none of them are eternal.

Even if Su Nuan becomes a member of the Tianyuan Sect, they cannot always be together as brothers.

They have their own cultivation, their own arrangements and opportunities.

As long as you see the other person alive with your own eyes, and as long as you help the other person when you can, it will be considered worthy of their blood relationship!


Su Hao let out a long breath and felt relieved.

That's good!

If Su Nuan didn't join the Tianyuan Sect, Su Hao would still be the only Tianling root of the Tianyuan Sect.

He would not have to be compared every day, and he would not be reduced to the second child in ten thousand years, slowly being ignored by the sect.

Whether you say he is selfish or that he has no brother-sister relationship with his sister, Su Hao instinctively feels that Su Nuan's choice is good for both of them!

"Okay, then be careful! If you encounter any difficulties, just send me a message!"

Su Hao said in a deep voice.


Before Su Nuan could speak, the sound of opening a soda bottle sounded in the room.

Su Hao:......

He knew that the person who disrupted the situation must be Chu Baozhu.

As for why she "cut" him, Su Hao also knew it well——

His own cultivation base has only just been established, and Su Nuan has already formed the golden elixir.

Su Hao relies on the support of his master and sect for all his training resources, and Su Nuan has an almost omnipotent Sister Baozhu!

If this happens, Su Nuan will still be in danger. Ahem, tell Su Hao, Su Hao can't help!

His heart was full of humiliation, and Su Hao's fist became hard.

"Okay! Brother, I know! If I miss you, I will send you a messenger!"

After all, Su Nuan cared about the family relationship between her brother and sister, and couldn't bear to see Su Hao in an embarrassing situation, so she hurriedly tried to smooth things over with a smile.

"Okay! There is really nothing interesting in this Wocang Mansion. Su Xiaonuan and Long Xiaojiao, let's go somewhere else."

He Tiantian always felt that Wu Cang Mansion was uncomfortable.

Her intuition told her that something big would happen here soon, and it would be something big that would affect someone's fate!

But, it’s very bad! Seems like a tragedy!

He Tiantian didn't want to get involved in such a thing.

"Okay! I'm a little tired of it too!"

After meeting her brother and knowing that he was doing well, Su Nuan fulfilled her biggest wish.

Now she just wants to follow Sister Baozhu and practice well. It would be best to find a place similar to Jiuyou Sea.

Fight monsters to your heart's content, explode equipment, and then improve your cultivation!

"Yes! Sister Baozhu, let's go!"

The annoying Yang Yunrong is here, can Master Han Xiao be far behind?

Long Jiaojiao didn't want to get involved with these people anymore.

Moreover, the aura of Wu Cang Mansion made her very repulsive, and her demon pill always trembled from time to time.

It was as if it was in this place that someone had dug out the demon elixir, skinned her and cramped her body, and all her flesh and blood had been carved up from the horns to the bones!


He Tiantian has a cheerful temperament, and the original owner is even more willful.

Just leave without any ambiguity.

People from the other three major immortal sects were still thinking about how to snatch the two geniuses Su Nuan and "Chu Baozhu" from the Tianyuan Sect. The people from the "Eldest Lady Squad" had already left Wu Cang Mansion.

"Nuan Nuan, take care!"

Looking at the black turtle shell flying away in mid-air, holding a storage ring, Su Hao's expression was very complicated.

He murmured something, and something in his soul seemed to be completely lost.

Su Hao felt disappointed!

Mo Xiaoxiao's mood was also very complicated.

The addition of Han Xiao before was enough to frighten her.

Now there is an even more evil Su Nuan and Chu Baozhu...

The halo of the male protagonist seems not to be so dazzling anymore.

The task progress bar that had not been pushed forward made Mo Xiaoxiao a little anxious.

"Brother Su, why don't we go outside to practice!"

Mo Xiaoxiao finally couldn't bear it anymore and persuaded again.

Their mission this time is to come to Wucang Mansion to suppress the Nightmare Demon.

However, since Su Hao's cultivation level was low, the main person in charge was still True Lord Yuanyang.

No matter how much Mo Xiaoxiao values ​​Su Hao as the male protagonist, he will not arrogantly believe that Su Hao can play a major role in Wu Cang Mansion.

Rather than being part of a large army and making a living, it is better to go out and face the difficulties and obstacles on the way of cultivation alone.

Where there is crisis, there is opportunity!

Su Hao must improve his cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise, these two will surpass him!


Su Nuan's appearance and Chu Baozhu's arrogance greatly stimulated Su Hao.

He can no longer stay in the comfort zone of the sect, he wants to get out!

Three days later, Su Hao said something to the cheap nephew of the head brother, True Lord Yuanyang, and left Wocang Mansion with Mo Xiaoxiao.

"The Demonic Forest! I want to go to the Demonic Forest!"

After leaving Wu Cang Mansion and suspended in mid-air, Su Hao felt refreshed.

The negative emotions I once had in my heart suddenly disappeared!

Endless pride suddenly arose in his chest, "Nuan Nuan has stayed in Jiuyou Sea for ten years. Am I, the brother, not as good as a little girl like her?"

The magical forest!

He went to order it.

"Hmm, the Demonic Forest is fine too!"

Mo Xiaoxiao is familiar with the routines of cultivating immortals, and knows that even if the protagonist wants to go somewhere, he may not be able to go.

Because along the way, you will encounter various situations.

And every time, it is an experience and an opportunity.

Perhaps while walking, before they reached the Demonic Forest, they went to other ruins or secret realms for some reason.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Su Hao activated his spiritual power and drove the flying spiritual weapon towards the Demonic Forest.

Mo Xiaoxiao was filled with excitement, thinking about the opportunities he was about to encounter.

None of them noticed that right behind them, the small Wu Cang Mansion was almost enveloped in black evil energy that was invisible to the naked eye.

Layers upon layers of black energy made the entire Wucang Mansion look gloomy and strange, like a ghost town or a demonic realm.

However, this change was like spring rain, "moistening everything silently", and even the golden elixir masters of the four immortal sects were not aware of it.

They may not have been infected with the evil spirit yet, but they have become accustomed to this environment, and they have become like frogs wrapped in warm water.

At the bottom of the deep Infinite Sea, waves rolled up, as if something was really about to break out of the water! Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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