The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 757: The villain who whitewashed the article (4)

"My dear, why are you so hard to think about?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu is there something you can't tell mom, do you have to go this way?"

"Bao'er, my mother's lifeblood, if you die, how can you let my mother live?"

He Tiantian led his wife and children to the small river at the east end of the village.

Well, this is where the incident happened.

Through the shouts of the villagers, He Tiantian and the others already knew——

Zheng Du and Xiao Jianying died in love by jumping into the river!

Even the original owner might not believe that his little brother would seek death.

However, whether you believe it or not, it does not affect the original owner's heartache and guilt.

It was all because of his incompetence as an older brother that he forced his younger brother to take a desperate turn.

The younger brother probably did this because he wanted to scare them.

But, how can such a thing as seeking death be foolproof?

Even with careful planning, there will be surprises!

If something went wrong, my little brother's life would be in danger.

Why is the younger brother threatening to die?

Isn’t it because the family has no money?

Why does the family have no money?

Isn't it because he, the eldest brother, is incompetent? !

The original owner who thinks he is the patriarch of the family will definitely fall into such self-blame.

As for his younger brother, while he was furious, he also felt guilty and wanted to make amends with all his strength.

He Tiantian is not the original owner, and she does not hesitate to use the greatest malice to speculate on a great idea.

In doing so, Zheng Du not only frightened and threatened his mother and brother, but also attempted to lure Xiao Jianying into the trap.

Xiao Jianying is shrewd, and Zheng Du is even more cunning.

Therefore, Zheng Du knew very well that Xiao Jianying demanded a high price for the gift.

It's more about wanting him to quit before the difficulties come.

Xiao Jianying may not really be willing to marry him!

However, Zheng Du likes it.

Even if Xiao Jianying played tricks on him, he still wanted to marry her.

Zheng Du had different ideas than others. He found that Xiao Jianying was not as beautiful and kind as she showed. Instead of being disappointed, he felt inexplicably excited.

They seem to be the same type of people, good at disguise and self-interested.

Such a woman deserves to be his wife.

Xiao Jianying didn't want to marry him, a rural person with no future, so Zheng Du "helped" her.

So, Zheng Du took Xiao Jianying to "die for love".

Being disturbed by him like this will not only allow my mother to force her eldest brother to give money, but also ensure that Xiao Jianying will marry him.

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Old man, why did you die so early? If you leave, no one will care about Xiaosi and I!"

Mrs. Wang was crying hard, and she caught a glimpse of her eldest son's family out of the corner of her eye, and she immediately transferred her anger to them.

She sat on the ground, slapping her knees with both hands, pointing fingers and cursing, crying and howling: "Oooh, ooh, ooh, old man, when you leave, why don't you take us two away?"

"With us all gone, people will have less worries, and they can live a happy life together as a family!"

"Oh my god, why are Xiaosi'er and I's lives so miserable? Without a man, we become disgusting old immortals."

"A man's life was bad when he was a child. He failed to have a good pregnancy and was starved and sick. When he grew up, it was time to marry a wife, but because he had no money, he was forced to seek death with other girls!"

"Old man, please take me away! If Xiaosi does anything wrong, I won't be able to live anymore~~~"

Mrs. Wang was like a filial daughter crying in mourning. She shouted out one word after another, and it was very rhythmic, just like singing.

He Tiantian deliberately looked ashamed, her dark face flushed red, her two calloused hands with one index finger missing were pricked, she wanted to reach out and help the person up, but she didn't dare.

Song Chunhong was angry and aggrieved.

Old lady, what does this mean?

Does it mean that they are unfilial and unfriendly to their younger brother?

Isn't this a bloody rant?

In recent years, especially after his father-in-law passed away, my husband has been keeping his mother and brother at the forefront of his mind.

His wife and children must make way for them.

Is this not filial or friendly?

Do they have to ask them to marry Da Ya to an old widower who beat his wife to death in exchange for a gift of 200 yuan, in order to be considered true filial piety and true friendship?

Song Chunhong's chest seemed to be blocked by a big stone, weighing her down so much that she couldn't breathe.

She wanted to argue a few words, but when it came to her mother-in-law, she, as a daughter-in-law, had no advantage.

Reasoning well can turn into "conflict"!

In such a situation, it is best for the husband to come forward.

But... the man in her family is clumsy in speech, especially when facing his own mother, he can't even say a word.

But if the mother-in-law is allowed to continue scolding, they will lose their reputation!

Although everyone in the village knew that the couple were honest people, they had nothing to say to their mother-in-law and Zheng Du.

It's just that rumors are inherently unreliable.

A good and honest person, if he is scolded a lot, people can't help but mutter——

"Could it be that Boss Zheng looks honest, but is actually a person who thinks one thing on the surface and another on the inside?"

"If he is so good, why would his mother throw dirty water on him?"

Others would say, "Even if Zheng Du is lazy and less motivated, he is his biological brother after all. How could he force his biological brother to seek death?"

Song Chunhong thought with her toes that if she didn't stop it in time, rumors that were not good for her family would spread all over the place.

If they are really bad, they will be scolded and laughed at.

But the problem is, they are already filial and caring enough.

Is it possible that they are really required to sell their children, blood, and meat to support their mother-in-law and brother-in-law? !

Although Song Chunhong knew that her husband would not speak for her, she could not help turning her head and winking at her husband desperately.

He Tiantian:......

Sorry, dear, I have to maintain my personality!

Seeing "Zheng Yu" evasive and embarrassed, Song Chunhong felt aggrieved again.

Why did she marry such a man? !

Mrs. Wang was still crying louder than ever.

Song Chunhong opened and closed her mouth, trying several times to speak, but finally swallowed the words.

At this moment, a drake's voice suddenly sounded——

"Milk! Stop crying now and send Uncle Fourth and Xiao Zhiqing to the health center as soon as possible!"

Zheng Qi spoke. He was the eldest son and grandson, and he was still somewhat respectable in front of Mrs. Wang.

His eyes swept across the three people on the ground.

My grandma was sitting on the ground crying, my fourth uncle and my future fourth aunt were all wet, their eyes were closed, and they seemed to have passed out.

However, the keen Zheng Qi still caught the slightly trembling eyelashes of this shrewd man and woman, as well as the gently rolling eyeballs under the eyelids.


As expected of his fourth uncle and fourth aunt, this couple are both drama and human beings!

Obviously nothing happened, one pretended to be unconscious and continued to threaten his mother and brother, while the other knew that he "cannot escape his fate" and simply pretended to be with his partner.

They are indeed a match made in heaven, a perfect match.

We cannot allow them to perform and let our parents bear the charges of being unfilial to their widowed mothers and unfriendly to their brothers and sisters.

My father is an honest man, and although my mother is a little thoughtful, she is not a very articulate person.

I used to be a silly kid who didn't care about trivial matters at home...

Clenching his fists hard, Zheng Qi's clean and clear eyes flashed with a hint of depth.

But the look in his eyes disappeared in a flash, and no one around him noticed.

He returned to his usual appearance, came to Mrs. Wang's side, reached out and took the old lady's arm:

"Hey, my fourth uncle is not in good health. He fell into the water and maybe he choked. Let the doctor take a look."

Mrs. Wang followed Zheng Qi's strength and stood up.

She was not really persuaded by her eldest grandson's two words.

But Zheng Qi's words accurately hit her vitality - her youngest son's health!

Although when she first came here, her youngest son secretly winked at her while the people around him were not paying attention.

Seeing her youngest son like this, Mrs. Wang knew that her son was fine, so she started making trouble by the river.

After seeing her eldest son's family appear, she cried even harder, just to force her eldest son to relent.

But she still kept her youngest son in mind and jumped into the river. Although it was nothing serious, her youngest son was weak.

If something bad happened, she regretted that she didn't have anywhere to buy medicine.

Seeing this, He Tiantian rushed up and held Mrs. Wang's other arm, "Yes! Mom, Xiaoqi is right, you should send me to the health center as soon as possible."


But Mrs. Wang slapped He Tiantian's hand away and cursed angrily: "I don't need you to help me, you should go and help your wife!"

"How awesome your wife is. In order not to marry her brother-in-law, she took her children back to her parents' home!"

"Huh! Now that you've left, why are you back? You can live in your parents' house for the rest of your life if you can!"

"... This unfilial thing forced me, Bao'er, to take another girl to die in love! Why, how could I end up with such an unlucky wife?"

Mrs. Wang was worried about her younger son, but she did not forget to teach her eldest daughter-in-law a lesson.

Huh, you are so capable, you actually dare to threaten the boss!

Do you really think that you are a hero for giving birth to four children for the Zheng family?

Her old lady also gave birth to four sons for the Zheng family, and she was not like Song Chunhong, who always threatened people with "returning to her parents' home"!

He Tiantian still maintains the dull and mama's character of the original protagonist.

Hearing the old lady criticize Sang and Huai, she didn't dare to defend her daughter-in-law.

She lowered her head and said nothing.

"Oh, my uncle's eyes are moving! Is he going to wake up?"

It was Zheng Qi who spoke.

He pointed at Zheng Du on the ground and shouted "surprise".

After being exposed by his cheap nephew for pretending to be unconscious, Zheng Du cursed in his heart as a "little bastard".

Forget it, if you don’t want to pretend, just pretend!

Anyway, after all this trouble, my mother and eldest brother should know his "feelings".

If he couldn't get what he wanted, he would do this again!

Zheng Du followed Zheng Qi's words and opened his eyes.

When Mrs. Wang saw this, she felt slightly relieved.

She quickly pushed away Zheng Qi's hand and wanted to rush forward to take care of her son.

The old lady was in a hurry and ignored her feet.

She had her feet bound, but they were later released, but the bones of her feet had been deformed.

There is no problem with daily walking, but if you walk in a hurry or if you are not careful, you will easily fall.

For example, at this moment, Mrs. Wang tripped over her own feet, stumbled, and fell directly on Zheng Du.


Just as Zheng Du was about to sit up, his mother hit him hard.

The back of his head hit the ground hard.

Zheng Du's eyesight went dark, and without saying a word, he rolled his eyes and passed out.


Mrs. Wang let out a shrill cry.

Xiao Jianying, who was lying on the other side pretending to be unconscious, almost jumped up in fright.

Zheng Qi stretched out Erkang's hand. He wanted to support grandma, but he was a step too late.

The fingertips brushed against the sleeve of my mother-in-law.

I watched helplessly as my own mother knocked out my fourth uncle.

Zheng Qi was dumbfounded and stood stunned on the spot.

Song Chunhong was surprised, but she almost laughed out loud: Yes! You Zheng Laosi, let me pretend!

I must have really fainted this time!

He Tiantian, Zheng Qin and other Zheng family members, as well as the surrounding villagers, were all stunned.

"Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly! Rescue people quickly!"

Mrs. Wang cried and howled, but she did not forget to save her son.

She shouted heartbreakingly.

For those who didn’t know, they thought her “baby” had been snatched away by a wolf.

He Tiantian pretended to wake up and rushed forward in a hurry, "Mom, don't worry! I, I will send the fourth child to the health center right now!"

"Yes! Yes! Lift Uncle Fourth up quickly!"

Zheng Qi also rushed over and took action with his father.

The surrounding villagers all agreed, and they hurriedly lifted Zheng Du and ran towards the only health center at the brigade headquarters.

On the river beach, only Xiao Jianying and the female educated youth who lived in the same house with her were left.

"Xiao Zhiqing, are you okay? Do you want me to help you go to the health center?"

The female educated youth was half-concerned and half-watching the fun. In Xiao Jianying's eyes, that looked like hypocrisy!

"I'm fine!" Xiao Jianying wiped her wet hair and stood up slowly.

The female educated youth quickly reached out to help her, "How about I take you back to the educated youth point?"

"Well! I'm sorry, Liu Zhiqing!"

Xiao Jianying agreed and thanked him smoothly.

"..." At first, Liu Zhiqing didn't speak.

But when the two of them walked into the village and there was no one around, Liu Zhiqing finally couldn't help it anymore.

She stole a glance at Xiao Jianying and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Zhiqing, you, are you really in love with Zheng Du?"

Now even the drama of dying for love has come out?

Xiao Jianying:......

She just regarded Zheng Du as an alternative. If possible, she still wanted to return to the city.

However, her parents always complained to her, neither willing to leave early to make room for her, nor willing to spend money.

The words of her elder brother and younger brother hinted that they wanted her to find someone to marry directly in the countryside.

She knew that she had no place in the family.

If you want to return to the city, you can only rely on yourself!

But after two or three years of hard work, she made no progress at all.

She couldn't bear the pain of working in the fields, and many times she wanted to start a family in the countryside like those old educated youths.

Zheng Du is one of her alternatives.

If the Zheng family never separated, she could marry him.

Xiao Jianying was afraid that as soon as she married, the Zheng family would be divided. By then, Zheng Du would not be able to support himself, let alone her.

However, today, after “seeing” Mrs. Wang’s eccentric look and the docility and obedience of the Zheng family eldest and his wife, Xiao Jianying felt a little hopeful again——

As long as Mrs. Wang is alive, the Zheng family should not be separated.

Even if they break up, Mrs. Wang will still favor her younger son.

Thinking about the several large tile-roofed houses in the Zheng family, and then thinking about the honest appearance of "Zheng Yu", it is not impossible for Zheng Du to marry.

Furthermore, she has already "succumbed to her love" with Zheng Du. If she doesn't marry her -

Ahem, you don’t have to marry him.

Zheng Du wanted to drag her into the water, but he still had to see if she agreed.

Rape a woman's mouth, reputation is a double-edged sword...

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