The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 764: The villain who whitewashed the article (11)

"Split the family?"

Song Chunhong was stunned at first, and then secretly rejoiced.

If you can spend three hundred yuan to get the fourth child to take the initiative to separate the family, then it's not impossible!

Song Chunhong will cause trouble this time, not only because she feels sorry for money and her daughter, but because she knows that this kind of thing will never end.

Zheng Laosi was like a blood-sucking insect, always lying in their big room sucking blood.

It's no longer a big deal to be lazy and eat well. What Song Chunhong is most afraid of is that their big house will not only have to raise a fourth son, Zheng, but also provide him with a wife and children...

As long as Mrs. Wang is alive and as long as the men in the family still care about "eldest brother is like father", Zheng Du's family will never be able to get rid of this trouble.

"Yes! The tree has big branches. Our family should have branched long ago!"

"This incident was all caused by me. I made it difficult for my elder brother and sister-in-law. I, I feel very intolerable!"

"...So, I thought, no matter whether I can get married or not, once this matter is over, we will separate our families!"

Zheng Du could see clearly that the cheap sister-in-law was moved.

She even felt that if she could get rid of the trouble of Zheng Du, marrying her daughter to Butcher Wang wouldn't be impossible!

You see, Song Chunhong is not really firmly opposed to her daughter marrying a scumbag, but she wants to see whether it is worth it for herself!

If it can be exchanged for a big enough benefit, ahem, that means getting rid of the best brother-in-law completely.

Song Chunhong may feel distressed and guilty, but she will eventually agree.

Song Chunhong would object so fiercely before. In addition to feeling sorry for her daughter, she was also unwilling to give up.

If Zheng Du is replaced by Zheng Qi or Zheng Hua, it is her biological son Song Chunhong who is in trouble, and she needs to marry off her daughter in exchange for the bride price to save her life.

Do you think Song Chunhong will object? !

This is human nature!

There is no way, people are close and distant, even biological children, there are times when they are partial.

Zheng Du can understand,

He will even use this partiality to achieve his own goals——

Separate the family!

Song Chunhong didn't want to continue to be sucked by her best brother-in-law, and Zheng Du didn't want to take advantage of such a sister-in-law who disliked the original owner all day long.

Of course, Zheng Du would not really force Zheng Yu and his wife to sell their daughter.

His outlook on life is a little crooked, but it hasn't shattered into pieces yet.

He would not push Zheng Qin into the fire pit knowing that Butcher Wang was a scumbag.

Not to mention that Zheng Qin is the niece of the original owner. Even if she is a stranger, Zheng Du will not ignore her.

Although Zheng Qi was reborn, he cheated all the way.

But for now, he is only half a teenager.

In the Zheng family, Zheng Qi does not have much say.

Even if you want to do something, you have to do it through Song Chunhong.

But if Song Chunhong was moved and thought it would be good to exchange a daughter for the "peace" of the whole family, Zheng Qi's provocation would be of no avail.

Therefore, the matter of rescuing Zheng Qin still has to fall on Zheng Du, the best uncle.

Zheng Du had a plan a long time ago. He first pretended to be overwhelmed by a huge debt of 300 yuan.

He was afraid that his eldest brother and sister-in-law would not agree to pay him, so he said "helplessly": As long as you help me, I will separate the family!

He was "unwilling" and "forced to have no choice".

After dividing the families equally, Zheng Du was greatly stimulated and worked hard.

Before Zheng Qin married Butcher Wang, he got three hundred yuan and threw it in front of Zheng Yu and Song Chunhong.

In this way, not only did he successfully complete his "transformation", he also made himself white and clean!

That’s right!


How could Zheng Du be charged with "forcing his eldest brother to sell his daughter for his own sake"?

Although, with the best rhetoric, you can quibble: "I'm not the one who sold my daughter, so how can you blame me?"

However, Zheng Yu married his daughter to a domestically violent man from his third marriage for money.

And all this money was spent on Zheng Du.

There is a causal relationship between this.

Combined with the original owner's various extreme deeds in the past, his image as a vicious villain is simply too vivid and plump!

Zheng Du's mission is to clear the original owner's name and become the most promising and filial one among the four sons.

And the incident of "dying for love" with Xiao Jianying was the best opportunity for him to transform and clear his name.

He Tiantian: ...It’s a beautiful thought!

"No! We can't separate the families!"

Before Mrs. Wang could even express her dissatisfaction, He Tiantian spoke first.

"Before his death, our father held my hand and repeatedly told me to take good care of my brothers!"

"Xiao Si'er, it's true that what happened this time is your fault, but you are still young and a child. If you get into trouble, naturally I, the big brother, will help you solve it!"

"Besides, our mother is still alive, how can we separate the family?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

He Tiantian shook her head repeatedly and kept saying objectionable words.

Song Chunhong was secretly happy and secretly weighing the pros and cons of the whole thing in her heart.

My husband’s series of “no”s came to my ears.

Song Chunhong's heart, which had just soared, was instantly knocked to the ground.

Her whole body was not feeling well, and there was an obvious gloominess on her face.

Why is this damn man so stubborn?

In the past, Mrs. Wang suppressed her, and Zheng Xiaosi also pretended to be stupid and refused to separate the family.

As the eldest son and the eldest brother, Zheng Yu could not take the initiative to speak, and he would not be the subject of criticism.

Therefore, Song Chunhong understood somewhat.

But now, Zheng Xiaosi proposed to separate the family. Although Mrs. Wang looked unhappy, she couldn't help but snorted, obviously very unhappy.

However, Mrs. Wang did not jump up and shout "I disagree"!

It is estimated that the mother and son were threatened by Xiao Zhiqing, and they were really scared. They were worried that Song Chunhong would not be willing to spend 300 yuan to help Zheng Xiaosi solve the problem.

Only then did he decide to separate the family, hoping to use this as a bargaining chip to "negotiate" with Song Chunhong.

What a great situation. Zheng Yu didn't even have to say anything himself. He only needed to passively acquiesce, and their big house could completely get rid of a leech like Zheng Xiaosi.


Song Chunhong is so hateful.

Zheng Qin's heart seemed to be on a high-speed train, rising and falling.

But soon, she realized that no matter whether they separated or not, she seemed to be marrying a three-time old man who was old enough to be her father!

Zheng Qi's face was as sinking as water.

As early as when Zheng Du shouted "split the family", he had a strange feeling.

Things seem to be different from the past life.

According to Zheng Qi's plan, he planned to take advantage of this incident to not only force his biological father to cut off with his best uncle, but also to save his sister!

However, Zheng Du himself requested a separation of the family, and the initiative immediately fell into Zheng Du's hands.

He and his biological mother were somewhat passive.

If it were in the past, he would have been extremely repulsed and angry when he heard his biological father yelling "No separation of families".

However, at this moment, Zheng Qi felt a little inexplicable joy when he saw his father's pale face.


Can't separate the family!

At least this family separation cannot be proposed by Zheng Du!

In the past ten years of their big house, Zheng Du had taken advantage of it.

But if Zheng Du is allowed to split up his family, the matter of three hundred yuan cannot be explained too clearly to outsiders.

If one thing is not done well, outsiders will discuss it——

"Tsk, Zheng Yu really dislikes his younger brother! Zheng Du was kicked out before he even got married!"

"It's right to be disgusted. Zheng Du is so shameless. He's lazy, pretends to be sick and deceives others. He's a young man of 16 or 17 years old, and he still lets his brother and sister-in-law support him."

"Zheng Du is indeed shameless, but he is Zheng Yu's biological brother after all. Carpenter Zheng is gone, and the eldest brother is like a father. Zheng Yu will help Zheng Du build a family after all!"

"That's right, I have long felt that Zheng Yu is not as honest and kind as outsiders say. Maybe, he has long wanted to drive Zheng Du out!"


This is human nature!

First, everyone naturally sympathizes with the weak.

Zheng Du is indeed the best, but before he got married, his eldest brother kicked him out. It's a bit pitiful no matter how you look at it.

Secondly, it is not as good for a virtuous woman to lose her virginity as for an old prostitute to become a good woman.

If a person has done good deeds for more than ten years, and suddenly one thing is not good enough, he will be completely rejected by others.

And another person, who has been doing everything in his power for more than ten years, suddenly does something pretty good, and his reputation will be completely whitewashed!

Zheng Du wants to fight for the moral high ground, why doesn't Zheng Qi have such a plan?

Zheng Qi clenched his fist vigorously, and his face was inexplicably dark.

Only Mrs. Wang doesn't have so many twists and turns.

As soon as she heard her eldest son say that they would not separate their families, her gloomy face suddenly turned into a smile.

"Yes! The boss is right, we can't separate families!"

Zheng Du: ...My dear mother, you really know how to hold me back!

Really unable to hold it back, Zheng Du turned his head and glanced at Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang felt her youngest son's gaze, and her heart skipped a beat: Could it be that I ruined Fourth's plan again?

But, wouldn’t it be nice not to separate the families?

Xiao Si'er told her before that she was worried that her sister-in-law was already dissatisfied with him, and with the incident involving Xiao Zhiqing, her sister-in-law would definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble.

And his eldest brother, caught between his wife, children and younger brother, will be in a dilemma.

In order to prevent the matter from getting to that point, Xiao Sier took the initiative to separate the family.

He was thinking about his eldest brother's family, and he didn't want to make things too tense, so he suppressed Xiao Zhiqing's matter at least.

Even Mrs. Wang herself is worried that the boss will "for the sake of the small family and ignore everyone" and will care about his wife and children, and eventually give up on his fourth son.

But now, the boss is obviously not like this.

He is indeed my eldest son and a good brother to my fourth son.

Listen to his words, how firm he is?

Isn't this good? As long as the boss is firm, it won't be Song Chunhong's turn to make the decision in this family.

This will achieve the perfect result of "not separating the family, but also solving the fourth son's troubles."

How good?

Why does Xiao Si'er still look disapproving?

"Boss Zheng! You, you -"

Just when Mrs. Wang was secretly wondering, Song Chunhong finally couldn't help it anymore and stood up with a roar.

She pointed at He Tiantian's nose and cursed bitterly, "Okay! Okay! Boss Zheng, you are indeed a good son to your parents and a good brother to your younger brother!"

"You are filial! You are kind and righteous! How amazing you are!!!"

"But I tell you, you are not allowed to have any ideas about me, Da Ya. If you have the ability, you can raise the money yourself!"

"Hmph, I want to see where you got three hundred yuan!"

Song Chunhong was really angry with her husband.

Does this person have a wooden head?

Zheng Xiaosi clearly proposed the separation of the family on his own initiative, why couldn't he just go along with the situation?

Such a good opportunity to finally tear this lazy guy Zheng Du apart without having to bear the infamy, but Zheng Yu refused!

If she hadn't been in front of so many people, Song Chunhong would have really wanted to pull her husband's ears and ask him if he was stupid? Is your brain muddled by shit?

He Tiantian:......

Deliberately pretending not to see the accusation in Song Chunhong's eyes.

He Tiantian seemed to be stimulated by Song Chunhong's series of words, and said angrily, "Don't worry, I will figure out the money issue myself."

At this point, He Tiantian softened her tone, glanced at Zheng Qin who was hiding behind Song Chunhong, and said with a slight sigh, "I never agreed to marry Daya to Butcher Wang in the first place!"

When Zheng Qin heard this, she and Zheng Qi looked at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian gave a stiff smile.

At this time, people's emotions are still relatively reserved.

Especially as a father, you should be a "strict father".

He is basically serious and rigid in his treatment of his children, and rarely shows his emotions.

He Tiantian's expression was obviously that of an old father who was not good at expressing himself. He tried desperately to comfort his daughter, but in the end he failed to control his expression.

Her smile was stiff and her words were stiff.

But the content of the words moved Zheng Qin and Zheng Qi a little bit——

"Da Ya, don't worry, I won't marry you to Butcher Wang!"

"I will find a way to deal with money. No matter what, I will not sell my daughter!"

It’s no problem if you want to be filial to your widowed mother who has a hard time, or if you want to take care of your unmarried younger brother.

But, do everything by yourself, don’t drag others into the water.

This is the fundamental reason why foolish and filial men and brother-supporting demons are criticized by others.

Just like in the case of Zheng Du, the original owner wanted to be a good brother and tried his best to help his brother solve his troubles.

This is understandable.

However, the original owner cannot do this with the money from selling his daughter.

Otherwise, it's just perfect.

Let’s not talk about family members, outsiders and even readers will despise it.

He Tiantian would never do such a stupid thing.

She is different from other writers in the "Zheng Du" genre. Even if she travels through time and becomes a villain or villain, she rarely clears her name.

What to wash?

The original owner is clean, but can the wrong things he has done and the people he has hurt be washed away?

If something is wrong, it is wrong. At most, just to complete the task, He Tiantian will fight evil with evil and defeat magic with magic.

This time, there will be no exception!

Zheng Du wants to step on the original owner and clear his name, but there is no way!

"Hmph! That's easy to say! Who do you think you are? You can just get three hundred yuan?"

Song Chunhong didn't believe He Tiantian's words at all.

In order to prevent He Tiantian from taking action secretly, and to force her husband to make up his mind, she simply took her four children back to her parents' home.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Zheng Du felt dissatisfied in his heart, but he couldn't show it yet.

He could only sigh helplessly, "Oh, I was just worried that my elder brother and sister-in-law would quarrel over me, so I thought of living alone!"

"Brother, you, you should go and chase your sister-in-law back!"

Zheng Ducai didn't believe that Zheng Yu could get such a huge sum of money like three hundred yuan in a short period of time.

In the end, it is very likely that Daya’s gift will be used to fill the hole.

However, Zheng Du couldn't let things end like this.

Because if word spreads, outsiders will not know that he took the initiative to propose the separation of the family and the boss did not agree. They will only focus on one key point -

For his own sake, Zheng Laosi wanted to marry his niece to the notorious butcher Wang, and even forced his sister-in-law to return to her parents' home.

His plan to clear his name must not be ruined by Zheng Yu!

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