The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 744: The long-lost villain (65)

"Sister Baozhu, don't activate the teleportation array yet!"

Su Nuan grabbed the excited He Tiantian.

Are you kidding me? This is no longer the Demon Sealing Valley it once was.

Enveloped by demonic energy, the Demon Sealing Valley has turned into a demonic realm.

Even if this is still the original Demon Sealing Valley, seeing such a teleportation array of unknown origin, one cannot easily try it.

First, can this teleportation array still be used? Are there any dangers during the transmission process?

Secondly, where will the teleportation array teleport people?

If it really is some kind of secret realm or ruins, forget it.

What if someone is sent to some deep undersea prison, or even a demonic forest...

Wouldn't that be a sheep entering the tiger's mouth?

Of course, Su Nuan is not afraid of danger!

However, confidence does not mean arrogance.

No matter how high your cultivation is and how strong your heart is, you still need to be alert and cautious.

"Su Xiaonuan, what are you shouting for? When will I activate the teleportation array?"

He Tiantian seemed to have had her heart broken. Instead of saying she was sorry, she became angry.

She cursed angrily, and then began to study the teleportation array carefully.

This teleportation array should be around for a long time.

Combined with the battle between immortals and demons thousands of years ago, He Tiantian had reason to speculate that this teleportation array was most likely left over from that period.

Or sooner!

Such as ancient times.

After He Tiantian came to Yuancang Continent, she tried to understand the level of cultivation in this world of immortality.

In particular, He Tiantian was most concerned about several aspects such as elixir refining and weapon refining.

She discovered that the standards of elixirs, weapons, talismans, formations, etc. in Yuancang Continent were not very high.

Yang Yunrong, a Xuan-level alchemist, dared to call himself the Alchemy Fairy.

Although it is because she knows how to market, it is also because of the decline of alchemy.

There are several other aspects that are neither better nor worse.

A teleportation formation like the one in front of you cannot be refined at all with the current level of formations in Yuancang Continent.

He Tiantian turned around a few times and roughly understood the situation of this teleportation array——

Although the runes are incomplete, the main ones are still there.

Therefore, this teleportation array can still be used.

As for whether there would be any danger during its transmission, or where exactly it would be transmitted, He Tiantian was not sure.

She sat cross-legged in front of the teleportation array, holding a stone in her hand, and began to perform various inferences and calculations on the bluestone floor.

Seeing He Tiantian busy studying the teleportation array, Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao did not interrupt.

They were not idle either.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao looked at each other and nodded slowly.

There was no verbal communication, but they understood each other's meaning.

The next moment, Su Nuan carried the nine-section black iron spirit whip out of the room and began to explore the outside little by little with the courtyard as the center.

Long Jiaojiao stayed in the room, looking at He Tiantian while carefully searching the entire room.

Soon, night falls.

But the entire valley was shrouded in demonic energy, and even the sky was obscured.

You can't see the sky changing at all with the naked eye.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao are both monks. They can determine the passage of time by using their spiritual consciousness to penetrate the demonic energy.

Su Nuan has already explored the one kilometer area outside the hospital.

Realizing that it was getting late, Su Nuan did not continue to push out, but returned to the small courtyard.

Long Jiaojiao has also searched several cabins carefully and thoroughly.

He Tiantian was still deducing the teleportation formation, writing and drawing in her hands, and chattering, as if she was fascinated.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao did not disturb her. They met each other and then tiptoed to the yard.

They began to exchange information——

"There are no living creatures within one kilometer outside the hospital, only monsters that have lost their intelligence!"

"There are three rooms in this small courtyard, one for training, one for storage, and one for housing the teleportation array!"

"There are many wreckage outside the courtyard. In addition to monsters, there are also human monks! Judging from the freshness of those remains, they should have died within the past month."

"There were blood stains and broken limbs in the house. There should have been a fierce fight here. I just don't know if they encountered monsters or if there was an internal fight!"

"I haven't found a place to suppress that demon pet yet, but it should be not far from here. The demonic energy here is the strongest!"

"I found a lot of scrolls, bamboo slips, and some jade bottles and jade slips in the storage room. Unfortunately, all the useful things were taken away, and the house was full of messes!"

"Outside the hospital..."

"In the house..."

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao quickly explained the situation they had discovered in one sentence.

They probably had a preliminary understanding of this place.

"Ha! I know!"

"As expected of me, haha, earth-level formation master, Miss Chu Baozhu!"

Just as Su Nuan and the others were discussing their next plan, they heard arrogant and wanton laughter coming from a certain room.

Su Nuan's eyes lit up, "Sister Baozhu has figured it out!"

Long Jiaojiao was also very happy, "It is indeed Sister Baozhu, she is amazing!"

Sister Baozhu can study and understand such a primitive and broken teleportation array, which is incredible!

"Come on, let's go take a look!"

Su Nuan shouted, and the two quickly came to He Tiantian's side.

He Tiantian was still laughing proudly, "Haha, a small teleportation array wants to stump me? No way!"

Seeing Su Nuan and the others coming in, He Tiantian hurriedly waved, "Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, come quickly!"

"Let me tell you, this teleportation array -"

He Tiantian lowered her voice and bit her ears at the two little ones.

Then, she returned to normal volume and said positively: "We have the spirit stone, let's try it later!"

Su Nuan hesitated, "Sister Baozhu, this, this -"

Now that you already know the secret of the teleportation array, why should you "give it a try"?

This is not an attempt, but a risk.

"If you don't take risks, how can you get opportunities?"

He Tiantian rolled her eyes and said angrily.

Su Nuan: ...That's the truth, but you can't act rashly.

Sister Baozhu, we can’t be too impulsive!

"Who said I was impulsive? Su Xiaonuan, don't think that if you don't speak, I won't know that you are scolding me in your heart!"

He Tiantian continued to roll her eyes, and even slapped Su Nuan on the label of "insulting Sister Baozhu".

Su Nuan: "Sister Baozhu, I didn't scold you. I just think we should be more cautious!"

Long Jiaojiao also echoed, "Yes, Sister Baozhu. We just found a lot of corpses in and outside the yard. This teleportation array must be very dangerous-"

"Tch! They died because they were useless!"

As a willful and overbearing young lady, He Tiantian does not have the emphasis on "the dead are the most important".

She sneered disdainfully, then puffed up her chest, "I'm different from them. I'm Chu Baozhu, a dignified earth-level formation master. I've already studied this teleportation formation clearly, so nothing will happen to me!"

"Oh, and you! You don't have to be afraid, I'm here, just don't worry!"

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao: ...It is because of you that we have to be more careful.

"Sister Baozhu, Long Xiaojiao just found a lot of bamboo slips and scrolls in another room, and they seem to contain prescriptions for elixirs—"

Su Nuan knew Sister Baozhu too well, so instead of continuing to persuade her, she came up with a twist to save the country.

"Prescription? What prescription?"

Sure enough, He Tiantian's attention was diverted, and instead of continuing to insist on opening the teleportation array immediately, he ran to the next room in a sprint.

"Let me go, who is this, leaving bamboo slips and scrolls all over the floor!"

When he came to the door, he opened the door and saw the mess. He Tiantian couldn't help but curse.

Then, she carefully looked for an open space to stay.

While dodging, he picked up things on the ground.

"Tch! The recipe for Foundation Establishment Pill is useless!"

"Huh? What kind of skill is this? Ninefold Sword Technique? It's boring!"

"...This is, well, a bit interesting!"

"Fuck! There is actually a recipe for the Nascent Soul Pill here! Isn't it? Isn't it? Haha, Su Xiaonuan and Long Xiaojiao, you have solved the problem of the Nascent Soul Pill!"

He Tiantian was like picking up a treasure, she found the treasure she needed, and she was dancing with joy.

In the end, she laughed proudly.

"Su Xiaonuan, I've told you before, there are more opportunities in dangerous places!"

"There are so many pill recipes and a set of jade slips with ancient formations. I came back with a full load!"

He Tiantian put her things into her storage bag and showed off to Su Nuan excitedly.

Su Nuan:......

She was speechless, but she was also very happy.

It's good to gain something, it's better than doing it all in vain.

"Let's go to the teleportation array again!"

After He Tiantian finished packing her things, her mood became even higher.

Not only did she not forget about the teleportation array, she became even more active.

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao:......

The two looked at each other, and finally shook their heads helplessly.

Forget it, Sister Baozhu, just give it a try. At worst, we should pay more attention.

Yes, yes! Believe in Sister Baozhu!

The two little ones communicated silently, and then Su Nuan spoke, "Okay! Let's listen to Sister Baozhu!"

What's the use of being disobedient? Will the willful Sister Baozhu listen to their persuasion in turn?

Instead of wasting your breath, it's better to be obedient.

"That's right! Am I going to trick you again?"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction. She walked at the front and led the two little ones back to the teleportation array.

"Su Xiaonuan! Release the spirit stone!"

He Tiantian pointed at a groove and shouted at Su Nuan.

Su Nuan didn't waste any time and took out a handful of medium-grade spiritual stones from her storage bracelet.

With a flip of his wrist, the spirit stone drew a parabola in the air and landed accurately in the groove.

When the bowl-sized groove was filled with spirit stones, the teleportation array began to make a sound.

"Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, come quickly!"

He Tiantian motioned for the two of them to come to her.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao hurriedly followed her instructions.

As soon as the two of them stood at the designated location, they felt a suction force.

The teleportation array was opened, and the three of them felt a shaking, and they were thrown into a passage that was like a time tunnel.

Shaking, dark, being torn apart, being backlogged...

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao gritted their teeth and endured. They held the wrists of the people around them tightly, fearing that they would be forced to separate during the teleportation process.

"Ah! Ah!!!!"

The only scream came from He Tiantian.

Because of the shaking of the teleportation array, these screams formed waves.


Plop, plop! !

I don't know how long it took, but the "ahhhhh" trembling in my ears finally stopped.

Instead, there were three sounds of heavy objects hitting the ground.


He Tiantian called out again.

I really can't blame her, no matter who's butt falls on the ground and falls hard, they can't help but make a sound.

Even Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao both groaned.

"Sister Baozhu! Are you okay?"

As soon as the two landed, they didn't bother to check themselves and shouted in unison.

"I'm fine! You still have a conscience!"

He Tiantian was very satisfied, but the words she said were always so unpleasant.

Su Nuanlong Jiaojiao had long been used to it and didn't take it seriously.

Su Nuan took out a lighting talisman from the storage bracelet. Don't be surprised. As a talisman master who likes to use his imagination, He Tiantian has refined many weird talismans.

In the past, Su Nuan thought these talismans were useless, but now, ahem, they still smell good.

She flipped her wrist, and the talisman burned. Instead of turning into ashes, it turned into a small glowing fire ball.

The fire hung erratically in the air, like a small lantern, illuminating this small corner.

Su Nuan and the others looked at the light and saw clearly their surroundings.

Hmm, a dilapidated stone room surrounded by solid stone slabs.

Some of the stone slabs had runes drawn on them, but it had been so long that the runes were mottled and worn.

He Tiantian glanced at it and memorized all the runes.

Very good, almost as she predicted!

"Sister Baozhu, what should we do next?"

Su Nuan also scanned the entire stone room carefully, but could not find a clear exit.

However, there should be an exit, but I don’t know where the mechanism is.

"What else can we do? Of course we have to find an exit!"

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, as if she disliked her little follower for asking a stupid question.

She turned around and came to a very ordinary stone slab.

There are not even runes on this stone slab.

He Tiantian was touching it.


There was a slight sound, as if the machine expansion of some mechanism had been touched.

Su Nuan had been following He Tiantian, and when she heard the noise, she became more alert.

I am afraid that there is some dangerous mechanism in the stone room, and my sister Baozhu will be injured again if she is not prepared.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine!"

He Tiantian was very satisfied with Su Nuan's subconscious protective action.


The sound of a stone slab being moved attracted the attention of three people.

"Here! The door is open!"

He Tiantian proudly pointed to the sudden exit and called to the two followers: "Come on, let's go out!"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao were still very wary.

They released their spiritual consciousness and carefully explored.

Su Nuan discovered that there was a long corridor outside the exit.

There are some stone sculptures and dolls scattered on both sides of the corridor.

These should not be mere decorations.

After all, there was a weapon training master by his side, and he was served by puppets every day. It was difficult for Su Nuan not to think more about it.

However, at this moment, none of the statues could be handled, and there was no abnormality at all.

However, when the three people walked through the corridor and came to another large room, the stone sculpture behind them moved slightly.

What surprised the three people even more was yet to come.

The large room was not empty, but there were more than a dozen monks lying here and there.

"Nuan Nuan?"

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