The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 767: The villain who whitewashed the article (14)

"Zheng Qi, this kid is indeed in town!"

Zheng Du hid in the corner and watched Zheng Qi leave the town with two empty baskets.

He is familiar with the plot and naturally knows Zheng Qi's path to fortune.

He first sold eggs in the town. After he had the initial capital, he started to buy and resell in the county.

Two years of hard work not only allowed him to earn his first pot of gold, but also allowed him to get acquainted with several "big brothers" in the black market.

These people are courageous and knowledgeable.

After the policy was liberalized, they were the first batch of self-employed people to go overseas.

Among them, there was a man named Wang Hongjun, who was a die-hard follower of Zheng Qi.

After Zheng Qi was admitted to college, it was inconvenient for him to do business, so Wang Hongjun was busy traveling south and north.

It can be said that Wang Hongjun, his right-hand man, played a huge role in Zheng Qi's ability to have such a large business territory.

After Zheng Du came through, the first thing he thought of was to follow the male protagonist's path, leaving the male protagonist with no way to go.

Zheng Du has secured the corner of Wang Hongjun!

Not only does he want to steal the hero's "noble person", but he also blocks his way!

Well, he won't directly report it. After all, they are a family, and Zheng Du himself has to work in the black market.

It's so tasteless to make a snitch or something like that!

Zheng Du doesn't engage in intrigues, he wants to play dirty tricks - wouldn't it be better to just tell Zheng Yu about Zheng Qi secretly selling eggs in the town?

Zheng Yu is an honest man who is most afraid of breaking the law and violating discipline.

But these days, it is illegal to do small business secretly.

Zheng Yu didn't dare to do it himself, and he certainly didn't dare to let his son get his hands on it.

No matter how capable Zheng Qi is, no matter how reborn he is, he is only thirteen years old now.

At the moment when he still follows the principles of father and son, it is simply too simple and natural for Zheng Yu to teach Zheng Qi a lesson!

Zheng Du watched Zheng Qi leave with his own eyes, and he did not waste time.

Start walking around town.

He spied on Zheng Qi without realizing that he himself was being spied on.

He Tiantian took the letter of introduction from the captain and walked to the town, preparing to take the long-distance bus to the county.

She bought the ticket and looked at the departure time. There was still more than an hour left.

Instead of waiting at the station, she walked around town.

Hey, what, she is also someone who knows the plot well.

She also has one more advantage than Zheng Du.

Zheng Du only knew the script of Zheng Qi's rebirth.

But He Tiantian is familiar with the plots of the two scripts.

Script 1: Zheng Qi is reborn, Zheng Du has no "adventures", he is a perfect relative and a disgusting little villain;

Script 2: Zheng Du was transported through time and first took advantage of Xiao Zhiqing's incident to propose a family separation.

After slightly recovering some of his reputation, he took Zheng Qi's path and deliberately went to complain to Zheng Yu.

Zheng Qi was strictly supervised by Zheng Yu and was not allowed to buy or sell on the black market, so he was unable to accumulate funds initially, let alone recruit "little brothers" like Wang Hongjun.

Zheng Qi was unwilling to give in and couldn't even calm down to study.

The college entrance examination resumed, and Zheng Qi, who graduated from junior high school, wanted to give it a try, but failed.

People in the village laughed at him, saying that he was overestimating his abilities and that his heart was as high as the sky.

The teachers at the school also advised him not to aim too high and to study in high school first, and then take the college entrance examination.

Zheng Qi calls himself a reborn person, and in the life he has experienced, he has attended high school and college.

Although his grades were not very good, he had experienced it after all.

He didn't want to do it again.

Besides, "become famous as early as possible", and go to college sooner rather than later.

College students who have just resumed the college entrance examination are the most valuable.

Zheng Qi didn't want to waste time and follow the steps step by step. He wanted to pass the Zhengjiacun exam as soon as possible.

He also wanted to use his grades to prove to his parents: I am good enough and I am fully capable of deciding my life.

He really doesn't want to be strictly restrained by his parents like a child.

Therefore, at Zheng Qi's strong request, he repeated the reading.

Zheng Shu is one year younger than Zheng Qi. He is not as "confident" as his brother. Instead, he follows the established procedure and enters high school after graduating from junior high school.

Zheng Shu is more well-behaved, but no matter how well-behaved he is, studying still costs money.

The family has two high school students to support, and Mrs. Wang pretends to be ill and behaves like a monster from time to time, so the financial aspect is relatively tight.

Not to mention divorcing Zheng Qin, who was suffering from domestic violence, sometimes Song Chunhong would go to Zheng Qin to ask for money.

The person holding the hand is short-handed!

With the Wang family's money, the Zheng family has no confidence in front of Butcher Wang.

Zheng Qin's despair can be imagined as her parents' family cannot support her and is holding her back.

Zheng Du, who has followed the path of the male protagonist and has achieved success, now appears as a savior.

He used money to kill Butcher Wang, and as his uncle, he took Zheng Qin back home.

He rebuked his eldest brother and sister-in-law for being too partial and only caring about his son and not caring about his daughter's life and death.

He had stopped Zheng Qin from marrying to the Wang family in the first place. The eldest brother was unwilling to owe him money and insisted on marrying her.

In vain, Zheng Qin was trained in the Wang family for two years.

... Zheng Du made a lot of noise, and the reputation of Zheng Yu and his wife plummeted.

Zheng Qin also separated from her parents and brothers.

The pride and self-confidence of Zheng Qi, a reborn person, were destroyed time and time again by Zheng Du.

After repeating the exam three times, Zheng Qi managed to get into a junior college.

Zheng Qi has long lost the vigor he had when he was first reborn, and Zheng Yu is even more burdened by life and fame.

Instead of starting a business, he continued to be a country carpenter.

He cultivates the land and does some work in his spare time, barely maintaining the family's livelihood.

On the other side, Zheng Du soared into the sky.

I bought a house in the county early and opened a company in the provincial capital.

He has become the pride of Zhengjia Village and is the good son that makes Mrs. Wang most proud.

Discussions in the village began to change.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten Zheng Du's excellent behavior, and instead praised him for being different from others since he was a child.

In order to praise Zheng Du, Zheng Yu, an honest man, would be pulled in again and again for comparison.

The story of Zheng Yu and Zheng Du's separation was also revealed by everyone.

At this time, no one said that Zheng Yu was "extremely benevolent", but blamed him for ignoring brotherhood.

Some people secretly laughed at Zheng Yu for being blind and pushing the God of Wealth out of his house.

All Zheng Yu's contributions to Zheng Du were wiped out.

He has become a joke in Zhengjia Village.

Mrs. Wang kept saying that he was worthless and incompetent, and that he was not as capable as his younger son.

She told Zheng Yu that she regretted it, and that she should not have followed him in the first place, but should have followed her younger son.

Zheng Yu was completely denied. His frustration and despair could not be understood without personal experience.

He had completely lost his energy. Although he was fifty years old, he looked as lifeless as a seventy-year-old man.

After Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu graduated from college, the jobs they were assigned were not ideal. Zheng Yu had no choice but to seek help from Zheng Du again.

As a big brother, who was once like a father, Zheng Yu bowed his head to Zheng Du, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

This is human nature.

But once Zheng Du spread the word, Zheng Yu became the top brother who sucked the blood of his rich brother, but still couldn't recognize his own identity and deliberately staged it.

Not only was Zheng Yu a joke, he also became Zheng Du's control group.

The male protagonist Zheng Qi has completely lost his halo as a protagonist and has become a cannon fodder in the light of Zheng Du!

He Tiantian:......

The first script is the original work, and the second script is a fanfic written by a book friend and new author.

There was no way around it. For a while, whitewashing was very popular.

It has also spawned a kind of fast-traveling novel that specifically cleanses scum and the best.

For example, a stupid author wrote "Strategy for the Best", tsk tsk, no matter what kind of best it is, it has been completely washed away!

Characters like Zheng Du are one of the representatives of whitewashing literature.

He Tiantian doesn't like the whitewashing thing, but she won't object to it.

However, in order to clear his name, it seems a little inappropriate to step on those who have helped him.

It is true that people who are foolish and filial and help their younger brothers, such as Zheng Yu, are also the best.

But he didn't hurt Zheng Du. Zheng Du was the biggest beneficiary.

But in order to clear his name, he still turned Zheng Yu into a villain, which was very unkind!

As for the original male protagonist Zheng Qi, He Tiantian doesn't have much sympathy.

In a sense, Zheng Qi and Zheng Du are similar. They both used their foresight to do things that benefit themselves.

At most, Zheng Du was more unscrupulous and deliberately robbed the male protagonist of his opportunity in order to crush him.

Now, there is another He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...Tah, I don’t bother to snatch any opportunity.

As for the so-called "road to success", He Tiantian also has plans.

I followed Zheng Du quietly and saw that he was having a big meal at the only state-owned restaurant in town and shopping on the street. It was not very pleasant to see him.

He Tiantian felt that Zheng Du could not be left alone.

She looked around and found an acquaintance.

Not from Zhengjia Village, but from the village next door.

The two villages are relatively small and jointly formed the current production brigade.

Although they are not from the same village, they work together and occasionally have contact.

He Tiantian rushed to the man and greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother Xu, you are here to do something in town!"

He Tiantian deliberately went to the state-owned hotel while chatting with others.

So, Brother Xu saw Zheng Du enjoying his meal in the restaurant.

He Tiantian deliberately showed an expression of shock and disappointment, and stopped Brother Xu from saying hello to Zheng Du.

"My little brother has weak bones and needs more supplements!"

He Tiantian said the words she didn't mean, and the depression in her eyes almost overflowed.

Brother Xu couldn't help but sympathize with He Tiantian when he saw He Tiantian's appearance——

Tsk, this Boss Zheng really knows how to deceive himself and others.

It was obvious that his mother was partial and his younger brother was lazy and sneaked into town behind his back to satisfy his craving. Instead of saying he was angry, he actually defended the other party.

Isn't he stupid?

"Oh, it's getting late. I, I have to go to the county seat, so I won't tell you, Brother Xu!"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, He Tiantian didn't delay. He said a casual word and said goodbye to Brother Xu.

"Are you going to the county seat?"

Brother Xu was curious and asked.

"...Yes! Something happened!"

He Tiantian deliberately looked embarrassed and replied with evasive eyes.

Huh? has a problem!

Boss Zheng is fine, why did you go to the county seat?

His family has no relatives in the county!

Oh, by the way, I heard that Zheng Laosi was in trouble and needed money.

Could it be that Boss Zheng wants to go to the county town to get money?

But Boss Zheng is just a farmer who knows a little bit of carpentry, what can he do?

Brother Xu was full of doubts.

When I returned to the village, I happened to hear someone discussing the news about Zhengjia Village next door, so I told them about my encounter with the brothers in the town.

What a coincidence. Zheng Xiucai happened to be invited to see a doctor by people in the village. Seeing the lively discussion under the big tree at the head of the village, no one could hold back and spoke out.

Ahem, Zheng Xiucai does have professional ethics and will not reveal patients' privacy easily.

But he loves gossip.

And Zheng Yu is not his patient.

When he heard Brother Xu saying to the people in the village, "Hey, what do you think Boss Zheng is doing in the county town?" Zheng Xiucai coughed lightly.

"I know!"

However, these three words made all the villagers under the big tree turn their attention to Zheng Xiucai.

"What is he going to do? Oh, Zheng Xiucai, tell me quickly!"

When everyone saw that Zheng Xiucai was showing off, they hurriedly urged him.

Zheng Xiucai's eagerness to share gossip was instantly satisfied.

He pretended to be reserved and smiled, lowered his voice, and uttered two words: "Sell blood!"


Everyone was shocked?

Although they occasionally talk about selling sons and daughters, selling blood and flesh, this is mostly just an exaggerated rhetorical method.

No one is actually going to sell blood.

Because in everyone's traditional concept, blood is very precious.

If there is a lack of Qi and blood, the entire body will collapse.

And for farmers like them who have to work hard in the fields to earn work points, their bodies are the capital of everything.

His body was broken and he couldn't even get food rations, so the family couldn't live a good life.

Unless it is a last resort, such as an old farmer in the production brigade next door whose youngest son is sick and needs money for surgery.

The old farmer had no other abilities and only had flesh and blood. He found out the way and ran to the county hospital.

After changing the money, the whole person seemed to have lost half his life.

He looked so weak and couldn't work in the fields for several days. People around him felt sad when they saw him.

There is even an inexplicable fear.

However, this was for the sake of his only son, and he had already made plans to exchange his life for his life.

The people nearby listened, feeling pitiful and understanding at the same time.

However, Zheng Yu, the boss of the Zheng family——

It's just for a younger brother, and it's not at a critical moment. Is it necessary to fight so hard?

Moreover, everyone just heard Brother Xu say, "Tsk, that Zheng Du really knows how to enjoy braised pork. How expensive it is. He only eats a plate by himself!"

On one side is the careless little brother who got into trouble and went to the town to make a fortune;

On the other hand, there is the great brother who works hard to help his younger brother clean up the mess, and is not willing to sell his own blood.

The balance in everyone's mind tilted towards Zheng Yu's side without any surprise.

While they secretly criticized Zheng Yu for being such a fool, they also secretly envied Zheng Du.

People are like this, unable to sacrifice themselves, but yet they long to meet someone who is willing to sacrifice for themselves!

Of course, it’s just a little bit of envy, and most of it is to be despised——

"This Mr. Zheng is so outrageous!"

"No, he caused trouble himself, but he wants his elder brother to top the tank!"

"...Sigh, Boss Zheng has lived up to his reputation as 'elder brother is like father'. The Zheng family is lucky to have such a good son and big brother!"

In this way, without Zheng Du's complete knowledge, his reputation became even worse.

The image of his eldest brother "Zheng Yu", a good brother, stands firmly in the hearts of the villagers!

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