The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 752: The long-lost villain (73)

Thirty years passed quickly.

Ancestor Yan Yuan ended his "retreat" and finally appeared in the back mountain of Tianyuan Sect.

As if they had made an appointment, several other bosses in the transformation stage also "appeared" one after another.

Su Nuan \u0026 Su Hao \u0026 Long Jiaojiao: ...But it’s not an appointment!

However, except for a few of them, outsiders didn't know the "agreement" made by several gods-stage bosses with Master Jie.

They just treat it as a coincidence.

Of course, there are also some knowledgeable or sharp-minded people who have a premonition of something.

Some monks who had not forgotten the battle between immortals and demons suddenly remembered the past and couldn't help but feel anxious -

It's been another thousand years, will there be another war between immortals and demons?

However, in the past thirty years, accidents of demonic energy leakage have always occurred in Wuji Sea and Demon Sealing Valley.

But it didn't have much impact.

I don't know if it was the four major immortal sects or some other big boss, but the Wuji Sea returned to calm, and the Demon Sealing Valley disappeared overnight.

Without the chaos of demons, the human world seems to be more prosperous than before.

As for the demon clan, a fallen immortal Yang Yunrong emerged thirty years ago to succeed the demon king.

But before he could even sit down, he was killed by some big boss.

Even her loyal fiancé, Han Xiao, the old Nascent Soul monster who could not distinguish between good and evil and was willing to fall, also died with her!

Without the Demon Lord, the demon clan is leaderless.

The human cultivators took the opportunity to attack and conquered some territories that had been occupied by demons in the past.

Between immortals and demons, the former has a huge advantage.

Even if there is a conflict, it will be difficult to have a great war like the one a thousand years ago!


After hearing the headmaster's slightly proud reward, Ancestor Yan Yuan's face was as dark as water, and a hint of evil flashed in his eyes.

what's the situation?

The millennium is coming,

The Nightmare Demon in the Endless Sea and the Demonic Pet in the Sealed Demon Valley didn't actually cause trouble?

Oh, no!

They made a fuss, but were overthrown by the four great immortal sects or some casual cultivators.

The Demon Sealing Valley was directly wiped out.

Although the valley was still deserted, there was no trace of demonic energy.

As for that demon pet, there is no whereabouts!

This this--

Ancestor Yan Yuan's originally eager and expectant heart was instantly doused by cold water.

what happened?

In the end what happened?

The demonic energy has not leaked out, and the world is even more "balanced" than it was thirty years ago!

Peace is a good thing, but the question is, will the upper realm master be satisfied with such peace?

No, no, wait!

The world has become so "beautiful", will the gentleman from the upper world still appear?

Such a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and Ancestor Yan Yuan couldn't help but tremble!


Absolutely not!

The Master from the Upper Realm must appear!

Only he can open the ladder to the upper world!

Only he can make several gods-stage bosses, including Ancestor Yan Yuan, leave this barren land of Yuancang Continent.

The head of Tianyuan Sect did not notice the gloomy look of his uncle, and continued to talk, "Uncle, don't worry, our Tianyuan Sect, as the number one immortal sect, will not condone the demons."

"... Junior Brother Su Hao is very ambitious and has always been in the Demonic Forest. Ten years ago, he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage. Haha, he is younger and better than Han Xiao back then!"

The leader was not completely unaware of Patriarch Yan Yuan's "absent-mindedness". As he spoke, he deliberately mentioned Su Hao.

Hey, Junior Brother Su Hao is Uncle Junior's most valued disciple.

Uncle Master has been in seclusion for many years. After finally coming out, he will definitely miss him.

Sure enough, when the leader mentioned Su Hao, Patriarch Yan Yuan's eyes suddenly widened as he didn't know which word touched him.

"What did you say? Su Hao is in the Demonic Forest?"

Ancestor Yan Yuan didn't care about breaking through the Nascent Soul or being better than Han Xiao of Tianyan Sect.

He only paid attention to four words - Demonic Forest!

"That's right! In the past thirty years, my junior brother has been practicing outside!"

"He defeated the Demon-Sealed Valley, and then went to the Demonic Forest——"

Having said this, the headmaster couldn't help but laugh proudly, "Uncle, you don't know that my junior brother is really outstanding!"

"He has been in the Demonic Forest for these years and has killed countless monsters. Even the demonic energy in the Demonic Forest seems to have dissipated a lot!"

"...the other three major immortal sects, as well as the smaller sects, all praised Junior Brother Su. They also said that our Tianyuan Sect really lives up to the reputation of being the number one immortal sect in the righteous way——"

The leader's voice became smaller and smaller.

Because he finally realized that something wasn't right about his uncle's face.

What's wrong?

Could it be that what I said was wrong and made my uncle dissatisfied?

The reason Uncle Master left the border this time was indeed because the entire Far Cang Continent was about to fall into a huge crisis.

Just as the outside world speculated, the Far Cang Continent will face another "thousand-year catastrophe"?

The leader's heart is filled with all kinds of speculations.

He thought about many possibilities, but he did not doubt his uncle.

Ancestor Yan Yuan:...

Hold your breath!

What a scoundrel!

Ancestor Yan Yuan was so angry that he wished he could drag Su Hao, the traitor, to death——

My flying ladder was almost destroyed in the hands of a little beast like you!

However, for this, Ancestor Yan Yuan only dared to curse a thousand times in his heart, but did not dare to say it out loud.

He couldn't even express his dissatisfaction with Su Hao.

"Not bad! This kid Su Hao is really good!"

Gritting his teeth, Ancestor Yan Yuan squeezed out these words from between his teeth.

"Okay, I still have something to do, so go ahead and do it first!"

Ancestor Yan Yuan didn't want to waste time with the leader anymore. He wanted to go to the Demonic Forest as soon as possible and have a good look.

If possible, Ancestor Yan Yuan would also like to secretly kill Su Hao, the evil obstacle who "does not succeed enough but fails more than fails".

He has been waiting for this day for hundreds of years. Is it easy?

Even if it were not for the many years of waiting, Ancestor Yan Yuan would not be able to last another thousand years!

He wants to go to Yunmeng Continent, he wants to break through, he wants to ascend!

He wants to achieve true immortality and live as long as heaven.

And everyone who stands in front of him is his enemy.

Even his disciples are no exception.

Su Hao, in a sense, is not his true disciple yet.

He didn't raise him from an early age, nor did he teach him personally. He just gave him some training tools in name.

We haven't met each other a few times, and there is no relationship at all.

…So what if it’s a disciple who was raised from a young age and taught by himself?

Everyone who blocks his ascension, no matter who they are, should die!

"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

In the Demonic Forest, Su Hao was working hard to give He Tiantian a sledgehammer when he suddenly made a series of sneezes.

"Oh! Su Dahao, someone scolded you!"

He Tiantian was sitting leisurely in front of him, eating melon seeds and making a casual joke.

Over the past thirty years, Su Hao has long been accustomed to "Chu Baozhu's" mouth. His expression is indifferent and his heart is calm.

"Hey, counting the time, that cheap master of yours is about to 'come out'!"

Su Hao pretended not to hear, but He Tiantian refused to let him go.

As if something suddenly occurred to him, He Tiantian suddenly said this.

Su Hao's hand holding the sledgehammer paused, and his paralyzed face finally reacted.

Yes, counting the time, there are only a few months until the millennium.

If Master really has an "agreement" with Master Jie, he will definitely leave seclusion early.

So, if I keep sneezing now, is it really Master who is out of seclusion and scolding me?


Soon, Su Hao realized that he, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, had been led astray by the "Chu Baozhu".

The "one thought, two scolding and three concern" thing is just a sneeze, does it really have any other meaning?

He is not one of those ignorant village women from Pingyuan Continent!

Su Hao complained secretly in his heart and picked up the sledgehammer again.

He Tiantian didn't shout "eighty, eighty" at him as usual, she continued to stimulate Su Hao——

"Aren't you going to go back and take a look?"

Su Hao:......

What are you going back for?

I asked the master why he colluded with Master Jie and why he allowed the demons to bring disaster to the Far Cang Continent?

Su Hao respected his master, but upon closer inspection, he didn't know much about him.

The two have not even met a few times.

Su Hao would respect him, firstly because of his master-disciple status, and secondly because he had indeed received many benefits from Ancestor Yan Yuan;

Thirdly, during the war between immortals and demons, Ancestor Yan Yuan made a great contribution and was even injured for it!

But the three-headed demon Banao told him that the so-called war between immortals and demons was originally a conspiracy between the high-level monks of the four major immortal sects and the so-called upper realm immortals.

Ancestor Yan Yuan's "contribution" is just a joke.

Even so, Su Hao couldn't erase the first two reasons.

Especially the second one, before joining the "Chu Baozhu" team, all of Su Hao's training resources were provided by Ancestor Yan Yuan.

And the fact that he can live so freely in Tianyuan Sect is all thanks to Ancestor Yan Yuan!

Su Hao is a person who knows how to repay kindness, and he is also a cultivator who pays attention to cause and effect.

Su Hao didn't want to give birth to inner demons because of Ancestor Yan Yuan.

"It's okay if you don't go back! What can you say when you see Ancestor Yan Yuan?"

He Tiantian didn't need Su Hao to answer. It was a joke to ask and answer questions by himself.

"It's better to stay in the Demonic Forest. I have a hunch that, hey, your master and those big guys in the God Transformation stage will pay attention to this place!"

He Tiantian really has the potential of a crow's mouth.

As she was speaking, she felt powerful spiritual consciousnesses one after another, like searchlights, passing over the Demonic Forest.

He Tiantian and the others felt their scalps numb and their souls starting to tremble.

The spiritual detection of the boss in the transformation stage is really powerful.

This kind of existence that is almost "powerful from heaven" makes some low-level monsters tremble instinctively.

He Tiantian and the others are doing better. They are no longer low-level monks who exist like ants.

Su Nuan, the chosen daughter, while purifying the Demon Realm forest, her cultivation level has been rapidly improved.

After twelve years of breaking through the Nascent Soul stage, it is now approaching the Nascent Soul Great Consummation.

There is only one thunder disaster left before becoming a god.

But Su Nuan is ferocious and has super high fighting power. He will try his best and fight to the death. There is no chance at all in front of the boss in the transformation stage!

Su Hao, the former male protagonist, has lower cultivation than Su Nuan.

However, because he followed the heroine, he somewhat gained the halo of the protagonist.

And with Tiantian, a prefecture-level alchemist and weapon refiner, constantly providing training assistance, Su Hao seemed to have really accumulated a lot.

In just thirty years, he also broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, but unfortunately it was only the early stage, and there was still a big gap between him and Su Nuan.

However, Su Hao's mentality changed.

He is no longer aloof or pretentious, but more down to earth.

Of course, without this pig's foot-like pride (the aura of tyranny), he is getting further and further away from the pig's feet.

In He Tiantian's opinion, Su Hao is more like a qualified supporting actor.

He has become Su Nuan's most solid and reliable assistant!

He Tiantian:......

The direction of the plot is driven by her, but in the end it is not under her control.

"Forget it! If you don't want to think about this anymore, let's revise the teleportation array as soon as possible!"

After several sharp spiritual inspections, He Tiantian shook his head and continued to do his own business.

In the past thirty years, Su Nuan has been busy purifying the demonic energy and improving his cultivation.

Su Hao and Long Jiaojiao were practicing while destroying monsters.

Su Hao has the spiritual root of heaven, and Long Jiaojiao carries the blood of the ancient dragon clan.

Their cultivation speed is extremely fast.

In the team, Long Jiaojiao originally had the lowest cultivation level, but now she has caught up with Su Hao.

He Tiantian, this lazy eldest lady, has become the last person in the team.

The cultivation level is low, but the status is the highest.

There is no way, He Tiantian's value has never been in her cultivation, but in her omnipotence of the four cultivations of elixir, talisman, weapon, and formation!

"Sister Baozhu, can this teleportation array really -" set a trap for Young Master Shangjie and the others?

It's not that Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao don't believe in their sister Baozhu.

But the other party is too powerful.

Even the bosses in the transformation stage didn't dare to have any disobedient thoughts.

In their team, the one with the highest level of cultivation is Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Can they really plot against an immortal from above?

"Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, do you not believe in me, a 'half-step heaven-level' formation master?"

He Tiantian was unhappy, raised her chin slightly, and said reservedly, "Huh, in terms of cultivation, I can't even compare to you!"

"But if we are competing in formations! Ha, that bullshit Upper Realm Young Master is going to call me daddy!"

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao:......

What an arrogant Sister Baozhu, but they like her.

After calming down and thinking carefully, Su Nuan thought of why Sister Baozhu was so confident——

First, they learned of the upper realm master's conspiracy in advance, and they had a prophet.

They started planning thirty years in advance and were able to take some initiative.

Secondly, the Master from the Upper Realm is indeed highly cultivated, but he still has to pass through the teleportation array to reach the Far Cang Continent.

Just like Sister Baozhu said: If they compete in cultivation, they will definitely lose!

However, just doing some tricks on the teleportation array and setting up some obstacles during the teleportation process of the Master from the Upper Realm is the specialty of the formation master "Chu Baozhu"!

However, no matter how careful the plan is, there is always the possibility of accidents.

The several gods-transformation stage bosses from the four major immortal sects are the biggest unrest factors.

"Master? Why are you here?"

On this day, there was an abnormality in the teleportation array. Su Hao stood in mid-air and faced the menacing and unkind Ancestor Yan Yuan.

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