The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 753: The long-lost villain (End)

"Evil disciple! Do you still have me as your master in your eyes?"

Seeing Su Hao, Ancestor Yan Yuan thought of what this little beast had done!

"Okay!" In a demonic forest, he and a few friends managed to dissipate most of the demonic energy.

Where is the dark atmosphere and monster-ridden appearance of the past?

Some people believe it when they say it is an ordinary forest with a bit of demonic aura.

Ancestor Yan Yuan couldn't imagine how furious he would be when the master from the upper world arrived and saw such a "splendid scene"!

Not to mention the demonic energy rising to the sky, even the normal balance between immortals and demons is about to be broken.

Today's demons have become pitiful little beings suppressed by cultivators.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides.

Just like this, a battle between immortals and demons? !

If there is no chaos in the lower world, how can the immortals in the upper world save the world?

If the Master from the Upper Realm doesn't get any benefits, he will definitely be embarrassed and angry.

And these bosses in the transformation stage who are waiting to "ascend" will become the punching bags for the masters of the upper world.

He would not be able to ascend, and he might even suffer "punishment" from the Master of the Upper Realm.

...These are all caused by Su Hao and a few other minions!

How can Ancestor Yan Yuan not hate?

"Master, my disciple has always respected you very much!"

Su Hao looked at Ancestor Yan Yuan intently. He looked about forty years old, elegant and handsome, and did not look like he had lived for more than a thousand years.

He said this without any hesitation.

His eyes were filled with respect and love for his master, Ancestor Yan Yuan.

Ancestor Yan Yuan became even more impatient.

Why does he need the respect of a villain?

He wants to ascend, he wants to become a real immortal!


Have you really made an agreement with Mr. Jie? "

It's not that Su Hao doesn't believe it, but he still has illusions in his heart.

If he could, he really hoped that the so-called Millennium Agreement was just the nonsense of the three-headed demon Banao.

His master is still the most respected Ancestor Yan Yuan in the Far Cang Continent, and is one of the patron saints of the four major immortal sects.

Rather than a shameless villain who sacrificed the entire continent for his own selfish desires!

Upon hearing the name "Master of the Upper Realm", Ancestor Yan Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly.

This child cannot be kept!

Although Patriarch Yan Yuan never wanted to let Su Hao go.

However, when Su Hao found out about the existence of the "Master of the Upper Realm", he had to die even more.

"Yan Yuan, what are you still doing?"

"Why don't you quickly clean up the house of such stubborn people?"

"Yes! Kill him!"

"If you are reluctant to join hands, I will help you!"

Several of the ancestors in the transformation stage behind Yan Yuan spoke out one after another.

Like Ancestor Yan Yuan, they exude a fierce murderous aura!

Ancestor Yan Yuan no longer hesitated and did not want to talk nonsense to Su Hao. He gently raised his hand.

He is the leader of the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation. It is not easy to kill a monk like Su Hao who is in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Just stretch out your fingers and you can crush him to death.

Su Hao's scalp was numb, his soul was trembling, and an unprecedented sense of crisis hit his heart.

He quickly executed the Hongmeng Chaos Art and took out his natal sword from his dantian.

"No! The teleportation array has been activated!"

"Brother! Sister Baozhu! Come quickly!"

"The teleportation array has been activated! Come quickly!"

At the moment when Patriarch Yan Yuan's hand gently fell down, shouts suddenly rang out from a corner of the Demonic Forest.

"What? The teleportation array has been activated?"

"...Is he, is he coming?"

The expressions of several gods-transformation stage bosses, including Ancestor Yan Yuan, all changed.

Instead of their original expectations, they felt a sense of deep fear and hesitation.

That's it!

Su Hao saw the right moment and threw out a lot of talismans towards Ancestor Yan Yuan and several other bosses in the god transformation stage, then attached a flying talisman to himself, and fled back to the teleportation array in a puff of smoke. .



boom! Boom!

Countless earth-level mysterious thunder talismans, explosion talismans, and fire talismans exploded in an instant.

Originally, Patriarch Yan Yuan and the others did not take these talismans seriously.

They are the bosses of the God Transformation Stage, the top beings in the Far Cang Continent.

To them, the talisman refined by a mere golden elixir cultivator was just a bite from a mosquito, causing no harm at all.

However, when those talismans were activated and released their true power, they discovered——

Damn it!


Ancestor Yan Yuan and others hurriedly waved their sleeves or celestial weapons in an attempt to scatter the talismans.

However, they are still one step late!

Ancestor Yan Yuan's hair was scorched by lightning.

Tianyan Sect's God Transformation Power had his clothes burned.

The ancestor of the Alchemy Sect's God Transformation was blackened.

There were also big bosses from the Lingjian Sect and the Loose Cultivator Alliance, all of whom were looking very miserable and in rags.

He wasn't seriously injured, but at their level, being put in this state by a low-level junior was a huge humiliation in itself!

"You evildoer, how dare you!"

"Zhuzi, damn it!"

The big bosses were almost furious. The "old and new grudges" were added together. They temporarily abandoned their rationality and chased Su Hao directly.

"Here they come! They're all here!"

Su Hao rushed to the teleportation array as if running for his life, panting and shouting to several friends.

"We all saw it!"

He Tiantian twitched the corner of her mouth. With so many vicious and evil-looking bosses in the transformation stage chasing after them, they couldn't see it unless they were blind!

Even though He Tiantian didn't forget her venomous tongue at the moment, she was far from calm inside.

The pressure unleashed by the boss in the transformation stage is truly terrifying.

Even though He Tiantian had a strong heart and a tenacious character, she couldn't help but be frightened to the point where her heart and liver were trembling and her soul was shaking.

This is an instinctive reaction that is beyond human control.

"Sister Baozhu, this side of the teleportation array——"

Su Nuan also felt the pressure as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling, and her heart was beating hard.

However, she is the heroine after all. Even if she has instinctive fear, she has not forgotten the business.

She has always been paying attention to the teleportation array, and never forgets to report the slight changes in the teleportation array at any time.


"This is the time!"

"Everyone listen to my instructions and charge!"

He Tiantian endured the trembling all over, activated the formation, and threw out a lot of talismans.

Ancestor Yan Yuan and several other gods-stage bosses were already approaching, and the spiritual power they exerted almost touched Su Hao's hair.

At this critical moment, the ancient teleportation array made a sound.

Ancestor Yan Yuan and others were shocked and wanted to take back the offensive, but they were too late.

In the teleportation array, a figure loomed, but he looked a little embarrassed.

Obviously, he seemed to have encountered many attacks during the transmission process!

Young Master from the Upper Realm:...

Depend on!

In the end what happened?

This teleportation array has actually turned into a mechanism array, with harmful mechanisms everywhere.

As a person from the upper realm, he came to the lower realm. In order not to attract the attention of heaven, he had to suppress his cultivation.

He was seriously injured again during the teleportation process, and his cultivation level plummeted.

After finally waiting for the teleportation array to stabilize, he felt that he had reached his "destination" and was about to step out of the light pillar.

He was faced with the vigorous attacks of several monks in the transformation stage!


The Master of the Upper Realm was an elite disciple of many sects in Yunmeng Continent, and he rarely suffered serious injuries.

This moment was definitely the most embarrassing and miserable moment in his two to three thousand years of life.

He was caught off guard, and he was wounded more than ever.

The original cultivation level of Dzogchen in the integration period has declined again and again.

When he saw everything clearly, he was just an ant in the middle stage of becoming a god!

Ancestor Yan Yuan and others found out that they had hit the wrong person. They were very frightened at first when they thought that the teleportation array could only be used by the Master from the Upper Realm——

It's not that they are afraid of hurting the noble person. With their little cultivation, they can't hurt them at all, okay!

What they are afraid of is that they will anger others.

The sharp decline in demonic energy and the decline of the demon clan is enough to make the Master of the Upper Realm angry.

Now if there is another "lower offender"... their old life is over!

"Su Hao, evil disciple, it's all your fault!"

Ancestor Yan Yuan was frightened and angry. In desperation, he swung another heavy blow.


With a painful groan, Su Hao and several others disappeared into the light beam of the teleportation array.

Immediately afterwards, before Ancestor Yan Yuan and others could take action again, the teleportation array was closed.

Everything, return to peace!

Ancestor Yan Yuan and others soon discovered that the once aloof and inviolable Master of the Upper Realm had become extremely embarrassed.

His cultivation level also plummeted to the middle stage of becoming a god!

"..." Ancestor Yan Yuan has reached the Great Perfection. Facing the Master from the Upper Realm who is in the middle stage of becoming a god, he is no more than a powerful man looking at a little rookie!

The Master from the Upper Realm was dumbfounded. When he was sure of his situation, he closed his eyes in despair.


"Don't hit me, don't kill me, I, I can repair this teleportation array!"

"...Hey, why has this teleportation array changed? It, it -"

"That's enough! That's enough for you! Even if you beat me to death, no one will want to go to Yunmeng Continent!"

In the Demonic Forest, such a howl resounded through the sky.

"Brother! Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Su Nuan and others took the opportunity to rush into the teleportation array. After a lot of bumps, they finally arrived at Yunmeng Continent.

However, before everyone could cheer and jump for joy, Su Nuan discovered that his eldest brother was already pale and angry.

"Elixir! Yes, I, I have the Eternal Spring Pill!"

"Brother, please eat quickly! Ouch, brother, don't die! Don't die!"

Su Nuan burst into tears.

She hurriedly took out handfuls of pills from her storage bracelet and stuffed them into Su Hao's mouth as if they were free.

But Su Hao kept spraying blood foam from his mouth.

Ancestor Yan Yuan's blow just now was so harsh and overbearing that it directly shattered Su Hao's Dantian.

His Dantian was originally broken and reshaped, but now it has been broken for the second time, and even the Great Luo Jinxian couldn't save it.

He Tiantian's alchemy skills are indeed incredible, but the power of "plot" is powerful——

Su Hao is not the male protagonist, he is just a supporting character beside the female protagonist.

To top the tank for the protagonist and to die for the protagonist is his true mission.

"...That's fine, I don't owe anyone any more! Nuan, Nuan Nuan, you have to be good and don't have inner demons because of me!"

Su Hao left these words and closed his eyes forever.

A ball of light floated up from his body and then disappeared into the void.

He has been reincarnated!

"Ding! Successfully expelled the wild writer*1, the task is completed, and the reward points are 10 points!"

Deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, He Tiantian finally remembered this long-awaited mechanical sound.

"Tiantian! This time is really not easy!"

"Whoa, who would have thought that the evil forces would be so arrogant that they would let a wild copywriter dress up as the original male protagonist!"

"Fortunately, my family, Tiantian, is the most powerful. She saw through the conspiracy of the evil forces, abandoned the original male protagonist, and cultivated a new female protagonist!"

Little classmate D finally broke through the shackles of the black room and reappeared in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness.

It jumped happily and its voice was extremely excited.

"Tiantian, you don't know, I'm almost nervous to death when I stay in the dark room!"

"This mission is really troublesome. It's not a book, but an original work + fan fiction!"

Classmate Little D talked nonchalantly.

He Tiantian keenly grasped the key point, "Original + fan?"

He Tiantian had already guessed that the world in this book was not simple, and might be a mixture of multiple books.

But she still didn't expect that it was actually a combination of the original owner + fan fiction.

"Yes! This is the cunningness of evil forces!"

"They asked the wild writer to dress up as the male protagonist, fearing that our dianniang system would notice it and then kill it. They just pulled a trick!"

"Although this book is eunuch, readers like it very much. There is a female reader who happens to have the same name as a supporting character in the book, so she wrote a fanfic using 'herself' as the protagonist!"

"Fan humanities are the second processing based on the original work. They have the same origin as the original work, but they can be used in any way you want!"

"The evil forces took advantage of this and deliberately overlapped the two worlds."

"In this way, there are two pairs of male and female protagonists in the same world. The important characters have also changed, and the whole world has been messed up!"

The Dianniang system failed to identify it for a while and allowed the wild writer to occupy the important position of a male protagonist.

After hearing Classmate D's explanation, He Tiantian couldn't help but interject, "Let me guess, the hero and heroine of that fanfic should be Han Xiao and Yang Yunrong, right?"

"That's right! As expected of my Tiantian, she is always so smart!"

Classmate Little D praised slightly exaggeratedly.

He Tiantian didn't care.

What, after spending decades in this world of immortality literature, I have long been accustomed to the flattery of Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao.

Little D’s classmate’s childish praise is really nothing.

He Tiantian is immune!

"Actually, it's easy to guess. Han Xiao's character is the male protagonist, and he has changed so much!"

Before returning to the Far Cang Continent, he was still a good master who doted on his young disciple.

Well, this should be the setting of the original plot.

It's just that the author is a eunuch, he didn't write it out, he just laid a foreshadowing.

After returning to Yuancang Continent and meeting Yang Yunrong, Han Xiao immediately changed.

He no longer favored his little disciple, but began to chase Yang Yunrong, and was completely devoted to her.

This should be where the fan fiction plot comes into play.

Han Xiao should have suffered and struggled. It was not that his personality was split, but that there was a certain deviation when the two worlds overlapped.

Han Xiao is the pride of heaven and the supporting actor second only to the male protagonist.

His talent and sensitivity made him unable to help but reject and question when he encountered "fan stories" that were obviously completely different from his original temperament.

Su Nuan and the others were able to successfully kill Han Xiao because of his own reasons.

Perhaps, at a certain moment, Han Xiao "awakened", unwilling to be coerced by fate, and wanted to end it completely!

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