The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 765: The Villain Who Whitewashed His Articles (12)

"Xiao Si'er, don't worry, I'll figure out a way to deal with the money!"

"Listen to my brother and stop making trouble. We will not separate our families!"

"You don't have to worry about your sister-in-law, just let her go back to her parents' house to stay for two days."

"I am your eldest brother. I promised our father that I will take good care of you!"

"Tell me, you haven't married yet. Even if you are married, we still want to live together as a family!"

He Tiantian deliberately acted like a great brother, and every word he said stimulated Zheng Du's already impatient heart.

"That's right! Xiaosi, we are a family, we can't live apart!"

After hearing what her eldest son said, Mrs. Wang suddenly beamed.

She had been persuaded by her younger son before, and she was also worried that her elder son would favor his wife and children and separate from her, her biological mother.

However, it seems now that the eldest son is still the filial, sensible and responsible elder he used to be.

He is not a white-eyed wolf who "marries his wife and forgets his mother".

He Tiantian's attitude gave Mrs. Wang endless confidence.

Don't be afraid!

She is not afraid of Song Chunhong making trouble!

If she has the ability, this damn bitch will stay in her parents' home for the rest of her life.

Mrs. Wang still didn't believe it. The Song family could tolerate five of their wives living in their parents' home.

As time goes by, outsiders will talk about it and make jokes, and even their own family members can't stand it!

As for divorce, Mrs. Wang has never even thought about it.

They have never heard of divorce in their area.

Older people like Mrs. Wang can’t even understand——

Can I get a divorce?

Isn’t it all that “you are born to your husband’s family, and you die to your husband’s family”?


The boss of their family treats his daughter-in-law well enough.

There is no shortage of food for her, nothing for her to wear, and there is no shortage of a dozen every three days or a dozen every five days.

As a mother-in-law, she would only scold her a few times and never take action against her daughter-in-law.

Such a good husband and such a good man can't be found even with a lantern.

If Song Chunhong wants to divorce, she doesn't need Mrs. Wang to come forward. Neither the Song family will agree to it.

Outsiders' Tumo Xingzi can even drown her!

The more Mrs. Wang thought about it, the more she felt it made sense, and she no longer had the anxiety and worry she had before.

She also advised Zheng Du in turn, "As for money, your elder brother will find a way. At most, he can just take on more jobs and collect some wages in advance!"

No matter what happens, you can still borrow money.

Zheng Yu has a good reputation in the production brigade in Zhengjia Village.

Known for his honesty and craftsmanship, he will definitely be able to repay the money he borrowed.

Mrs. Wang secretly counted her fingers and calculated carefully. She felt that the process might be a little troublesome, but she would definitely be able to raise money.

In order not to put any pressure on her eldest son, she even offered, "I think we can get it in half a month, right?"

He Tiantian glanced at Mrs. Wang, without showing any real emotions, but continued to maintain the character of the original owner.

She nodded honestly, and although she was a little embarrassed, she still assured: "Mom, there should be no problem."

Zheng Du:......


I really want to curse!

What a good plan, so easily broken.

[Is this Zheng Yu stupid? Or was Mrs. Wang's brainwashing too successful? 】

[The king-level fool and filial man, the devil who supports his brother, he really lives up to his reputation as the best! 】

He is such a fool because he has a reborn good son.

In the original plot, he not only had a perfect reputation, but also became the richest man in the provincial capital.

The importance of a good reputation is vividly reflected in Zheng Yu.

In the end, even though Zheng Yu's family had a fortune of over 100 million, he was unwilling to take care of his younger brother. Even if the original owner Zheng Du died tragically on the street and the news spread back to his hometown, no one blamed Zheng Yu.

On the contrary, people say that Zheng Du "brings it to himself", while Zheng Yu is "the most benevolent and righteous person".

After Zheng Du found out, he made up his mind to clear his name and take off Zheng Yu's hypocritical mask.


"Okay, Xiao Si'er, you are in poor health, don't think too much, big brother has everything under control!"

He Tiantian didn't care about Zheng Du's depressed look, and continued to act like a good big brother who doted on his younger brother.

She takes care of everything, and although she is embarrassed, she is still willing to wipe her brother's butt.

Zheng Du:......

More frustrated, right?

It's a shame that there is a mother who knows nothing and only acts as a hindrance.

When Mrs. Wang saw her eldest son and her youngest son being so respectful and loving to each other, her dark face blossomed into a smile.

All the folds were opened with laughter, and the whole person was about to fly with joy!

"Yes! Boss is right. Xiao Si'er, you should go back to your room and rest."

"Oh, by the way, are you hungry? Mom will make you a bowl of custard..."

Zheng Du closed his eyes, Ma De, I really want to die!

However, no matter how much Zheng Du resisted in his heart, he could no longer clamor for separation.

Once it comes, it’s easy to collapse the character.

Secondly, it will also make people think that he "doesn't know what is good or bad" and "doesn't know the blessings in the midst of blessings"!

If this is the case, it will make "Zheng Du"'s already not very good reputation become even more bad.

"Mom, no need, I-I'm not hungry!"

Zheng Du just wanted to be alone and think about what to do next.

Alas, how could the original owner have such a stupid elder brother?

For the sake of the so-called "everyone", I even gave up my wife and children.

Zheng Du has worked as a top performer, and has also seen reports on some top-notch foolish and filial men and those who support their younger brothers and demons in the social news.

However, Zheng Yu's performance still shocked Zheng Du.

So damn stupid.

In other words, Mrs. Wang's brainwashing was so successful.

Such a character, if there is no male protagonist as a son, would be just cannon fodder and negative teaching material in a farming novel.

Even in reality, there is basically no good ending.

However, it was such a person who ruined Zheng Du's plan and pushed Zheng Du from active to passive!

Zheng Du stood up and walked weakly to his room. ,

He looked a bit "sickly".

Mrs. Wang felt heartbroken when she saw it, "Oh, my baby's body is really weak!"

"No! I want to get him something delicious to replenish him!"

Mrs. Wang bounced her little feet and walked to the yard, looking back and forth from the hens raised at home.

When He Tiantian saw this, instead of stopping her, she looked forward to it——

Dear, come on!

You must treat Zheng Du as a little ancestor, don't be polite.

Less than a week later, the four Zheng Qi siblings followed Song Chunhong back to the Song family.

Song Chunhong was holding back her anger, and she was also afraid of the comments from people around her.

As a married daughter, it is not a good thing to always go back to her parents' home.

When she met curious villagers on the road, she had a sad face mixed with a little sadness and anger——

"Didn't Xiao Zhiqing save my brother-in-law? My mother-in-law wants to give him a thank you gift, three hundred yuan! Let's give it to him!"

"The butcher king in the town is willing to give a gift of three hundred yuan, but I can't bear to part with my eldest daughter..."

"Oh, the men in my family are also in a dilemma, with my mother and younger brother on one end, and my daughter on the other!"

Song Chunhong walked and talked all the way, and within half a day, everyone in the nearby villages knew——

Carpenter Zheng’s family in Zhengjiacun is making news again.

For the sake of her younger son, Mrs. Wang actually forced her eldest son to marry her daughter to an old man who had been married for the third time.

The eldest daughter-in-law quit and went back to her parents' home with her children.

"Oh, what is this new thing? Song Chunhong has only returned to her parents' home once in the past few days!"

"It seemed like it was all about money that time!"

"However, Boss Zheng was not confused enough yet. He came to pick her up two or three times and finally coaxed his wife back home!"

"It should be like this this time, too. Just make a fuss, keep making trouble, and then things will be over!"

"Oh, you don't know, it won't be that simple this time! I heard..."

The villagers talked a lot.

After all kinds of speculation and speculation, everyone actually restored the truth by mistake——

"What kind of thank you gift? I think it's just hush money and it's more like it!"

"Yes! I heard from my husband's third cousin's second aunt that Zheng Laosi had always wanted to marry Xiao Zhiqing, but Xiao Zhiqing refused, and suddenly they fell into the river together."

"Haha, the Zheng family said that Zheng Laosi was careless. I see, he simply wanted to 'make cooked rice from raw rice'. However, Xiao Zhiqing was from the city and was not subject to this threat. In turn, he wanted to sue Zheng Laosi. Playing hooligan!"

"God, being a hooligan is a serious crime! You might end up eating peanuts. No wonder the Zheng family was willing to shell out three hundred yuan..."

"No, it's no wonder that the daughter of the Song family was so angry that she returned to her parents' home. Compared with such a careless brother-in-law like Zheng Du, three hundred yuan is nothing!"

The three aunts and six wives discussed it eagerly.

There are also some wives who take on the role of Song Chunhong, thinking that if they have such a delicious and lazy brother-in-law who can get into trouble, a partial mother-in-law, and a husband who is "unable to handle"...

Oops, I can’t get through this day!

While everyone sympathized with Song Chunhong and pitied Zheng Qin and the other children, they looked down upon Zheng Du more and more.

Women also complained and disliked Zheng Yu in various ways.

The men can understand it, and the elders admire it very much.

The opinions of several forces contradicted each other. In the end, Zheng Yu became a somewhat confused but honest man with good character in everyone's eyes.

Such a person will definitely be wronged if he is his wife and children.

However, as his relatives and friends, not only will he not suffer any loss, but he may also gain some benefit.

There are only five wives and children, but there are hundreds or even thousands of people in Zhengjia Village and even the entire production brigade.

...Zheng Yu's reputation has become even better.

Everyone instinctively believes that people who can be filial to their elders and take care of their brothers and sisters can never be bad no matter how bad they are.

Good character, reliable, practical and capable.

Even though Zheng Du was such a restless younger brother, he never disliked him.

Good man, trustworthy!

Zheng Du:......

Ma De, Zheng Yu once again stepped on my head and became famous!

However, it was not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy. Zheng Du wanted to argue, but he had nothing to say.

"...If you think about it from another perspective, this is not a bad thing!"

After all, Zheng Du was not the original owner. He quickly calmed down and began to look for opportunities from disadvantages.

Soon, he had an idea.

His reputation is terrible, but Zheng Du is a face-saving person.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore after being pointed at by others all day long, with people coming up to him to say weird things and watching the fun.

In anger, he ran to town.

You may meet a "noble person", you may find a way to make money...

Anyway, he could barely find a reason to "transform"!

Although this reason is not as good as the previous one, when he has reached this stage, it is really difficult to clear his reputation in one step.

He can only take his time!

But everyone in the world laughs at poverty but not at prostitution.

As long as he makes money, as long as he has "capital", he will be a prodigal son who returns and will slowly become the pride of Zhengjia Village.

"Okay! Let's do it!"

Zheng Du opened his eyes and made a plan again.

He Tiantian is also taking action.

She came to the health center and found Zheng Xiucai, a barefoot doctor.

"...What, you, you want-"

Zheng Xiucai's eyes widened as he watched He Tiantian rub his hands and express his request.

He Tiantian showed an honest smile and said helplessly, "I really have no other choice. I want money, but my family doesn't have it!"

"I can't push my daughter into the fire pit for money, so I have to find a way on my own!"

"I am just a farmer who can do some carpentry work, and I have no other way to make money."

"Last time I went to work in the county, I heard someone talking about this kind of thing. I, I wanted to try it-"

Zheng Xiucai had heard the rumors outside and probably knew about the Zheng family.

He looked at He Tiantian with eyes full of pity.

In addition to pity, there is also a little admiration——

It's a man!

I want to be filial to my eccentric mother and take good care of my younger brother, without dragging my wife or daughter into the water.

Come on your own!

This is very manly.

Although Zheng Xiucai was a native, he understood some truths because he had read books.

He has seen too many men who talk about filial piety and benevolence, but only sacrifice their wives and children.

Those people are not truly filial and benevolent at all. They are more selfish than those who are unfilial and unbenevolent.

Or "Zheng Yu" is more reliable, a real man who has the courage to take responsibility.

He Tiantian: ...Haha, you can do whatever you want!

"Then we can't take this step. Zheng Yu, you heard me say that you can indeed get money this way, but you have to pay for it with your life!"

Zheng Xiucai's impression of "Zheng Yu" instantly improved a lot.

He began to think about it.

What "Zheng Yu" said, he knew the way and could help.

However, Zheng Xiucai did not agree with Zheng Yu's actions.

It was too painful. If he didn't do it right, Zheng Yu's body would collapse.

"It shouldn't be this serious! I've asked about it. As long as you repair it well, it can be restored."

"Zheng Xiucai, please help me. I, I really have no choice but to do this!"

He Tiantian prayed humbly, looking even more pitiful.

"Oh! It's really hard for you!"

Zheng Xiucai looked at He Tiantian intently and let out a long sigh.

"Okay, I'll give you directions. You go to the county hospital to find Liu Xiaonuo. He's the leader of that area!"

Zheng Xiucai told He Tiantian a contact person and some related precautions.

"Thank you! Zheng Xiucai, thank you so much! You have helped me a lot -"

He Tiantian thanked her again and again, with such a sincere look that made Zheng Xiucai feel even more sad.

Oh, what a good son and big brother.

I hate that Mrs. Wang is partial, and Zheng Du is such a white-eyed wolf.

It’s okay to just eat and be lazy at ordinary times, but it actually caused such a big disaster.

He ran to the town to hide from the limelight, but forced his elder brother to sell blood...

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