The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 740: The long-lost villain (61)

At night, the small Wocang Mansion was shrouded in darkness.

Wisps of demonic energy are floating freely in the city.

Yang Yunrong was sleeping peacefully in a certain superior guest room in the Palace Lord's Mansion.

She was not peaceful in her sleep, and seemed to have had some bad dream——

She was born into a family of immortal cultivators and has both fire and wood spiritual roots.

At the age of eight, he passed the test of Wenxian Stone and successfully became a disciple of the Alchemy Sect.

A loving master and a friendly senior sister, she had a smooth life in the Alchemy Sect.

Introducing Qi into the body and building the foundation, the speed of cultivation may not be the fastest, but it is very smooth.

She is good at alchemy, which not only allows her to gain a foothold in the sect, but also allows her to earn a lot of spiritual stones and form many good relationships.

She is beautiful and has a fiancé who is also from a famous family.

My fiancé is a rare cultivation wizard in the Far Cang Continent.

They are a perfect match, have the same level of cultivation, and are a perfect golden boy.

As long as the two of them break through the Nascent Soul Stage, the Double Cultivation Ceremony can be held.

However, things didn't work out as expected, and the fiancé went out for training, but there was no news for more than thirty years.

Others said he might have died, but she didn't believe it and kept waiting.

Finally, my fiancé came back and became the youngest Nascent Soul monster in the Far Cang Continent.

Her waiting has blossomed and is about to bear fruit!

Unfortunately, my fiancé did not come back alone, he also brought a disciple with him.

That disciple, apart from his youth, was outstanding in everything.

He is careless, lazy, loves to get into trouble, and doesn't want to make progress... She can't stand it.

But her fiancé didn't care about her feelings at all, and loved and favored her disciple in every possible way.

Everyone in the sect also thinks that stupid disciple is innocent, kind and cute.

She tried to persuade herself,

For the sake of her fiancé, she treats her disciple as her descendant.

But, she really can't do it!

Moreover, she also keenly discovered that her fiancé's feelings for the fool had changed unknowingly.

In name, they are master and apprentice.

But they looked like a couple when they got along.

Being a master or a disciple is taboo and even scandalous.

She couldn't bear that her fiancé had his reputation ruined and his path to immortality ruined because of a stupid disciple.

She persuaded her with good intentions, but her fiancé called her "dirty".

That annoying disciple kept an innocent face and made trouble and sow dissension.

She even ran away from home during her double cultivation ceremony.

In order to find a disciple, her fiancé left her at a ceremony full of guests.

She begged to stay, cried, and even threw away her self-esteem, but only got a decisive look from her back.

She resents, she hates!

In full view of everyone, she became an immortal.

She changed from a cold and noble fairy to a witch that everyone yelled at.

But her fiancé took the attitude of a savior and killed her with one sword.

Their master and apprentice achieved enlightenment, but she was so stunned by the God-Destroying Sword that she didn't even have a chance to be reincarnated and cultivate again!


Yang Yunrong suddenly woke up from his dream.

It’s this dream again!

Ten years ago, she always had this dream.

It was precisely because of this dream that Yang Yunrong targeted Long Jiaojiao in every possible way.

She was even planning to abandon Han Xiao once in full view of her and Han Xiao during their double cultivation ceremony.

In her plan, Long Jiaojiao would be devoured by the Nightmare in Wu Cang Mansion and become a demon directly.

When the time comes, she will encourage Han Xiao to personally dig up Long Jiaojiao's demon pill, so that Long Jiaojiao can also taste the feeling of death.

As for Han Xiao, he killed his destined lover with his own hands and will be abandoned by his fiancée in the future.

After suffering so much stimulation, I don’t believe he can still keep his Taoist heart!

Fallen immortal!

As long as Han Xiao becomes a demon, Yang Yunrong, a well-known and righteous elixir fairy, can stand at the highest point of morality and kill Han Xiao!

The more Yang Yunrong thought about it, the more excited he became. His eyes, which were already stained with red bloodshot eyes, were now scarlet.

She closed her eyes and lay back on the bed.

Soon, she fell asleep again, and this time, she seemed to have a good dream——

She comes from a family of immortal cultivators... She had a precognitive dream and made a lot of preparations in advance.

Instead of falling into the taboo of master and apprentice, her fiancé was devoted to her.

Her fiancé expelled the evildoers for her sake.

After the villain became a demon, his fiancé personally beheaded him, dug up demon pills, skinned and cramped...

At the Double Cultivation Ceremony, she decisively dumped her fiancé, and he became an immortal for her!

"Haha! Hahaha!"

Yang Yunrong immediately woke up with a smile.

What a beautiful dream, oh no, this is not a dream!

This is her new life!

She doesn't want to wake up!

Yang Yunrong closed his eyes again and fell into dreamland again.


If you push through the black fog and investigate carefully, you will find that Yang Yunrong has not woken up at all.

She was always asleep.

The so-called dreaming and waking up, waking up and dreaming was originally a dream!

In the next room, Han Susu was also asleep.

Her face was full of ferocity, and she was shouting something unconsciously——

"Yang Yunrong, old witch, I, I will kill you!"

"I am your apprentice, not your slave. Why do you tease me like this?"

"...Haha, you damn Fairy Dan, you are worse than a casual cultivator from outside, you deserve to be slapped in the face!"

"Help, don't kill me, I, I am a disciple of the Alchemy Sect, I am not a witch, I, I am not possessed by a demon!"


Han Susu sat up suddenly, her eyes filled with scarlet red.

"Fortunately it was just a dream!"

Han Susu wiped away the cold sweat, calmed her breathing, and lay back on the bed.

Soon, she fell asleep and fell into a dream again!

"Yang Yunrong, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

As soon as I fell asleep, I was awakened.

The dream still showed the painful scene of being killed.

I took a low-grade Qingling Pill and fell asleep again.

Once, twice... She experienced fancy death in her dreams countless times.

"Ah! God, I'm going to fight you! Why are you doing this to me?"

Experiencing death again and again is definitely the greatest torture in life.

Han Susu collapsed. She gave up the way of heaven and chose the demon king who could help her.

Of course, Han Susu, like Yang Yunrong, these so-called dream cycles are themselves a dream.

She never woke up, her whole body was wrapped in demonic energy.

If she can't really wake up, or is awakened by someone, she will remain in her dream until she dies.

Yang Yunrong, Han Susu, Senior Sister Zhao...

Except for a few powerful golden elixirs, the entire Wu Cang Mansion fell into a "dream state."

They have their own obsessions and different inner demons. If the nightmare makes a little effort, they will all fall prey to it.

The only difference is probably that some people are in serious condition and some are still struggling.

Even those powerful golden elixirs were deceived by the illusion created by the nightmare.

What they "saw" was that everything was normal, and they even took their disciples to the deep undersea prison of the Infinite Sea to seal the Nightmare again.

"The mission is completed, Senior Brother Yuanyang, let's go back!"

"Yang Yunrong" said to True Lord Yuanyang with a smile.

"Yes, this mission is not too troublesome! It's a pity that-" He failed to recruit those two geniuses into his sect.

Song Qing from Tianyan Sect said with a hint of regret.

"..." True Lord Yuanyang stood on the flying sword, looking at the calm Wuji Sea, and then at the few golden elixir masters around him, and he always felt that something was wrong.

Another person who noticed the abnormality was the shabby monk carrying a spiritual sword.

Ahem, he is a sword cultivator from Lingjian Sect.

When it comes to sword cultivation, being poor is standard.

However, Haoran's sword energy is also a classic attribute.


The shabby sword cultivator suddenly drew out his sword, poured spiritual power into it, and a silver light flashed out.

The sharp sword energy seemed to split the whole world apart.


There are really cracks in this "world".

"Yang Yunrong" and Song Qing, they all became soulless puppets.


True Lord Yuanyang shouted loudly and flew out a palm. The overbearing wind of his palm carried spiritual power and deepened the cracks in the "world".


Click, click!

The world is broken, and the dream is awakened!

However, Wu Cang Mansion did not wake up, and was still shrouded in a thick black air.

"What a bastard!"

The only two people who woke up were Zhenjun Yuanyang and the shabby sword cultivator who shattered the dream world.

The two of them did not dare to delay, and rushed out of Wu Cang Mansion and rushed into the Wuji Sea.

On the seabed where the demonic energy surged, the place where the nightmare was sealed was found.

They threw out a series of talismans to re-strengthen and strengthen the original seal.


After the formation was completed, golden runes loomed one after another, and finally disappeared into the formation's eyes.

The nightmare was sealed again, and the gurgling bubbles on the seabed disappeared instantly.

The source was blocked, and the demonic energy in the air did not continue to increase.

However, the original demonic energy continued to affect everything around him.

Zhenjun Yuanyang and Jianxiu were helpless, so they had to continue to consume spiritual power to dispel the remaining demonic energy.

...The matter was finally resolved, but the consequences were irreversible.

"Yang Yunrong has fallen into immortality! There are also her disciples and several low-level monks!"

In the flying black turtle shell, He Tiantian, Su Nuan, and Long Jiaojiao, three little girls, were having a barbecue while chatting and gossiping.

During He Tiantian's stay in Wucang Mansion, in addition to making friends with two business firms, he also recruited two young followers, Liu Cheng and Zhao Yuan.

He Tiantian didn't mind taking these two followers with her on this trip.

But after some thought, Liu Cheng and Zhao Yuan did not follow.

It’s not that they are unwilling, but that they are self-aware.

Their cultivation level is too low. If they insist on following the eldest lady, they will only become a drag on others.

It's better to stay in Wocang Mansion and act as an informant for the eldest lady, helping to find some treasures of heaven and earth, or to find out some information.

Anyway, they have the communication charm given by the eldest lady, so they can always find the eldest lady when needed.

No, a big event had just happened in Wucang Mansion, and He Tiantian, who had flown thousands of miles away, knew about it.

"...Well, I heard that the four great immortal sects were very angry, and several Nascent Soul Laozu came to completely seal the deep undersea prison!"

Su Nuan turned the monster meat over, sprinkled some cumin on it, and said casually.

In fact, the more detailed news is that Han Xiao, the youngest Yuan Ying old man in Yuancang Continent, is also here.

There was no way, Yang Yunrong was his fiancée. If this accident hadn't happened, the two of them would have held a double cultivation ceremony.

What a pity, what a wonderful couple.


Ah, what a bullshit couple, they are just a man and a woman!

Su Nuan glanced at Long Jiaojiao, who was holding the skewers in her hand while trying to calm down, but was trembling slightly, and cursed in her heart.

If they both practice together, why should they embarrass an innocent and cute little dragon?

Yes, after leaving Wu Cang Mansion, Long Jiaojiao found some time to explain her "race" issue.

Since we are the closest friends, we naturally don’t have much to hide.

Long Jiaojiao is originally a monster, and the "animals" are very simple-minded.

Just like she did to Han Xiao, she would treat someone sincerely when she had identified him.

Now that she has decided to marry Sister Baozhu, she will naturally not hide it.

"Jiaolong? Long Xiaojiao, can you transform and let me see?"

He Tiantian didn't care about Long Jiaojiao's "concealment" before, but was full of interest in seeing Long Jiaojiao's transformation.

Long Jiaojiao:......

Worry for nothing!

Sister Baozhu is indeed not a mortal. The things she cares about are always different from others!

After finding a deserted corner, Long Jiaojiao returned to her original shape.

Yeah, yeah, a little golden dragon.

Not a pure dragon, nor an ordinary dragon, but a dragon!

It's only one step away from Jackie Chan.

He Tiantian was very excited. If Su Nuan hadn't been holding her back, she would have ridden Long Jiaojiao into the sky and into the sea.

Su Nuan:......

Sister Baozhu, you are our sister, not a brat!

However, after He Tiantian caused such trouble, the secret that Long Jiaojiao was a little dragon was no longer so mysterious and strange.

The three of them still get along as before, relaxed and casual, without any change.

Long Jiaojiao became more and more natural, and became closer to He Tiantian and Su Nuan.

As for Su Nuan, she sincerely accepted Long Jiaojiao.

Therefore, when she saw that the communication talisman sent by Liu Cheng contained information about Han Xiao, she deliberately concealed it.

She felt sorry for this silly little dragon, and she also hated Han Xiao, who was "chaotic at first, but gave up", and Yang Yunrong, who bullied the weak and feared the strong.

"...My master has also gone to Wu Cang Mansion! Sister Nuannuan, you don't have to be so taboo, I don't care anymore!"

Taking a deep breath, he stuffed the slightly burnt monster meat into his mouth.

Long Jiaojiao said something vaguely while chewing.

"Yes, Han Xiao is here too! I heard that he is in great pain. On the one hand, he wants to maintain the righteousness of the famous family, but on the other hand, he has a deep love for the possessed Yang Yunrong. Wow, what a pair of idiots and resentful girls who have different paths between immortals and demons!"

"It's a pity that Yang Yunrong has completely fallen into immortality. When he sees Han Xiao, he screams and kills him without any tenderness at all!"

Su Nuan said happily.

Long Xiaojiao may not care about Han Xiao and others, but as Long Xiaojiao's good sister, Su Nuan is still more willing to see the man and woman meet a miserable end!

"Yang Yunrong didn't really like Master in the first place. She is too artificial and hypocritical!"

Standing outside the circle and becoming a bystander, Long Jiaojiao was able to see more clearly.

She said lightly, and then said: "Being possessed is just an excuse. She seems to have an inexplicable hostility towards the master and me!"

He Tiantian remained calm, but her heart moved slightly.

Well, things should be as she guessed.

Yang Yunrong was either reborn or had a premonition.

And that Han Xiao is also weird.

However, He Tiantian is still just guessing, and the specific truth needs to be verified in the future.

She put these aside for the time being and continued chatting with the two.

She pretended to think of something suddenly and asked strangely: "Why don't you just kill that Nightmare? It's so harmful. Why don't you just kill it? It's always suppressed, but the seal will always be loosened!" Remember this site! URL, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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