The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 775: The Villain Who Whitewashed His Articles (22)

Zheng Du still kept his posture of covering his face with his hands and squatting with his legs.

He took advantage of the motion of getting up and rubbed his face vigorously.

Then, he stood in front of He Tiantian and said seriously: "Brother, I know you feel sorry for me, but I can't let you break the ancestral rules!"

"Our Zheng family's carpentry skills can only be passed down to the eldest son for several generations. You can't change the rules!"

"Not to mention our ancestors, even our father will not agree to it!"

"Also, we have a second brother and a third brother in our family. No matter whether they like it or not, they still have to hold a bowl of water levelly!"

"You taught me carpentry, and my two brothers will definitely not be happy!"

"When my father left, he hoped that the four of us brothers could support and take care of each other. If the second brother and the third brother have a problem with the eldest brother because of me, it will really be my fault!"

Zheng Dutui explained it heartily.

After hearing this, the people around couldn't help but nodded secretly:

Huh? This Zheng Laosi is really sensible.

Listen to what he said, every word makes sense.

They, farmers, cannot say that they are not worried about scarcity but about inequality.

But they know the truth.

Zheng Yu was the eldest son, established a family, inherited the family business, and supported his parents, so he was qualified to learn the ancestral craftsmanship of the Zheng family.

The other three sons, no matter how favored they are, cannot make an exception.

Now Zheng Yu feels sorry for his younger brother and wants to make an exception and give him skills.

Everyone can understand that even the two brothers Zheng Qiao and Zheng Geng may not really want to learn carpentry.

However, they will have knots in their hearts - it's not fair!

"...Oh, what can we do?"

He Tiantian looked panicked. She just wanted to take care of her little brother, not to get into trouble with the other three brothers.

Now I heard Zheng Du analyze it carefully,

She also lost her sense of proportion.

"Brother, I definitely can't learn carpentry work!"

"But don't worry, I always have a way to support myself!"

Zheng Du raised his head slightly and said confidently, "God will not starve me to death. I can't do heavy work, but in this world, working in the fields is not the only way out!"

"...I can always think of a way. Besides, I still have a big brother. If I really can't do it, my big brother won't ignore me, right?"

In order to get the cheap brother to give up the idea of ​​teaching technical work, Zheng Du really worked hard.

Even the words he least wanted to say, he had the courage to say.

It's so pitiful that he really doesn't want to get involved with the cheap brother, let alone bow to him.

"Yes! Yes! Why do I not care about you? No matter! I will always take care of you!"

He Tiantian nodded repeatedly.

She was finally coaxed by Zheng Du and no longer forced Zheng Du to learn carpentry work, nor did she persuade him to go home.

"Here, let me help you repair the roof -"

He Tiantian pushed away Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu's support, and staggered forward to help.

Zheng Du was startled, "Brother, no need! I can do it myself!"

He already owed Zheng Du a debt of "selling his blood". If he added the debt of "working hard", hey, it would be hard to repay the debts one after another.

His reputation alone is really difficult to clean up.

Even if he is cleansed, others will still remember Zheng Yu, the cheap brother, for what he has done for him.

In the days to come, if Zheng Du treats Zheng Yu even slightly badly, the world's saliva will drown him.

Zheng Du had no conflict of interest with Zheng Yu. In the past, he didn't want Zheng Yu to take advantage of the situation, so he tried his best to cut off from Dafang.

However, with the matter of selling blood, Zheng Du knew that he and Zheng Yu were inseparable.

At least, he must "repay" Zheng Yu.

It is inevitable for Zheng Yu to take advantage of it and enjoy it with him.

However, there is a serious conflict of interest between Zheng Du and Zheng Qi.

Zheng Du wants to be the male protagonist. He must kill Zheng Qi and seize his opponent's luck and aura.

Zheng Qi is Zheng Yu's biological son. If he is a difficult person, Zheng Du will have moral flaws.

"Ma De, Zheng Yu is so good to his younger brother. He completely occupies the moral high ground!"

Thinking of this, Zheng Du couldn't help pinching his teeth.

But he couldn't resist, so he could only find ways to reduce this "family burden".

Zheng Du grabbed hold of Zheng Yu who was about to work, bit the bullet, and climbed onto the roof by himself.

Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu helped deliver the things, and other clan members couldn't help but help.

It's easy to get things done when there are a lot of people. In less than half a day, the dilapidated old house was tidied up.

He Tiantian didn't need Mrs. Wang to nag, so she took the initiative to ask Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu to run home and bring some food and daily necessities to Zheng Du.

Well, no surprise, it won another round of praise.

Zheng Du:......

He just went numb, okay?

A king-level brother-supporting demon, "Zheng Yu" is really not unjust!

Zheng Du complained crazily in his heart.

However, the only good thing is that after struggling for so long, he and Zheng Yu finally separated.

He can finally show off his talents according to his plan!

Of course, before that, Zheng Du still has something to do——

"Brother! Big brother! Oh no, something happened!"

On this day, most of the people in the village, except for some old, weak, pregnant women and children, went to work.

Zheng Du sneaked to Zheng's house quietly.

He Tiantian was lying on the bed, pretending to be holding the handbook of the former official in his hand, but actually he was practicing secretly.

Suddenly hearing Zheng Du's voice, He Tiantian deliberately acted like she was frightened.

I thought to myself: Here it comes!

"Xiao Si'er, what happened? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

He Tiantian looked frightened and undecided, with a simple and honest face full of concern.

"It's not me! It's Zheng Qi!"

Zheng Du was sweating profusely and huffing and puffing, as if he had run for a long time.

His face was full of eagerness, and he wanted to say something, but he was a little hesitant.

Finally, he was so anxious that he stamped his feet and reached out to hold He Tiantian: "Oh, I can't explain!"

"Brother, you'd better come with me!"

With that said, Zheng Du used his hand to drag the cheap brother up from the kang.

"Oh, Xiao Si'er, what happened? You tell me!"

He Tiantian was at a loss, mixed with doubts and eagerness.

However, she did not struggle, but allowed Zheng Du to put on her shoes and pull her from the bed to the ground.

"It's too late! Brother, if you believe me, follow me!"

Zheng Du deliberately created an anxious and mysterious atmosphere, frightening the cheap brother into a daze.

With almost no struggle, the cheap brother followed him and ran out of Zhengjia Village, heading towards the railway on the other side.

"Xiao Si'er, what are you doing here?"

He Tiantian was still puzzled.

"Oh, brother, don't worry, just watch from here!"

Not long after, a train came clanging over at the other end of the track.

He Tiantian and Zheng Du hid in the grass nearby, watching the trains passing by.

Suddenly, two little heads popped out of a cargo compartment.

Immediately afterwards, two half-year-old teenagers climbed out of the cargo compartment with familiarity and dexterity.

The train speed was not very fast these days, but the two teenagers still fell down when they jumped off.

But as they were used to doing, they rolled on the spot and took away most of their strength, but neither of them was injured.

"Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu? What are they doing on the train?"

He Tiantian's eyes widened and she stared at the two teenagers in disbelief.

"Brother, don't get angry first, let's see again!"

Seeing that the cheap brother was getting angry, Zheng Du showed a smile on his lips.

Hey, dear brother, where are you? Your two sons are so courageous.

If you are just climbing on the train, even if you are caught, the most you can say is that you are naughty.

However, Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu didn't just climb the train, they also speculated.

"What are you looking at?! Oh, Xiao Si'er, what's going on, please tell me clearly now!"

He Tiantian was so anxious that if she hadn't been held tightly by Zheng Du, she would have jumped up and rushed to the two dead children, questioning and reprimanding them.

"Brother, you should see this with your own eyes!"

Seeing it with your own eyes is more impactful and more credible than hearsay.

Zheng Du wanted to "hammer" Zheng Qi to death at once, so he naturally had to use the most effective method.

"You, you are still cheating on me!"

He Tiantian was a little dissatisfied and glared at Zheng Du.

Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu on the other side had already gotten up from the ground.

They didn't find anyone hiding in the haystacks on the side, but quickly left the railway track as usual.

About half an hour later, the two of them ran over again carrying a rattan basket on their backs.

They were guarding the tracks.

Not long after, a train came clanging clangingly from the other direction.

Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu followed the train for a few steps and, looking at the right moment, like monkeys, nimbly climbed onto a certain compartment.

He Tiantian was stunned. She pointed at the train and trembled: "They, they -"

He Tiantian was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

Zheng Du understands the situation of the cheap brother very well. He is an old farmer who is so honest that he is almost useless.

I have lived for more than 40 years and have never done anything out of the ordinary.

I can't even think about breaking the law or committing crimes.

At this moment, "he" watched helplessly as his two sons, like little blind people, dared to climb on the train.

Judging from their skillful movements and familiarity with the trains, you can tell that they are definitely not first-time offenders.

What a habitual offender!

"Are they just naughty and want to have some fun?"

The train had gone far, and He Tiantian seemed to have found her own voice.

With a hint of fantasy, she said things that she didn't even believe.

Zheng Du shook his head vigorously and broke the cheap brother's fantasy with his own hands.

"Brother, they are not naughty. On the contrary, Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu are very smart!"

"They collect eggs from surrounding villages and then go to town to sell them."

"The town is getting smaller after all. They collect more and more eggs and start running to the county!"

The two little ones had no letters of introduction and could not buy bus or train tickets.

They simply ran to the railway to pick up the train.

It happened that a train passed by their village and passed through the county seat.

The two secretly climbed into the car from here, and then jumped off when they arrived at the county seat.

Zheng Qi is very good at planning and making arrangements well.

He took advantage of the short time difference between the departure trains on both sides and ran to the county town twice a day.

There are no shipping costs and you save time.

In two trips back and forth, he and Zheng Shu were able to sell four baskets of four to five hundred eggs.

Each egg earns one to one and a half cents, and at the end of the day, they can earn six or seven yuan.

That’s nearly 200 yuan a month, which is more than the annual income of a strong working family!

When Zheng Du read the script, he didn't have a direct feeling about it.

It was only after he came to this world and truly experienced the poverty and price levels of this era that he understood what an income of two hundred yuan a month meant.

No wonder the male protagonist is able to make a fortune and make waves in the black market.

His first pot of gold is really solid!

Zheng Du had a headache and followed Zheng Qi for several days, and he was a little jealous.

"...This kid has been working hard for half a month, and he has made at least a hundred yuan in his hands!"

Zheng Du himself didn't even notice that when he said these words, there was a faint sour taste.

He Tiantian was shocked at first, "What? He, they actually dare to speculate?"

Then, he was furious, "Two little bastards, they, they are going to die!"

These days, speculation is definitely illegal.

If caught, they will be fined and educated in the lightest way, and sentenced directly in the worst case.

If the plot is too serious, you may even receive a peanut directly.

This is definitely not a shortcut to get rich easily written in period articles, but a side path that people today only take when they are desperate and forced to do so.

If one of them is not done well, it will really cause big trouble.

Zheng Yu is an honest farmer. Even if he is pushed into a hurry, he will probably only sell his blood.

He couldn't even imagine or dare to go to the black market.

But his two sons actually secretly embarked on this road.

If Zheng Yu was still here and witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he would definitely be shocked and angry, wishing he could immediately drag the two dead children in and beat them up.

"Yes, brother, I was just worried that something would happen to them, so I came here to tell you!"

"Brother, brothers Zheng Qi are young and don't know what's important. They still need to be disciplined by us elders!"

Zheng Du persuaded others on the surface, but secretly encouraged them.

"Young? Humph, they are quite young!"

"Zheng Qi is already thirteen. When I was thirteen, I could work alone in my master's house and earn money for my family!"

He Tiantian said angrily, Zheng Yu is indeed honest, but he also has serious feudal patriarchal ways.

He has only one thought about his biological son - a stick will produce a filial son!

My son is disobedient and has gone astray. What I didn’t say is just one word. Beat him!

"You bastard, you didn't say you should review your homework carefully, but you actually engaged in such crooked ways!"

"It's okay if you don't learn well, but you still dare to bring your brother with you!"

"What on earth does he want to do? Does he think his family's life is too peaceful?"

"... Just wait for me and see how I deal with you when you get home!"

He Tiantian gritted her teeth and cursed fiercely.

Hearing these words from the cheap brother, Zheng Du was extremely happy.

He began to think in his mind that when Zheng Qi was strictly disciplined and could no longer go to the black market, he would take over Zheng Qi's business.

Hehe, the first pot of gold and Wang Hongjun are all his.

However, before Zheng Du could be complacent for too long, he heard Big Brother Ziyi sternly say, "And you, Xiao Si'er, you are not allowed to go astray..."

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