The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 742: The long-lost villain (63)

Mission accomplished?


not yet!

He Tiantian carefully recalled the system report——

"Ding! The wild writer*1 was expelled successfully!"

Then, there is no more.

There was no system reward, and the annoying little classmate D didn't come out to chat with her.

There are no other tips.

He Tiantian frowned slightly and couldn't help but mutter to herself:

"Isn't there only one wild writer in this novel world, Mo Xiaoxiao?"

"But, no other abnormalities were found."

"...No, wait!"

He Tiantian suddenly thought of her guess.

And this sudden system report confirmed his guess.


He Tiantian's eyes flickered, and she felt more confident.

However, He Tiantian soon realized: Mo Xiaoxiao is dead?

This somewhat surprised He Tiantian.

He Tiantian and Mo Xiaoxiao have no personal enmity, at most they have different stances.

Therefore, even if He Tiantian concluded that Mo Xiaoxiao was an unauthorized writer, he did not think about "expulsion".

She just wanted to wait quietly.

Although this world is different from the previous ones, it is a small world of cultivating immortals.

Mo Xiaoxiao has embarked on the path to immortality, and her lifespan will be extended with her cultivation.

He Tiantian was ready to fight to the death with the other party.

It's just hard work, He Tiantian is not afraid at all.

Besides, cultivating immortality can indeed extend your life, but cultivation is not a smooth journey.

There will always be danger, and except for the real protagonist, everyone may die.

Mo Xiaoxiao will not be an exception.

Maybe, He Tiantian doesn't have to cook for too long, Mo Xiaoxiao just——

Looking back, He Tiantian never expected Mo Xiaoxiao to die.

He Tiantian suddenly received a notification sound from the system, and He Tiantian felt it was so sudden.

There is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Alas, Mo Xiaoxiao, although he has some tricks, is really not a bad person.

Fortunately, she is a wild writer, and her death in the mission world will not affect reality.

Otherwise, that would be really pitiful.

He Tiantian is not overflowing with sympathy, she just has some things that hurt others.

Wild writers, no matter how wild they are, are still writers.

In a sense, it is the same existence as He Tiantian.

"Mo Xiaoxiao, let's go!"

He Tiantian quietly said goodbye to Mo Xiaoxiao, and then continued to guess the identity of another wild writer!

"Sister Baozhu, what are you thinking about?"

Long Jiaojiao came close to He Tiantian and saw that she was dazed and a little worried, so she hurriedly asked.

"Well, Long Xiaojiao, you scared me!"

He Tiantian was awakened, and in order to cover up her gaffe, she pretended to curse in anger.

Seeing Long Jiaojiao, a bright light flashed in He Tiantian's mind.

She still looked carefree, as if gossiping, and asked casually, "By the way, has Han Xiao contacted you recently?"

This person didn't have much of a role in the original script.

However, he has a strong presence in the world of the play.

He has become a character who "overwhelms" the male protagonist Su Hao with his beauty.


Long Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Sister Baozhu, I came to you just to talk about this matter!"

"Zhao Yuan sent news that he followed Yang Yunrong to the Demon Realm."

"However, the strange thing is that he did not become a fallen immortal."

Long Jiaojiao stopped calling "Master".

It’s not that she was unruly and disrespectful to her master, but on the transmission note held by Long Jiaojiao, there was an announcement from Han Xiao——

"The evil disciple Long Jiaojiao is disobedient to the master and ungrateful. From now on, he will be expelled from the master!"

Long Jiaojiao had long expected that she would break up with her master, but Long Jiaojiao still didn't expect that her master, who was once so kind to her, would be so decisive.

Calling her a traitor, calling her "rebellious" and a white-eyed wolf... this clearly meant that she was not leaving a way for her to survive.

In other words, Master never thought of letting her gain a foothold in Yuancang Continent.

The only good thing is that Han Xiao got mixed up with the demons.

He was willing to degenerate and behave badly, so the Tianyan Sect had expelled him from the sect.

A confused person like him who can't tell the difference between good and evil, and his despised disciple shouldn't be too bad.

Therefore, Long Jiaojiao would not end up being beaten by everyone.

Even so, Long Jiaojiao's reputation has been greatly affected.

And the most important thing was that Long Jiaojiao's heart was severely hurt.

What had she done to deserve Master's treatment?

"Idiot! Why are you looking so guilty? Do you have a guilty conscience? Or do you really think you are a white-eyed wolf?"

Seeing that Long Jiaojiao was depressed, He Tiantian raised her hand and snatched the communication talisman from her hand.

After pouring in spiritual power, Zhao Yuan's voice sounded.

After hearing all the news, He Tiantian naturally did not miss Han Xiao's announcement.

Looking at Long Jiaojiao's self-dislike and self-doubt, He Tiantian couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

However, Miss Chu's way of expressing concern was never to comfort someone with words.

Just listen to He Tiantian curse angrily, "As early as when he exiled you to Wocang Mansion for Yang Yunrong, as early as when he allowed Han Susu and others to bully you, he was no longer your master!"

"Now you are blaming yourself and feeling sad for such a love-minded and foolish person. Are you stupid?"

"Don't say you're messing with me in the future. Humph, my little follower is not as stupid as you!"

"You're so special, you're still a monster? Please, monsters should be more straightforward and happy with their grudges, okay?"

He Tiantian cursed and quickly dragged Long Jiaojiao out of her depressed mood.

Long Jiaojiao blinked her big eyes, carefully digesting He Tiantian's words.

She nodded slowly, and her eyes gradually became brighter, "Sister Baozhu, you are right, I am indeed a fool!"

"Don't worry, Sister Baozhu, I won't be stupid again!"

"It's not my fault that he doesn't want me! I have a clear conscience! On the contrary, it's him who doesn't distinguish between good and evil, and is willing to fall. It's really a shame for the immortal family!"

The last trace of fantasy in Long Jiaojiao's heart was extinguished.

She no longer has any tenderness for Han Xiao.

When they meet again, the most she can do is repay the kindness he had given her when he hatched her, and then they won't owe each other anything.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Whether he is a disgrace to the Immortal Sect or not has nothing to do with us!"

He Tiantian waved her hands impatiently, "As long as he doesn't offend us, we won't care about him."

"However, he openly calls you a villain and scolds you as ungrateful. This is actively looking for trouble!"

When He Tiantian said this, she couldn't help but clasp her fingers.

There was a crackling sound from the joints, and He Tiantian's face was full of excitement.

Long Jiaojiao: ...Huh? What's the meaning?

Long Jiaojiao suddenly had a premonition.

Sure enough, He Tiantian said with a hint of regret, "But after all, he hatched you from a ten-thousand-year-old dragon egg, so he is kind to you!"

"Well, his provocation this time will wipe out the original kindness!"

"Long Xiaojiao, you won't owe him any more!"

Sure enough!

Long Jiaojiao really wanted to hold her forehead.

Sister Baozhu, that's not how the accounts are calculated.

However, when I thought about it again, although Sister Baozhu was suspected of being cheating, it was not completely unreasonable.

For bad people, do we need to talk about the four dimensions and eight virtues?

If we must make it clear, when Han Xiao broke into the Dragon Palace and injured the monster guard guarding the dragon egg, it was not so honorable.

In addition, all the hardships and humiliations that Long Jiaojiao received in Wu Cang Mansion were all due to Han Xiao.

"Yes! Sister Baozhu, I don't owe him anything anymore!"

Long Jiaojiao decided to learn from Sister Baozhu and be a willful and unreasonable little villain... Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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