The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 745: The long-lost villain (66)

"You, why are you here?"

When Su Hao saw his sister, he was surprised at first, and then became a little angry.

His tone was almost questioning, as if Su Nuan and the others shouldn't have come.

Su Hao didn't dislike her, nor did she want to see her biological sister.

But this is really not a good place.

This is a trap, a devil's cave. Xiaoxiao is dead, and even he is injured.

During his time in the Demon Sealed Valley, Su Hao experienced the biggest and most dangerous crisis since he entered the Far Blue Continent.

Su Hao finally realized the cruelty and horror of the world of immortality.

Especially the tragic death of Mo Xiaoxiao shocked his soul even more.

Originally, he thought that this was the end of him, and that the worst he could do was die.

However, he never expected that his only sister would also stupidly fall in.

"Chu Baozhu, how could you bring Nuannuan here?"

In anger, Su Hao began to express his anger.

He directly pointed the finger at "Chu Baozhu". He had no choice but to do so. This person was the most unreliable person in their small group.

If something goes wrong and causes trouble, it must be this woman's fault!

He Tiantian's face sank, and the eldest lady's temper suddenly exploded, "Su Hao, what do you mean by this?"

"What? Only you can come here, I, Chu Baozhu, don't deserve to come?"

He Tiantian took on a messy attitude and her tone was very unkind.

"What a mess, you clearly know what I mean!"

Su Hao was speechless by Chu Baozhu's unreasonableness.

He said angrily, "You don't have eyes. Didn't you see that all of us survivors were injured? There are many corpses of human monks outside?"

"The Demon-Sealed Valley has become very dangerous, and the demonic energy around it is so strong... these...

Haven't you seen it? "

What a dangerous place, why do you have to step in if you don’t believe in evil?

It’s okay to commit suicide by yourself, why should you drag Nuan Nuan along with you? !

Su Hao didn't realize that when he scolded He Tiantian, he actually brought his own feelings with him.

On the surface, he was blaming "Chu Baozhu", but in fact, he was blaming himself.

When he first came to Sealing Demon Valley, Su Hao was very resistant.

Unable to resist Mo Xiaoxiao's constant persuasion, and he really wanted to get some opportunities, he half-heartedly agreed.

As a result, when they actually stepped into the Demon-Sealed Valley and entered such a death place filled with demonic aura, Su Hao regretted it.

Later, Mo Xiaoxiao died tragically trying to save him, and his companions fell one after another.

Even he was seriously injured, his cultivation almost fell to a small level, and the regret in Su Hao's heart almost overwhelmed him.

At this time, he suddenly saw that Su Nuan had come to such a big trap. Su Hao's anxiety and eagerness could be imagined.

"Tch, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"What do you mean I don't have eyes? When you came in before, your eyes were closed?"

It's good that He Tiantian didn't find trouble with Su Hao. How could she tolerate Su Hao lying on her face?


Su Hao was choked by He Tiantian's words.

Yes, the demonic energy of the Demon Sealing Valley was there, but they still pretended to come in.

He has done stupid things, so what position does he have to accuse He Tiantian now.

However, Su Hao was really worried about his sister.

"...You don't understand! Didn't you realize that this secret room is very strange and there is no aura in it?"

Su Hao's anger dissipated, and his whole person became a little decadent.

He feebly "reminded" He Tiantian and the others.

"No spirit?!"

He Tiantian was stunned for a moment, and then tried to run the technique, wanting to verify Su Hao's words.

Su Nuan's face was very solemn. Apparently, she had discovered this problem.

Without spiritual energy, a monk would be like water without a source.

If the spiritual power stored in the Dantian is exhausted, the monks will become ordinary people.

Even if you still have spiritual weapons and talismans on hand, you still need to use spiritual power to activate them.

In this huge secret room, except for He Tiantian and the other three, a dozen other monks were all seriously injured.

They are actually worse than ordinary people!

"Tch, so what if there is no spiritual energy?"

He Tiantian personally verified Su Hao's words, but he did not lose his momentum.

If you lose, you don't lose. Arrogant and willful young ladies are all tough-talking masters.

"I-I still have the Spirit Gathering Pill! Yes! I still have the pill!"

He Tiantian felt guilty and made random excuses. Unexpectedly, as she talked, she actually thought of something.

With excitement on her face, she took out several small porcelain bottles directly from the storage bracelet!

She deliberately took out one in front of Su Hao and showed it over and over again, not forgetting to irritate people: "Have you seen it? The best spirit-gathering pill!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth wide and stuffed the elixir into his mouth with extremely exaggerated movements.


After taking a Spirit Gathering Pill, He Tiantian's Dantian was instantly filled with spiritual energy.

She deliberately raised her hand and slapped it against the stone wall.

With a muffled sound, a hole was opened in the extremely hard stone wall.

Su Hao:......

He no longer knew whether to be grateful that "Chu Baozhu" was an earth-level alchemist, or to be speechless about Miss Chu's lack of brains!

Please, even if you want to show off, can you please use your brain to think about it?

Although this secret room is a "cage", it is also a protective shield.

There is indeed no spiritual energy in the secret room, but there is no demonic energy either.

"Chu Baozhu" directly broke the secret room and made a hole. Not only the demonic energy, but also the monsters would take the opportunity to rush in.

By the time--

Su Hao's expression was uncertain.

"Yes! Sister Baozhu is right, we have the elixir!"

Su Nuan also discovered the inappropriateness of Sister Baozhu's move, but she was not Su Hao.

She will not dislike or even complain about Sister Baozhu.

She will only help the other party make excuses and excuse the other party!

"Brother, don't worry, we have the elixir, and the three of us are not injured. There is always a way to get out of here!"

Su Nuan knelt down in front of Su Hao and carefully examined his injuries.

In addition to external injuries, there are also internal injuries caused by overdraft of spiritual power.

Su Nuan did not dare to delay, and quickly took out a small porcelain bottle from the storage bracelet. Without saying anything, she directly stuffed a top-quality Evergreen Pill into Su Hao's mouth.

The elixir melts instantly in the mouth, and the vigorous spiritual power contained in it explodes in the mouth instantly.

Then, these spiritual powers traveled along his eight extraordinary meridians, and finally gathered in his Dantian.

When the spiritual power traveled through the meridians, Su Hao's injuries were healed at an incredible speed.

Su Hao felt the wonders of this top-quality elixir. He quickly sat cross-legged and started running the technique.

After the transformation of the technique, the efficacy of the top-quality Changchun Pill has been brought into full play.

Su Hao's pale face instantly became normal, and his whole person seemed to be reborn.

"Fellow Daoist Su! Help me, we are companions!"

A monk who was swaying around in the room saw Su Hao's changes with his own eyes and shouted at the top of his lungs.


After Su Hao finished running for a week, he suddenly opened his eyes.

A flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, "I don't dare to be your companion! Huh, you know clearly that there is something fishy in the Demon Sealed Valley, but in order to share the risk, you deliberately lied to me -"

This person was a casual cultivator Su Hao met on the road.

At the beginning, he was the one who tried his best to invite Su Hao to join the team.

But after arriving at the Demon Sealing Valley, Su Hao discovered that this casual cultivator had ulterior motives.

He already knew that the Demon-Sealed Valley had been shrouded in demonic energy, and that monsters were rampant in the valley and there were many dangers.

But he continued to coax for his own little plan.

At the critical moment, this man even pulled Su Hao as a human shield!

If Mo Xiaoxiao hadn't sacrificed himself to save him, he, he would have died outside.

When the teleportation array was activated, this man even pushed Su Hao in front as a target.

Su Hao was injured because he was attacked by a group of weird puppets as soon as he came out of the teleportation array.

...Now, this person actually has the nerve to ask for help from him?

"Fellow Daoist Su, what you said is meaningless! What did I lie to you about?"

"I said that there is an ancient teleportation array in the Demon Sealing Valley. Is this true?"

The casual cultivator turned out to be a sharp-tongued person, and he made Su Hao speechless with just one sentence.

Su Hao:......

etc! wrong!

I was almost fooled by this bastard again.

"There is indeed a teleportation array here! But you said that day that this teleportation array would teleport people to some ancient ruins!"

"But in fact, this bullshit teleportation array directly teleported us to the puppet nest!"

"So many puppets, so many monsters, all the spiritual energy in the body has been consumed, and there is not a trace of spiritual energy around... We were almost consumed to death!"

When Su Hao mentioned this, he couldn't help but get angry.

His body was shaking slightly.

"I-I just said that this teleportation array might send people to some ancient ruins!"

"Besides, who can be sure that this place is not an ancient ruin?"

The casual cultivators are still quibbling.

Su Hao almost fell down in anger.

He stood up suddenly, pointed at the huge stone chamber, and shouted, "You said this is an ancient ruin? Is that ancient ruin like this?"

This is clearly a prison cell, or a dark room or a secret room where no light can be seen.

Su Hao believed it was the evil altar of the demon clan.

The casual cultivators were still struggling, "The Demon Sealed Valley has turned into a dense demonic realm. The ancient ruins can become anything they want!"

Su Hao:......

Damn it, this is the first time I discovered that this bastard’s mouth is so smart!

Su Hao was used to having Mo Xiaoxiao by his side to help him talk and quarrel, and he only had to maintain his aloof persona.

Now that Mo Xiaoxiao is gone, Su Hao needs to go into battle by himself, and he is a little uncomfortable with it.

Su Hao was so angry at Rogue Cultivator's obvious sophistry, but he couldn't say anything to anger him.

"Brother! Take another spirit-gathering pill!"

Su Nuan couldn't see her brother being bullied, so she didn't help him, but just dragged him back.

What's the point of arguing with such a scoundrel? Just ignore him!

Su Nuan pulled Su Hao to her side, pushed him to the ground, and handed him another top-grade elixir.

Su Hao wanted to argue with that Sanxiu some more, but when he opened his mouth, he was blocked by the pill.

He couldn't bear to waste it, didn't care what to say, and hurriedly sat cross-legged and began to digest the top-quality spirit-gathering pill.

The already full Dantian was replenished with spiritual energy and began to expand and become larger.

Su Hao's heaven-defying Heavenly Spiritual Root began to work wonders.

Even though there was no spiritual energy around him, Su Hao used the ancestral Hongmeng Chaos Art and this top-grade spirit-gathering pill to directly improve his fallen cultivation level.

Moreover, Su Hao was surprised to find that there were faint signs of breakthrough in his long-stagnant cultivation.

He opened his eyes, which were filled with excitement and light, "Nuan Nuan! This, this -" The best elixir is too fake.

"The elixirs refined by Sister Baozhu are all excellent!"

Su Nuan knew that Su Hao had a prejudice against Sister Baozhu.

Between her brother and Sister Baozhu, Su Nuan chose Sister Baozhu.

However, this does not mean that Su Nuan will give up on his brother.

If possible, Su Nuan hopes that her brother can live in harmony with Sister Baozhu.

Even if you can't treat Sister Baozhu as the most important person like she and Long Jiaojiao do, don't become an enemy.

In fact, they were partners in the same boat back then, friends who cooperated and supported each other.

It's only after being separated for ten years that it becomes a stranger.

Perhaps this accident can be an opportunity to ease the relationship between my brother and Sister Baozhu.

With this in mind, Su Nuan deliberately said good things about Sister Baozhu in front of Su Hao.

The smile on Su Hao's face stopped.

He really doesn't like Chu Baozhu very much, but he is not a person who doesn't know the difference between right and wrong, and doesn't know what is good or bad.

"Chu Baozhu, thank you for the elixir!"

Although the elixir was given by her sister, her sister also got the elixir from Chu Baozhu.

After all, he still took advantage of Chu Baozhu.

A thank you is still in order.

"What are you thanking me for? I'm not the one who gave you the elixir!"

He Tiantian didn't accept the favor.

She rolled her eyes and said angrily, "The person you should thank is Su Xiaonuan! If it were me, I wouldn't care whether you live or die!"

Su Hao:......

I had just persuaded myself that I wanted to reconcile with Chu Baozhu calmly.

As a result, Chu Baozhu said this directly!

Su Hao is so angry.

However, maybe it was the experience of the past few days in Sealed Demon Valley, or maybe it was Mo Xiaoxiao's tragic death that made him lonely.

He didn't seem to be so disgusted with Chu Baozhu anymore.

"Eh? Where is Mo Xiaoxiao?"

He Tiantian still felt that the stimulation to Su Hao was not enough, so she asked knowingly.

Su Hao's face instantly turned gloomy.

Seeing this, Su Nuan hurriedly comforted her softly, "Brother, is the young lady doing anything else? Don't worry, I still have pills here -"

As long as Mo Xiaoxiao still breathes, he can save people.

When Su Hao heard his sister's voice, the negative emotions that suddenly arose in his heart subsided a lot.

He was depressed and his voice was dry, "Xiao Xiao fell! In order to save me, she, she was torn into pieces by the monster!"

No bones left!

Even the soul was probably eaten by the monster!

Su Nuan didn't know how to comfort him, so she could only sit beside Su Hao silently.

He Tiantian wanted to say something else, but she was grabbed by Long Jiaojiao, who had been silent beside her.

He Tiantian turned her head pretending to be confused and asked with her eyes: Long Xiaojiao, what are you doing?

Long Jiaojiao shook her head gently: Sister Baozhu, the dead person is the most important, so you should say less. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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