The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 741: The long-lost villain (62)

After hearing He Tiantian's words, Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao also put down the skewers in their hands, showing contemplative expressions.


Nightmares are monsters, and immortal cultivators have always had a very firm attitude towards monsters.

Kill and destroy!

Quickly and without any hesitation.

The level of the nightmare is not high, but the danger is not small.

Su Nuan and the others had all stayed in Wu Cang Mansion and were more or less disturbed by the evil spirit.

Maybe their Taoist hearts are stable, or maybe their cultivation time is too short and they haven't developed too serious inner demons yet.

Or perhaps, they all have the same temperament as Sister Baozhu - take revenge when you have a grudge, do it on the spot, and never stay overnight.

After taking revenge, the anger will go smoothly, and naturally there will be no unwillingness or obsession left in my heart.

Demonic energy can infinitely amplify the evil thoughts in the monks' hearts, but people like He Tiantian and others who have no "evil thoughts" will be minimally affected.

At most, I felt inexplicably irritable in Wu Cang Mansion, which made my already bad temper worse and worse.

He Tiantian analyzed Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao like this.

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao: ...Sister Baozhu, although the Nightmare has done many evil things, the fact that you lost your temper in Wu Cang Mansion really has nothing to do with others.

It's a joke, but the nightmare demon can enchant a powerful golden elixir like Yang Yunrong, which proves how harmful it is.

Wouldn't it be better to kill such monsters directly and avoid future troubles forever?

Why must we suppress it and bear the risk of the demonic energy leaking out every once in a while? !

"When I went to Wucang Mansion, I once heard a senior fellow from other immortal sects mention -"

Long Jiaojiao seemed to have thought of something and whispered, "He said that the nightmare is related to the inner demon."

"It represents the monk's greed, desire, malice, hatred and other negative emotions. As long as humanity exists, the Nightmare cannot be killed!"

This sounds reasonable.

He Tiantian sneered coldly, "Bullshit! If we can't kill him, we can't kill him, why don't we just kill him?!"

"Those monsters all represent negative emotions, and some are even derived from turbid and evil spirits. When the monks killed these monsters, why didn't they say that they were 'unkillable'?"

"If there is a shady story, just say there is a shady story. Why bother deliberately 'telling stories' and 'showing off philosophy' to deceive people?!"

He Tiantian's face was full of disbelief.

What bothers her the most is this constant "telling of stories".

If you have something to say, why go around in such a roundabout way?

"Shadow story? Sister Baozhu, do you think there is a conspiracy in this?"

Su Nuan is indeed a new heroine, she is very good at grasping the key points.

"Yes! There must be a conspiracy, but we don't know it!"

He Tiantian took a bite and bit off a piece of tender skewers, "It's delicious, but Su Xiaonuan's cooking is the best!"

"Long Xiaojiao, you should practice more in the future and try to catch up with Su Xiaonuan as soon as possible!"

He Tiantian tilted her head as she spoke, as if her calmness and clarity just now were just an illusion.

Su Nuan has long been accustomed to the "unreliability" of her sister Baozhu, or in other words, uncertainty.

After spending time with Sister Baozhu, Su Nuan realized that Sister Baozhu was not stupid.

Many times, Sister Baozhu's sensitivity is higher than most people.

But her attention was not focused, she was too playful, and before she could think carefully, she ran to pay attention to other things.

Just like this moment, one second I was talking about the Nightmare's conspiracy, and the next second I was discussing with Long Jiaojiao how to barbecue and how to work hard!

Su Nuan is not surprised at all, and she doesn't feel that Sister Baozhu is failing to live up to her expectations and wasting her talent.

She continued to think alone——

[Sister Baozhu is right, the existence of that nightmare is very abnormal! 】

[Is it possible that someone is deliberately conniving? But why? Is it a compromise between a well-known and decent family and evil heretics? 】

Although Su Nuan was full of doubts, she did not think that the righteous sects such as the Four Immortal Sects would collude with the demons.

Good and evil are still opposites!

At most, Su Nuan suspected that the righteous people of Yuancang Continent had to give in to the demons for some reason!

For example, the Nightmare cannot be killed, only sealed.

But, why?

What does righteousness care about?

Or do the demons have something to rely on that can actually force Zhengdao to compromise?

One question after another came to Su Nuan's mind.

"Demon Forest!"

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and blurted out such a name.

He Tiantian was criticizing Long Jiaojiao's cooking skills, while Long Jiaojiao nodded patiently and humbly.

The two were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

They were both startled when they suddenly heard Su Nuan's voice.

"Su Xiaonuan, why are you so loud? You scared me!"

He Tiantian rolled her eyes at Su Nuan dissatisfied.

Su Nuan quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Sister Baozhu, it's my fault!"

Over the years, in order to maintain the original character, He Tiantian has always looked irritable but easy to coax.

Her eldest daughter's temper was like a tornado, coming and going as quickly as it came.

Seeing Su Nuan apologize immediately, He Tiantian's dignity and authority as the eldest lady seemed to be maintained.

She was very satisfied and waved her hand, "Forget it, I forgive you!"

Su Nuan raised the corners of her lips and said softly, "Thank you, Sister Baozhu!"

"By the way, what did you just say? Demonic Forest? What happened to Demonic Forest?"

He Tiantian received an apology and did not continue to dwell on what had just happened.

Following Su Nuan's words just now, she asked a series of questions.

"Sister Baozhu, do you still remember that there was a war between immortals and demons in the Far Cang Continent thousands of years ago, and the main battlefield was the Demonic Forest!"

"That nightmare was also sealed a thousand years ago!"

Su Nuan's mind was extremely clear, and she analyzed He Tiantian one by one.

"Sister Nuannuan, you mean that if there is really a conspiracy behind the Nightmare, the answer may be found in the Demonic Forest!"

Long Jiaojiao is not stupid either. She reacts faster than Sister Baozhu.

"Yes! I think so too!"

He Tiantian had a "me too" look on her face, fearing that the two little followers would think she was not smart enough.

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao: ...Sister Baozhu, you have practiced alchemy, talisman, weapon, and formation, but you are not smart enough?

Two lolita refused to accept Sister Baozhu's Versailles.

"So, we need to go to the Demonic Forest!"

Su Nuan turned her head, held the skewers, and continued.

"Yes! I think so too!" He Tiantian agreed again.

The corners of Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao's mouths twitched together. They really wanted to shout at Sister Baozhu: Sister, stop playing!

However, they don’t dare!

"Okay, then let's go to the Demonic Forest!"

After Su Nuan said this, she took big bites of the skewers.

"Yes, it's good to go to the Demonic Forest. Firstly, you can explore the truth, and secondly, you can get some experience."

He Tiantian waved her hand like a leader and made the final decision!

"Yun Rong, where are you going?"

Han Xiao looked at the woman in red suspended in mid-air with a face full of pain.

It's obviously still a familiar look, but it gives people a completely different feeling.

The cold and noble temperament turned into a cold and stern look, and there was a bright red Fallen Immortal mark on his fair forehead.

Shengxue, who was once dressed in white, was replaced by a long crimson dress that looked like blood solidified.

The original flying spiritual weapon that looked like a white magnolia flower turned into a blood-red manzhushahua.

Yang Yunrong no longer has the holiness and nobility of the Dan Fairy, but looks like a demonic witch who came out of the Netherworld Sea.

Her whole body was enveloped in a thick black air, and her words were bone-chilling: "Where am I going? Where else can I go?"

"Han Xiao, stop being so hypocritical! I am what I am today, all thanks to you!"

"If you hadn't accepted such an evil disciple like Long Jiaojiao, would I have run to Wu Cang Mansion in good condition?"

"If I didn't come to my Cang Mansion, how could I be bewitched by the nightmare?"

Fallen immortal, possessed by the devil!

She had obviously tried very hard, but she still could not change her fate.

Hate it, she hates it so much!

The black energy around him, affected by Yang Yunrong's emotional fluctuations, seemed to be alive with teeth and claws.

Yang Yunrong looks even more terrifying like this.

Han Xiao:......

Knowing that Yang Yunrong became an immortal, he became unreasonable.

But Han Xiao still didn't expect that she would be so unreasonable?

What does "all thanks to you" mean?

What has he done?

Hadn't he already expelled Jiaojiao according to Yang Yunrong's wishes? The master and the apprentice had almost severed all ties.

Yang Yunrong couldn't resist the temptation of the nightmare. He had evil thoughts in his heart, became a demon and became a fallen immortal. How could he be blamed?

A flash of dissatisfaction flashed across Han Xiaoqingjun's face.

However, soon, strange expressions of nostalgia, pain, and self-blame appeared in his cold eyes.

Blame me!

Blame me!

I shouldn't have accepted Long Jiaojiao, and I shouldn't have let Yun Rong come to my Cang Mansion alone.

I should kill that evil disciple Long Jiaojiao with one sword;

I should accompany Yun Rong to Wocang Mansion.

Now that Yun Rong has become a fallen immortal and strayed into the devil's path, I, I am so sorry for Yun Rong.

It was as if there were two souls in one body, opposing each other and taking turns to gain the upper hand.

This kind of struggle appears in Han Xiao, and he becomes contradictory and weird from time to time.

For example, at this moment, his facial features were so distorted that he seemed unable to bear the pain of almost splitting.

But in the end, Han Xiao regained his composure.

In his deep eyes, there was almost no light fluctuation, and he seemed like a puppet who had lost his soul.

"Yun Rong, don't leave! I, I will go with you!"

Han Xiao said unconsciously.

"Are you coming with me?"

Yang Yunrong's enchanting eyes flashed with amusement.

She sneered, "What? The dignified Ancestor Han, the youngest Yuan Ying Ancestor in the Far Cang Continent, wants to become a demon together with a demon like me?"

Not to kill her with the God-Destroying Sword, but to go to the Demon Realm with her?

Yang Yunrong suddenly felt a ridiculous feeling.

However, after a while, she felt that "this is how it should be."

This is reality, not a dream.

She, Yang Yunrong, was not that miserable person who was abandoned by her fiancé and stabbed through the heart by a heartless scumbag.

She is a demon, even if she falls, she will still stir up trouble and seek revenge!

"Yes! I'll accompany you!"

When Han Xiao said the word "right", his face twisted again.

His veins were bulging and he was clenching his teeth, as if he was struggling and resisting.

Unfortunately, this time, he still failed to break free of a certain shackles.

Like a puppet at the mercy of his control, he threw the flying sword numbly, and with a leap, he stood next to Yang Yunrong.

However, Han Xiao said that he would go to the Demonic Forest with Yang Yunrong and become a fallen immortal together, but there was no mark of the fallen immortal on his forehead.

Now, he is at most the "accomplice" of Yang Yunrong, the witch, and cannot be considered a real "same kind".

Two figures quickly crossed the sky and disappeared into the distance.

"Fellow Daoist Su, we are going to the Demon Sealing Valley, and we are missing two companions, so why not come together!"

"Don't worry, we are all members of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, not evil!"

"...I'm not afraid to tell you that there is an ancient teleportation array in the Demon Sealing Valley, and I heard it leads directly to an ancient ruins."

"If it weren't for the real shortage of manpower, and if it wasn't for your high cultivation and noble character, I wouldn't tell you this secret so easily!"

After Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao left Wu Cang Mansion, they did not fly to the Demon Realm Forest immediately, but walked and practiced along the way.

On the way, they met several casual cultivators.

Su Hao put aside the reserve and arrogance of a proud man, and began to actively socialize with others like a casual cultivator.

The few casual cultivators are all bold and upright.

After going back and forth, Su Hao and the others became friends with these casual cultivators.

After getting to know each other, the leader of the casual cultivators invited Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao to join their team.

"Demon Sealing Valley? Ancient teleportation array?"

Su Hao was suspicious and did not dare to agree easily.

But Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes were shining with light, Hey, here it comes, the classic part of Xiuxianwen.

According to the routine, this group of casual cultivators has two possibilities -

First, they do know a secret and need companions.

The protagonists can basically get the opportunities prepared by heaven through such opportunities.

Secondly, they have ulterior motives and invite others to join the gang, but they are just cannon fodder necessary for practicing evil arts.

Either it is some kind of evil formation that requires monks to add more heads.

Either it's some kind of evil magic that requires monks to make sacrifices.

...No matter what the possibility is, don’t worry too much.

Su Hao is the male protagonist. Other monks may become cannon fodder, but he certainly won't!

Hehe, I just said that I should join the sect and have a good experience outside.

No, the opportunity has come!

Mo Xiaoxiao was secretly excited and tried to persuade, "Brother Su, let's go and have a look!"

Su Hao looked at Mo Xiaoxiao with probing eyes.

Mo Xiaoxiao quickly explained, "What, I, I haven't seen the ancient teleportation array yet!"

"Besides, even if those people have bad intentions, we are not afraid!"

"Soldiers will cover up water and earth. In front of a truly powerful person like you, Brother Su, all conspiracies and tricks are just paper tigers!"

After Mo Xiaoxiao's persuasion, Su Hao was touched.

"Okay! Then let's go to the Demon Sealing Valley to have a look!"

"Great! Brother Su, there must be a surprise in the Demon Sealing Valley."

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao made a quick decision and went to the Demon Sealing Valley with the few casual cultivators.

"Ding! The wild writer*1 was expelled successfully!"

He Tiantian, who was thousands of miles away, finally heard the long-lost mechanical sound deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He Tiantian:......

what's the situation?

Something happened to Mo Xiaoxiao? ! Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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