The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 768: The villain who whitewashed the article (15)

After He Tiantian finished all this, he patted his butt and returned to the bus station without stopping.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the long-distance bus finally departed. He Tiantian was squeezed into the carriage mixed with various stinks, shaking all the way to the county seat.

The county seat is just a larger place than the town, and it is not too prosperous.

He Tiantian has traveled through time and literature, and does not have much novelty or curiosity about such an era.

She inquired all the way to the county hospital and found the Liu Xiaonuo whom Zheng Xiucai had mentioned, the so-called boss.

"Zheng Xiucai from Honghe Production Brigade? Oh, I know him!"

Liu Xiaonuo's name sounds like a gangster, but he is actually almost thirty years old, of medium height and ordinary appearance.

If you lose it in the crowd, you will soon be missing.

He doesn't look like a gangster or a street kid, but to be the leader of this industry, he shouldn't be a kind person.

However, he now prides himself on dealing with hospitals. He has lost the "quackery" he once had and looks like a small leader.

When he saw that He Tiantian had an honest face and finished what he wanted to say, he knew that he was another old rural farmer who had been forced to do nothing.

And such people are the ones he is most familiar with, and they are also his stable source of supply!

"..." He Tiantian said nothing, rubbed his hands, and smiled humbly.

A pair of eyes extremely eager and eager.

It seemed that Liu Xiaonuo in front of him was his only hope.

"Is the family short of money? But don't be too anxious. Everyone who comes to my place is because they are short of money!"

"However, you can't risk your life just for money! We are a regular hospital, and we know how much blood we draw at a time..."

Liu Xiaonuo took the opportunity to comfort He Tiantian and explained the details of selling blood.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about.

Liu Xiaonuo just wanted to remind He Tiantian not to sell your blood desperately for money.

Although this thing can be added later,

But need to rest well.

And if a person is forced to sell his blood, does he still have the conditions to recuperate?

He was already malnourished, and if he drew too much blood, he would be weakened even before he died.

The farmer in front of me looks quite strong, with a body full of tendons.

However, in an era when people generally don't have enough to eat and have no oil or water, such fitness is not really strong.

It's just overdrafting the body.

If it is not remedied in time, all kinds of diseases and pains will appear when you get old.

If a large amount of blood is drawn from a body that is already overdrawn——

Tsk, do you think you didn’t die quickly enough?

Liu Xiaonuo wanted to take this job just to make some money, but he didn't want to bear any debt of conscience.

"You can only smoke these at one time, so how many more times should I do it?"

He Tiantian deliberately showed "peasant-style cunning" and said something that she thought was very smart.

Liu Xiaonuo: ...How many more times will you come?

You are the only one smart among us who co-author?

Liu Xiaonuo didn't understand the origin of the idiom "around three times and four times at night", but He Tiantian's words made him feel so speechless.

"How many more times? You only have so much blood on your body. Is there any difference between one-time exposure and half-month exposure?"

Liu Xiaonuo said angrily to He Tiantian.

He finally saw that the old man in front of him was driven into a desperate situation by money.

If he doesn't do it right, he might go to extremes.

In order to prevent this person from causing trouble for her, Liu Xiaonuo withdrew her words of persuasion.

What advice?

Such people simply don't listen to advice.

Anyway, he will be in charge of everything. When the time comes, if he deliberately controls it, everything should be fine.

In the afternoon, Liu Xiaonuo brought several people with the same purpose as He Tiantian to the collection room of the hospital.

First, each person drew a test tube of blood to monitor whether there was any disease.

After confirming that there are no problems, the official blood drawing begins.

"Okay! That's all for each person! It won't work if there are too many!"

The doctor in the collection room finished the work skillfully and then signed the list he brought to Liu Xiaonuo.

Liu Xiaonuo led everyone out of the hospital and to the state-owned hotel outside.

Liu Xiaonuo was quite kind and spent his own money to buy fried pork liver for everyone.

"I'll take supplements when I get home. Eat more pork liver and more red dates. If you don't have any, then eat more oily and watery foods!"

Liu Xiaonuo asked everyone to eat while repeatedly giving instructions.

During the meal, Liu Xiaonuo gave everyone their money.

Holding the three big unity sheets in their hands, several other people often exhaled.

Alas, with money, the family's difficulties can be overcome!

Only He Tiantian seemed a little dissatisfied, "Touer Liu, can I still come tomorrow?"

Liu Xiaonuo: ...I know you are a guy who would risk your life just for money!


Liu Xiaonuo rolled her eyes and simply refused.

He Tiantian scratched her head and showed a sad smile, "What can we do? It's not enough!"

Liu Xiaonuo couldn't help but be curious, "How much money do you need?"

In other words, how many times does this old man want to sell his blood?

"Three hundred dollars!"

He Tiantian raised three fingers directly.

Liu Xiaonuo and several other people all took a deep breath.

It's not that they haven't heard of such a big sum of money like three hundred yuan, but it's that Su Wei and He Tiantian actually want to save three hundred yuan by selling their blood.

You know, selling blood is a choice they have to make when they are desperate.

Even if they want to sell it, they won't do it to death. It'll be good if they can take a breather and get through the difficulties for the time being.

But looking at the old man in front of him, he actually wanted to make a fortune by selling blood.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense!"

"If you really want to save three hundred yuan with this, it will basically drain all the blood from your body!"

"...You dare to sell it, but other hospitals don't dare to accept it!"

If something goes wrong, not only he, the person in charge, will be implicated, but the hospital will also be held accountable.

There are many sheep that can harvest wool, so there is no need for this one to do so desperately.

"Don't come to me tomorrow, and don't come in the next month or two!"

"Even if you come, I can't take you to the hospital!"

After dinner, before leaving, Liu Xiaonuo told He Tiantian straightforwardly.

He Tiantian's eyes were filled with surprise and confusion, "Huh? Can't come? Then, what should I do?"

"Oh, brother, listen to me, I am really short of money, and I only have half a month. It has been two days now, and there are only about ten days left..."

"Brother, Mr. Liu, please help me!"

He Tiantian kept pleading.

"Help? If I really take you in, I won't be helping you, but harming you!"

Liu Xiaonuo shook his head desperately, his attitude was very determined.

The hope in He Tiantian's eyes disappeared, replaced by deep panic and confusion.

She seemed to have just found a way to save her life, but as soon as she took two steps, she was told that this way was dead!

The despair of dashed hope is extremely sad to see.

However, no matter how sad she was, Liu Xiaonuo did not soften her heart.

Again, when he "helps" this old man, he doesn't really help, but harms others.

And it will also involve yourself in it!

Suppressing her sympathy, Liu Xiaonuo reminded: "It's getting late, and you have a letter of introduction, so just stay at the guest house in the county for one night. Take the car back tomorrow morning!"

He Tiantian pretended to be confused and nodded numbly.

Liu Xiaonuo knew that this man didn't listen to his words at all.

However, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Anyway, he had advised everything that needed to be done, but there was nothing he could do if this man refused to listen and insisted on committing suicide.

It has nothing to do with him.

After He Tiantian separated from Liu Xiaonuo and others, he did not rush to the guest house, but took a walk at the county hospital.

The county is neither big nor small. In addition to a county hospital, there are also several unit clinics in factories.

He Tiantian asked around and specifically chose a hospital in a steel mill.

He Tiantian kept wandering around the door of the steel mill hospital until she caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of her eye, and then she walked in decisively.

Liu Xiaonuo is the child of a steel mill worker. Her parents are gone and she lives with her grandfather.

When he was fifteen years old, he took over his father's job and worked in a steel factory.

But every two years, grandpa gets seriously ill and needs a lot of money for surgery.

Liu Xiaonuo was so anxious that she went to sell blood, but she couldn't get enough money from selling blood.

In desperation, he gave up his job in exchange for three hundred yuan, and finally brought his grandfather back from the dead.

The disease was cured but her job was gone, so Liu Xiaonuo began to look for odd jobs and casual work.

The time he spent with his grandfather in the hospital brought him into contact with some people he had never touched before.

Gradually, Liu Xiaonuo became a middleman in the collection room of the county hospital. He could make forty or fifty yuan a month by taking commissions.

It's just that this business is a bit shady and can easily be criticized.

Liu Xiaonuo was also nicknamed "Xiaonuo" by others. As for his famous name Liu Guoqing, almost everyone has forgotten it.

Although he no longer works in the steel factory, his family's house has not been repossessed by his employer. Therefore, Liu Xiaonuo still lives here.

Returning home in the evening, Liu Xiaonuo was carrying the malted milk she bought for her grandfather. As she was about to go home, she accidentally saw a familiar figure from behind.

If it were anyone else, Liu Xiaonuo might not be so concerned.

However, He Tiantian made such a deep impression on Liu Xiaonuo today.

I have seen people who are forced to have no way out by money, but people like "Zheng Yu" who can really risk their lives are really rare.

Liu Xiaonuo remembered this person, so even though he just met him today, he still recognized He Tiantian through the fleeting silhouette of his back.

"Damn it! He actually came to the hospital in the steel factory again?"

"He, he really doesn't want his life!"

Liu Xiaonuo didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

"Young horseman, this old farmer is really troublesome!"

Liu Xiaonuo gritted his teeth and went to the hospital of the steel factory.

However, there was no need for him to stop him, as the people in the collection room were already off work.

Only a small nurse was left on duty to draw blood and perform blood tests.

When Liu Xiaonuo went in, he happened to see He Tiantian coming out with a disappointed look on her face.

When Liu Xiaonuo saw her look like this, he knew that she had failed.

That's good!

Liu Xiaonuo was sure that the other party would not continue to act like a monster, so she did not want to meet him.

Ahem, if this person who has reached a dead end insists on pulling him and asking him to help, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

Liu Xiaonuo hurriedly hid in a corner and watched He Tiantian leave with frustration all over her body.

"Does this person want to continue looking for other hospitals?"

Looking at the retreating figure, such a year suddenly appeared in Liu Xiaoyao's mind.

Perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps out of worry, Liu Xiaonuo followed He Tiantian by accident.

Sure enough, Liu Xiaonuo saw this farmer with his own eyes. He walked and inquired about it, and asked about all the famous hospitals in the county.

"Crazy! This person has gone crazy for money!"

Fortunately, it was late and the doctors in the hospital's collection room were off work.

Only one or two people on duty were left, and they simply did not dare or knew how to deal with such a matter.

However, Liu Xiaonuo soon thought of——

It's too late today for this old man to sell blood.

But, what about tomorrow?

Outside of their county, there are other counties around.

This person has a letter of introduction, so as long as the distance is not too far, there won't be any big problems.

Liu Xiaonuo felt that he had seen all kinds of life and the hardships of life, but when he saw such a master who was willing to risk his life for money, he couldn't help but feel sympathy.

But, no matter how sympathetic he was, he couldn't help.

There are too many people suffering these days. He watches the hospital every day and doesn't know how many people he has seen.

All he could do was sympathize silently and move on with his life.

However, after He Tiantian went through such trouble, Liu Xiaonuo became more and more impressed by this person from the Honghe Production Brigade.

A week later, when he met Zheng Xiucai at the county hospital who had come to buy syringes, Western medicine tablets and other supplies, Liu Xiaonuo couldn't help but drag him to talk about it.

"Zheng Xiucai, what happened to the man from your brigade who came to see me?"

"Tsk, tsk, I've been working for a few years and I've seen a lot of helpless people, but this is the first time I've seen someone as desperate as this old man..."

Zheng Xiucai was shocked, "What? What happened to Zheng Yu?"

"Has he not gone back yet?"

Liu Xiaonuo asked instead without answering.

Zheng Xiucai became more and more shocked, "How did you know?"

Liu Xiaonuo:...Damn! I knew it!

"He should have gone to another county! Alas, this man is really——"

Zheng Xiucai confirmed his guess in disguise. While Liu Xiaonuo was feeling emotional, he actually didn't know what to say.

After sighing for a long time, he told the story about "Zheng Yu" selling blood everywhere.

"What? He, he doesn't want his life!"

After all, Zheng Xiucai was a barefoot doctor who had received training in the county hospital. He might not be up to the standard of formal Western medicine, but he still had basic medical knowledge.

Even from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, excessive blood loss can be fatal.

Many people are forced by life to sell blood, only once a month or two at most.

This is life-threatening enough.

Where is "Zheng Yu"?

I want to sell ten times in half a month!

He, he still alive now?

Zheng Xiucai was very worried, and felt a little guilty in his heart.

It was he who introduced Liu Xiaonuo to Zheng Yu.

If something happens to Zheng Yu, he, he also has a certain amount of responsibility.

Even if he has no responsibility, Zheng Xiucai will feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, this is such a big deal, how could it be like this?"

"Boss Zheng is so stupid. That Zheng Du is not worth what he has to do!"

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