The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 747: The long-lost villain (68)

He Tiantian studied it for a while and began to move things out of the storage bracelet.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao already knew Sister Baozhu very well. Seeing her like this, they knew that Sister Baozhu was going to refine a spiritual weapon.

Although they don't know what spiritual weapon Sister Baozhu wants to refine, as her little followers, both of them are extremely conscious.

They directly handed the storage bag they used to store their "trophies" to He Tiantian.

"Sister Baozhu, these are the various treasures of heaven and earth that I exchanged from the two worlds trading houses."

This is Su Nuan, who has been promoted to a powerful golden elixir and a wealthy man.

"Sister Baozhu, when I broke through in the Wuji Sea, I hunted some monsters. They are all here. See if there is anything you need!"

This is Long Jiaojiao, who has just followed He Tiantian and is a little shy about her money.

The two handed over their storage bags without reservation, and He Tiantian took it directly without any hesitation.

"Exactly, I need some refined iron and monster blood!"

He Tiantian was very satisfied, took the storage bag, and started rummaging inside.

He looked so familiar, as if he were treating his own things.

Su Hao was sitting cross-legged in a corner of the hall. Seeing this scene, his thoughts moved slightly.

He has decided to join Chu Baozhu's team, so naturally he can't just rely on "relationships".

Su Hao deeply understood that if you want to gain a firm foothold in a team, the most fundamental thing is to be valuable!

Otherwise, no matter how good the relationship is, it will deteriorate due to tangible benefits.

Su Hao took out his storage bag and used a touch of consciousness to examine it carefully——

Huh? This is? !

Su Hao was secretly happy. Sure enough, it is good to have a good master and a good disciple!

He stood up, walked up to He Tiantian, and took out a dark stuff from his storage bag.

"Ahem! This is, this is a piece of black iron that my master gave me. It is said to be a flying stone from the sky that can be used to refine spiritual weapons!"

Su Hao felt a little awkward.

But he still spoke forcefully.

I really can't blame him, he has been praised for a long time, and he is really not used to bending down and saying nice things to others!

"Brother, do you want to give this piece of black iron to Sister Baozhu?"

As Su Hao's biological sister, Su Nuan naturally wanted to speak for him.

She pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh, Ancestor Yan Yuan's collection must be excellent!"

"Sister Baozhu, I only bought this piece of black iron from the Two Realms Trading Company, and the grade is definitely not as good as the one my brother brought!"

"Sister Baozhu~~~ Just use my brother's flying stone from the sky."

At the end, Su Nuan's tone was obviously pleading.

He Tiantian opened her mouth. Looking at the willfulness on her face, she knew without guessing that she probably didn't have anything nice to say about Su Hao.

However, when she looked at Su Nuan who was smiling obediently, she realized that she had taken it into consideration.

"Hmph! Well, then I'll give you some face. I'll just use what Su Hao brought me!"

He Tiantian looked like an arrogant bastard.

Su Hao felt even more awkward and a little repelled in his heart.

Just when Su Hao was hesitating whether to "regret" or not, He Tiantian turned to him and shouted: "Bring it here!"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment: Bring it?

What to bring?

Su Nuan has already taken the flying stone from the sky.

Su Nuan has been with He Tiantian for ten years and knows her sister Baozhu very well.

Seeing He Tiantian's movement of reaching out, Su Nuan guessed it instantly. She hurriedly said to Su Hao: "Brother, where is your natal magic weapon?"

"Sister Baozhu will temper it for you to improve the quality of the magic weapon!"

Sister Baozhu is the most fair. Once she takes her brother's black iron, she will do something for him.

It just so happened that Sister Baozhu wanted to refine weapons now, so she could help her brother refine his natal magic weapon.

"..." Su Hao was stunned again.

Soon, he reacted.

Because it was like this between him and Chu Baozhu when they first embarked on the path to immortality.

He is responsible for hunting sea beasts and monsters, while Chu Baozhu is responsible for refining elixirs and weapons.

Ten years later, Chu Baozhu still behaves the same way - everyone contributes and does not owe each other!

This is different from the way Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao get along.

Mo Xiaoxiao always gave to him without reservation and willingly, and there was no need for him to reciprocate every time.

Of course, Mo Xiaoxiao still lives with him in Tianyuan Sect, but the feeling Mo Xiaoxiao gave him was really different.

That is a best friend who will never betray you.

As for Chu Baozhu, she was exchanging benefits and lost a lot of warmth.

Could it be that Chu Baozhu and her sister have gotten along like this over the years?

But why does her sister have such deep feelings for her?

Would you rather follow her than your brother?

Su Hao was confused.

However, now is not the time to think about this.

The most important thing at the moment is to escape from the dead place of Demon Sealing Valley.

And Chu Baozhu seems to be his key figure in escaping here, and also his greatest hope.


Su Hao figured this out and without any further hesitation, he reached out and took out a sword.

This is his natal magical weapon. When he joined the Tianyuan Sect, Ancestor Yan Yuan specially selected such a damaged magical weapon from his warehouse.

If this fairy sword is intact, it must be a treasure above the heaven level.

However, it is incomplete, and its grade is only at the top level of Xuan level.

It wasn't that Ancestor Yan Yuan didn't have any real immortal weapons, or earth-level or heaven-level treasures, but Su Hao's cultivation level was too low.

With his cultivation at that time, he was simply unable to activate a fairy weapon that was too high in level.

First, everything is wasted;

Secondly, it also caused trouble for Su Hao.

Another advantage of this fairy sword is that it can be tempered and repaired.

As Su Hao's cultivation improves, he can find ways to "upgrade" this fairy sword step by step until it returns to what it should be like.

At that time, Su Hao's cultivation was estimated to have reached the stage of becoming a god!

... Patriarch Yan Yuan truly loves this young disciple and considers everything carefully for him.

It's a pity that Su Hao has only improved a few small realms in his cultivation in the ten years since he came to Tianyuan Sect, and has not yet formed a golden elixir.

The cultivation level has not improved much, so there is no need to repair the fairy sword.

Therefore, this sword still looks as broken as it did ten years ago.

"Hypocritical! I help you temper your natal magic weapon not to earn a thank you from you, but because I have accepted your extraterritorial black iron!"

He Tiantian rolled her eyes in her signature way, "Of course, it's also for Su Xiaonuan's sake! Otherwise, even if you say a hundred thanks, I won't help you!"

Su Hao: ...being pointed at the nose and scolded for being hypocritical, even though he had already mentally prepared himself, he was a little unhappy.

Su Nuan continued to jump in to smooth things over, "Hey, I knew Sister Baozhu was the best to me!"

First, she coaxed her sister Baozhu, and then comforted her brother: "Brother, you don't know, right? Sister Baozhu is already an earth-level weapon refiner!"

"Give her your natal magic weapon, and she will definitely temper it for you!"

"Maybe it can't be completely repaired, but it can make it reach the level of an earth-level spiritual weapon!"

Su Hao's eyes widened, "Chu Baozhu's weapon refining skills have also reached the earth level?"

Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?

A twenty-five-year-old earth-level alchemist is already defying the heavens.

Her weapon refining skills actually broke through to the earth level?


Su Hao remembered that Chu Baozhu was not only good at refining elixirs and refining weapons, but she could also draw talismans and form formations——

Su Nuan seemed to understand the surprise in Su Hao's heart, nodded with a smile, and said meaningfully: "Brother, Sister Baozhu is really amazing!"

Therefore, if you follow her, you will definitely not lose points, let alone suffer any disadvantages!

Su Nuan knew that his brother's cultivation was stagnant and his excellent talent was wasted.

If possible, she would also like to help him.

And following Sister Baozhu, there are inexhaustible treasures such as elixirs, spiritual weapons, talismans, formation disks, etc., which can definitely make my brother's practice more effective with half the effort.

And their small team has been practicing all the time.

There may be constant dangers, but there are also many opportunities.

During the training, their combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

Don't talk about others, just look at Long Xiaojiao.

It had only been a short time since she had joined their team, and she had already successfully established a foundation!

Su Nuan felt that her brother was not lacking in talent and skills, but he was just short of something.

If you follow Sister Baozhu, you might be able to break through.

Even though he has formed a golden elixir before he was thirty years old, his brother is still a genius, and he will not become more and more embarrassed in the Tianyuan Sect!

Su Hao's mouth was full of bitterness. He originally thought that he had been severely beaten by these monsters, but he didn't expect that a more violent blow was yet to come.

He was silent!

His pride and confidence as a genius collapsed!

Su Hao handed the broken sword to He Tiantian and silently returned to the corner where he was just now.

Cross your legs, meditate, perform the exercises, and start practicing.

Seeing Su Hao's shocked look, Su Nuan felt a little distressed.

Later, seeing that his brother seemed to have forgotten that there was no spiritual energy here but continued to practice, Su Nuan quickly took out a formation disk from his storage bracelet.

This is the spirit gathering array. Although it is not as good as the spirit veins, it can still provide a certain amount of spiritual energy for practice.


Feeling the vigorous spiritual energy, Su Hao opened his eyes slightly, just in time to see his sister setting up the formation disk for him.

Su Hao curled his lips and entered the cultivation state again without saying any polite words.

Maybe he was stimulated, maybe his mood changed, maybe this spirit gathering array was really good.

Su Hao performed a Zhoutian Hongmeng Chaos Art, and his state, which had been a little loose due to taking the elixir just now, actually improved.

The spiritual energy of the spirit gathering array was instantly drained.

Su Nuan hurriedly added piles of mid-grade spiritual stones.


The spiritual energy in Su Hao's dantian began to condense into liquid, and then continuously collided with the barrier.

Finally, a breakthrough!

Su Hao was successfully promoted to the ninth level of foundation building.

It is only one step away from Dzogchen, and it is also very close to the golden elixir.

Su Hao put away his technique, opened his eyes, and let out a long breath.

The realm that has not been improved for a long time actually made a breakthrough in the Demon Sealed Valley!

Is he a lone brave man who risked his life to survive, or is it——?

Su Hao couldn't help but cast his eyes on He Tiantian, who was refining the weapon in the hall as if no one else was around.

At this time, "Chu Baozhu" was completely different from the usual arrogant and willful young lady.

She is almost obsessively focused, whether wielding a sledgehammer or tempering with heavenly fire essence. Every move she makes shows the demeanor of a master craftsman.

Well, he was handsome for only three seconds. Before Su Hao could say a few words of emotion, He Tiantian shouted to Su Nuan at the top of his lungs——

"Su Xiaonuan, come here quickly and help me swing the sledgehammer!"

"Okay! Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan agreed, rolled up her sleeves and came to help.

Refining weapons or something like that takes too much effort.

Especially when beating black iron, it is definitely a strenuous job.

"Let me do it!"

Seeing his sister's slender wrist dragging a big hammer, Su Hao felt a little distressed.

Although I know that my sister is a golden elixir monk, I cannot treat her like an ordinary girl.

However, Su Hao is an older brother after all. In his heart, his sister will always be the little girl who needs to be protected by him.

He walked forward neatly and stretched out his hand to take the big hammer from Su Nuan's hand.

Su Nuan did not let go, but subconsciously looked at He Tiantian.

"Yes! Let Su Hao come! As a grown man, he should do these physical jobs!"

He Tiantian seemed to have thought of something, and a smirk flashed on her face.

There was a cunning look in her eyes like "a fox succeeds by stealing something".

As if to say, hey, finally let me know the value of Su Hao in my small team!


Do rough work!

All the dirty and tiring work that is not suitable for girls, as well as the work that the puppet cannot complete, are all left to him!

Su Hao:......

Well, I'm just a rough guy doing rough work!

Although Su Nuan felt that she shouldn't laugh, she just thought it was fun!

My brother is too cold and needs someone to bring him back to the human world.

And Sister Baozhu... ahem, Sister Baozhu is naughty, she has no bad intentions.

Moreover, Sister Baozhu is the most fair and just. If my brother helps Sister Baozhu with his work, Sister Baozhu will naturally not treat him badly!

In this way, their small team will truly become stable.

"Eighty! Eighty!"

Seeing Su Hao swinging the sledgehammer with a sullen face, He Tiantian couldn't help but count the numbers.

Ahem, I can’t help it, the Spring Festival Gala skit I saw in my previous life was too brainwashing.

Whenever he saw someone wielding a sledgehammer, He Tiantian couldn't help but shout out.

While Su Nuan couldn't help laughing, she still protested, "Sister Baozhu, why do you shout forty when I swing the hammer, but when it comes to my brother, it's eighty?"

He Tiantian chuckled, "Su Xiaonuan, who told you to use a small hammer? A big hammer is eighty, a small hammer is forty!"

Su Nuan:......

I don’t understand anymore, okay?

Su Hao:......

Directly blocking out the chatter and laughter of the people around him, he focused solely on swinging the sledgehammer.

"Stimulate your spiritual power, Su Dahao!"

He Tiantian looked at it and suddenly reminded him.

Her "Su Dahao" almost made Su Hao duck.

What about Su Dahao? I still want Su Daqiang.

This Chu Baozhu is good at behaving like a monster and gives people nicknames if he doesn't understand.

However, before Su Hao could protest dissatisfiedly, Su Nuan expressed joy -

"Brother, great, Sister Baozhu accepts you!"

Her sister Baozhu is not someone who gives people nicknames casually.

Only "one of our own" would Sister Baozhu call her such an affectionate name.

Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, and now there is another Su Dahao!

This is not a nickname, but a nickname.

Su Hao:......

Has my sister been brainwashed?

Instead of being angry when someone gave you a nickname, you looked overjoyed? !

However, when Su Nuan interrupted him, the anger that arose in Su Hao's chest was immediately dissipated.

Forget it, Su Dahao will be Su Dahao.

It's just a title, not an insult. Just think of it as Chu Baozhu's malicious expression of intimacy.

While Su Hao comforted himself, he followed He Tiantian's reminder and used his spiritual power to continue swinging the sledgehammer.

He didn't even notice that when he activated his spiritual power, his cultivation level was improving little by little... Remember the website address of this website, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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