The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 760: The Villain Who Whitewashed His Articles (7)

Song Chunhong took the key, went to the kitchen, opened the lock on the cabinet, and took out two eggs from inside.

"Mom, I'll light a fire for you!"

Erya squatted down beside the stove in a sensible manner, taking the straw and lighting the fire skillfully.

Seeing that the little girl was not as tall as the stove, but was already able to help with the work, Song Chunhong felt happy and distressed at the same time.

The child is only four years old and has already begun to learn to make fires, collect firewood, and feed chickens.

And Zheng Du in the room over there is an adult of sixteen or seventeen years old. He is about to say goodbye, but...

The more Song Chunhong thought about it, the angrier she became. A voice shouted desperately: "Separate the family! The family must be separated!"

It's not because of the two eggs, nor because of the imbalance in my heart.

It was really shameful for Mrs. Wang and Zheng Yutai, they would only lie on Dafang's body to suck blood.

Zheng Yu is the eldest son and brother, so he should be his mother and his new brother's oxen and horses.

But, we can't drag her children with us.

I have heard that a son is filial to his mother, and his elder brother takes care of his younger brother, but he does not let his grandchildren, nieces and nephews serve his grandma and uncle like slaves!

Song Chunhong's face was gloomy, her mind filled with many thoughts.

Her hands were not idle, she took a bowl, cracked eggs, stirred, and added water, all at once.

At this time, Erya Zheng Hua had already started the fire, and the water in the big pot began to steam up.

Song Chunhong put the bowl on the basket, closed the lid, and continued to think about things in the steam-filled kitchen.

She knew that although Mrs. Wang and her son were embarrassed at the health center just now, everyone in the village knew that Zheng Du pretended to be faint and sick in order to get a wife.

But what?

Zheng Yu is a stubborn person.

He made up his mind to help, even ten cows could not hold him back!

But, how to help?

We still have to pay attention to Da Ya’s marriage!

Song Chunhong gritted her teeth,

"No! I will never let my daughter marry a butcher who has been married three times!"

Even if we really can't stop it, we still have to use Daya's incident to cause trouble and divide the family.

A flash of determination flashed in Song Chunhong's eyes.

"Mom, the custard is ready!"

Just when Song Chunhong was lost in thought, Erya's drooling voice sounded in her ears again.

Song Chunhong lowered her head and saw her little girl's eyes full of desire, sucking her fingers desperately.

The child was already hungry, but when he smelled the unique aroma of egg custard, he was naturally ravenous.

Song Chunhong might be really annoyed, or she might have a plan in mind.

For the first time, she boldly had the idea of ​​"disobeying" her mother-in-law.

With a rag on the side, remove the bowl from the cage.

Song Chunhong did not rush to light the sesame oil or add soy sauce, but scooped out two spoonfuls with a spoon.

The egg custard that was originally smooth and smooth, like a piece of tender yellow tofu, was instantly dug into two holes.

Song Chunhong felt a little uneasy, fearing that Zheng Du and Mrs. Wang would make trouble.

But soon, the voice in my heart said fiercely: "What are you afraid of? Sooner or later, there will be trouble!"

"Besides, my children are all named Zheng. Why can Zheng Du eat while my children can't?"

While Song Chunhong tried her best to comfort herself, she gave Erya the two spoonfuls of egg custard she dug out.

"Erya! Eat!"

Erya swallowed hard, her eyes seemed to be fixed on the fragrant, yellow and tender egg custard.

However, she did not dare to take action and timidly reminded her mother, "Mom, grandma and fourth uncle will be unhappy!"

This is stealing food from the mouth of the most precious fourth uncle in the family. The fourth uncle is nothing more than pretending to be weak and pitiful.

But my grandma, Mrs. Wang, would cry all over the house and make a fuss that made the neighbors come to watch the fun.

At that time, my mother will definitely be forced to apologize to my grandma, and my father and mother will definitely have a big fight.

Erya really wanted to eat egg custard, but she was more afraid of causing an uproar at home.

"Eat! Do you care if they are happy or not?"

Song Chunhong was a little worried at first, but seeing Erya's fearful appearance, she became more determined.

As if she was angry, she directly picked up the spoon and stuffed the egg custard into Erya's mouth.

Erya was unprepared and was stuffed into her mouth by the still steaming egg custard.

She didn't even know what happened, but the custard slipped down her mouth and into her stomach.

Having already taken a bite, it seems that taking another bite would be nothing.

Even if I have to get beaten for this, it will at least satisfy my craving.

This is not a loss!

Erya is young, but matures precociously due to family reasons.

In fact, children of this age are generally "sensible".

Thinking of this, she no longer resisted and ate another small piece of custard directly.

This time, Erya did not swallow the jujube wholeheartedly, but chewed it slowly.

She smacked her mouth, trying hard to savor this rare delicacy. Her dark and thin face was full of satisfaction, "Mom, it's so delicious!"

"...As long as it's delicious!" Seeing her Erya's appearance, Song Chunhong felt increasingly sad.

In fact, the Zheng family is not the poorest family in the village.

Zheng Yu and Song Chunhong are both well-known strong laborers in the production brigade, and both of them can earn full work points.

During his free time or after work, Zheng Yu would make some money by making furniture for others.

The four children are all grown up. They study in the primary school at the brigade headquarters and only have to pay some fees for books and miscellaneous fees. Each of them only costs one yuan a semester.

The only two idle people in the family are Mrs. Wang and Zheng Du.

However, Mrs. Wang has more than just one son, Zheng Yu.

The second child, Zheng Qiao, served as a soldier in another place and even got married. It was basically a state of separation.

But Zheng Qiao sends money to his family every month.

When he was not married, he sent him 12.6 yuan, which was basically half of his allowance.

After getting married, Zheng Qiao reduced his money to five yuan.

Five yuan a month is sixty yuan a year.

In their production brigade, a strong laborer may not be able to get 60 yuan when the money is divided at the end of the year.

It can be said that if Mrs. Wang is alone, she can live very well just relying on the five yuan sent back by Zheng Qiao.

There is also the third child Zheng Geng. He seems to be the most selfish of the three brothers. He has not dealt with Zheng Du since he was a child.

However, that was only for Zheng Du. Zheng Geng was still filial to Mrs. Wang.

He used to be an apprentice and had no wages, but he still found ways to make money and gave Mrs. Wang eighty cents as pocket money every month.

When he married his master's only daughter and became a regular worker in the factory, he also imitated the second child and sent money to Mrs. Wang every month.

He is more "selfish" and cares more about his own family, so he only gives three yuan a month.

This "less" is also relative.

At least in the production brigade and in Zhengjia Village, Mrs. Wang is definitely the envy of many old men and women——

The eldest son takes care of food and drinks, and the second son and the third son give money and bills. It’s a wonderful life.

If it weren't for the huge pitfall of her younger son, Mrs. Wang would definitely be the best-lived old lady in the entire production brigade.

But there is no if.

The money and goods of the three sons' filial piety were mostly cheap to Zheng Du.

The whole family eats whole grains, but Zheng Du has a bad stomach and eats refined grains all year round.

The family does not see meat all year round. Zheng Du, because of his "weak bones", gets sick from time to time and needs to eat meat to replenish his body.

The whole family's clothes were patched one after another. Zheng Du's skin was so delicate that he couldn't wear rough old clothes, so the cloth stamps he finally saved made him a white shirt and new trousers.

The children at home also go to school, but they work hard to help the family after school.

Even the youngest Erya, as soon as she learned to walk, began to waddle around in the yard, feeding chickens and helping deliver things.

As for Zheng Du, he would not touch Yang Chun Shui with his fingers, let alone work. When he was "sick", he even needed to be fed by his mother, sister-in-law, and nieces!

Oh, by the way, there are also medical appointments several times a year, which cost a lot of money.

... There is only one Zheng Du, which has drastically lowered the living standard of the Zheng family.

The two men Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu are doing better, and they can still eat eggs every now and then.

But outsiders like Song Chunhong, losers like Zheng Qin and Zheng Hua, can't even touch an egg!

Thinking of this, Song Chunhong's eyes turned red.

Not only angry and unwilling, but also endless grievances!

The heart that was still a little uneasy because of "disobeying my mother-in-law" instantly became firm.

What are you afraid of?

Originally, I wanted to separate from my mother-in-law.

It would be relatively cheap if this matter could be brought out over a bowl of custard.

Song Chunhong raised her head, took the bowl and went to Zheng Du's room.

When she opened the door and saw that Zheng Du was the only one in the room, Song Chunhong breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Although she is cruel in her heart, she is vain.

There is no way, after more than ten years of marriage, Mrs. Wang's prestige is too strong.

The key is that his man is not on his side.

Every time he had a conflict with his mother-in-law, Zheng Yu always looked accusing, "It's not easy for my mother. She has endured so much hardship for the four of us brothers!"

"As your daughter-in-law, why can't you let her go?"

Song Chunhong is not a time-travelling woman. She doesn't know the jokes on the Internet in later generations, so she can't directly reply: "Your mother's difficulties are not caused by me, why should I let her go?"

She will only be angry and feel weak.

Because this is how the world is, when a daughter-in-law faces her mother-in-law, she loses first in terms of status.

Seeing that Mrs. Wang was not in Zheng Du's room, Song Chunhong's nervous mood relaxed slightly.

Why not just relax completely?

Isn’t there another Zheng Du?

Song Chunhong almost grew up watching Zheng Du.

When she got married, Zheng Du was less than one year old.

Mrs. Wang lost almost half her life due to her advanced age and gave birth to a baby, and was unable to take care of her youngest son.

As the eldest daughter-in-law, Song Chunhong naturally shouldered this responsibility.

It can be said that Zheng Du grew up by being pooped and peed by Song Chunhong.

However, Zheng Du didn't have much respect for Song Chunhong, his sister-in-law.

Oh, no, people say nice things, but they just don’t do human affairs.

Not to mention repaying her, she secretly encouraged Mrs. Wang to fight with her!

It was from this incident that Song Chunhong realized that Zheng Du was not a good person.

"Eat! The egg custard you want!"

With old and new grudges, Song Chunhong became very angry when she saw Zheng Du.

When she spoke, she was a little rushed.


Zheng Du subconsciously wanted to say "thank you", but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

Alas, it’s so difficult to be the best or something.

As a copywriter, he also worked extra hard to maintain a top-notch personality.


Zheng Du pretended to be dissatisfied and snorted coldly, seeming to dislike Song Chunhong for being too slow.

Song Chunhong: ...The heartless white-eyed wolf has blinded her all these years of service!

Zheng Du thought that his performance was almost done. He raised his hand and took the bowl. When he looked down, he found that two large pieces had been dug out of the egg custard!

Zheng Du:......

As a top performer, how should you react when you see this situation?

However, Zheng Du is not a rookie, at least he is an old man who has done several missions.

And he is quite miserable, getting the best and scumbag scripts every time.

The more times he did it, the more he gained insights.

Playing a similar role, I can't say that it's a three-pointer, but it won't overturn.

Combining the tasks, the characters, and the current situation, Zheng Du had a reaction instantly——

He was surprised at first, and then angry.

The contents of his bowl were actually eaten by others.

This is a complete provocation.

But soon, the anger on Zheng Du's face disappeared, replaced by a kind of forced patience.

He seemed to have thought of something and forced himself to endure it.

Song Chunhong stood nearby, secretly watching Zheng Du's reaction.

She saw all the changes in Zheng Du's expression.


The fourth child actually didn’t make a fuss?

Didn't you pretend to be sick or anything like that?


Song Chunhong suddenly thought that Zheng Du was going to force their eldest son to pay for him to get a wife.

Is this asking for something and has to endure it?

Hey, I've never seen him so "tolerant" in the past.

Of course, in the past, it was all trivial matters, far less important than major life events like marriage.

Furthermore, Song Chunhong made a fuss this time, shouting "separate the family" and taking the children back to her parents' home, with a posture of carrying on till the end.

Although in the end, Song Chunhong was picked up by "Zheng Yu".

It seemed like he was giving in, but in fact, Song Chunhong's quarrel was a struggle in itself.

Mrs. Wang and Zheng Du should also know Song Chunhong's "bottom line".

They didn't say anything, but there was a hint of fear in their hearts.

Especially Zheng Du, he does not have the advantage of Mrs. Wang's status, and he is not so confident if he wants to morally kidnap his brother and sister-in-law.

This man is shrewd and will come up with various ways to achieve his goals.

And "a small impatience will mess up a big plan."

Zheng Du could understand the priorities of things. For the sake of his marriage, he had to put up with this little thing!

Song Chunhong understood Zheng Du, and the change in the expression on Zheng Du's face was so obvious.

After some thinking, Song Chunhong had some guesses.

This bastard must be holding back some evil.

However, Zheng Du "backed down" in the end and did not get into a fight over a bowl of custard.

Song Chunhong finally saw hope - Zheng Du was not someone who would fight to the end. As long as he was determined enough, this family might be able to be divided!

"Mom! My sister-in-law wants to separate the family, so let's do it!"

After finishing the custard, Zheng Du called Mrs. Wang over.

Mother and son put their heads next to each other and whispered softly.

"What? Separate the family? I don't agree!"

Mrs. Wang was immediately furious. If the person who said this hadn't been her most precious son, she would have cursed her loudly.

"Mom, listen to me..."

Zheng Du patiently explained to his mother, but sneered in his heart: Regardless of the separation of families, should Zheng Yu's family be allowed to take advantage of him?

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