The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 743: The long-lost villain (64)

"Eh? Sister Baozhu, the valley in front seems to be full of demonic energy?"

Su Nuan has the highest level of cultivation and the widest range of his spiritual consciousness.

Sitting in the black turtle shell, she soon discovered something was wrong in a valley dozens of miles away.

"Is there a demonic energy? Why don't you go and take a look?"

He Tiantian said excitedly.

She definitely didn't look like she wanted to slay demons and exorcise demons, but just to join in the fun.

Su Nuan: ...Ahem, it’s okay to watch the excitement, as long as they get rid of the monsters in the end!

Long Jiaojiao also looked eager to try.

After completely letting go of the illusion in her heart, Long Jiaojiao completely returned to her true nature.

There are two more "bad examples" who are either willful or perverse around her. Long Jiaojiao is definitely a black man who is close to Mo.

She rubbed her hands together excitedly, "Great, I've been feeling bored these days, so I just wanted to pass the time with those monsters."

"Don't always think about having fun, but also take the opportunity to practice more!"

He Tiantian kept in mind the original owner's plan, as long as the state officials set fire to it and the people were not allowed to light the lamps.

She also wanted to play, but she still scolded Long Jiaojiao righteously.

Long Jiaojiao was already used to it. In other words, like Su Nuan, she had already learned about Sister Baozhu's stubbornness through her sharp mouth.

Therefore, no matter what He Tiantian said, Long Jiaojiao would not take it seriously.

She has her own way of "interpretation".

The black turtle shell turned around in the air and then flew towards the valley.

"Good guy, what a strong demonic energy!"

"This shouldn't be a demonic realm, right? Why did it become such a ghost?"

Although he could use his spiritual sense to detect it, He Tiantian insisted on sticking half of his head out of the black turtle shell and looking at it with his naked eyes.

"I looked at the map and this location should be the Demon Sealed Valley!"

As the strength and responsibility of the small team, Su Nuan

Act carefully and cautiously.

When she left Wucang Mansion, she bought a lot of things from the Two Worlds Trading Company, including the map of the Yuancang Continent.

During the flight, in addition to practicing, she would chat and have dinner with Sister Baozhu and Long Xiaojiao. In her free time, she would study the map.

Therefore, she knew the name of the valley after just a quick glance.

"Demon Sealing Valley? I know this place!"

As a person who has been in the four major immortal sects, Long Jiaojiao naturally has a lot of "knowledge".

She hurriedly said, "The Demon-Sealed Valley is just like the undersea prison of the Infinite Sea, both suppressing a monster!"

"However, the Demon Sealed Valley seems to be more dangerous. The sealed monster is said to have been the Demon Lord's familiar!"

"Demon pet? Is it similar to a demon pet?"

As a young lady who loves to play and enjoy herself, He Tiantian's focus is naturally on these demon pets and demon pets.

"...It should be about the same!"

Long Jiaojiao has never seen a demon pet. She just heard the disciples of the four major immortal sects mention the Demon Sealing Valley when chatting.

"Demon Lord? The ruler of the Demon Realm? Who is he? Why haven't I heard anyone mention it?"

As the new heroine, Su Nuan is more concerned about "business"!

"In the war between immortals and demons a thousand years ago, the big demon in the demon realm was seriously injured and has been in seclusion for these years!"

Long Jiaojiao heard a little bit about the Demon Lord, and she quickly told everything she knew.

Of course, there was more she didn't know.

For example, "As for the true face of the Demon Lord, not even the masters of the four immortal sects who fought against him have ever seen it."

Therefore, Long Jiaojiao, a newbie in the Immortal Sect, had no idea about the question "Who is he?"

"Oh, who cares who it is!"

"He was seriously injured and hasn't been seen for a thousand years. He may have died!"

He Tiantian waved her hands indifferently and guessed casually: "Maybe, a new demon will come to the Demon Realm soon!"

He Tiantian just said that casually.

She had no idea that her mouth had the potential to be like a crow's mouth.

A few days later, Demon Realm issued an announcement to the world of advertising——

Yang Yunrong became the new Demon Lord and officially declared war with the large and small immortal sects in the Yuancang Continent!

The Yuancang Continent, which had been stable for thousands of years, once again fell into the vortex of the battle between immortals and demons.

Of course, these are things for later. For now, He Tiantian’s words of “a new demon lord” are just gossip!

"Let's go down and have a look!"

He Tiantian looked very interested and eager to watch the fun.

Secretly, she had already started running her junior uncle's Wuji Jue.

The Demon-Sealed Valley is filled with demonic aura, and the rich black energy is almost turning into substance.

Uncle Master's Wuji Jue can absorb demonic energy and then convert it into the spiritual energy needed for cultivation.

Therefore, normal monks are afraid of coming to such a place full of demonic energy, lest their soul or Dantian be contaminated with demonic energy, which will affect their cultivation.

He Tiantian is not afraid.

The rich demonic energy of the Demon Sealing Valley is not only not a "poison" to her, but a "big tonic"!

However, He Tiantian couldn't show it.

As soon as she came closer to the Demon Sealed Valley, she deliberately frowned.

"Su Xiaonuan, the demonic energy here is so strong, it's even more powerful than my Cang Mansion!"

"If we run in rashly, will we encounter any danger?"

Miss Chu is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.


Su Nuan was silent for a moment.

There is definitely danger!

Su Nuan had a hunch that many monks should have fallen victim to this Demon Sealing Valley.

However, risks also mean opportunities.

If you are afraid of encountering danger, then don't practice immortality.

In other words, don’t choose to be a solitary practitioner.

Find a sect, hide in it, and try your best to survive. Your cultivation may not improve quickly, but you will certainly not die easily.

There is no need to go outside to practice.

Experience itself has risks!

After staying in the Nine Nether Sea for ten years, Su Nuan almost defeated all the monsters on the seabed.

She has a strong heart and is not afraid of danger at all.

However, these words are not easy to say to Sister Baozhu.

"Don't worry, Sister Baozhu, I will protect you!"

Su Nuan didn't say much, but silently started the Qing Emperor Changchun Art.

Waves of vital spiritual power invisible to the naked eye enveloped Su Nuan and the three of them.

Su Nuan continued to run the technique and simply made a "spiritual shield" around the three of them.

This layer of spiritual energy shield isolates the evil energy from the outside.

The people inside the cover can hardly feel the intrusion of the demonic energy.

"Great job! Su Xiaonuan, I knew you were the best!"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction and praised him without any stinginess.

However, He Tiantian didn't think it was safe enough, so she took out a few small porcelain bottles from the storage bracelet.

"Here! The best Po'er Dan! I successfully refined it!"

He Tiantian gave the small porcelain vase to Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao, not forgetting to show off proudly——

"My Po'er Dan can clear the spirit, exorcise demons, and eliminate evil spirits. Let's talk about this bullshit Demon-Sealing Valley. Even if you go to the Demon Realm, you can still resist the intrusion of evil spirits."

Aura shield + broken Edan.

Double insurance.

If the three of them can still be tricked in this way, it is simply unreasonable!

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao did not refuse and took the small porcelain vase directly.

After each person took one pill, they felt a refreshing spiritual energy rising straight to the sky.

My mood is more peaceful and calm than ever before.

Resentment, inner demons... all kinds of negative emotions, even if they only have the slightest signs, have been wiped out!

"What a powerful Po Erdan!"

Su Nuan practices Qingdi Changchun Art, and she will not be disturbed by evil spirits easily.

But, she is a human being after all, she has seven emotions and six desires, and she also has her own little emotions.

Therefore, although her state of mind is stable, it is not without problems.

After taking a top-quality Po'er pill, Su Nuan found that her heart was extremely stable and clear.

Like a newborn baby, without any distracting thoughts.

"Yeah, Sister Baozhu is the best!"

Long Jiaojiao also realized the beauty of breaking Edan and praised it immediately.

"Of course! It doesn't matter who made it!"

"I, Miss Chu, am a dignified alchemist at the ground level..."

He Tiantian raised her chin high, her proud look not too obvious.

The three people were talking and making trouble as they walked towards the valley.

Demonic energy filled the air, and the valley was filled with deathly silence.

Su Nuan's heart kept sinking. She had been studying the map and had read relevant introductions——

Although the Demon Sealed Valley has the word "demon", it is not a real demon realm.

It is even somewhat similar to the Infinite Sea.

This valley was originally the habitat of the demon clan.

There are many monsters growing here, and according to legend, there is also an eighth-level monster.

Because there is such a presence that is almost like a demon king, monks with low cultivation level do not dare to get involved easily.

No one dares to come, so the Demon Sealing Valley can "grow wildly" and grow countless exotic flowers and plants needed for cultivation.

Therefore, the Demon Sealing Valley is a training ground for high-level monks.

Not only can you fight high-level monsters to improve your combat effectiveness, but you can also get enough heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

At this moment, the Demon Sealed Valley was shrouded in demonic energy, and there was no longer the noise of that day.

There are no monsters, only monsters that have lost their intelligence.

All those exotic flowers and plants withered, and some were even infected by the demonic energy and mutated into magic flowers and poisonous weeds.

"Fuck!" A plant!

He Tiantian was almost injured by a mutated black twin peony.

Originally, when she saw such exotic flowers and plants, she thought about whether she could make an elixir, so she walked closer.

I didn't expect these two black peonies to be so domineering and capable of attacking people.

Su Nuan had quick eyes and quick hands. He whipped it and the black flower was instantly chopped into pieces.

"Sister Baozhu, the original flowers and plants in the valley have been infected by demonic energy. They have turned into poisons that can devour monsters and even attack human monks!"

Su Nuan's words were definitely not without purpose.

Because there are some bones and remains scattered around Peony.

Looking at those large broken skeletons, it is not difficult to guess that these should be left by monsters.

"Let me go, the demon pet that was suppressed in the Demon Sealing Valley is much more powerful than the nightmare demon in Wu Cang Mansion!"

He Tiantian couldn't help shouting, "It shouldn't take long for the demonic energy to leak out here, but it turned the entire valley into a dead place."

What He Tiantian said is absolutely well-founded.

The Four Great Immortal Sects are not blind, and the Demon Sealing Valley is not some frontier wilderness.

The Demon-Sealed Valley has changed from a spiritual valley where demonic beasts live, to a demonic realm where demonic energy is rampant. Over time, people will definitely discover it.

As long as the four major immortal sects know about it, they will send people to deal with it.

Just like Wocang Mansion before.

But now, the people from the four major immortal sects have not appeared.

It's not that they don't want to take care of it, but they probably don't know yet.

"Well! Although the four great immortal sects are a bit domineering and hypocritical, they still uphold the benevolence and integrity of the famous sects!"

"...They will never collude with the demons!"

Long Jiaojiao was expelled by Han Xiao. In a sense, she can be regarded as a "rebel" of the four great immortal sects.

In the past, Long Jiaojiao was often bullied by the disciples of the four major immortal sects.

Logically speaking, she should hate the four great immortal sects.

However, Long Jiaojiao is a person with clear grudges.

She will not lose her basic sense of right and wrong because of hatred.

"Who said anything about people from the four great immortal sects!"

He Tiantian had a look of disdain on her face. She rejected Miss Chu from the Tianyuan Sect of the First Immortal Sect.

Wouldn't it be a bit shameful to praise the four great immortal sects now?

"Let's go! Let's go inside and take a look. I don't believe it. The entire Demon Sealing Valley looks like this!"

He Tiantian said something disgusting, and then waved her hand, urging the two of them to move on.

"Okay! Listen to Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan nodded obediently in agreement.

"Yeah! Don't mention those unlucky people!"

Long Jiaojiao realized that she mentioned someone she shouldn't mention, felt a little guilty, and quickly agreed.

The group of three continued to explore the valley.

They are protected by spiritual energy shields, but they are not foolproof.

Along the way, a strange and ugly monster would appear and attack from time to time.

Or the mutated magic flower and poisonous weed can suddenly attack in a sneak attack.

Su Nuan said nothing and directly greeted him with the spiritual whip.

In addition, Su Nuan has been running the Qing Emperor Changchun Jue all the time, and she didn't even notice it herself.

Wherever she passed, the demonic aura faded and began to have traces of spiritual aura.

He Tiantian: ...My junior uncle’s Wuji Jue is so powerful.

Of course, Su Nuan's Green Emperor Changchun Art, combined with her wood-type Heavenly Spiritual Root, is also a powerful weapon.

Feeling the vague aura in the air, He Tiantian quietly glanced at the alert Su Nuan, and a guess flashed in her heart.

"Huh? There's a yard in front!"

The three of them soon arrived at the hinterland of the valley, and Su Nuan keenly discovered a set of courtyards.

"Hehe, it may be the former residence of a powerful person, there must be treasures there!"

He Tiantian's face was full of excitement, like a child who discovered a new toy.

"Maybe!" Su Nuan was not so optimistic.

The ruined courtyard in the valley may be the cave of some powerful person, and it may contain treasures.

But, there is definitely danger!

Su Nuan clenched the spiritual whip in her hand and raised her alert to the highest level.

Long Jiaojiao, a simple and stupid child, couldn't help but be on guard and be ready to take action at any time.

Only He Tiantian, like a willful naughty child, ran towards the small courtyard.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao didn't dare to let Tiantian take risks alone, so they hurried to follow.

Behind them, the black demonic energy became more intense, completely engulfing them and the courtyard.

Among the dead branches and debris that the three of them stepped on, there were vaguely mixed fragments of spiritual weapons and familiar small porcelain bottles.

However, Su Nuan and the others did not notice it and went directly into the courtyard.

"Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, look! There is actually a transfer formation here!"

"I'll go! I knew it, I knew there must be a treasure here, and sure enough, haha, I don't know where this teleportation array will teleport people to..." Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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