The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 761: The villain who whitewashed the article (8)

"Mom, you have seen my sister-in-law's attitude! She is not willing to give me a gift at all!"

"The eldest brother is filial and loves my younger brother. But he is not only your son and my brother, but also someone else's husband and someone else's father!"

"Just like the second brother and the third brother, they have their own little family since then, and they don't even come back home!"

"...Mom, our family is like this. In fact, it has been divided long ago."

"In the past, I was not married and lived with my brother and sister-in-law, and no one else could say anything."

"When I get married, if we still live together, if my sister-in-law and my nieces and nephews don't make trouble, outsiders will gossip!"

Zheng Du clapped his fingers and told Mrs. Wang one by one.

Mrs. Wang couldn't listen, raised her eyebrows, raised her eyes, and cursed: "They dare!"

I don't know whether Mrs. Wang is scolding Song Chunhong and her son, or whether she is scolding outsiders for meddling in other people's business.

Maybe both.

Mrs. Wang always spoke her mind at home and developed a domineering temperament.

And if she, an old widow, really risked her life, the captain and the village chief would have a headache, not to mention the villagers.

"Mom, don't be angry yet, just listen to me!"

Seeing that Mrs. Wang still refused to let go, Zheng Du continued to persuade her hard.

"Although my elder brother and sister-in-law despise me, I don't want to turn against them!"

"I'm sure about the matter with Xiao Zhiqing. I must marry her!"

"Let my elder brother and sister-in-law help me with this gift money one last time."

"After we get married, we will separate our families! If you want to follow my eldest brother, you can stay in the old house."

"If you don't trust me, just follow me and build another house! Don't worry, your son can afford to support you!"

Hearing that her son had to support her one by one, Mrs. Wang was immediately amused and beamed.

However, after laughing, she still shook her head firmly: "No! We can't separate the families!"

My family knows my family,

Her fourth son is not the type to work in the fields.

As for Xiao Zhiqing, he looked more delicate than his fourth son.

If he were sent out, without the help of the eldest brother and his family, the young couple would not even be able to make ends meet.

Although the production brigade these days pays attention to "seven jobs and three jobs per person", as long as the household registration is in the village, it can account for everyone's head.

However, if you really don't do anything but want to share the food, it won't work.

But young people like Zheng Du and Xiao Zhiqing basically have no easy jobs.

No matter how lazy you are, you still have to go out and pretend.

When she thought of her youngest son, whom she had raised as her darling, having to work with her under the bright sun, Mrs. Wang's heart hurt as if it was being cut by a knife.

"Your eldest brother will definitely not dislike you. As for your eldest sister-in-law and those little brats, well, it's not their turn to make the decision in this family!"

Mrs. Wang said domineeringly.

Anyway, in one word, she doesn't separate families.

To put it bluntly, she is still alive. Even if she dies, she will make arrangements before she dies!

Her baby must not be wronged.

Zheng Du:......

Alas, Mrs. Wang is indeed the best. In a farming novel, she is a proper villain.

But she also really loves Zheng Du deeply!

He dressed as Zheng Du, so he naturally had to bear the consequences.

Therefore, even if everyone despises Mrs. Wang, he can't.

Not only will he not dislike Mrs. Wang, he will also treat her as a loving mother and be filial to her.

He wanted everyone to know that Mrs. Wang's "partiality" was justified.

He, Zheng Du, is the most filial and promising among the four brothers!

However, families still have to be divided.

Zheng Du was vindictive, and he had not forgotten the ridicule and rejection the original owner had received over the years.

The eldest brother Zheng Yu is indeed honest and treats Zheng Du well.

But just like what Zheng Du said when he persuaded Mrs. Wang: Zheng Yu is not only Zheng Du's eldest brother, he is also Song Chunhong's husband and the biological father of the four siblings of Qinqi, calligraphy and painting.

In the original plot, Zheng Qi was reborn and cooperated with Song Chunhong in proposing a family separation.

Zheng Yu disagreed, so Zheng Qi persuaded Song Chunhong to divorce Zheng Yu.

He also said that if his parents divorced, he, his sister, and his younger siblings would stay with their biological mother.

Let Zheng Yu stay alone in the old house.

When the time comes, whether he wants to be filial to his mother or take care of his younger brother, let him.

Zheng Yu was shocked and angry, but finally gave in.

He is a mama's boy and a brother-supporting devil, but he has not yet reached the ultimate level.

He still has some semblance of sanity left.

Of course, in Zheng Du's eyes, such rationality is selfish——

I don’t want to separate my wife and children for the sake of my mother and younger brother.

Maybe Zheng Qi is just a threat?

After all, no matter how capable Zheng Qi is, he is only a thirteen-year-old kid.

Song Chunhong was just stimulated by Daya's incident, but she still valued Zheng Yu as her husband.

As long as Zheng Yu gives in even a little bit, Song Chunhong will look back and she will never get divorced.

Zheng Du felt that as long as Zheng Yu was a little smarter, he would be able to see through this.

If he persists a little longer, Zheng Qi's plan might be aborted!

It's a shame that Zheng Yu still cared about his own family and gave up on his younger brother Zheng Du.

Although he still gave Zheng Du a bride price of 200 yuan, he separated Zheng Du and his wife on the second day of Zheng Du's wedding.

How impatient is this?

How much do you dislike Zheng Du and his wife?

The entire Zhengjia Village and the entire production team regarded Zheng Du as a laughing stock.

After the family was separated, oh no, to be precise, after Zheng Du and his wife were kicked out, Zheng Qi began to use his golden finger of rebirth.

He used the prophet to go to the bullpen to show his courtesy, and successfully caught up with the great professor in the capital.

He secretly went to the county's black market to buy and sell, and made his first pot of gold.

The Zheng family's life has become visibly affluent.

Everyone said that the Zheng family should have been separated long ago. Without Zheng Du as a "scourge", how much better would Zheng Yu's family live?

This kind of goodness reached its peak two years later when Zheng Qi passed the provincial college entrance examination and was successfully admitted to Beijing University.

Zheng Qi went to university and the policies were liberalized.

He was far away in the capital, and he was still coaching his father Zheng Yu remotely.

He told Zheng Yu some popular elements of later generations, so that the furniture he made was good and fashionable.

Soon, Zheng Yu changed from a village carpenter to the owner of a carpentry workshop.

Later, Zheng Yu opened the first private furniture factory in the county.

In less than ten years, Zheng Yu became a furniture tycoon and created a furniture brand.

Zheng Qi was not idle in the capital, selling antiques, buying monkey tickets, and grabbing original stocks...

Zheng Yu's family soared into the sky.

But because Zheng Du didn't have the care of his eldest brother, the couple couldn't even get enough food.

Poor and humble couples suffer from everything. Zheng Du and Xiao Jianying are both selfish people.

When times are bad, they will not think about working hard, but blame the other person for being too lazy and unmotivated.

Although Mrs. Wang secretly subsidizes the family, Zheng Yu's family is living so well that Zheng Du and his wife are not feeling the slightest difference in their hearts.

When the college entrance examination resumed, Xiao Jianying also applied for it, but failed.

Xiao Jianying was unwilling to give in and wanted to continue taking the exam.

But she was pregnant, and Mrs. Wang and Zheng Du were afraid that she would never come back, so they simply trapped her in Zhengjia Village in the name of their child.

Xiao Jianying is not a dumpling who lets others bully her, she is a ruthless person.

While pretending to accept his fate, he secretly made preparations.

Seeing the right opportunity, Xiao Jianying stole the family's money and sneaked back to the provincial capital with a slightly protruding belly.

I went to the hospital for an operation and returned to Zhengjiacun a month later.

She didn't come back to continue her life, but came to take the college entrance examination.

When Mrs. Wang saw Xiao Jianying aborting her grandson, she was so angry that she had a stroke.

Zheng Yu was angry and resentful, and the last trace of brotherly love in his heart for his younger brother disappeared because of his mother's illness.

He had moved to the county and took his mother with him.

As for Zheng Du and Xiao Jianying, well, let's just let these enemies hate each other and torture each other.

Zheng Yu completely ignored Zheng Du.

Zheng Du was first stimulated by Xiao Jianying, and then watched his mother suffer a stroke.

Later, even Zheng Yu, his only hope, gave up on him, and his heart was twisted.

During the fight with Xiao Jianying, Xiao Jianying was killed by mistake.

Zheng Du was frightened and fled in a hurry. He stayed as a fugitive for more than ten years, and finally died miserably in a rental house in a village in the city.

In the second year after Zheng Du fled, Mrs. Wang accidentally heard her son's "story" and went straight away with a mouthful of phlegm stuck in her throat.

...It is true that Zheng Duhui deserved this end.

Even Mrs. Wang suffered the consequences.

However, the butt determines the head, and the identity determines the stance.

Now that he is dressed as Zheng Du, he has to look at the problem from Zheng Du's perspective——

Are Zheng Yu’s family really perfect and innocent?

Forget about Zheng Yu, as for Zheng Qi, he was reborn.

Doesn't he know who Zheng Du is and what his fate will be?

But instead of helping, he secretly pushed her.

He clearly had a golden finger to make a fortune, and he pushed Zheng Yu to the position of the richest man in the province.

But he just refused to give any charity to Zheng Du.

Of course, among relatives, it is a matter of affection to help, and it is a duty not to help.

But Zheng Yu and Zheng Du are not ordinary relatives.

They are biological brothers.

The most important thing is that in these years, Zheng Yu's greatest reputation is that he is filial to his mother and friendly to his younger brothers.

He stepped on Zheng Du's head and became famous, but refused to give Zheng Du a hand.

Isn't this a bit unkind?

"Zheng Du" knows that his three views are a bit skewed, but he is Zheng Du now, and he was originally the best.

Top quality or something, ahem, what else do you need in terms of three views?

Now that he is here, Zheng Yu can no longer use Zheng Du as a stepping stone.

What a good son? Good big brother?

He wanted to expose this man's false mask!

In addition, he also wanted to separate the family first before Song Chunhong spoke.

In addition to not wanting to become a joke about being "kicked out", Zheng Du also didn't want Zheng Yu's family to take advantage of him.

The original owner fell on his head and he wore it.

In just one meal of egg custard, Zheng Du was able to sort out these ideas.

However, the biggest obstacle turned out to be his own mother, Mrs. Wang!

Zheng Du was really moved and speechless.

Oh, forget it, my mother feels sorry for herself too, she doesn't believe she can stand up at all!

Of course Zheng Du knew that he was capable, but his mother didn't.

After thinking about it, Zheng Du had an idea.

He deliberately showed hesitation, and his eyes were filled with a little panic.

Mrs. Wang talked eloquently, and in the blink of an eye she saw her son's guilty look.

Mrs. Wang's heart skipped a beat and she asked subconsciously, "What's wrong, Bao'er, are you hiding something from me?"


Zheng Du swallowed, and the panic and guilty conscience on his face became more and more obvious.

Mrs. Wang was so anxious that she raised her hand to hit someone.

But when the slap fell on Zheng Du, it didn't have much force.

"Oh, you kid, are you trying to scare me to death?"

"Hurry up and tell me, what else is going on?"

Only if you tell me can I help you find a solution.

"Mom, Xiao Zhiqing and I are not dying for love!"

After hesitating again and again, Zheng Du seemed to be unable to withstand his mother's questioning, and finally stammered and spoke.

Mrs. Wang looked relieved, "Of course I know you are not committing suicide for love!"

Isn't it just a show? She understands!

Zheng Du was a little anxious. He opened his mouth, but subconsciously looked around.

After making sure there was no one, Zheng Du still lowered his voice and said, "Mom, I mean, Xiao Zhiqing didn't say she wanted to marry me, I am determined to marry her!"

Therefore, he deliberately dragged people into jumping into the river together, which not only threatened his eldest brother, but also plotted against Xiao Jianying.

Mrs. Wang looked at Zheng Du intently. It took a long time to digest the meaning of her younger son's words and what he had left unfinished.

Mrs. Wang's heart was beating fast, and panic flashed in her eyes.

She raised her hand, this time without control.


Mrs. Wang slapped Zheng Du hard on the shoulder, "You kid, you, you... do you know that you have caused a big trouble?"

This kind of thing is, to put it mildly, an "accident."

To put it more seriously, it's just being a hooligan.

Xiao Jianying was still an educated youth, and if he didn't pay back any of them, he would be implicated in the local people's oppression of female educated youths.

In the past two years, there was nothing like this in the production brigade next door.

Instead of accommodating the situation, the female educated youth went to the county to file a complaint.

From the captain who protected people to the accountant's son who caused harm to people, everyone was caught.

The murderer was sentenced to death and ate peanuts directly.

Mrs. Wang has seen Xiao Jianying, and she is a person full of evil thoughts.

Maybe she won't go all out to make a scene, but as long as she lets out a little bit of news, her baby will not get any good results!

"Ouch! What can we do?"

"...Bao'er, you didn't lie to me? Are you really not on good terms with her?"

In desperation, Mrs. Wang couldn't care less and grabbed Zheng Du's ears and tortured him.

Zheng Du shook his head firmly. The original owner wanted to marry him, but he just used him as a backup.

Combined with what Xiao Jianying did in the original plot, Zheng Du has every reason to suspect——

This time, if Song Chunhong kills her and refuses to pay, Xiao Jianying will most likely threaten the Zheng family by acting like a gangster.

Xiao Jianying didn't really want to marry Zheng Du, she just wanted money.

Two hundred yuan can buy a job in the county.

Xiao Jianying has always wanted to return to the city, but her parents were "powerless", so she had to find a way on her own.

For such a calculated and cruel woman, Zheng Du was a little respectful and insensitive.

However, this does not prevent him from using Xiao Jianying to achieve the purpose of dividing the family.

"Mom, I'm worried that Xiao Zhiqing will take the opportunity to make a big move. Maybe two hundred dollars won't stop him!"

"My sister-in-law can't even bear two hundred yuan. She definitely doesn't want to pay more!"

"... Let's separate the family! As long as my sister-in-law is willing to give me money, no matter whether I can marry Xiao Zhiqing or not, this matter will be settled at least!"

"Otherwise, Mom, you will never see me again!"

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