The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 769: The villain who whitewashed the article (16)

Besides, He Tiantian had already discovered that Liu Xiaonuo was following her that day at the hospital of the steel plant.

In fact, she specifically chose the steelmaking plant just so that Liu Xiaonuo would find out.

After confirming that Liu Xiaonuo had "taken the bait," He Tiantian led him around various hospitals in the county.

Yes, stroll!

He Tiantian didn't really want to sell blood, she just wanted to create an illusion.

As a copywriter, He Tiantian can block the pain.

But she still uses this body.

If she ruins her body too much, how will she survive in the next few decades?

Besides, it's just a show, there's no need to work so hard.

A Zheng Du is not worthy of letting her use the "bitter flesh trick".

In He Tiantian's plan, she only sold her blood once and then just acted.

Everyone mistakenly thought that she was looking for hospitals to sell blood.

In the end, no matter how He Tiantian collected the three hundred yuan, everyone would think that the money was obtained by selling blood.

He Tiantian came out of the last unit hospital and did not go to the guest house. Instead, she ran to a bridge in the county and hid in the bridge hole.

When He Tiantian was curled up on the ground in the bridge hole, she was keenly aware that Liu Xiaonuo, who had been running with her for a long time, finally came home.

He Tiantian continued to pretend to be asleep.

After staying up all night, He Tiantian woke up and ran to the bus station to buy a ticket to the next county town.

Take a long-distance bus all the way to the county seat.

She did not go to any hospital, but went straight to the mountains outside the county town.

There are medicinal materials in the mountains, but He Tiantian is not here to collect medicines this time.

When she was walking around the county town, she went to the hospital and chatted with the old people.

Therefore, He Tiantian learned about a folk legend in the county next door——

This county is the hometown of a certain big warlord.

The great warlord built a large mansion for his family.

During the liberation, the manor was confiscated, but not much treasure was found.

This is not in line with the character of a great warlord who regards wealth as his life and is as cunning as a rabbit.

There are rumors among the people that the great warlord has hidden his family property in the back of his hometown.

However, someone went to dig in the back mountain, but they couldn't find anything despite digging three feet into the ground.

As time went by, this rumor became just a "legend".

He Tiantian felt that such a legend should still be somewhat true.

Others will definitely not be found by naked eyes or luck.

But He Tiantian is different.

She has spiritual awareness and can conduct exploration within a certain range.

He Tiantian came to the back mountain, released his spiritual consciousness, and searched bit by bit.


Suddenly, He Tiantian felt as if there was a flickering golden light in a dry abandoned well.

The windlass at the mouth of the well was in a state of decay. There was no water in the well, and there was a layer of soil and dead leaves.

He Tiantian stood at the mouth of the well and explored carefully.

very good!

right here.

He Tiantian did not hesitate, took out an engineering shovel from the space and jumped into the dry well.

After digging from morning to noon, the engineer's shovel finally hit something hard.

He Tiantian curled her lips and found it!

It was a large wooden box with black lacquer and carved patterns, filled with large yellow croakers, bags of silver coins, and a small box of jewelry.

In addition, there are several paintings and several land deeds.

The painting may still be an antique, but it's just not suitable to take it out at this time.

Land deeds, house deeds, etc. are basically useless.

He Tiantian put all these back to their original places, then took only two gold bars and buried the box again!

Such windfall does not belong to her, she just borrowed a little bit.

The rest should be left to the "fateful person" who should have discovered it.

He Tiantian put the gold bars into her arms, put away the engineer shovel, and climbed out of the dry well.

She found the river, washed the dirt on her face and body, and ate something.

Well, the space bound to the soul still has some uses.

Although with her ability, she cannot lack food and drink.

But sometimes, it is very convenient to directly use the individual soldier food stored in the space.

save time!

He Tiantian took the garbage back into the space without leaving any flaws.

Then, she returned to the county seat.

After walking around the county town, she quickly found the black market in this place.

She simply made some disguises, turning an ordinary old farmer like Zheng Yu into a smooth old Jianghu.

Sneak into the black market and find a more reliable person among several targets.

A gold bar was exchanged for five hundred dollars.

He Tiantian did not sell the remaining one, but put it into the space.

With money, He Tiantian is not in a hurry to go back.

She continued to wander from hospital to hospital.

After staying for two days, she went to another county.

This county is too far away and letters of introduction are no longer useful.

He Tiantian simply climbed on a passing train and went to her destination.

In the next ten days, He Tiantian visited four or five surrounding counties.

In addition to her daily walks to the hospital, she also went to the recycling bin.

Ahem, don’t think about picking up treasures or anything like that.

People in this era are just honest, not stupid.

Moreover, this is still an era when supplies are very scarce. Even if it is a chicken feather or a toothpaste rind, you have to save it. How can you sell it as scrap easily?

As for antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and furniture made of rare wood... haha, I don’t know how many times I have passed through my hands.

Finally, they end up in the recycling bin, where they are basically worthless or unusable items.

However, He Tiantian still found a book.

To be precise, it is not a book, but a handbook of officials from the previous dynasty.

This official works in the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is specifically responsible for the wooden warehouse.

His handwriting records the wood materials and production of many royal furniture.

"That's right, it saves me having to fake it myself!"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction.

This body is that of a carpenter, so if He Tiantian wants to make a fortune, he must work hard on carpentry.

Although the Zheng family’s craftsmanship is passed down from generation to generation, it is still at the level of a country carpenter.

At this level, furniture factories entering the county are barely qualified.

However, it is not easy to develop to a higher level.

He Tiantian opened the system panel and checked her points.

After completing the last task, she now has a total of 139 points.

Then, she opened Dianniang Mall.

Keywords such as wood art and Luban were searched.

Then, she found the skill book "Chinese Wood Art Encyclopedia".

Among them are not only Luban's skills, but also classic woodware production and wood carvings from various dynasties.

In addition, there are also detailed production techniques such as the craftsmanship and processes of royal wooden wares of various dynasties.

This includes the Ming and Qing dynasties.

He Tiantian looked at the price, 123 points.

Not cheap.

Of course, if you don’t want to spend points, you can also use the Niangniang coins that readers greatly reward to draw treasure chests.

There are carpenters in this world, so He Tiantian has a high probability of winning prizes related to carpenters.

For example, this set of "Chinese Wood Art Encyclopedia".

However, she would have to wait until the mission in this world was completed before she could redeem the treasure chest.

Too late!

"I bought it with points! Anyway, I have a discount card!"

He Tiantian gritted her teeth and clicked to buy.

Diianniang Mall is quite user-friendly and even rounded off zeros for her.

In the end, this set of "Chinese Wood Art Encyclopedia" cost He Tiantian 12 points.

Lying in a cement pipe under a bridge outside the city, He Tiantian devoted her soul to the learning space and began to systematically study this skill book.

After staying in the learning space for thirty years, He Tiantian became an absolute master of woodcraft.

If I'm not afraid of being arrogant, she is even more awesome than Lu Ban.

After all, skills are constantly developing. Except for some lost ancient secrets, most skills should be able to surpass those of their predecessors.

He Tiantian became a master of woodcraft, and when she looked back at the official manuscript she found at the recycling bin, she gained a new understanding.

Seeing that half a month was approaching, He Tiantian left one day for the return trip and started to rush home.

She didn't know that in the more than ten days since she left, she had become the focus of everyone's discussion in Zhengjia Village, Honghe Production Brigade and even several surrounding villages.

What a great brother!

For the sake of my brother, I won’t even risk my life!

No matter how good it is for your children, you can obviously exchange your daughter for a bride price, but you would rather sell your blood!

Of course, some people secretly scolded him for being stupid and an out-and-out fool.

But even these people who scold him are secretly jealous in their hearts - Why don't I have such a good big brother?

The news reached Songjia Village, and Song Chunhong and several children were shocked.

"Da Ya's father, how could he, how could he go -" sell blood?

This is exchanging lives for money!

"It's already a life-threatening situation! Others just did it this time because they really had no choice!"

"Your Zheng Yu is so good, he actually wants to sell it ten times in half a month!"

"How much blood is there in total on his body? He is trying to drain himself dry!"

"No! Oh, this Boss Zheng, I really can't think about it. How did it get to this point?"

Everyone understands that he wants to be a good son and a good big brother.

But there's no need to risk your own life.

I also have a fifteen-year-old daughter. I heard that Butcher Wang is willing to pay a bride price of 300 yuan.

If it had been anyone else, he would have probably married off his daughter.

In this way, you can improve your reputation without harming yourself.

As for the children...their lives were given by their parents. Now they are not letting their children die, but just letting them get married. Why can't this be done? !

Zheng Qin was completely dumbfounded, her heart was sour and swollen, and her tears kept flowing.

In the past, she always felt that her father didn't love her as much as her mother, and she also felt that her grandma and uncle had made them suffer too much.

However, at the critical moment, Zheng Qin realized that the most reliable person was her biological father.

Even her own mother, who she thought loved her the most, had even considered marrying her to Butcher Wang, who beat his wife to death.

It seemed that her mother had no other choice but to marry her to an old man.

She obviously had money in her hands, but she would rather secretly give it to her grandma than keep it and help share some of it.

Also, selling blood is not a secret in their rural areas.

Every few years, there are always a few examples.

Even my father knows how to sell blood for money, but my mother—

Zheng Qin knew that she shouldn't think so.

But the fact is here, and the contrast between the two parents is so obvious.

It was really hard for her not to have random thoughts.

In fact, not to mention her parents, her brother Zheng Qi is also thinking of ways to make money every day.

That day, Zheng Qi even gave her a big solidarity note and told her: "Sister, don't be afraid, we will find a way!"

There was also Zheng Shu, who knew that Zheng Qi was selling eggs secretly, so he also followed suit.

Two and a half-year-old teenagers collect eggs all over the village, walking more than ten miles to the town every day, and even go to the county to do some cooking.

As for their biological mother, she only focused on helping her and aunts with work.

Of course, Zheng Qin can also understand.

After all, the five of them, mother and son, lived in the Song family, so they couldn't afford free rice.

But, they can live without it.

It's not like they don't have their own home.

When Song Chunhong brought the child back to her parents' home, in addition to being angry and threatening, she was also afraid that Mrs. Wang would secretly sell Zheng Qin.

But now, word has spread throughout the village that his biological father has gone to the county to sell blood.

With the way to make money, Zheng Qin does not have to marry Butcher Wang.

Furthermore, Mrs. Wang wanted to secretly sell it, and Zheng Qin and Zheng Qi were not dead, so why would they let an old lady manipulate them?

They can go home without having to live under the supervision of anyone else in the Song family.

But her mother was holding her breath and insisted that her father come to pick her up and hand her the steps before she let go!

... After thinking about it, Zheng Qin felt that "her mother is selfish and doesn't love her as much as her father".

"This fool, does he still have five of us mothers in his heart?"

"For the sake of his younger brother, he even risked his life and turned himself into a sick man!"

"He has become a sick man. Who should I and the children look to?"

"Oh my god, why is my life so miserable? Why did I meet such a confused man?"

Song Chunhong burst into tears, her words filled with complaints about Zheng Yu.

This time, not to mention Zheng Qin, even Zheng Qi couldn't help but frown.

Zheng Qi definitely didn't expect that his biological father would sell blood.

In the previous life, nothing like this happened.

However, now that he has been reborn, many things will become different.

But the character of his biological father Yu Xiaonan and Fu Di Mo has not changed. He seems to be even more "crazy".

Zheng Qi was not as disgusted as in his previous life.

It probably means that Zheng Yu in his previous life used his wife and children to be filial to his mother and take care of his younger brother.

But in this life, people use themselves to make sacrifices.

This is understandable!

Zheng Qi would be speechless and distressed at most, but he would not reject him or feel resentful.

On the contrary, it was my own mother who was crying and fussing like this, which was a bit uncomfortable.

"Mom, it's been almost half a month, and my dad should be back by now! Let's go home quickly!"

If my biological father really went to sell blood and sold so much blood in a short period of time, then his body must be very weak.

Need a good rest.

There is only one Mrs. Wang in the family, and Zheng Du can only come back occasionally, but she can't count on it.

Therefore, the responsibility of taking care of their biological father still falls on their own family members.

"Yes! Mom, let's go back quickly and take good care of Dad!"

Zheng Qin quickly agreed.

"Hmph! He has a mother and a baby brother. He made himself sick for them, so let them take care of him!"

Song Chunhong was angry, distressed, and faintly worried.

There are so many negative emotions, and if you say them out, they won't be very popular.

Zheng Qin and the other four siblings all changed their expressions, and the looks they looked at their biological mother were a little strange...

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