The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 766: The villain who whitewashed the article (13)

Song Chunhong returned to the Song family with her four children.

This time, the response from everyone in the Song family was far less enthusiastic than the last time.

Not to mention the droopy faces of the two daughters-in-law, even Mother Song was a little unhappy.

She took Song Chunhong to the inner room, lowered her voice and said in a hateful voice: "You kid, why are you still addicted when you return to your parents' home?"

"You've only been back for a few days, and you're already back with your child?"

"You, what are you going to do? Can't you live a good life?"

The key point is that he didn't come back alone, he brought a child with him in one go.

What I know is that she is worried about the child, but what I don’t know is that she thought she came here to eat her parents’ family on purpose!

"Mom, I really can't stand it anymore!"

"You don't know, the Zheng family is so bullying."

"Zheng Laosi, he caused trouble himself, but he wants our eldest daughter to fill the hole..."

"Zheng Yu is the most confused. Zheng Laosi himself said that the family was going to be separated, but he refused. He insisted on saying that an elder brother is like a father. He wants to take good care of his younger brother!"

"Oh, mother, I can't survive this day--"

It's not like Song Chunhong didn't notice that everyone in her parents' family looked unhappy.

But there was nothing she could do.

She had to let Zheng Yu know that she, Song Chunhong, was not dough and would never be kneaded by anyone.

This family must be divided.

He either wants his mother, his younger brother, or his wife and children, and he can only choose one.

"Mom, don't worry, I, I will stay at home for a few days."

"By the way, I'll get some more good wood for the third child, and let Zheng Yu build a writing desk for the bride!"

Song Chunhong knew that people were so sophisticated that even if they were directly related to her mother's family, they would not succeed if they came back empty-handed.

However, all her private money was given to her mother last time.

There is really no money this time.

She deliberately said that she wanted to buy more furniture and a desk for her younger brother. Even the work and materials would cost about ten yuan.

Sure enough, when Song Chunhong said this, Mother Song's face looked better.

"Oh, I really owed you something in my previous life!"

Song's mother stretched out her index finger and poked Song Chunhong's forehead hard.


Song Chun had red eyes and a thick nasal sound in her voice.

Although the Song family was not as enthusiastic as the last time, they at least allowed Song Chunhong, mother and son to live there.

However, it is really not a good feeling to be dependent on others.

When Zheng Qin saw that her two aunts were not smiling, and they were falling and beating while working, she actually blamed herself——

Blame me!

Blame me!

If it wasn't for me, mom wouldn't have quarreled with dad.

In this way, there is no need for the younger brothers and sisters to watch people's faces at grandma's house.

For a moment, Zheng Qin wanted to say to Song Chunhong: "Mom, let's go home. If it doesn't work, let me get married!"

It was Zheng Qi who saw something was wrong with his sister's mood and pulled her back, "Sister, haven't you seen it yet?"

Zheng Qi is a smart person to begin with, and with two lifetimes of experience, he sees things more clearly.

Although some things, once revealed, will make people sad and heartbroken.

However, this is a fact and will not change due to personal wishes.

"This time our parents quarreled, not because of your marriage, but because of the separation of the family!"

"Mom finally waited until my uncle and grandma relented, and took the initiative to propose a family separation, but our dad didn't agree..."

According to her mother's wishes, in order to successfully separate Zheng Du, she would most likely marry Zheng Qin to Butcher Wang.

No matter how much you feel sorry for your daughter, no matter how much you look down on a scumbag like Butcher Wang, they are not worth the interests of Dafang’s family!

This fact is too ugly and cruel, but it is real.

Zheng Qi realized this and felt very sorry for his sister.

But, this is also reality.

There are many children in the family these days, so we don’t talk about favoring boys over girls, and don’t talk about favoritism.

But if you sacrifice one child, you can gain the happiness of several other children and even the whole family.

Parents will agree!

"Then what should we do?"

Zheng Qin became more and more confused after hearing what her brother said.

In fact, she also knew that in order to achieve the purpose of breaking up the family, her biological mother would most likely choose to sacrifice her.

And taking the four siblings back to the Song family was just to force their father to relent.

But the Song family is not that easy to live in.

They had just arrived, and the aunts looked very ugly.

While eating, she kept saying some meaningful words, which made Zheng Qin and her brother afraid to take a big bite.

When sleeping, he was also squeezed into a small utility room.

She is already a fifteen-year-old girl, and she really doesn't want to share the same bed with her two twelve- or thirteen-year-old brothers.

Of course, if you endure it, you can still endure it.

But when does one become the boss?

What if my own father is also stubborn this time and doesn't come to pick him up for several days, then the five of them will be left hanging in the Song family!

If you go back in despair, you won't have any capital. When the time comes, you will be at the mercy of grandma and uncle.

If you don't do it right, you will have to sell your daughter to the big house, but you can't separate the family!

Zheng Qin couldn't help but worry when she thought of this.

"Sister, don't worry, I have a solution!"

Even Zheng Qin could see the dilemma, but Zheng Qi couldn't.

He knew that when his mother took the four siblings out of Zhengjia Village out of anger, she lost the initiative.

Of course, Zheng Qi also has a trump card - divorce!

To paraphrase a line from a later TV series, people are more willing to be generous than others.

Whoever is more ruthless and able to hold on better will win.

My biological father is a king-level foolish filial man and a demon who supports his younger brother, but he has not yet reached the point of being hopeless.

"Divorce" is a powerful medicine.

When Zheng Qi first came back from rebirth, he once thought that he would wake up his biological father by "dispersing his wife and children".

...Well, things have come full circle, and it seems that we are back to this point again.

Although there were a few more twists and turns, Zheng Qi still had a way to pull it back.

However, this trump card requires capital.

For example, he must use actual circumstances to prove to his mother that the five of them, mother and son, can live well even if they are separated from Zheng Yu.

The "unwelcome" from everyone in the Song family accelerated Zheng Qi's plan.

On the first day he came to the Song family, Zheng Qi began to make secret plans.

As the eldest son and grandson of the family, Zheng Qi still has some status.

Although he is not as favored as Zheng Du, he is still the second most favored person.

Song Chunhong also loved her eldest son very much.

Last year, Zheng Du was promoted to junior high school and studied in the middle school in the town.

The village is more than ten miles away from the town, so it is very time-consuming to go back and forth.

In order to save time and prevent Zheng Qi from working so hard, his family let Zheng Qi have lunch at school.

Normally, students bring their own meals.

Coincidentally, Zheng Du also studied in the town.

When he was in school, the partial Mrs. Wang secretly stuffed him with money and food stamps.

Song Chunhong caught him on the spot once and caused quite a scene.

Mrs. Wang was shy and anxious, so she blurted out, "When your son goes to study in the town, I will also give him money!"

Mrs. Wang said this just to prove that she was not partial. It was only because Song Chunhong's child was too young to go to the town to study.

If you don't go to town, you won't be able to enjoy these benefits.

Mrs. Wang was just an excuse, but Song Chunhong remembered it firmly.

When Zheng Qi was finally able to go to town to study, she immediately found Mrs. Wang and extended a hand without hesitation.

"Mom, you promised back then that as long as the boss goes to study in the town, you will let him be like his brother-in-law!"

Mrs. Wang was so embarrassed.

But she did say such things, and she did still have some affection for her eldest grandson Zheng Qi.

In order to prove that she was "not partial" and to prevent herself from being separated from her eldest son and grandson, Mrs. Wang reluctantly took money and food stamps.

Of course, I gave it, but the amount was far from compared to Zheng Du.

However, Zheng Qi didn't care. He was not as lazy and inconsiderate as Zheng Du.

He felt sorry for his parents and was reluctant to spend it, so he secretly saved all the money his grandma gave him.

One year later, I actually had a private house worth five yuan.

Originally, Zheng Qi wanted to give the money to his mother to support the family.

However, it was later discovered that while her mother complained about her father's support for her grandmother and uncle, she was also secretly using her own money to support her parents' family.

Zheng Qi:......

Well, he understands all of this.

It's just that he couldn't stupidly hand over his private money.

Zheng Qi didn't want to give his uncle an advantage, nor did he want to supplement the Song family's income. Wouldn't it be nice to spend this money on their four siblings? !

A few days ago, Zheng Qi discovered that he had lived an extra life without falling into the water or having any accidents. He was just sitting on the edge of the field at his grandma's house in a daze.

After returning from rebirth, Zheng Qi has a new plan for life and family.

And the private money he saved was his original capital.

"Grandma, I have a classmate in the town. His sister has given birth and wants to buy eggs, but there are not that many supply and marketing cooperatives in the town..."

Zheng Qi went to Mother Song, made up a random reason, and took out a dollar, "They give five cents for an egg. Do we have any extra eggs?"

When she heard that an egg cost four cents, Mother Song's eyes instantly lit up.

They usually go to purchasing stations or supply and marketing cooperatives to sell eggs, and the purchasing price is basically three to four cents per egg.

Five cents, one or two cents higher than the normal purchase price.

Don't underestimate such a one-two score, add up to a small amount.

One egg costs a penny more, and ten eggs cost just a dime.

Their family has a large population and they raise three hens. Apart from occasionally feeding their wife and grandchildren, most of them are saved.

You can save forty or fifty in a month.

This can be sold for fifty cents more.

Of course, my grandson also said that his classmate’s sister was in confinement and needed to eat eggs, so it was basically a one-time deal.

But my grandson is studying in the town, and this is not the only classmate he knows.

There is always a time at home when a baby is born or a gift is given.

Oops, you don’t need too many things like this. One or two pieces a month can make your home sell for 40 to 50 cents more.

Song's mother was illiterate, but she was good at settling accounts.

The little abacus in my heart clicked, and my face was filled with smiles.

"Yes! I have been busy building a new house for your uncle these days, and I didn't even bother to go to town. I have a basket of eggs at home..."

"Then give it all to my classmate. His sister is in confinement and needs three or four meals a day."

Zheng Qi hurriedly smiled and said to Song's mother, and gave her a dollar, "Grandma, this is the deposit. When my classmate collects the eggs, I will get the other money back to you!"

"Oh, they are all family members, how can you say that there is no down payment?"

Mother Song said, but her hands were not polite at all, and she collected the money.

Zheng Qi didn't take it seriously either. He was not his grandma's grandson. As a "nephew dog", Zheng Qi was still very conscious.

I gave the deposit and started counting the eggs, forty-six in total.

Zheng Qi quickly settled the score in his mind.

Then, he ran to find his third grandma, um, his grandma's sister-in-law, his mother's third aunt.

Following the same pattern, Zheng Qi collected another fifty eggs from Grandma Three.

The two rattan baskets were full, and Zheng Qi sprinkled some crushed rice bran into them to prevent the eggs from getting bumped during transportation.

Before dawn the next day, Zheng Qi quietly went to town alone.

In the past year, he ran to town almost every day, and he was familiar with the road.

It’s just that I just came back from rebirth, and I’m a little bit uncomfortable with “Bus No. 11”.

It was more than ten miles away, and on normal days, he would arrive there in less than an hour.

After being reborn, my legs and feet were not so agile, and it took more than an hour.

When he arrived at the town, Zheng Qi was out of breath and his legs were sore and painful.

"I have to find a way to get a bicycle in the future!"

Zheng Qi was dressed roughly and wiped the sweat from his head, secretly setting a small goal in his heart.

However, now is not the time to think about this, he needs to sell the eggs as soon as possible.

The town is no better than the county seat. There is only one supply and marketing cooperative and no black market.

And if you go to the county, you need a letter of introduction.

Of course, if you don’t take a car or don’t stay in the county, it doesn’t matter if you have a letter of introduction.

However, the town is more than a hundred miles away from the county seat. If it depends on two legs...

Just thinking about it made Zheng Qi feel his legs weak.

Forget it, there is no black market in the town, but there is a town hospital and several units.

It’s not big, but there’s always a need.

Zheng Qi grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and smeared it on his face.

The mud mixed with sweat made Zheng Qi look very embarrassed.

Except for the two eyes which are still clean, the original appearance cannot be seen anymore.

He was familiar with the town and came to the town hospital without asking.

Carrying two baskets, I squatted in the corner. When I saw the beaming middle-aged and elderly women, I went to greet them.

"Ten sixty cents, no votes."

"If you want more, it can be cheaper, ten fifty-five cents!"

Zheng Qi had already inquired that eggs from the supply and marketing cooperative were basically ten and fifty-five cents, but egg stamps were required.

He doesn’t want tickets, and the price is similar to that of a supply and marketing cooperative. The key is that the quantity is enough!

"Okay! I want thirty!"

A middle-aged and elderly woman has just received a fat grandson, which is a time of joy.

Even so, he was willing to give his daughter-in-law some delicious food.

If nothing else, if your daughter-in-law eats well, her grandson will have milk to eat!

The eggs Zheng Qi brought were not too many, and they were sold out after two rounds.

The net profit from an egg is one and a half to two cents. Zheng Qi roughly calculated that he earned one and a half yuan from this trip!

This is because the price he paid for the eggs was relatively high. If he pressed harder, he might earn even more.

Zheng Qi was holding two empty baskets and thinking happily.

He was so immersed in his own world that he didn't notice for a moment that in a corner not far away, a familiar person was peeking...

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