The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 754: The Villain Who Whitewashed His Articles (1)

"Tiantian, you guessed it right. Han Xiao should be the male protagonist of the next article written by the original author!"

Classmate Little D said in a gossipy tone, "Let me tell you, the author of this fairy tale novel is a girl, she is very powerful, the kind of girl who likes both men and women!"

"According to her good friends, when she originally conceived this fairy tale, she wrote two versions of the outline using the same world view."

"One is a cool story about a male channel breaking off an engagement, and the other is a sweet story about a female channel's master-disciple relationship."

"In the cool novel, Su Hao is the male protagonist; in the sweet novel, Han Xiao is the male protagonist!"

It's a pity that for some reason, this girl only wrote a small part of the first version of the sweet article, let alone the second version of the sweet article.

After "entering the palace", in order to appease her book friends, she announced the outline in the book friend group.

I don’t know what she was thinking at the time, but she actually posted the outline of the second sweet article.

It happened that there was a female book friend in her book club who was very interested in sweet articles about master-disciple love.

What's even more coincidental is that she has the same name as a cannon fodder character in the divorced marriage novel, both named Yang Yunrong.

Later, master-disciple romance became less popular, and cool stories about female protagonists with counterattacks became popular.

So, this female book friend followed the trend and wrote a fanfic that was against the relationship between master and apprentice.

The female book friend's writing style is good, but the key is that she has caught the trend of the times, and it was actually included in the dianniang library.

In her book, Han Xiao is still the male protagonist.

It's just that he changed from a cold master who doted on his reckless and ordinary disciples to a peerless good man who was indifferent in the early stage and chased his wife to the crematorium in the later stage.

The books written by female book friends appear to be fan fiction, but in fact they have been completely reworked.

Therefore, Han Xiao's character design is very different from the original work of Xiuxianwen.

And the timeline was changed.

According to the original author's idea, the master-disciple love story borrowed from the same world view, but the official plot unfolded a thousand years later.

At that time, Han Xiao was already the ancestor of the gods and one of the top figures in the Yuancang Continent.

Only with such a high level of seniority and such a noble status can he have more capital to pamper the "idiot" to heaven.

The female book friend is a fan of books about cultivating immortals and refreshing novels, and in order to emphasize Han Xiao’s obsession with Yang Yunrong, she deliberately moved the timeline forward.

Her small selfishness directly caused the overlap between the first version of the Immortal Cultivation novel and the second version of the Sweet Pet novel.

"...Little classmate D said this, it's a bit hard to pronounce!"

He Tiantian complained secretly, but quickly figured out the connection.

"The evil forces discovered this fanfic and took advantage of the bug in our dianniang system to merge the two small worlds together!"

Classmate Xiao D shook Xiao Yuan's body and said helplessly: "So, this is the situation -"

In the same world, there are actually two male protagonists and two female protagonists.

And one of the male protagonists is actually a wild copywriter.

Fortunately, his family was sweet and cheating, and they did not continue to pursue the male protagonist Su Hao.

If Su Hao had always been the male protagonist, his protagonist aura would become increasingly powerful, and even the wild copywriter would be recognized by Heaven.

At that time, even if He Tiantian discovered that there was something wrong with Su Hao's identity, there would be nothing he could do.

This is not the world of other channels, but the world of cultivating immortals.

The male protagonist can gain eternal life!

Even if He Tiantian wanted to, she couldn't survive such a male protagonist with a lot of luck on his back.

Tiantian's approach was the smartest, giving up on Su Hao and training a new heroine instead.

Forcibly changing a story about a male protagonist cultivating immortality into a story about a male protagonist, into a story about a female protagonist.

Su Hao gradually lost his ambition as a protagonist and was gradually abandoned by the way of heaven.

He Tiantian:......

She is far from as smart as Little D’s classmate thinks.

She simply didn't want to get involved with the male protagonist.

Moreover, when she chose to be with Su Nuan, she still had the intention of getting in touch with the male protagonist.

Su Nuan's "rise" was definitely unintentional.

...However, the process is not important, what is important is the result!

"So, this mission is finally judged to be completed by me?"

He Tiantian asked seriously.

"Yes! That's right!"

When Little D mentioned this, he became very excited.

"Tiantian, you are so awesome! You can do this!"

"You don't know, there are other writers who have encountered the mixed world of original work + fan fiction, and various situations have arisen for them!"

"You are the only one who completed the task the fastest and best!"

Little D’s classmate is so proud, as if the person who is so powerful is himself.

Well, actually it’s not bad.

It and Tiantian are the closest friends.

When sweetness leads to evil, it also follows!

"Where's the reward? Since I did so well, the reward shouldn't be just 10 points."

He Tiantian was not affected at all by Little D's flattery.

She directly stretched out her hand and asked coldly like a debt collector.


Little D was stunned for a moment, and then it resumed its stereotypical mechanical sound——

"Ding! Reward 1,000 achievement points."

"Ding! I received a reward of 30,000 points from readers."

He Tiantian:......

Oh, the reward this time is very generous.

It seems that readers still like to read about villains and so on!

Student D:...

Tiantian, are you paying attention to the wrong point?

It should be the plot you wrote that satisfied the readers, not the fact that you became the villain this time that won them their love!

"Tiantian, the mission is completed. Do you want to continue to stay in this world of cultivating immortals, or do you want to leave?"

Classmate Little D was murmuring deep in his core, but he was asking eager questions.

He Tiantian hesitated for a moment and thought for a long time before making a choice: "Let's leave!"

She has stayed in this small world for decades and has a relatively in-depth understanding of the world of immortality.

The routine of cultivating immortals is to constantly change maps and continue to fight monsters and upgrade.

Human life span can be thousands or tens of thousands of years!

I always change maps repeatedly. Maybe each map has different challenges, but changing the soup does not change the medicine.

After all, she is a copywriter, and her biggest obsession is to complete the task, not to achieve immortality.

Therefore, after hearing the mechanical sound deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, He Tiantian felt that his energy was gone.

She now has no idea of ​​continuing to enter Yunmeng Continent for various experiences.


Classmate Little D wants to leave more than He Tiantian!

The mission has been completed, and the points and other rewards have been obtained.

Staying in this world any longer is a waste of time.

If you have this time, you might as well do more tasks and earn more points.

He Tiantian separated a touch of soul, allowing "Chu Baozhu" to continue to exist in the world, and she returned to the library space.

"Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, goodbye! May you attain enlightenment and become immortals soon!"

Before being stripped away from all emotions by the system, He Tiantian said something silently in her heart.

Then, all her experiences in the world of cultivating immortals were turned into a book, which was quietly placed on a high bookshelf.

Looking at the book that was originally titled "Mortals' Path to Immortality" but now had been renamed "Mortal Girls' Path to Immortality", she felt no more waves in her heart.

Suddenly, He Tiantian thought of something and asked, "Little D, you said just now that there are many hybrid worlds of original works and fans appearing now?"

"That's right! Those evil forces are so cunning. In order to take away the energy of our Dian Niang library, they really tried their best and used any means!"

As the intelligent assistant of the Dianniang system, Little D naturally has no favorable impressions of evil forces.

It gritted its teeth and cursed, "Before, they were just doing some small tricks secretly, but now they don't even let the protagonist go!"

"They are so shameless and presumptuous! They clearly don't take our ordering system seriously..."

Little D’s classmate kept talking.

He Tiantian looked thoughtful.

Not hearing He Tiantian's "agree", Little D finally silenced her voice.

It tilted its little round head, "Tiantian, do you still want to do a task like this? Or do you want to change to another task?"

Original work + fan fiction, etc., it’s too complicated.

And if you don't do it well, you may fail.

His family Tiantian is an "always victorious general" and will never capsize in a small gutter.

"This kind of mission is quite interesting!"

He Tiantian wiped her chin and suddenly showed a mischievous smile.

Little D’s classmate was so shocked that he was a little furious——

This smile is too much like a villain.

The He Tiantian in front of him is no longer a "half-step villain", but a full-fledged villain.

Xu's classmate Xiao D's expression was too obvious, and He Tiantian understood its worry.

She couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, "Isn't it good to be a villain?"

How wonderful that you will never be kidnapped by others' morality.

You can do whatever you want and say what you want without any scruples.

Moreover, as a villain, the world has extremely low requirements for her.

She can do whatever she wants throughout her life, even if she always does bad things and always fights against pigs' feet, as long as she does one good thing, she can be "whitewashed".

Just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed!

Of course, He Tiantian has the correct views and she will not do evil intentionally.

However, it is really attractive that I won’t be kidnapped by others’ morals.

It's just that the villain scripts He Tiantian received in the past were basically small roles that were leftovers.

Heaven simply does not allow such cannon fodder or female supporting characters to counterattack.

At least, as an orthodox copywriter, there are requirements for the task.

He Tiantian cannot directly conflict with the male and female protagonists, let alone deliberately take away their protagonist halo.

In the hybrid world of original works + fan fiction, there are at least two pairs of male and female protagonists.

They must compete for the fate of the protagonist, and are bound to have a life-and-death fight.

Kill the former protagonist without having to bear the constraints of heaven...

Haha, this kind of thing makes me feel happy just thinking about it.

Student D:...

Help, ah ah, my Tiantian is becoming more and more like a villain!

Little D blinked his big eyes with difficulty. He wanted to persuade his little friend to be kind, but he didn't dare, ┭┮﹏┭┮.

After a long time, it asked dryly, "Tiantian, then, then, will you continue to do the task, or will you return to reality?"

He Tiantian looked at fellow student D sympathetically.

This kid had a low IQ to begin with, but he didn't expect that he would now stutter.

"Keep doing the mission! By the way, we also need this combination of original work + fan fiction!"

He Tiantian said with a smile.

Little D couldn't help but shake his fur all over, "Wow, the villain is so cute and cute, it's not cute at all, but more terrifying."

"Okay, okay!"

Little D’s classmate couldn’t help but stutter.

The good mechanical sound was almost turned into electronic sound, "Ren, the mission world is open!"

The space twisted, the soul was squeezed, and He Tiantian seemed to be thrown into the turbulence of time and space again...

"Family separation! We must separate families!"

He Tiantian calmed her mind, and the next second she heard a woman crying, "The child's father, let's separate our families!"

"Ugh, I really can't stand it anymore!"

"You are the eldest son. Now that your father-in-law is gone, you are the backbone of the family!"

"We support our mother and take care of our brothers and nephews. This is all reasonable, but, the fourth child is really outrageous!"

"I don't go to work, and I don't help with household chores. Our second daughter is only four years old, and she only knows how to feed chickens and collect firewood. The fourth child is almost 20 years old and is not even as good as a child..."

The woman was crying and talking at the same time. She looked fierce but also inexplicably pitiful.

He Tiantian blinked, she had accepted the plot and merged it with the memory of the original owner.

Alas, the woman in front of me is the wife of the original owner.

Life is indeed a bit pitiful.

The original owner's name was Zheng Yu, who was born in the 1940s and was the eldest son of the family.

He also has three younger brothers named Zheng Qiao, Zheng Geng, and Zheng Du.

Fishing, woodworking, farming and reading, this name sounds very particular. For those who don’t know, they would think that the old man of the Zheng family is a scholar who has read a lot of poetry and books.

In fact, Zheng Yu’s father couldn’t read a single Chinese character.

He is a carpenter, an old craft inherited from his ancestors.

The reason why he didn't give his son any rustic names like Fugui or Mancang was because when he was working as a carpenter, he once made furniture for the nobles in the county.

That person was a high-ranking official in the previous dynasty and was very particular.

Even if it was just a simple wardrobe, Carpenter Zheng carved a woodblock print of "Fishing, Woodworking, Farming and Reading".

Carpenter Zheng carefully carved according to the drawings given to him by Master Juren.

One day, while he was happy, I asked a few more questions, wondering if the dignified master wanted to engrave lowly people like fishermen and woodcutter on the cabinet.

The master of Juren quoted the classics so much that he almost fainted Carpenter Zheng.

However, in the end, Carpenter Zheng roughly understood:

Fishing, woodcending, farming and reading is an artistic conception that scholars pay attention to. It is a return to the garden to live in the fields, a noble person in seclusion, a pastoral life, and a plain and comfortable life.

Well, Carpenter Zheng still doesn’t quite understand.

But he remembered the admiration and yearning that flashed in the eyes of the Juren Master when he mentioned these things.

All the masters of Juren say that it is good, and it is an artistic conception that scholars pursue, so it must be good!

I’ve never seen anyone carve these on their own cabinets.

It happened that at this time, Carpenter Zheng's wife Wang was pregnant. Carpenter Zheng thought that if he gave birth to a son, he would name him Zheng Yu.

After giving birth to the eldest child, I still want to have the second and third children...

If you can scrape together enough money to earn money for fishing, woodworking, farming, and reading, it will be considered a kind of perfection.

Perhaps God heard Carpenter Zheng’s prayer and actually gave him a series of four sons.

Fishing, woodworking, farming, studying, etc. are all here, but the life of the Zheng family is not so perfect...

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