The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 749: The long-lost villain (70)

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

The three heads of the Three-Headed Demon Banao roared in unison.

It was huge in size, wrapped in a strong demonic aura, and its three beast roars seemed to be able to directly hit people's souls.

The already crumbling stone palace was attacked by huge sound waves and began to crackle into pieces.

The low-level monks were directly frightened by the momentum and roar of this monster and trembled.

Especially Wu Hao, who wanted to gamble his luck, felt bad when he saw such a huge monster——

He is really so bold, my God, the little Dzogchen in the Qi Refining Stage actually dares to come and plot against the Demon Lord's Demon Pet?

Haha, for such a master who caused the stone palace to collapse with just his roar, he actually wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Demon Lord's treasure house from its mouth? !

Who gave him the courage?

Or was he so anxious for a foundation-building pill that he lost his mind?

Wu Hao's face turned pale, and his two legs were fighting.

At this moment, his cunning, shrewdness and clever words were completely useless.

Wow, I shouldn't have stayed!

What bet?

No matter how powerful this Miss Chu is, can she still defeat this demon pet?

Wu Hao, Wu Hao, you always like to take risks! Okay now, I'm going to feed my magic pet soon. Are you going to do any scheming in the future?

Wu Hao felt regretful.

Unfortunately, it’s all over!

Even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't move at this moment. He could only close his eyes in despair and wait for death.


"What's your name? You look so ugly and your voice is so unpleasant!"

He Tiantian shouted dissatisfied.

The three-headed demon spotted turtles were stunned.


I am the three-headed demon Banao, the Demon Lord’s demon pet, a ninth-level demon beast!

Even if I have been sealed for a thousand years and my strength has been greatly reduced, I am still not something that you group of ants can bully.

Not only was this woman trembling with fear, she actually had the guts to yell at herself?

She, she, to the end, to the end——

The Three-Headed Demon Banao didn’t even know what adjectives to use to describe it.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

The three heads seemed to be irritated and rushed to roar in anger.

"Hey! It's interesting. You guys look like a group of monsters quarreling!"

He Tiantian was still not afraid, but instead looked like a melon-eater watching the excitement.

The three-headed demon Banao can no longer be punished.

Although it didn't quite understand the brain circuit of the woman in front of it, it was a magical beast with intelligence activated.

It knows that this woman is humiliating them!

It is unbearable!

All three heads were angered again.


One of them actually opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire!

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, "Oh, you can also breathe fire! I just don't know the difference between the fire that a bastard like you spits out and the fire that a phoenix spits out!"

The fire-breathing head of the three-headed demon spotted turtle almost choked on He Tiantian's words.

The fire that was half sprayed disappeared in an instant.


Cough cough cough!

The feeling of being choked by the fire you sprayed was really unbearable.


Seeing that his "brother" was being bullied, the other head quickly opened his mouth and spit out a jet of water.

Su Nuan, just like before, with quick hands and quick eyes, pulled He Tiantian away.

He Tiantian was not frightened at all. During the transfer process, he did not forget to shout at the three-headed demon Banao, "Hey, there are three heads, one can spit fire and one can spray water. Where is the remaining one? What will you do?"

The remaining head:…

I am almost depressed by this woman!

It, it can't do anything!

But it is the IQ of the three heads, as well as the fire extinguisher and water extinguisher.

Without it, those two "incompatible" people would definitely fight endlessly every day.

"How dare you, I am the Young Master's car, you ants, how dare you act so wildly in front of me?"

He can't do anything, oh no, it's the head responsible for the IQ that can speak human words.

He Tiantian became more and more interested, "Oh, this bastard can actually talk!"

Three-Headed Demon Banao: ...You are the bastard! Your whole family is a bastard!

I am a Mobanao, a very high-level one!

But Su Nuan grasped the key point keenly: "Young Master? Is your Demon Summoning Master a young master?"

What is this title?

Su Nuan's intuition told her that the young master mentioned by the three-headed demon Banao was most likely not the demon king, but someone else.

A person who is related to the Nightmare in the Infinite Sea, this demon pet, and the Demonic Forest.

There is no evidence, and the speculation is ridiculous, but Su Nuan feels like this!

"Tch! A mere demon is just a degenerate ant. How can he be compared with the young master?"

He still had the same clueless head, holding his head high and his black bean-like turtle eyes full of disdain.

Seeing such a proud Mobanao, Su Nuan trusted her intuition even more.

He Tiantian seemed to finally realize something was wrong, and asked curiously, "Are you not the Demon Lord's demon pet?"

"You are the one! You are all ants! Ants!"

The clueless head shook angrily, as if He Tiantian's words had insulted it again!


He Tiantian, Su Nuan, Su Hao, and Long Jiaojiao looked at each other.

The four of them, whether they were really slow to react or really quick-thinking, were all aware of this problem——

It is said that he is the Demon Lord's pet, but he actually disdains the Demon Lord?

Could it be that this three-headed demon Banao has another identity?

As the dignified Miss Chu, He Tiantian was used to being arrogant and willful, and she couldn't bear to see anyone being arrogant in front of her.

"You evil beast, how dare you call me an ant?"

"Ha! I will show you now how powerful I, Miss Chu, am!"

As He Tiantian spoke, he threw out a fishing net-shaped object.

"Ha! Haha! Hahaha!"

When the three heads saw the fishing net that He Tiantian took out, they all laughed.

That's it?

A broken fishing net that doesn’t even have spiritual power?

Suppose you want to trap high-level monsters like them, even the most ordinary monsters can't be trapped.

Maybe he thought it was so funny, the fire-breathing head and the water-spraying head didn't even open their mouths or activate their powers!

They were swaying proudly, not even struggling, just waiting so leisurely!

However, when the broken fishing net fell on their huge turtle shells, the ignorant and self-proclaimed IQ finally realized that something was wrong.

The magic power in their bodies is actually restrained!

The "IQ person" was afraid that his feelings were wrong, so he hurriedly shouted to the two "brothers":

"Second Fire, spit out the fire quickly! And you, Sanshui, spit out a mouthful of water and try it!"

The other two heads did not act immediately, they continued to shake, their puzzled and disgusted eyes seemed to say -

"Don't you usually let us activate our abilities together?"

The head responsible for IQ was almost made to cry by the two "brothers"!

Damn you, you don't obey when you should be obedient, but you are very obedient when you shouldn't be.

"Young lady, you are stupid, please do as I say!"

If it weren't for the purpose of verifying his guess, the "IQ Responsible Person" really wouldn't want to waste time with two stupid brothers.

The other two shook their heads, seeming dissatisfied.

If they could talk, they would complain—

"Double standards!"


Unfortunately they won't.

Moreover, they are stupid, but they are better than obedient.

After shaking their heads a few times, they vented their inner dissatisfaction and opened their mouths.

One tried to breathe fire, one tried to spit water.

The result is definitely no result!



Both heads were in shock and confusion.

He Tiantian:......

She never knew that a turtle could have such rich expressions on its face.

"Haha! Are you dumbfounded? If you dare to laugh at my lady's magic web, you deserve to be arrested!"

He Tiantian pinched her waist and laughed proudly, like a villain who becomes arrogant when he succeeds.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao were used to it and did not feel that their image of Sister Baozhu was too inconsistent.

Su Hao arrived late, and his impression of "Chu Baozhu" was still ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Chu Baozhu was more arrogant, but still restrained.

And the woman in front of me didn't know how to write the word "convergence" at all.

That arrogant expression is exactly like the villain in the play.

Why do you have to be a vicious villain when you can obviously be a noble, noble and reserved fairy?

Su Hao felt awkward in his heart.

However, Su Hao had a deeper understanding of the abilities of "Chu Baozhu"!

Even the ninth-level monster can be restrained. The spiritual weapon refined by "Chu Baozhu" is indeed overbearing.

"You, you? What's going on? It's impossible! We are the master's most valued magic pets! How could we be trapped in a broken fishing net?"

The brain responsible for IQ is also full of paste at the moment.

It can't figure it out!

I can’t figure it out either!

In its subconscious mind, it is a noble familiar.

The monks in this barren land are just like ants.

But now, it is actually trapped by an ant with a broken fishing net?

The magic power all over their bodies could not be used, and the two brothers were both incompatible with each other!

This noble three-headed devil-spotted turtle is so big that it actually——



The head in charge of IQ suddenly thought that without the magic power, it still had a strong physical body.

As a magical beast, it is the same as a monster to a certain extent.

That is, everyone has a very strong physical body.

With just this body, you can sweep away these ants!

The "IQ Responsible Person" thought of this, without hesitation, and hurriedly tried to drive the huge body.

"Collect it from me!"

However, before the "IQ Responsibility" could drive the body to "sweep thousands of armies", it heard a sound that made its soul tremble.

It’s that female nun just now!

What the hell is she doing?

"IQ Responsible" has a bad feeling in his heart!

Then, its premonition came true.

"This this……"

The "IQ Responsible Person" was shocked to find that his body had actually shrunk!

From a small mountain, it quickly became the size of a millstone!

what happened?

What the hell is going on!

The "intelligent" black bean turtle eyes are filled with question marks.

The other two heads were shaking wildly. They couldn't speak, otherwise they would yell at the "IQ Responsible Person" as if they were possessed by the Roaring Emperor——

"Boss, why did you suddenly transform?"

"Yes, didn't you say you can't transform easily?"

"Double-standard dog!"

"I am the only one!"

The three-headed demon Banao almost went crazy.

Their inner drama is so wonderful.

After He Tiantian had seen enough of the good show, he said arrogantly: "Pets should look like pets. Who did you want to scare with your evil appearance before?"

"Well, it's just right now! It won't be too strenuous when I walk you!"

Three-Headed Demon Banao:...

What "walking"?

Although I don’t quite understand the meaning of this word, I always feel that it is not a good word.

Sure enough, right after, He Tiantian said with a smile, "Haha, Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, Su Dahao, this is a good idea, isn't it?"

"Others walk cats and dogs, but I walk that bastard!"

The three-headed demon Banao suffered a double critical attack——

Walking cats and dogs?

Bastard? !

"Ah, ah, I am a monster, the pet of a noble master from the upper world. You, you actually compare me to a dog?"

The three-headed demon Banao was angry.

It shook its three heads desperately.

Later, it discovered that the fishing net that was originally tied to its body had turned into a weird rope.

It was clearly not tied up, but it couldn't break free.

The most important thing was that the traction rope fell directly into the hands of the female cultivator.

The female cultivator seemed to be very interested and deliberately walked around holding the rope.

The three-headed demon spotted turtle tried its best to resist, but couldn't get away. Instead, it was carried by the rope and had to move forward!


It's really going crazy!

The three heads of the three-headed demon Banao were shaking wildly, and the "IQ person in charge" who could speak could not say anything other than yelling crazily.

"Young Master from the Upper Realm?"

Su Nuan grasped the key point keenly, "What upper realm? Could it be the fairy world?"

For Yuancang Continent, the upper realm means the real fairyland.

The monks' cultivation has reached the stage of becoming a god, and there is no further breakthrough.

Finally, they can ascend to the immortal world and become true immortals.

"It's not the fairy world! It's the upper world!"

The three-headed demon Banao Xu was really angry and completely lost his mind. Under Su Nuan's deliberate guidance, he actually revealed a lot of "secrets".

Su Hao also reacted quickly. Seeing the "cooperation" of the three-headed demon Banao, he also deliberately made false statements——

"The nightmare in the Wuji Sea must also be the young master's pet."

"Bah! That Nightmare is worthy too! It's just the lowest level monster, not even worthy of carrying the young master's shoes. That's why the young master was so kind-hearted that he kept it!"

Su Nuan and Su Hao looked solemn.

This time, even He Tiantian no longer pretended, but looked shocked.

She suddenly asked, "Where is the Demonic Forest? Is it also related to your young master?"

He Tiantian suddenly became so "sharp", and Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao were not surprised at all.

Because as early as when they left Wu Cang Mansion, He Tiantian said that the existence of nightmares was unreasonable.

This is not a fact that is difficult to discover, but not all monks are as "outspoken" as Sister Baozhu.

Perhaps, the monks in Yuancang Continent had long sensed that something was wrong, but they didn't dare to think deeply about it, let alone get to the bottom of it.

Otherwise, they may get a fact that they cannot accept——

That is, they think they are aloof immortals, but in the eyes of real immortals, they are just ants! Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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