The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 759: The villain who whitewashed the article (6)

Zheng Du is not a fat man, at most he is slightly taller than the standard weight.

But in an era of widespread malnutrition, there were still brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews, and nieces who were obviously shorter and slimmer than him.

White, tender and chubby, he definitely "stands out from the crowd".

It's too conspicuous, isn't it?

In order to help her son develop a "weak" character, Mrs. Wang often took him to the village to "show up and speak out".

However, Mrs. Wang is shorter than Song Chunhong, only about 1.5 meters tall.

He is short and thin, with small feet, but behind him is a tall and fat boy. Tsk, the contrast is too obvious.

The old ladies in the village who were friendly with Mrs. Wang could not open their eyes and say that Zheng Du was "sick and weak".

Combined with the fact that Zheng Du never goes to the fields or works, not even picking up firewood or feeding chickens, what else do the villagers not understand?

Isn't it because he is spoiled and doesn't want to work, so he just pretends to be sick.

That is to say, Mrs. Wang is partial, and Mr. Zheng and his wife are both honest, which makes Zheng Du always succeed.

Zheng Laosan Zheng Geng is not used to Zheng Du.

When Zheng Laosan was not married yet, even if he was an apprentice in the town, he had to come back to work during the busy farming season.

Otherwise, he would have no rations.

He is not Zheng Du, and there is no partiality from Mrs. Wang. He can only rely on himself for everything.

At that time, Zheng Geng often made trouble with Zheng Du.

As a son, he cannot openly blame his mother for being partial.

But as an older brother, he can discipline his lazy brother!

Of course, with Mrs. Wang here, Zheng Du will definitely not suffer.

But when Zheng Geng made such a fuss, everyone around him knew that Zheng Du pretended to be sick at every turn in order not to work!

The villagers were already suspicious, but now the Zheng family has made a fuss on their own.

Everyone became more and more certain.

Mrs. Wang and Zheng Yu tried their best to explain: "Our fourth son is not lazy, he has bad health and cannot do heavy work!"

However, there is still Zheng Geng who is trying to cause trouble, "Bah! He is taller than me, one person is worth two of me. Not to mention our production brigade, even if we put it in the town, there is no one fatter than him!"

You are almost catching up with the New Year dolls, but you are still in such bad health?

Only his partial mother and idiot brother would believe this.

Zheng Geng made trouble several times, completely ruining Zheng Du's reputation.

Being lazy, pretending to be sick and deceiving... well, these are actually nothing.

Zheng Du doesn't eat his own rice, so outsiders can only watch the fun.

However, Mrs. Wang was a little anxious.

Although in her eyes, her little fourth son is very good.

Let's just say that I am looking for the most beautiful girl in the village, even if I marry a city wife, it will be easy.

However, the reality is too cruel.

A useless baby like Zheng Du who needs to be taken care of by his mother and elder brother, let alone a daughter-in-law in the city, is looked down upon by even the most ordinary girl in the village.

He looked almost seventeen years old, and there wasn't even a matchmaker for him.

Mrs. Wang found a matchmaker herself and asked others to help her "pay more attention".

The matchmaker couldn't refuse, so he reminded her tactfully, "At least let your fourth son go work in the fields, even if he acts like an old man and a child, he only gets four or five work points!"

Marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat.

Girls get married just to have a stable life.

Zheng Du can't even support himself, who dares to marry his daughter to him?

Mrs. Wang was unhappy, "My fourth son is not in good health——"

The matchmaker was not happy either, "Then I can't even help!"

There are no professional matchmakers these days. Basically, acquaintances introduce acquaintances.

Of course, there are also those shady people who deliberately tell lies in order to thank the matchmaker for the gift.

However, most matchmakers are relatively reliable.

Because once something happens to her fellow villagers, relatives and friends, she will no longer want to be a human being!

Knowing that Zheng Du was "in poor health" and telling him about a girl from an acquaintance's family, this was a pure act of enmity.

The matchmaker would not dare to be so conscience-stricken.

Mrs. Wang:...

After being blocked for a while, Mrs. Wang was secretly angry.

But for the sake of her youngest son's marriage, she had to bow to the matchmaker——

"My fourth son is either suffering from a serious illness or he is unable to do heavy work."

"But don't worry, neither his eldest brother nor I will ignore him!"

"Betrothal gift, new house, and other things, I will not treat my new wife badly..."

Mrs. Wang has already made plans to pay more as a bride price and give her son a wife.

Therefore, even without Xiao Jianying's incident, Mrs. Wang decided to "hemorrhage".

The appearance of Xiao Jianying made Mrs. Wang dislike the opponent and opened her mouth. At the same time, she also felt a little proud——

You see, how capable is my fourth son? !

Xiao Zhiqing is a city girl, fair and elegant, and more graceful than the best girls in the village.

He still went to middle school, and his speaking voice was nice, unlike the people in his village who had a rustic smell when they opened their mouths.

Those village girls didn’t look down on my fourth son before, bah!

My fourth son still looks down on you!

For the same high betrothal gift, Mrs. Wang would rather let her son marry Xiao Zhiqing.

But, where is the money?

Two hundred yuan, and all the subsequent expenses, at least three hundred yuan.

After a commotion at the health center, almost everyone in the village knew that Zheng Du did not hesitate to jump into a river and pretend to be sick to intimidate his mother and eldest brother in order to get a wife.

After being exposed in public, Zheng Du looked a little wilted.

Her eyes were wandering, and she followed the thin old lady Wang silently without saying a word.

He Tiantian still acted like a good son and big brother. Even though he knew he had been cheated, he was not angry. Instead, he blamed himself for not being good enough for pushing his little brother to this point.

Fortunately, He Tiantian paid attention to propriety and didn't go overboard.

She didn't "take off her anger" and blamed her son Zheng Qi for not "holding" Zheng Du's hand.

Song Chunhong lowered her head, holding her youngest daughter Zheng Hua in her hand, and the other three children followed beside her.

No one in the group said anything, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

Back home, the awkward atmosphere continued to spread.

It’s still Mrs. Wang who lives up to her reputation as the best.

She first coaxed Zheng Du in a gentle voice, "Bao'er, your clothes are all wet, go and change into clean clothes!"

"Although it's still hot today, we still have to be careful not to catch a cold. Alas, your child has been in poor health since he was a child..."

Xu told so many lies that Mrs. Wang herself was "hypnotized".

In her subconscious mind, her youngest son was physically weak, and even a sneeze might lead to a terminal illness.

"That's right! My little brother just jumped into the river and was hit on the head by my mother. He was even carried around the village -"

He Tiantian maintains the original character.

And honest people naturally can’t speak.

Occasionally say one or two words that poke people's lungs, and others can't blame them.

A clumsy tongue is the hallmark of an honest person.

Mrs. Wang: ...This eldest son just can’t speak!

Which pot won’t be opened?

If she didn't know what her eldest son's temper was like, Mrs. Wang would have doubted whether this idiot said that on purpose? !

"Okay! Boss, hurry up and find a solution. The fourth child was forced to jump into the river, so you, the eldest brother, are not in a hurry!"

"Oh, old man, you died too early, leaving me and Xiaosier without anyone to care for..."

As she talked, Mrs. Wang wanted to cry out of habit.

Song Chunhong pursed her lips hard, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes——

Come again! Come again!

It's the same thing every day.

She can "sing" her mother-in-law's words!

Song Chunhong is an aboriginal, and there is no such thing as "moral kidnapping" in these days.

But she just felt awkward, but she couldn't explain why.

What's even more hateful is that the man in his family just eats his mother-in-law.

Every time my mother-in-law cries, no matter how outrageous the request is, my husband will agree!

But not this time!

It was about her own daughter, Song Chunhong was determined to fight her mother-in-law to the end!

Song Chunhong thought bitterly, but her eyes couldn't help but glance at "Zheng Yu".

He Tiantian:......

See what I do? Dear, people have their own requirements, and there is nothing I can do about it.

She imitated the original owner, deliberately trying to look anxious and ashamed, and opened her mouth to agree to her mother's instructions.

Zheng Qi could see clearly, mainly because he knew his biological father too well.

It's not that the biological father doesn't love his children, but between the biological mother and his children, he prefers the former.

The biggest mistake my father made in his previous life was marrying his sister to Butcher Wang.

But later, my own father also realized his mistake.

When Zheng Qi insisted on getting his sister divorced and took her home, his father said nothing, and he didn't listen to his grandmother's wishes and drove his sister back to her in-laws' house.

This was probably the first and biggest time that a father disobeyed his mother for the sake of his daughter.

Maybe he didn't do anything.

However, this "acquiescence" is already a great help to the children.

Therefore, Zheng Qi's feelings towards his biological father are very complicated.

Strictly speaking, my biological father is definitely not a good father.

But it’s not like he really doesn’t care about the child!

If his biological father was completely bad and would torture and abuse his children in all kinds of ways, Zheng Qi would not be so entangled.

However, my biological father was not like this. He just valued the responsibility of the "eldest son" more.

There were times when he had a deep love for his children. Even if Zheng Qin was sacrificed, his biological father still loved him.

As for the two sons Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu, their biological father valued them very much.

...Zheng Qi was confused.

As a son, he really understands his biological father.

But I couldn't agree with some of his actions.

Parents do need to be filial, and brothers must be friendly to each other, but not too much.

The biological father obviously ignored the sense of propriety. In addition to touching himself and hurting his relatives, he actually spoiled Mrs. Wang and Zheng Du.

If he didn't understand his father's character and looked at the way he treated Mrs. Wang and Zheng Du, Zheng Qi couldn't help but wonder if he was engaging in "praising and killing".

Mrs. Wang is just a biased old lady, but she has become a vicious old fool who has no idea of ​​right and wrong;

The old lady could have had children and grandchildren around her and enjoyed a family relationship, but in the end she ended up being betrayed and separated from her relatives.

Her only beloved biological son ignored her and died miserably alone in the old house.

The corpse smelled so bad that the neighbors discovered it.

Tsk, it has provided nearly thirty years of conversation material to people from all over the country.

Zheng Du just had some small thoughts, pretending to be sick and being lazy.

After receiving the protection of his elder brother, he directly upgraded to a selfish, cold-blooded scumbag.

He plotted against his brother and nephews, cheated on his wife, abandoned his wife and children, defrauded the mother who loved him most from his pension money, and raised his son for others, only to be kicked out when he got old.

In the end, he lived on the street and died alone under a bridge, becoming a classic negative example for many parents in his hometown to educate their children!

Zheng Qi:......

A spoiled child is like a murderer!

He knew that his own father was not such a person, but what he did was really excellent.

Although grandma and fourth uncle did not end well, their whole family was also harmed.

Especially my sister, who was almost beaten to death by Butcher Wang.

Also, because of too many miscarriages, the uterus was damaged and it was difficult to get pregnant again.

After the divorce, my sister couldn't stand the judgment of people around her, so she had to go to other places.

It was difficult to have children after her second marriage, and the person she remarried had very average conditions.

Although in the end, my sister got pregnant, the process was very difficult.

After all the hardships, everyone will think it is a happy ending.

But those who have experienced it personally know that the word "bitter" is really written with blood and tears.

The younger sister witnessed her elder sister's miserable experience with her own eyes, and felt a shadow in her heart.

She was so afraid of marriage that she refused to get married even in her thirties, and her parents were almost dying of worry.

Although my parents were not divorced, they often quarreled because my father was too filial to my grandmother and doted on my younger brother.

Too much noise, it really hurts feelings.

They are obviously a couple who have been together for decades, but they are completely resentful couples.

The family seems to be together, but in fact it has been torn apart.

"...That was all a lifetime ago! This time, I will never let my family fall into that situation again!"

Zheng Qi clenched his fists hard and swore secretly in his heart.

He will try every means to persuade his father to "sober up" as soon as possible, and he will also find ways to restrain his grandma and fourth uncle.

He was definitely not seeking revenge, but helping them.

We are all a family, and Zheng Qi doesn't want to see his grandma and fourth uncle die alone and tragically again.

Fortunately, he came back not too late, and his sister had not yet been married off to Butcher Wang, so everything came in time!

Seeing that his grandma began to force his father to get money again, and in disguise forced his father to agree to the Wang family's marriage, Zheng Qi no longer hesitated and opened his mouth to speak.

However, there is someone who is one step faster than him——

"Mom, don't talk about this now. I've been working on it for a long time and I'm already hungry!"

Zheng Du's eyes were finally no longer blank, and his eyes were focused.

He said dissatisfiedly, "Finish the custard stew for me. I want to eat two eggs!"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she didn't care about scolding her eldest son, and quickly agreed, "Okay! Okay! Mom will let your sister-in-law do it now!"

"Oh, blame me! It's all my fault! I didn't even notice that my baby was hungry!"

Mrs. Wang took off a key from her waist, handed it to Song Chunhong, and said urgently:

"Boss, go get two eggs and stew them for Xiao Si'er! Don't eat them secretly!"

At the end of the sentence, Mrs. Wang even glanced at the four Zheng Qin siblings majestically.

The implication should not be too obvious.

Song Chunhong:......

She and her daughters fed the chickens, but the eggs they laid all went into Zheng Du's stomach.

Old ladies can also eat some meat every day.

There are also Zheng Yu and Zheng Qi. As the eldest son and grandson of the family, they can eat eggs every now and then.

For others, don’t even think about it.

But why!

Zheng Du does nothing but eats the best food in the family.

Now that such a joke has been made, instead of going back to the house to hide, you still have the nerve to eat eggs?

Zheng Du:......

I don’t want to either, but the character of the original owner is so great...

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