The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 748: The long-lost villain (69)

After spinning the sledgehammer for a long time, Su Hao was exhausted even with the help of spiritual power.

However, his work is not over yet.

He Tiantian seemed to have discovered his "new use" and let him do the rough work when refining weapons.

When drawing the magic circle, let him move things and carve runes.

The group stayed in the main hall for half a month, and Su Hao was also manipulated by He Tiantian for half a month.

From initial resistance, to subsequent helplessness, and finally to numbness.

Now Su Hao is actually "accustomed" to his role in the team - a strong laborer doing rough work!

Tired and a little frustrated.

However, the fragrance is also really fragrant.

Su Hao sat cross-legged in the corner of the hall, with the newly refined formation disk placed in front of him.

The rich spiritual energy allowed him to practice as usual even in this stone palace that was isolated from spiritual energy.

"Foundation-building perfection!"

Su Hao opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed through.

Then, he returned to his dark eyes.

In just half a month, he seemed to be enlightened, oh no, he seemed to have enlightened himself.

The cultivation that had been stagnant for a long time seemed to be riding on a flying sword and soaring into the sky.

At this moment, he successfully broke through to the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Through his inner vision, Su Hao clearly "saw" that the spiritual energy in his Dantian had condensed into a round spiritual liquid.

It is only a thin layer away from forming a golden elixir.

If he breaks through, he will be a powerful golden elixir.

Although Su Nuan is a monster, Su Hao cannot become the youngest golden elixir master.

But before he was thirty years old, he was still the first elite disciple of the Tianyuan Sect.

His pride and dignity as a Tianlinggen can also be preserved.

"Here! Heavenly Tribulation Pill!"

Just when Su Hao was thinking about something with his eyes open, a familiar and helpless voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a small porcelain bottle landed accurately in his arms.

Su Hao subconsciously tightened his grip.

He finally came to his senses and his eyes regained focus.

I lowered my head and looked at the small porcelain bottle. Hmm, it looks very familiar.

This is the container used by "Chu Baozhu" to store elixirs.

In the past half month, he has been taking it frequently.


Heavenly Tribulation Pill?

Isn't this a necessary elixir for forming a golden elixir?

Su Hao was surprised.

He was not surprised that Chu Baozhu could know the changes in his cultivation. Su Nuan, a powerful golden elixir, was right next to him.

Others couldn't see through Su Hao's cultivation, but Su Nuan definitely could.

Su Hao was surprised that Chu Baozhu could be so "caring".

Knowing that he was about to form the Golden Pill, you gave him the Heavenly Tribulation Pill? !

Would Chu Baozhu be so considerate?

"Tch! Su Dahao, what's your look like? Are you secretly scolding me in your mind?"

He Tiantian looked at Su Hao suspiciously and asked angrily.

"No! How could I scold you! It's too late for me to thank you!"

Perhaps he was really "used" to it, and Su Hao had completely lost his previous aloofness.

Although he is not as "dog-legged" as Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao, he can still say soft words to He Tiantian.

"Hmph! You still have a conscience!"

He Tiantian did not doubt that he was there, and followed Su Hao's words and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sister Baozhu, the demonic energy is getting stronger and stronger! The monsters outside have suddenly become restless. I guess the time has come!"

Su Nuan hurriedly ran in from outside, followed by waves of demonic energy.

Originally, this stone hall was a closed space.

The only entrance was blocked after the monks ran in.

They can't get out, and monsters and evil spirits can't get in.

However, after He Tiantian arrived that day, in order to show that he had spiritual power, he directly opened a hole in the stone wall with one palm.

Therefore, in the past half month, there were always traces of evil spirit rushing in, and some strange and ugly monsters were showing their teeth and claws at the entrance of the cave.

Except for He Tiantian's team and Wu Hao, the other monks were basically seriously injured.

He Tiantian did not give everyone the elixirs like the Holy Mother, but let them continue to lie down.

At most, if a certain monk couldn't hold on any longer, he would ask Su Nuan or Long Jiaojiao to feed him one or two low-grade elixirs.

These monks were naturally full of resentment, but they did not dare to show it.

Apart from fear, they have no reason to do this——

They are all casual cultivators, and everyone knows the rules of survival in the world of immortality.

It's a matter of affection for others to help you, but it's a duty not to help others.

If you want to get someone else's elixir, you have to pay something.

They can't be like Wu Hao who has no limit to being a dog for Miss Chu, and they don't have Su Hao's good luck - they don't even have the spiritual stones to buy elixirs despite having a good sister.

Why should they reach out to Miss Chu?

They can only hope that they can help Miss Chu later, so that they can get the elixir in exchange.

The other dozen seriously injured monks didn't even dare to hope.

These people had no time to protect themselves, let alone defend themselves against the enemy.

But it doesn’t matter!

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao are both cruel masters.

One of them was guarding He Tiantian refining the weapon and deducing the magic circle, and the other was guarding the entrance of the cave to resist the evil energy and kill the monsters.

Their positions are not fixed and basically rotate every day.

Originally, He Tiantian needed a strong laborer to make the refining pot.

Su Hao's appearance perfectly filled this gap.

Oh, there is also Wu Hao, who is also desperately seeking performance in front of He Tiantian.

It can be said that He Tiantian's team has a clear division of labor and is becoming more and more perfect.

Today it was Su Nuan's turn to guard the entrance of the cave.

As a ruthless person who has turned things upside down in the Wuji Sea and Jiuyou Sea, Su Nuan never sticks to his defense, but likes to take the initiative.

She used the entrance of the cave as a stronghold and began to push outward.

Use the formation disk to block the demonic energy, and use a nine-section black iron whip to drive the demons to pieces. It is extremely cruel!

However, no matter how cruel Su Nuan is, he is still just one person.

The demonic energy in the Demon Sealing Valley was so strong that the original monsters and plant elves were infected and turned directly into monsters.

These monsters have no intelligence and just attack based on instinct.

Su Nuan simply couldn't stop killing them.

Moreover, she was keenly aware that during this period, the demonic energy near the stone palace was getting stronger and stronger.

It seems as if some powerful BOSS is about to emerge from the ground.

"That demon pet is going to break through the seal!"

He Tiandian nodded, she felt it too.

Moreover, according to the deduction of the formation, He Tiantian had already predicted this day.

"It just so happens that my formation has been completed, let's go meet this demon pet!"

He Tiantian stood up and winked at Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao.

The two little ones and Sister Baozhu have reached the point where their hearts are connected.

They can accurately understand the other party's look!

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao took out small porcelain bottles one by one from their storage bracelets, and then shouted to the staggering monks——

"The middle-grade Eternal Spring Pill can repair your internal injuries and replenish your spiritual energy!"

The monks' eyes lit up at first, and then they all hesitated.

There is no free lunch.

In the past half month, the behavior of Miss Chu and others also showed that they are not the kind of bad people.

If you want the elixir, you must give something!

A dozen monks exchanged glances with each other.

Finally, a thin male cultivator who looked to be in his forties spoke up: "What do you need us to do?"

Su Nuan curled her lips with satisfaction, "Clever!"

Long Jiaojiao cooperated perfectly, took over the conversation, and said: "You don't need to work hard, our Miss Chu has redrawn a formation, and we need your help to activate it together!"

Su Nuan then added, "Don't worry, you don't need to overdraw your spiritual power, we still have follow-up elixirs!"

Long Jiaojiao continued: "After the matter is completed, we will give each of you a Foundation Building Pill!"

Foundation Building Pill?

Most of the people present were monks in the Qi training stage.

For casual cultivators like them, the Foundation Establishment Pill is definitely the most desired but most difficult thing to obtain.

Even if there are a few monks in the early stages of foundation building, they will not refuse the foundation building pill.

If you can't use it yourself, why can't you exchange it for spiritual stones or other elixirs?

Therefore, the reward offered by He Tiantian is definitely attractive enough.

In fact, leaving aside the Foundation Establishment Pill, He Tiantian's willingness to give them the Eternal Spring Pill was enough for them to agree.

Without the Eternal Spring Pill, they could only wait to die in the stone palace.

With the Eternal Spring Pill and their spiritual power restored, they can escape from this place desperately.

Of course, everyone also had doubts in their hearts, fearing that He Tiantian and Wu Hao were the same thing.

He said that he was asking them to help open the formation, but in fact he was using them as sacrifices to activate the formation.


They have no choice!

Either wait for death or take a gamble!

Some of the monks turned their attention to Su Hao.

This is a disciple of the Tianyuan Sect, a well-known and righteous disciple, and he should not be in cahoots with the "witch".

Su Hao's existence gave all the monks a glimmer of hope.

Damn, I bet!

"Okay! We are willing!"

Everyone shouted.

"Very good! You are very smart and made the wisest choice in your life!"

He Tiantian pretended to be reserved and stood with her head held high, winking at Su Nuan again.

Su Nuan understood.

She did not give everyone the elixir immediately, but followed He Tiantian's instructions and asked these people to stand in the corresponding positions.

After everyone entered the designated place, Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao distributed the elixirs one by one.

The middle-grade Changchun Pill is definitely not as good as the top-grade one Su Hao took, but its efficacy is not too bad.

At least, after all the monks took the elixir, their injuries recovered to a great extent.

There is also a certain amount of spiritual energy in the Dantian.

I can finally activate my spiritual power, and I don’t have to lie there waiting to die anymore!

Everyone's eyes were filled with the light of hope.

Of course, some people began to have small thoughts and wanted to escape directly.

Su Nuan directly removed the formation disk at the entrance of the cave, and a strong demonic energy rushed in with claws and teeth.

There were also those monsters crowding at the entrance of the cave and howling.

The few monks who wanted to repent were immediately frightened to the point where their faces turned pale and their chests trembled.

The horrifying scene of their friends being eaten alive by monsters came to mind after they entered the Demon-Sealed Valley.


It's simply a nightmare of a lifetime.

"Su Xiaonuan, don't mess around, hurry up and rearrange the formation plate!"

He Tiantian pretended to be dissatisfied and reprimanded.

Su Nuan did not explain, but responded obediently, waved his hand to disperse the demonic energy that invaded the stone palace, and then rearranged the formation disk.

The peace and tranquility just now returned to the stone palace.

The monks did not dare to be careful anymore and all followed He Tiantian's instructions——

"Stimulate spiritual power!"


He Tiantian shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, spiritual power rose from more than a dozen formation points.

These spiritual powers may not be sufficient, but they are still a ray of light in the cold and dark stone palace.

Dots of spiritual light gathered into lines, and then branched out one by one in the direction of the formation eye.

Su Nuan, Long Jiaojiao, and Su Hao worked together to infuse spiritual power into the formation eyes.


A dull loud noise came from underground.


Click, click!

It seemed as if something had been broken, splitting and peeling off little by little.

The rich demonic energy seemed to have exploded, spewing out crazily from the formation's eyes.

A dozen monks were so frightened that they forgot to activate their spiritual power for a moment.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

The formation has been activated, and it is the same with or without them.

Only Su Nuan and the three of them continued to activate their spiritual power.


A beastly roar that could shock the soul came from the center of the formation.

Suddenly, the formation collapsed, and the formation's eye directly broke into a big hole.

The entire stone palace shook, the stone walls shattered, the stone pillars collapsed, and the big hole in the ground became bigger and bigger, like a black hole in the void!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the beast roar coming from the ground seems to be a trio!

"What is this? Could it be that there are three of them?"

He Tiantian muttered in confusion.

Su Nuan took a moment in her busy schedule and echoed, "Sister Baozhu, maybe this demon pet is a three-headed monster!"

After staying in the Nine Nether Sea for ten years, Su Nuan has seen all kinds of weird monsters.

Therefore, when she heard there were three voices, her first reaction was not that there were three heads, but that there were three heads!

Well, this is a bit awkward to say, but this is the charm of Dahua Xiawen!

"It doesn't matter if it has three heads or three heads! Just take it!"

He Tiantian waved her hand domineeringly and gave instructions to Su Nuan and the other three.


"Yes! Take it directly!"

"..." After all, Su Hao arrived a little late and was not as quick as Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao.

In other words, his trust in He Tiantian has not reached the extreme yet.

Not to mention him, even the casual cultivators couldn't help but shake their heads secretly when they heard He Tiantian's "shameless" words.

Although I don’t know what grade the Demon Lord’s magic pet is, it’s definitely not bad.

The Demon Lord is a big boss in the God Transformation Stage, and his Demon Pet is most likely of the same level as him.

Converted to the level of the demon clan, it is also the kind of existence of a ninth-level demon king.

As for He Tiantian's team, the ones with the highest cultivation level are at the early stage of the Golden Core. There are still two major realms and several smaller realms before they can become gods.

Even if Su Nuan is awesome enough, even if the magic pet is suppressed for thousands of years and its strength is greatly reduced, there is still a huge difference between the two.

All the monks are not optimistic about it!

They took advantage of Su Nuan and others to fight with all their strength and began to look for opportunities to escape.

He Tiantian caught the small movements of these people from the corner of his eyes and did not stop them.

It's all a personal choice, she won't force it.

Anyway, she has fulfilled her promise to these people, and what happens next is up to them.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, was originally the most cunning and cunning person.

At this moment, he did not escape with the others, but stayed by He Tiantian's side.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, oh, this man is really a gambler, but he is very lucky!

Wu Hao: ...Boss, if you are so narcissistic and arrogant, does God know?

At this moment, a huge amount of demonic energy surged out instantly, almost destroying the entire stone palace.

Amidst the boundless demonic energy, a huge figure slowly emerged from the black hole.

He Tiantian: "Damn! It's actually another tortoise!"

Three-Headed Demon Banao: ...Are you polite? ! Who is the Bastard? I am a Mobanao, a very high-level one! Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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