The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 756: The Villain Who Whitewashed His Articles (3)

"Mom, do we really want to go to grandma's house?"

"You don't care about dad anymore?"

On the yellow dirt road, Song Chunhong pulled her second son and held her second daughter, while her eldest daughter and son followed on both sides.

The eldest daughter, nicknamed Daya, is fifteen years old this year and is not too tall, about 160cm tall.

The skin is slightly dark and the hair is slightly yellow.

There is nothing we can do about it. In this era, life is difficult for every family, and the children are more or less malnourished.

The children run around under the sun all year round, and their skin is dark and rural red, which are also standard.

The Zheng family is better off. At least their daughter has not been given away, abandoned, or abused.

Although they are not as valued as the boys, they have grown up smoothly.

Especially Daya, she is the first child of Zheng Yu and Song Chunhong.

Naturally, I pay some attention to it.

Zheng Yu also imitated his biological father and named his eldest daughter according to the woodblock prints he often carved——

Zheng Qin!

Well, Zheng Yu also wants to be like his biological father and have four children who can play music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

It's just that he failed to give birth to four sons, but he also gave birth to two sons and two daughters.

The eldest daughter Zheng Qin, the eldest son Zheng Qi, the second son Zheng Shu, and the second daughter Zheng Hua.

The person speaking now is Zheng Qi. He is two years younger than Zheng Qin. He is thirteen this year and is still a dark and skinny half-year-old boy.

Zheng Qi is the eldest grandson of the Zheng family and has been doted on by Carpenter Zheng since he was a child.

Even Mrs. Wang looked highly at this eldest grandson.

Of course, the eldest grandson is still not as good as the younger son.

After all, there is a layer between them.

However, Zheng Qi's treatment from Mrs. Wang was only slightly worse than Zheng Du's.

In the entire Zheng family, he is still the most favored third generation.

Therefore, to Zheng Qi, Mrs. Wang is not a vicious grandmother or a great family member.

As for his biological father who was too filial to his grandmother and took special care of his fourth uncle, Zheng Qi was not as fussy or dissatisfied as Song Chunhong.

This may be the difference in how men and women view problems.

Zheng Qi also feels sorry for his mother and understands her contribution to the entire Zheng family.

However, he understands his biological father better——

The eldest son of the eldest family has to shoulder the burden of the big family.

If the father is gone, the eldest son will take over.

The eldest son should be like his father is not a joke, it is a rule passed down from ancestors for thousands of years.

It is also the secret to the longevity of a family.

Even Zheng Qi regarded himself as the "eldest son".

To put it bluntly, if Zheng Yu died, Zheng Qi would be like his biological father, being filial to his elders and taking care of his younger siblings.

This is the responsibility of being a man and the eldest son!

There is no way, this is the education Zheng Yu and Zheng Qi have received since childhood——

Putting the entire family first, oneself and one's small family have to give in.

Of course, Zheng Qi has not yet become Zheng Yu, and as a son, while he understands his father, he must also consider his mother's feelings.

Therefore, my biological mother had a big fight with my biological father and took the four siblings back to their parents' home.

Zheng Qi didn't stop him and just followed along.

"Ignore him! Humph, he only cares about his mother and his little brother, so let them go together!"

"Let's go back to your grandma's house. Your brother-in-law wants to get married. They are building a house for him, so we can go over and help!"

Song Chunhong breathed heavily in her chest and said harshly.

However, when she mentioned her natal family and her younger brother, her tone softened involuntarily.

"Oh, your brother-in-law is finally going to get married. We're almost 20 years old. We've seen each other eight times and it's finally settled!"

"Build a new house, buy furniture, and give bride gifts to the bride... It's such a big sum of money, your grandpa and grandma are almost worried!"

"...I can't help you even if I want to. Your father is just a fool. He builds furniture for others and never gets a cent of the money he earns."

"I have saved some money over the years, so I can give it to your grandma..."

Song Chunhong chattered, complaining about her husband, but also feeling attached to her mother's family.

She didn't notice that her children had complicated expressions.

The daughters are doing better. The eldest daughter, Zheng Qin, and the second daughter, Zheng Hua, prefer her.

The sons’ reactions are very interesting——

Zheng Qi and his younger brother Zheng Shu looked at each other and exchanged looks.

Zheng Qi: My brother-in-law is only two years older than my brother-in-law, and he is about to get married.

Zheng Shu: My mother always scolds my father for being too filial to my grandmother and taking too much care of my uncle. Isn’t it the same that my mother always misses her parents’ family?

This is where the butt determines the head.

Although Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu are also close to their maternal ancestors, they always remember that their surname is "Zheng" and they are from the Zheng family.

My brother-in-law is indeed a bit better, but he is one of his own family.

Moreover, grandpa and grandma are indeed closer to them than grandma, but they are not closer to their own grandchildren.

Sometimes grandma would make a joke and say something like "nephew dog, nephew dog, leave after eating."

Zheng Qi and the others knew that this was a joke they used to tease their grandson in the countryside.

However, it is not very comfortable to hear it in my ears.

Therefore, brothers Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu can still clearly distinguish between their own family and those of outsiders.

Of course, my uncle did go too far this time.

In order to find a wife for himself, he actually set his sights on his niece.

An old widower who has lost two wives, even if he has an urban household registration, even if he has a very lucrative job like a slaughterhouse worker, it will not work!

Zheng Qi keeps in mind his status as the "eldest son" and is responsible for his sister and younger siblings.

However, he is still young and his father is still alive, so he cannot dictate his sister's marriage.

However, Zheng Qi felt that there was no problem in going back to his parents' home with his biological mother and expressing their objections to this matter to his father.

Furthermore, I also need to let my grandma and uncle know one thing——

Their eldest brother does have the responsibility to take care of his younger brother who has not yet married, but not at the expense of himself.

Money, you can find a way!

But selling your niece to your uncle to collect the bride price is definitely not okay!

Zheng Qi is not very young, but he is already very successful.

After the group arrived at the Song family, Zheng Qi took his younger siblings to help with the work while quietly comforting his elder sister.

"Chunhong, look at your Zheng Qi. He is not old, but he is really sensible!"

Neighbors couldn't help but praise Zheng Qi when they saw him busy like a little adult.

Of course, praising people is not the point.

"Persuading peace" is the purpose, "This time it is indeed your mother-in-law and brother-in-law who are at fault. Even Zheng Yu should be beaten!"

"But for this kind of thing, it's fine if you mean it, don't really have a falling out!"

"Not to mention that you and Zheng Yu have been married for more than ten years, just for the sake of your children, you have to be more patient!"

"Zheng Yudu came to pick it up yesterday, and his attitude was sincere. You stretch your arms again. When he comes back to pick you up next time, you can take the child back with him."

Not only the acquaintances of the neighbors, but also the whole Song family also persuaded him like this.

In addition to the old rule of persuading peace but not separation, the Song family also did not want their daughter and grandson to stay at home for too long.

Every family is in trouble these days, and even my own family can’t open their stomachs to eat, let alone having so many more mouths for nothing?

Yes, Song Chunhong did not come back empty-handed.

As soon as she arrived at Song's house, she secretly gave fifty yuan to her biological mother.

There are four Zheng Qi siblings. Even the youngest Zheng Hua can help the adults collect firewood and light the fire. The other three elders are even more hardworking!

However, there is no shortage of workers in the countryside, but there is a shortage of money and food!

Especially Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu, one is thirteen and the other is twelve, which is the age when "half a young boy, a poor old man".

Even though they remembered that they were outsiders and did not dare to open their mouths to eat, the amount of food made the two aunts frown.

"Mom, grandma is right, let's go home. Besides, school will start in a few days, and the second child and I have to go back to school!"

Of course Zheng Qi can tell the difference between eyebrows and eyes.

After the money was given and the work was done, the five of them lived in the Song family for a week, and they began to be annoying.

He found his biological mother and tried his best to persuade her.

His biological father "Zheng Yu" was also very helpful. As soon as Zheng Qi finished persuading him, "he" came rushing to pick her up the next day.

"Dad, Mom, I'm here to pick up the baby, her mother and the kids!"

He Tiantian perfectly maintained the character of the original owner, nodding and bowing to the old couple of the Song family.

With a flattering smile on her face, she said, "Also, I've made my little brother's big wardrobe and big bed. I'll find someone to deliver them to me when I have time!"

As a well-known carpenter from all over the country, his brother-in-law is getting married, so of course "Zheng Yu" has to help.

Not only did he work for free, he also took the initiative to provide some pieces of good wood.

The furniture is ready and needs to be delivered to your door.

To be honest, Zheng Yu was devoted to his brother-in-law Song Laoliu.

Maybe he is not as good as his biological brother, but people around him will still give him thumbs up and say "good brother-in-law".

Even the entire Song family couldn't fault it.

In fact, Zheng Yu has not done anything too outrageous over the years, except for intentionally marrying Zheng Qin to a third-married widower.

He doesn't beat his wife, doesn't treat his children harshly, can work in the fields, and has skills like making furniture... he's a really good man.

As for a man who is too filial and takes too much care of his unmarried younger brother, in rural areas where clan concepts are prevalent, this is not a shortcoming, but an advantage that everyone praises.

Even Zheng Qin's marriage was not considered inappropriate by everyone.

Some people even think they are a good match——

Workers at the town's slaughterhouse.

The ancestral butcher’s craft.

If you have an urban household registration, you can make money, you have skills, and you are not stupid or disabled, what a good candidate? !

As for beating his wife, which man doesn’t beat his wife these days?

Even a recognized good man like Zheng Yu would slap his wife twice when he was angry or drunk outside.

As long as you don't beat someone to death, it's nothing.

As for marrying two wives... Haha, if he hadn't been married for the third time, how could he have found a wife in the countryside?

That Xiu'er from the next village is such a charming girl. Her biological mother is also the director of women's affairs, and her family is well off.

I got married in the county last month. Everything about the man is fine, but he was injured at work and one of his eyes was broken.

It's not a one-eyed dragon, but the injured eyeball doesn't look right.

But my family has an urban registered permanent residence, and both my parents are workers.

He himself was transferred to the logistics department due to a work injury. He was sitting in an office and still had a salary of twenty or thirty yuan a month!

When Xiuer got married, I don’t know how many older girls and younger daughters-in-law were envious of her.

Even the older generation said she was lucky and married a good man.

There is also a girl on the other side of the mountain who married into the city more than ten years ago. The man does not have any disabilities, but is not mentally normal.

On the wedding day, the groom is fine one minute and chases and beats the bride the next.

The crazy look left the bride and guests stunned.

My father-in-law and sister-in-law also had similar symptoms.

The only normal mother-in-law is said to be a child bride.

Years of suffering have turned her from a victim to a perpetrator.

Of course, she dare not and will not take action against her husband and children. She will only vent everything on her daughter-in-law.

After suffering for two or three years, the girl couldn't bear it anymore. She divorced despite the pressure from her parents' family, her husband's family and the people around her, but she had nowhere to go.

This girl was determined. She heard that the superiors were going to develop the frontier and called on young people with ambitions to sign up.

They signed up directly and followed the army to the northwest, never to come back again.

Someone saw her at the border the year before last. Although she was darker, thinner, and looked a bit older, she was very energetic.

She also married a man from the army and gave birth to two healthy and lively children.

...I am not digressing from the topic, but it is really difficult for girls from rural areas to marry in the city!

Compared with these people who are either disabled or seriously ill, the bad habit of a three-married butcher who beats his wife is not a fatal flaw.

Of course, those who truly care about their daughter would not agree to such a marriage.

Zheng Yu is indeed a mother's baby and a supportive brother, but he is not a top-notch father who doesn't care about his children.

If you watch the movie about Zheng Qin as a girl who can still read, you will know that Zheng Yu is not the kind of person who is extremely patriarchal.

"Da Ya's mother, I told my mother that we can decide Da Ya's marriage on our own!"

"You should go home with your child. There are many people getting married during this period, and I have taken on a lot of work. I am really busy!"

"There are still a few children, they should also prepare to start school!"

He Tiantian tried hard to persuade Song Chunhong, begging her to take the child home.

Having lived at her parents' house for seven or eight days, Song Chunhong also knew that she could no longer live there.

The second time her husband came to pick her up, he had already given her the steps.

She said a few words awkwardly, then packed up her things, took the children with her, and hurried to Zheng's house without even eating dinner.

As soon as the family reached the entrance of Zhengjia Village, they heard someone shouting——

"It's not good! Zheng Du died in love!"

Song Chunhong:......


Sacrifice for love?

What's the meaning?

Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu have been in elementary school for several years and know a little bit about it.

However, they all looked incredulous.

Will my uncle commit suicide?

How can it be?

Their brother-in-law is most afraid of pain. He will scream when he is pricked a few times.

As for suicide, there are only a few types of suicides in rural areas——

Jump into the river, hang yourself, drink brine.

Nothing is painless.

With his brother-in-law's spoiled and pampered temperament, he simply couldn't resist being so ruthless.

Could it be that Xiao Zhiqing?

But she doesn't look like a fool either.

How could you seek death with your uncle? !

But a flash of understanding flashed in He Tiantian's eyes——


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