The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 745: The long-lost villain (67)

Long Jiaojiao knew that her sister Baozhu had no bad intentions.

She just doesn't speak her mind sometimes, and it's easy for people to misunderstand!

It wouldn't matter if it was someone else, but Su Hao was Su Nuan's biological brother.

Long Jiaojiao didn't want Nuannuan to be caught in a dilemma between Su Hao and Sister Baozhu.


He Tiantian was interrupted by Long Jiaojiao and had more time to think, and seemed to understand what Long Jiaojiao meant.

She was unwilling to do so, but in the end she did not continue to quarrel with Su Hao for the sake of Su Nuan.

He Tiantian didn't speak anymore, but she wasn't idle either.

She started walking around the hall.

Yes, the main hall!

This stone room is different from the one they landed in just now.

The space here is very large, and the style of the rooms is also very particular, like a palace.

It's just that the materials used to build houses are very simple, just dusty slates.

The palace built with stone slabs does not have a sense of grandeur, but instead feels eerie and weird.

No wonder Su Hao thought this was some kind of cell or altar.

He Tiantian, who has read many fairy tales in later generations, has also watched fairy tale dramas, so when he saw this familiar layout, he realized -

Oh, there's another villain BOSS.

I just don’t know whether this palace is a cell to suppress demon pets, or an altar for some kind of evil heretic sacrifice.

He Tiantian searched the palace carefully.

She released her consciousness and began to explore bit by bit.

Suddenly, He Tiantian was hit hard by a demonic energy that almost turned into substance.

He Tiantian quickly withdrew her consciousness, not daring to confront the overbearing demonic energy head-on.


Young lady, don’t use your spiritual consciousness easily, it consumes too much spiritual energy! "

He was still the casual cultivator. Seeing that Su Hao no longer paid attention to him, he did not continue to argue with Su Hao.

He set his sights on He Tiantian.

He was very shrewd, and he could vaguely detect He Tiantian's "status" among several people from just a few simple words from Su Nuan.

Looking at He Tiantian's perverse and willful appearance, the casual cultivators knew that he was a spoiled brat.

I just don’t know which famous righteous cultivator this female cultivator who can refine the best elixirs comes from, or which cultivating family she belongs to.

This, she is a noble young lady.

The casual cultivator is very good at observing words and expressions, he is more flexible and flexible, and he has a smooth mouth, which was confirmed in his quibble with Su Hao just now.

No, he scratched He Tiantian's itch as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Miss? You call me miss?"

He Tiantian's face was full of pride, as if she was saying: Haha, I knew it, I am so noble, anyone who looks at me will know that I am the superior Miss Chu.

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance, the casual cultivator breathed out: The bet was right!

"Of course, you are the eldest lady! I have traveled all over the world and I have seen a lot of the world!"

"I can't say how accurate I am at reading people, but with your grandeur and noble temperament, I can tell at a glance that you are a noble young lady!"

The casual cultivator suddenly turned into a flatterer, desperately trying to flatter He Tiantian.

He Tiantian was amused and giggled, "Okay! You are very good! You have a good sense!"

He Tiantian took out a small porcelain bottle from her storage bag and threw it to the casual cultivator, "I'll reward you!"

The casual cultivator's eyes lit up, he hurriedly grabbed the small porcelain bottle, opened the lid, and was greeted by a strong spiritual energy.

The casual cultivator swallowed excitedly and directly stuffed the elixir into his mouth.

The vigorous spiritual power spread out in the body, and the casual cultivator did not dare to delay, so he immediately meditated and practiced.

Like Su Hao, he suffered very serious internal injuries.

This Eternal Spring Pill quickly repaired his meridians and replenished his Dantian with enough spiritual energy.


Sanxiu let out a long breath, and his whole body seemed to come to life.

He stood up, walked to He Tiantian, and knelt down with a thud: "Little Wu Hao, thank you Miss for the reward!"

Humble and respectful, like a loyal slave.

"Haha! Okay! Oh my, the more I look at you, the more I like you!"

"Wu Hao, huh, you are much smarter than someone else!"

This is the attitude of thanking others. If you want to kneel, just kneel more simply.

Unlike Su Hao, at this time, he still wanted to show off as a "genius".

Come on, do you still think that you are the male protagonist, with a domineering aura that can make everyone around you worship him? !

As a competent villain, He Tiantian naturally wants to fight against the former male protagonist to the end.

This Wu Hao is very good and can be used to stimulate Su Hao.

Su Hao:......

No, I'm not angry!

For the sake of Nuannuan, I can’t break up with Chu Baozhu.

Furthermore, he doesn't have the confidence to break up with Chu Baozhu now.

Mo Xiaoxiao is dead, and his sect is thousands of miles away. He is alone in the Demon Realm and must have a companion.

Chu Baozhu has a bit of a venomous mouth, but he can't stand it and he has the ability.

Su Hao calmed down and was able to recall the scene of crossing the Wuji Sea.

Chu Baozhu was like this at that time, with a bad temper and a poisonous mouth. She had to say the same words in a way that made you uncomfortable.

However, Chu Baozhu can provide everyone with sufficient elixirs, talismans and spiritual weapons.

Look at my sister, following her for ten years, she has already broken through from a mortal to a powerful person with golden elixir.

Of course, there is a reason why Nuan Nuan is gifted.

However, when it comes to talent, Su Hao, as a person with Tianlinggen, has the most say.

He uses himself to save others, feeling that Su Nuan's breakthrough is inseparable from Chu Baozhu's "assistance".

Su Hao actually realized it when he was in Wu Cang Mansion.

It's just that he can't let go of his face or his figure.

With Mo Xiaoxiao by his side, Su Hao couldn't bow to "Chu Baozhu" at all.

Now, after encountering everything in the Demon Sealing Valley, Su Hao's most embarrassing and miserable side appeared in front of his sister and Chu Baozhu.

While he was embarrassed, he also let go of the burden in his heart.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing to team up with Chu Baozhu and practice together with my sister.

And the flattering behavior of Wu Hao, a casual cultivator, stimulated Su Hao even more——

Even a calculating villain like Wu Hao wanted to hug Chu Baozhu's lap.

He and Chu Baozhu were old friends, so it wouldn't be too embarrassing to form a team again!

"Wu Hao, since you set up a trap to trick Su Hao into coming here, you must know the 'secret' of the Demon Sealing Valley!"

He Tiantian was coaxed by Wu Hao until she smiled.

But she was not fooled. Suddenly, she asked such a question.

Wu Hao's exaggerated smile froze for a moment, and his eyes flickered, as if he was weighing something.

Soon, Wu Hao made a choice.

He leaned close to He Tiantian's ear and whispered: "The eldest lady is wise and can see the villain's true nature at a glance!"

"You are right, the villain does know something."

"Everyone in the world knows that the Demon Sealed Valley suppresses the Demon Lord's demon pet, but no one knows where exactly that demon pet is imprisoned!"

"Of course, several of the ancestors of the four immortal sects in the transformation stage know about it, but ordinary monks basically just heard the legend!"

"I didn't know this at first, but I have heard many stories about the Demon-Sealed Valley, as well as some rumors..."

Through this information, Wu Hao summarized and analyzed and came up with another guess that is very close to the truth——

"There is an ancient teleportation array in the Demon Sealing Valley. The destination of the teleportation array should be the underground stone prison."

Having said this, Wu Hao raised his hand and gestured, "This is it!"

This stone palace is the cell where the demon pets are imprisoned.

"What? You said that demon pet is locked up here?"

He Tiantian pretended to be shocked and shouted, causing all the monks in the room to look sideways.

Wu Hao, however, did not dislike the eldest lady's recklessness, but nodded approvingly, "The eldest lady is indeed smart, and you can tell through it all!"

"That's right! The villain speculates that the demon pet is imprisoned here!"

"To be precise, it's under the stone seat!"

Wu Hao pointed a finger at the stone throne in front of the hall.

He Tiantian squinted her eyes. She had discovered a long time ago that a complex formation was engraved in this hall.

The center of the formation is the stone base.

There are hidden runes on the floor of the hall.

These runes will extract the energy in the room and then collect it into the formation eye.

When the energy reaches a certain amount, the formation will be activated.

However, what He Tiantian was not sure about was whether the formation would kill the demon pet or release it when the formation was activated.

However, based on He Tiantian's research on the teleportation array and Wu Hao's performance, He Tiantian concluded that it should be the latter.

But the problem is here again!

Since there is a formation here that can release demon pets, why did the people from the four major immortal sects still suppress the demon pets in this place?

He Tiantian didn't believe that those big bosses in the transformation stage couldn't see the tricks of this formation!

But they did it anyway!

It left such a big hidden danger.

This is just like the nightmare in the Infinite Sea, there is something weird everywhere.

He Tiantian felt that she was getting closer to the truth.

Perhaps, this demon pet in Sealed Demon Valley is a major opportunity to uncover the mystery.

"...Wu Hao, it's over?!"

After hearing what Wu Hao said, He Tiantian was not satisfied and asked again: "Is there more?"

If Su Nuan, who knew Sister Baozhu very well, would not think too much after hearing such words.

Sister Baozhu was deliberately losing her temper. She was not really suspicious and scheming, she just said it casually.

Wu Hao didn't really understand Chu Baozhu. Hearing what He Tiantian said and seeing her mysterious smile, his heart trembled slightly.

Wu Hao hesitated for a while.

Seeing Wu Hao not speaking, He Tiantian became a little impatient, "Tell me! What else are you hiding from me?"

Wu Hao didn't dare to take any chances.

In other words, he really wanted to hug Chu Baozhu's thick legs.

Gritting his teeth and shaking his heart, Wu Hao decided to submit a petition: "The eldest lady is indeed wise!"

"I don't dare to hide it. I'm suspicious. There is a formation in this hall that can absorb all spiritual power."

Therefore, there is no aura in this palace.

"If you delay it for too long, even the monks themselves will become sacrifices to the formation!"

A monk's Dantian is a great tonic.

He Tiantian deliberately widened her eyes, as if she was frightened by Wu Hao, "You, you have guessed this a long time ago, and you still dare to come?"

"People die for money and birds die for food. The journey of cultivating immortality is full of difficulties and obstacles! I am a casual cultivator with no sect and no backer. I can only rely on myself!"

Wu Hao smiled bitterly.

If there was any other way, he would not risk his life.

He Tiantian was still puzzled, "Even if you want to get training resources, you don't have to come here."

"In this Demon-Sealed Valley, except for a demon pet, there is nothing else useful!"

"Do you want that demon pet?"

But in the final analysis, a demon pet is still a monster.

It may be of some use to people in the devil's path.

But for those who practice the righteous way, they are still demons and evil spirits.

Wu Hao seems to have some evil intentions, but he is not a demon.

Even if he gets a magic pet, he may not be able to improve his cultivation.

"I don't want that demon pet, but I want to know the demon lord's treasure house!"

Wu Hao really went all out this time, even telling the biggest secret in his heart.

"That demon pet is the Demon Lord's confidant. In the battle between immortals and demons a thousand years ago, the Demon Lord was seriously injured and there was no news from him!"

"Some people say that he hid in a secret place and went into retreat!"

"Some people also say that he is dead!"

However, no matter what the situation is, the current Demon Lord cannot move freely.

Wu Hao didn't care whether the demons would riot because they were leaderless, he only cared about the legendary demon treasure trove!

Countless spiritual stones, all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, as well as the secret cultivation methods of the demons...

He Tiantian:......

She looked at Wu Hao intently, with a expression on her face that was speechless.

Such a casual cultivator in the foundation building stage actually dares to think about the Demon Lord's treasure house!

Is he brave or brainless?

Do you really think that if you find your magic pet, you can get the information you want from him?

Isn't he afraid that if he puts in a lot of trouble, he will be swallowed up by his demon pet?

This is no longer seeking the skin of a tiger, but directly feeding the tiger's mouth!

The key is that such a speechless plan was actually half successful——

No, Su Hao, the talented disciple of the Tianyuan Sect and the former male protagonist, was deceived by him.

Mo Xiaoxiao even died because of this!

He Tiantian looked at Wu Hao, then turned to look at Su Hao.

The expression on her face became more and more tangled, and she couldn't help but doubt in her heart:

Is the protagonist’s aura so powerful?

After losing it, Su Hao became so silly and sweet? !

Su Hao:......

He resented the way He Tiantian looked at her like a fool, and also resented Wu Hao's scheme.

But in the end, he felt deeply guilty.

Such a villain, such a crude and almost mentally retarded trap, yet he managed to slip in easily!

"Chu Baozhu" didn't seem to have wronged him when she called him stupid!

Su Hao suddenly felt that he was not as powerful as he imagined.

He is actually just an ordinary person who has some talent but has wasted it.

Without the heaven-defying aura of Tianlinggen, he would not even be as good as an ordinary person.

Wu Hao, a small Sanlinggen cultivator, can fool him into turning around. He, he——

Su Hao's self-confidence suffered an unprecedented blow.

However, this doesn't seem to be a bad thing at all.

At least he recognized himself and understood the complexity and cruelty of the world of immortality.

"Brother, the little lady is gone, you still have me! From now on, let's follow Sister Baozhu together!"

Su Nuan felt her brother's mood swings, and she said softly.

Su Hao hesitated again and again, and finally nodded slowly.

He Tiantian didn't know that the former male protagonist was already planning to follow her. After listening to Wu Hao's story, she learned some truth and had a plan in mind.

She squatted in the main hall and began to study this complicated formation... Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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