The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 771: The villain who whitewashed the article (18)

Zheng Du was more perceptive than Mrs. Wang. When he entered the village, he found that everyone looked at him in a wrong way.

He didn't ask questions on the spot, but secretly kept it in mind.

When he got home and handed the things to Mrs. Wang, Zheng Du didn't forget to ask: "Mom, where is my eldest brother?"

Never came back?

Could it be that I couldn't borrow the money, or something unexpected happened?

Zheng Du prefers the latter because everyone's attitude towards him is so weird.

Zheng Du always had a bad feeling.

"Who knows where he went! After you went to town, he went to the brigade captain and opened a letter of introduction, saying he was going to the county to find a solution!"

When it comes to her eldest son, Mrs. Wang is far less gentle than she was to her younger son.

She said angrily, "It's been almost half a month, and I don't know if he has gotten the money yet!"

"Go to the county?" Zheng Du frowned even more tightly.

Zheng Yu knew carpentry and had some clients in the town.

Zheng Du thought it was understandable if he went to the town to borrow money.

But the county——

Could it be that Zheng Yu still knows someone in the county?

Zheng Du tried his best to recall, while sorting out the original owner's memories, he reorganized the original plot.

However, in every aspect, Zheng Yu is just an ordinary farmer carpenter.

His connections are basically all in the production brigade.

Zheng Du became more and more confused, and his uneasiness became more intense.

He was immersed in his speculation, temporarily ignoring his mother and letting Mrs. Wang run out with her things to show off.

When Zheng Du came to his senses, he found that there was no trace of my mother at home.

He knew his cheap old lady very well, and he knew what she was going to do after just a moment's thought.

However, at this time, Zheng Du couldn't care less.

He urgently needed to know what happened during the half month he left Zhengjiacun.

As the saying goes, Qin Hui also has three friends.

As a well-known lazy person in the village, Zheng Du also has one or two friends.

Ahem, people are divided into groups, and Zheng Du's friends are also lazy and idle people.

For example, Zheng Tiezhu is the youngest son of an accountant.

Like Zheng Du, he is the most favored at home.

However, Accountant Zheng is relatively sober. Although he prefers her in his heart, it is not very obvious.

When his wife is "confused," Accountant Zheng will scold her.

His parents are not as extreme as Mrs. Wang, and Zheng Tiezhu is not as good as Zheng Du.

Zheng Tiezhu knows how to work in the fields, but he always finds excuses to be lazy. He only earns five or six points a day, barely enough to feed himself.

It is definitely not enough for a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old to only have enough to feed himself.

Therefore, people in the village put Zheng Tiezhu and Zheng Du in the same category. They are both negative teaching materials for parents to educate their children.

"Tie Zhu, why do I always feel that the people in the village look at me wrongly?"

Since he is a "husband and dog friend", after Zheng Du found the lazy Zheng Tiezhu, he went straight to the topic without any nonsense.

Zheng Tiezhu was lying on the wheat pile in the yard without a look, with his legs crossed and a piece of grass clippings in his mouth.

Hearing Zheng Du's words, he also showed a strange look, "Zheng Xiaosi, you really don't know?"

"I know shit! I've been busy in the county these days -" Zheng Du saw this weird look again and couldn't stand it.

He cursed angrily.

"Fuck! Zheng Xiaosi, you actually went to the county? Oh, that's not right. You don't have a letter of introduction. Why did you go to the county?"

Since he is a second-rate person in the eyes of the villagers, Zheng Tiezhu's focus is naturally different from that of normal people.

He sat up straight, his eyes shining brightly.

Zheng Du rolled his eyes, "Of course I'll climb the train!"

The biggest role of a letter of introduction is to buy tickets and accommodation.

As for those blind streamers, without a letter of introduction, they could still go to the city, but they just thought of other ways.

"Damn! I know you look gentle, but you're actually full of tricks!"

Zheng Tiezhu cursed.

He and Zheng Du are close friends, but they are not the same kind of people.

Zheng Du is relatively weak. He was raised fair by his mother and he also attended high school for one year. He looks like a weak scholar.

No worse than the educated youth in the city.

Zheng Du's best performance is basically pretending to be sick and pitiful.

He's not a bad guy or a grifter.

This kind of illusion is very deceptive. People who don't understand Zheng Du will never imagine that this person is full of bad things.

Just like climbing on a train or something, the villagers would rather believe that Zheng Tiezhu would do this than think of Zheng Du.

Zheng Du: ...What the hell is the point?

Isn’t the point important, you bastard, hurry up and tell me what’s going on in the village?

Perhaps Zheng Du's gaze was too sharp, so Zheng Tiezhu complained a lot and quickly brought the topic back.

"Oh, you said what happened in the village was nothing serious. It was just that your brother went to the county to sell blood!"

Zheng Tiezhu took out another grass clipping from the wheat pile and continued to hold it in his mouth.

He said something casually while chewing.

Zheng Du's eyes suddenly widened: "Sell, sell blood?"

"That's right! He was also selling it everywhere. Zheng Xiucai was almost anxious. It was he who introduced people to the county hospital."

"Zheng Xiucai is afraid that if your brother kills himself for money, he will be affected too!"

"Hey, tell me, your brother usually looks like a loser, but I didn't expect him to be so awesome and willing to be so cruel to me!"

"...You kid is also lucky. Not only do you have a mother who regards you as your lifeblood, but you also have such a good big brother. You don't know that everyone in the village is almost jealous!"

Not to mention others, even Zheng Tiezhu was envious.

He also has two older brothers.

Before his brothers got married, they were all very kind to him.

But since he got married and had his own children, he began to dislike him.

Although it was the sisters-in-law who were making the fuss, they would not dare to criticize him without the acquiescence of their brothers.

To put it bluntly, a brother who has a wife and children is no longer his brother alone, and the brothers become relatives!

The brat Zheng Du is lucky. Hey, with such a good brother like Zheng Yu, he would rather sell his blood to wipe his own little brother’s ass!

Zheng Du:......

So cruel!

This Zheng Yu actually used this move to lift himself onto the fire.

After this incident, let alone clearing Zheng Du's name, it would be very difficult for him to separate the family without suffering infamy.

Because the initiative has fallen into Zheng Yu's hands.

If you want to divide it, you can divide it. If you want to "kidnap family ties", you can kidnap it.

If Zheng Du resists, he will be ignorant and a heartless white-eyed wolf!

These thoughts flashed through Zheng Du's mind, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Unfortunately, he couldn't have an attack yet.

If I didn’t look at Zheng Tiezhu, I would almost envy him.

This is still his friend. If it were other people in the village, I'm not sure what they would think.

"Is this person really stupid, or is he pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?"

Zheng Du couldn't hold it back any longer, so he became dark and suspected that Zheng Yu was deliberately digging a hole for himself.

However, he soon overturned his idea:

Even if you have to dig a hole, there is no need to work so hard.

Zheng Yu is a hopeless foolish and filial man, a devil who helps his younger brother!

If Zheng Du is the original owner, he must be very satisfied with having such a "good big brother".

But the problem is, there is no if.

Zheng Du refuses to be the best, he wants to clear his name, he wants to become the new male protagonist of this world.

But Zheng Yu's operations made all his previous efforts in vain.

He even "helped" invisibly.

Zheng Du thought about how he ate and drank in the town. After making money, he bought a lot of things for his mother, but he didn't express anything to his eldest brother.

As for the eldest brother Zheng Yu, he would risk his life for him.

He came back so weak, but he didn't even have a piece of peach cake, let alone take good care of him...


I need to make amends quickly!

Thinking of this, Zheng Du did not dare to delay and hurried to the brigade headquarters.

He wants to borrow a carriage, he wants to run to the town bus station to pick someone up, he wants to...

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

He Tiantian's face was pale. When he staggered to the entrance of the village, he was surrounded by Song Chunhong's mother and son who were rushing home.

"Da Ya's father!"

Don't look at Song Chunhong complaining about Zheng Yu in front of her children.

But at this moment, seeing her frail husband, Song Chunhong only felt distressed and panicked.

Nothing can happen to Da Ya's father.

If something happens to him, what should he and his children do?

Song Chunhong rushed forward and supported the shaky He Tiantian.

He Tiantian was a little surprised to see these five ladies.

But considering that Zheng Qi is a reborn person with two lifetimes of knowledge and experience, he should be able to make better choices.

She understood.

In addition, his act of selling blood should have touched a few children.

Especially Zheng Qin, ahem, He Tiantian didn't ignore the child's moved and guilty eyes.

"...I-I'm fine! It's just that I'm very dizzy!"

He Tiantian pretended to be strong and spoke, but her words were light and airy, as if she would die in the next second.

As if it wasn't enough, she tried her best to smile and comforted Song Chunhong, "Da Ya's mother, I, I'm really fine! You, you and the children, don't worry!"

The people around him sighed and admired He Tiantian when they saw him like this.

"Did you see it? Carpenter Zheng's face is extremely pale, with no blood at all!"

"Definitely not. He had so much blood drawn... Hey, tell me, how much did Mr. Zheng sell it for?"

The villagers were talking a lot.

Someone among them had already secretly asked Zheng Xiucai.

Zheng Xiucai said that if he went to the county hospital, he could sell them for thirty yuan at a time.

Therefore, you don’t need to directly ask Mr. Zheng how many times he sold it. You can know the “truth” by just asking him how much he got.

"Didn't Mr. Zheng want a 'thank you gift' of 300 yuan? It's 300 yuan at least!"

"Three hundred? Is it true that as Zheng Xiucai said, Carpenter Zheng sold all his blood in the past half month?"

"That's not possible. If all the blood is taken out of the body, the person will be dead!"

"...Tsk, Boss Zheng is not dead but he only has half a life left."

"Hey, look! Fourth Zheng is here!"

Someone spotted Zheng Du's figure and shouted quickly.

Zheng Du:......

Just as he was about to run to the brigade headquarters, he heard someone shouting: "Carpenter Zheng is back!"

Zheng Du almost tripped over his own feet.

have to!

Everyone was back, so there was no point in borrowing the carriage.

On the contrary, it makes people think that he is artificial and pretending.

Reaching out to wipe his face, Zheng Du tried his best to adjust his mentality and ran towards the entrance of the village.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, before we even saw Zheng Yu's family, we saw a bunch of people surrounding them on three floors inside and three floors outside.

Zheng Du's heart dropped.

In full view of everyone, he really failed this time.

"Zheng Du is here!"

Everyone shouted and quickly moved out of the way.

Zheng Du:......

Bite the bullet, Zheng Du had no choice but to walk through this passage.

Looking up and seeing Zheng Du, He Tiantian pretended to be happy and said: "Xiao Si'er, don't worry, we have all the money, a total of three hundred yuan -"

Before he could finish speaking, He Tiantian closed her eyes and fainted.

Well, the expressions after the coma are all peaceful, as if "the troubles are over and the smile is on the face"!

Zheng Du had no strength and was speechless.

However, he was a copywriter after all, who suffered a "setback" and quickly bounced back.

He even plans to "turn a bad thing into a good thing"!

I saw him rushing forward in two or two steps, grabbing He Tiantian's other arm, crying heartbrokenly: "Brother! Brother! Don't scare me!"

"Oh, brother, I was wrong! I will never do this again!"

"Don't worry, I, I will listen to you, I will work well, I, I will never cause you trouble again!"

"Brother, please open your eyes and look at me. Wow, I have lost my father. I can't live without you anymore!"

He Tiantian:......

Well, he is indeed a wild copywriter, able to adjust his mentality in the shortest time.

Being able to bend and stretch is a talent!

There is indeed a market for such things as sudden awakening and prodigal son turning back.

No, the onlookers were still scolding Zheng Xiaosi for being unsatisfactory, unkind, and ungrateful.

When I heard Zheng Du crying, I couldn't help but nod secretly: Just know that you are wrong!

If Zheng Xiaosi can change his ways and work hard to make progress, Boss Zheng's sacrifice will not be in vain!

Not to mention outsiders like them, I guess the old carpenter under Jiuquan would be relieved to see that his younger son could listen to his elder brother and find his way back.

And then Zheng Du's performance made everyone look at him with special eyes——

Zheng Du cried and howled a lot, but saw that his brother was still unconscious.

He seemed to have thought of something, and his face was full of shame. He raised his hand and slapped his face hard.

"Blame me! It's all my fault! I'm the bastard who's dragging my brother down!"

"Brother, let's separate our families! I, I can't hurt you anymore, yes, separate our families!"

Everyone was shocked.

Song Chunhong publicized the quarrel between the Zheng family that day, and everyone around him also knew about it.

Although everyone heard that Zheng Du did propose a family separation.

However, everyone agreed: Zheng Du was probably using the branch family as a threat, and his only goal was the three hundred yuan.

Zheng Du definitely doesn't want to separate the family.

After all, by following the eldest brother Zheng Yu, he can continue to be lazy and be a little baby who is taken care of by his brother and favored by his mother.

If the family is divided, he will have nothing.

Now that Zheng Yu has gotten his money back, Zheng Du can pretend to be confused and continue to rely on his elder brother.

But he just proposed to separate the family, and he was still so decisive——

"Alas, this child is not bad in nature, he is just spoiled."

"That's right! No, seeing that his brother almost lost his life for him, he finally realized that he was wrong and was willing to correct it!"

The direction of public opinion changed instantly...

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