The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 772: The villain who whitewashed the article (19)

He Tiantian suddenly opened his eyes.

Everyone thought that she woke up happily after hearing Zheng Du's heartbreaking confession.

Everyone was holding their breath and looking forward to seeing a touching drama in which "the younger brother repented, the older brother was pleased and moved, and finally the two brothers held each other's arms and cried."


"No, don't send me to the hospital, keep the money for Xiao Si'er!"

As if the flashback before death, He Tiantian passed out again after shouting these words.


"Hey, Carpenter Zheng is really a good brother!"

"Yes, how long has it been, and I'm still thinking about my brother!"

"...For some reason, seeing Boss Zheng like this reminds me of my dad. When he got sick, he was reluctant to go to the hospital for fear of spending money!"

"The elder brother is like father! The elder brother is like father!"

The melon-eaters who were watching were moved by He Tiantian again.

Their attention was once again drawn to "Zheng Yu", the eldest son, how he was filial to his partial mother and how he took care of his troubled younger brother.

As for Zheng Du's hard-working performance just now, it was temporarily ignored.

It's not that everyone is easily deceived. In fact, it's a lazy and notorious little bastard like Zheng Du.

What I'm usually good at is talking nonsense.

They talk better than anyone else.

But as soon as the limelight passes, they will return to their original appearance.

Alas, these careless little things are used to doing this.

As time passed and the number of incidents increased, no one believed in them anymore.

Zheng Du:......

If he didn't know the temperament of the eldest brother "Zheng Yu" very well, he would have doubted whether this was intentional.


The atmosphere has been ruined.

It would be difficult for him to recreate it, so he could only miss this opportunity.

However, with this foreshadowing, Zheng Du can complete a "transformation".

The only pity is that if Zheng Du gets better, everyone will say that he was stimulated by his elder brother and then turned around.

Zheng Du was somewhat depressed because his transformation was related to someone he didn't want to get involved with.

Well, he has to control himself carefully and not let everyone think that his transformation is the result of his cheap brother.

Just when Zheng Du was secretly planning, everyone was already helping Zheng Qi and his two brothers, carrying He Tiantian back to Zheng's house.

Mrs. Wang heard the news and hurried home.

It is said that she has heard about her eldest son from the old lady with whom she has a good relationship.

When she heard that her son was selling blood, she was really angry rather than distressed——

"This boss, what on earth is he thinking?"

"I've already said that if you marry Da Ya, the bride price you get back will just make up for the hole in Xiao Si'er's life. But he won't!"

"Da Ya has grown up, and she should get married! The Wang family has such good conditions, but the boss is still not happy?"

"Selling blood? He, he is confused! Zheng Xiucai often said, 'The body, hair, and skin are the parents', but the boss sold all his blood. He, he is unfilial!"

Mrs. Wang scolded her all the time.

Several old ladies around could not help but frown after hearing this.

As parents, partiality is inevitable.

The ten fingers are all different lengths, and the palms and backs of the hands are never the same.

However, they can still have some degree of restraint.

You will not favor one son to heaven and then treat the other son as your enemy.

The old lady Wang in front of me, is she so biased?

When she found out that her eldest son was going to sell blood, she didn't say she felt bad or felt guilty, but she actually blamed him for being "disobedient"?

Do you have the nerve to say that Butcher Wang is a good partner, do you feel guilty or not?

Although these rural old ladies tend to favor boys over girls, there is nothing they can do about it, the reality is like this——

The family needs strong labor, and men are stronger than women.

However, these old ladies value their younger sons and eldest grandchildren, and they will not be unduly mean to their grandchildren.

Butcher Wang is really not a good person.

As long as you still cherish the girl at home a little, you will not push a good child into the pit of fire.

Besides, the trouble in the Zheng family was originally caused by Zheng Xiaosi.

Selling my niece to fill my uncle's hole is not easy to say or nice to say.

Not to mention feeling sorry for her granddaughter, Mrs. Wang shouldn't do this even for Zheng Xiaosi.


Does she think her precious little son's reputation isn't bad enough?

Several old ladies were a little suspicious. Is this Mrs. Wang really too partial, or is she just not smart enough? !

But for people who seem to be mentally ill, there is no way to persuade them.

Therefore, the several old ladies looked at each other and simply stopped talking.

There was an old lady. Seeing that Mrs. Wang still had a look of resentment on her face, she only scolded her eldest son for being disobedient. She didn't even think of asking about her eldest son's whereabouts, so she simply reminded her——

"From the Zheng family, you'd better go and inquire and see when your boss will come back!"

At this time, there was discussion from the village head——

"Boss Zheng is back from the county seat!"

"Oops, Boss Zheng fainted?!"

Hearing these voices, several old ladies hurriedly urged: "Oh, Zheng family, why are you still standing there, why don't you go home quickly?"

It's not that Mrs. Wang really doesn't feel sorry for her son, but she just thinks he's disobedient.

Even if he sells his blood and suffers, he is the one who asked for it.

After venting her anger, she heard that her son was back and fainted. Her heart felt distressed and panicked at the same time.

The boss is her hope, and she has to rely on him to support her in her old age.

If the boss fails, what should she do?

Mrs. Wang is partial, but she is not really stupid.

She knew very well that her youngest son was good, but he couldn't even support himself.

Not to mention providing for her as an old lady to take care of her till the end of her life.

As for the other two sons, one is out of town and the other only knows his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, so there is no hope for them at all.

Of four sons, she could only rely on the eldest.

"Boss, you unfilial thing! Why don't you know how to be obedient?"

Mrs. Wang carried her things and bounced her little feet as she returned to the door and was about to meet He Tiantian and a group of others.

She felt distressed, she was scared, and she started crying.

However, what he said made people feel uncomfortable.

It seems that to her, her eldest son is just a tool to provide for her in her old age, rather than her biological son.

Song Chunhong was already a little anxious because of negative emotions such as distress and worry.

Seeing Mrs. Wang now, she suddenly felt like she had someone to vent to.

Why did my man become like this?

Isn’t it the fault of my partial mother-in-law?

If her mother-in-law hadn't been so partial and spoiled Zheng Du, would Zheng Du have caused such a disaster?

Zheng Du doesn't get into trouble and doesn't need a lot of money. Why would his own men sell blood?

Now my man is lying here half-dead, breathing in but not out. My mother-in-law doesn't say she feels distressed or guilty, but she actually has the nerve to scold him for being unfilial?

Does this old lady have any heart?

How else does she want Zheng Yu to be filial?

Zheng Qin, Zheng Qi and other siblings were also filled with resentment.

They knew that grandma was partial, but they still didn't expect that grandma would be so partial.

Not to mention everyone in the big room, even the people watching could not help but frown——

Can this old lady speak?

Zheng Du:......

What does it feel like to have a pig teammate?

Less than a month after wearing it, Zheng Du felt it.

Mrs. Wang really never forgets to hold him back.

"Mom, are you anxious? Don't worry, I will take good care of my brother!"

Zheng Du quickly jumped out to smooth things over.

As he spoke, he winked desperately at Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang was crying, her face covered with tears and runny nose, and she didn't even receive the reminder from her younger son.

Zheng Du had no choice but to let go of his elder brother's hand and support his mother.

He used his support to squeeze his mother's arm hard.

"Ouch! Xiaosi, why are you pinching me?"

Mrs. Wang only felt pain in her arm and blurted out.


The atmosphere was so awkward.

Zheng Du didn't even know what to say.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I accidentally pinched you!"

Zheng Du said vaguely, and then brought the topic back to the cheap brother, "Let's go home quickly. The brother needs to supplement his nutrition. You can make some malted milk for him and stew the chicken!"

Mrs. Wang felt a little distressed.

However, she was not that confused after all.

In other words, after she shouted "Pinch me" just now, the roar of laughter from all around completely woke her up.

She looked up and saw her youngest son's somewhat gloomy eyes.

There was a shiver in her heart, and Mrs. Wang's IQ, which she didn't usually use, took over the high ground again.

She instantly understood what her younger son meant and what the situation was now.

"Yes! Yes! We also have a chicken at home. I will stew it for your eldest brother--"

Mrs. Wang quickly nodded in agreement.

However, before she could finish her words, Zheng Qin couldn't help but interjected, "No, milk, our family has three chickens in total, why is there only one left?"

Mrs. Wang was speechless.

Zheng Du's expression was also a little unnatural.

Why else?

Of course he was eaten by Zheng Du!

No matter how confused Mrs. Wang is, she still knows that now is not the time to show how much she loves her little son.

She took the initiative to put the pot on herself, "What, these days, my body is not very strong, so I stewed two chickens!"

Everyone fake smiles:...

Old lady, do you think we believe what you say?

The guy glanced at Mrs. Wang, and then cast complicated eyes on Zheng Du——

I knew this kid only knew how to talk.

It’s so troublesome!

His eldest brother went to sell blood for him, but he was eating chicken at home.

Oh, by the way, I heard they are still eating braised pork in town!

Tsk tsk, I suddenly felt that what Boss Zheng did was a bit unworthy.

Zheng Du: Yes, your reputation has become really bad again.

There was no other way. In order to clear his name, Zheng Du had to raise his hand again and give himself two mouths.

"It's all my fault. I was so ignorant in the past!"

"Brother, don't worry, I will never do this again!"

Mrs. Wang did not see Zheng Du's behavior at the entrance of the village, and did not know that this was the second time Zheng Du had slapped himself.

Therefore, she felt heartbroken when she suddenly saw her youngest son abusing himself like this.

"Bao'er, what are you doing? Aren't you just eating two chickens? Your body is weak and you need to take more supplements. What's wrong?"

Mrs. Wang is used to being partial, and she speaks as she should.


The onlookers laughed again.


Who is weak now?

She is fair and fair, and although she is thin, she is not weak at all.

The other one was dark and thin, with a miserable face, lying there as angry as a thread.

"... From the Zheng family, your partiality is really boundless!"

"No wonder Little Fourth Zheng is like this. It's all because of being spoiled by Mrs. Wang!"

"Isn't that good? Two sons, even if they can't hold a bowl of water flat, one can't hold it in the sky and the other can step on it."

"Tsk, tsk, you are such a partial mother, no wonder Mr. Zheng would go and sell blood!"

"How pitiful!"

Everyone was pointing and talking again.

Zheng Du was a little numb and wished he could reach out and block his mother's mouth.

Dear mother, if you really can’t speak, then just say it!

Zheng Du suddenly felt that with such an excellent mother as Mrs. Wang, his road to clearing his name would become even more bumpy.

"Mom, it's better to carry my dad into the house quickly."

Zheng Qi saw that the public opinion was overwhelming, so he quickly reminded his mother.

After the "confrontation" with her children at her parents' home, Song Chunhong's feelings towards the children became a little subtle.

Especially the two eldest children Zheng Qin and Zheng Qi.

One of them is no longer submissive and obedient, and the other is becoming more and more independent. It is difficult for Song Chunhong to show her family's role in front of them.

Song Chunhong didn't even notice it. She began to obey the two children's words involuntarily.

Therefore, when Song Chunhong heard Zheng Qi speak, she almost didn't hesitate and agreed quickly.

Several cousins ​​who were helping also hurriedly helped after listening to Zheng Qi's urging, and together they carried He Tiantian to the room.

Seeing his father's completely bloodless face, Zheng Qi felt uneasy after all.

"Mom, Dad won't let him be sent to the hospital, but we can't just let him fall into a coma! Go to the health center and invite Zheng Xiucai!"

As the "eldest son", Zheng Qi began to give orders when his father could not take charge.

"Hey! Okay! Okay!"

Song Chunhong agreed repeatedly.

Zheng Shu was smart, and before Song Chunhong turned around, he volunteered, "Mom, I'm going to the health center!"

"Sister, go to the town and buy some pork liver to stew for our dad!"

Zheng Qi gave instructions while taking out a dollar from his pocket.

During this time in Songjiacun, he cooked eggs every day and saved some money in his pocket.

Zheng Du stood aside and his eyes couldn't help but twinkled when he saw Zheng Qi taking out a dollar very "heroically".

Very good, Zheng Qi, the reborn male protagonist, really started selling eggs and earning his first pot of gold as described in the original plot.

It's a pity, eldest nephew, you can only go here this time.

Next, leave it all to me as your uncle.

Zheng Qi arranged work for his mother, sisters and brothers, like a big housekeeper who coordinated everything.

He is quite high-spirited and energetic.

Little did he know that his cheap uncle was secretly planning to poach him and follow his path.

He Tiantian:......

Bullshit corners, bullshit roads to the sky, none of them are allowed when I’m here!

He Tiantian mobilized her inner strength to make herself look weak.

In fact, she was in very good condition. Even with her eyes closed and using her spiritual consciousness, she could "see" the people in the room clearly...

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