The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 776: The villain who whitewashed the article (23)

In the evening, the second train that day passed through the county seat, Zhengjia Village, clanged onto the railway near Zhengjia Village.

Two teenagers climbed out of a certain cargo compartment with great skill.

They rolled around on the spot without any pain from the fall. The two of them carried the empty rattan basket, laughing and joking, and prepared to go home.

"Zheng Qi! Zheng Shu!"

With a loud shout, the two of them almost lost their souls in shock.


The two Zheng Qi brothers exclaimed in surprise and looked at the familiar figure standing out from the grass in disbelief.

"You still know that I am your father?"

"What have you been doing? Huh? Who asked you to steal the train?"

"How old are these two damn kids that they dare to speculate?"

"Our old Zheng family has been poor for generations, and our roots are prosperous. How could I raise two bold and mischievous things like you?"

He Tiantian finally found a way to vent the anger, fear and other negative emotions that had accumulated for a long time.

She pointed at the noses of the two children and cursed them loudly.

Zheng Shu is a real child who secretly did bad things but was caught by his own father, feeling guilty and scared.

The whole person was trembling like a frightened quail.

As the reborn male protagonist, Zheng Qi has an extra lifetime of life and experience.

Two lifetimes combined, he is older than his biological father.

Many times, Zheng Qi's feelings towards his biological father are very subtle.

His emotions told him that this was his biological father and that he should respect and be filial;

However, his reason told him: I am older than my biological father, and I am more knowledgeable than my biological father. What my biological father says may not always be right.

A biological father cannot cover the sky with one hand, let alone treat him like a real child.

Therefore, after being caught by his own father as soon as he jumped off the train, Zheng Qi was not as frightened as Zheng Shu after the initial surprise.

"Dad! We're not messing around!"

Zheng Qi lowered his voice and tried to reason with his father.

In order to make his explanation seem more reasonable, or to arouse his father's empathy.

He even used three hundred yuan as an example: "Our family needs money, and I don't want my eldest sister to marry a scumbag who beat his wife to death. Dad, I'm really scared!"

A touch of emotion flashed in He Tiantian's eyes.

But soon, she returned to her angry look, "Nonsense! I still have this family, so I don't need you to worry about a child!"

"But I don't want you to sell blood anymore!" Zheng Qi couldn't hold back and roared.

This time, he was not acting, but really heartbroken and depressed——

To think that he, a son, a reborn man, would watch his own father sell his blood for three hundred yuan!

How humiliating is this? !

"I'm better off selling my blood than you are speculating!"

He Tiantian also yelled.

Zheng Qi stared at He Tiantian with wide eyes, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

As if to say, how can selling blood be worse than speculation?

Speculating at best means taking risks, but it won't harm your body?

What about selling blood?

If you don't do it well, it will cause the root of the disease!

I saw my son scratching his neck, stubborn and unconvinced.

He Tiantian softened her tone and whispered, "It is not illegal to sell blood! But it is illegal to speculate. If you are caught, you may be sent to a farm to do labor camps!"

Zheng Qi subconsciously retorted, "Why isn't selling blood illegal?"

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Qi was stunned.

He thought about it carefully. In this era, there are no relevant regulations for blood donation, and the hospital needs enough blood.

Therefore, a gray industry was born.

Relevant departments do not encourage it, but they will not use laws and regulations to stop it.

Twenty years later, another writer wrote a related book.

"Son, speculation is really bad! Once someone discovers it, not only you, but our whole family will be criticized!"

"Our Lao Zheng family is a good and innocent family, and we would not dare to do such illegal and criminal things!"

"My family needs money, and I am here. If there are any more difficulties that I can't overcome, I would rather sell blood!"

"But, you must never do such a thing again, unless I die!!"

He Tiantian's tone was decisive, and her attitude was extremely tough.

There is a strong momentum of "If you dare to speculate again, I will break your legs."

Zheng Qi was stunned. In his two lifetimes, this was the first time he saw his biological father so decisive.

He was still a little unconvinced and retorted: "Dad, I'm not speculating, I'm just doing some small business!"

"Guo Jia doesn't allow individuals to do business. If you do, you are just speculating!"

He Tiantian's attitude is very clear.

"Then Guo Jia has such a rule, which is wrong in itself!"

Zheng Qi is not convinced. This is not in line with the laws of social development and is wrong. In two years, everything will change.

He Tiantian seemed to have heard something treacherous, and she covered Zheng Qi's mouth.

She subconsciously looked around and saw that no one was around, then she let out a breath.

"You brat, do you want your life? How dare you say anything?"

Zheng Qi was frightened by his father's appearance. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he really shouldn't talk nonsense.

But, he really wasn't wrong.

Seeing that Zheng Qi was still "seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied", He Tiantian slowed down his tone again.

She said patiently and earnestly, "Son, do you think that no one knows? But this is the case now, and you have to admit that you are wrong!"

"Unless you have the ability to correct this mistake, you can only be obedient!"

Zheng Qi was suddenly stunned. He had never thought that his old father, who had not studied for a few years and didn't even know many words, could actually say such philosophical words.

Yes, so what if I'm wrong?

If you can't correct it but still confront it, the only one who will suffer is you!

It's like everyone knows that people should not be divided into three categories.

But if we go to ancient times, can we still tell the ancients that "all creation is equal"?

Zheng Qi suddenly discovered that he had been reborn and had predicted the future direction, and he began to become self-righteous.

He seemed to regard himself as an almighty God, or a pig's foot with an invincible aura.

But in fact, he is just an ordinary person with a little adventure.

Even his uneducated father could think of the truth, but he couldn't see through it.

"...Dad, I know I was wrong!"

Zheng Qi was a bachelor, so when he realized his mistake, he quickly admitted it.

But he was still unwilling to do so and murmured in a low voice, "But you need to recuperate now, and you can't have no income at home."

Zheng Qi considers himself the eldest son. Even if he has no experience of rebirth, he still wants to share the burden of the family with his parents.

"Then think more, Zheng Qi. You have studied and are a smart child. You can always find ways to support your family within the legal scope!"

He Tiantian smiled, and every wrinkle on the honest old farmer's face was filled with trust and pride for his own son.

Zheng Qi was thoughtful.

Read books, don’t break the law, make money, sell, sell blood...

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Zheng Qi's mind, and he thought of it!

He wants to contribute!

He wants to make money from his words like that writer!

Seeing Zheng Qi's eyes burning and eager to try, He Tiantian knew that the reborn male protagonist must have thought of a safer way than speculation.

The male protagonist’s son is gone, but the wild copywriter’s cheap brother still needs discipline.

"Brother? Why are you here?"

Zheng Du sneaked to the railway track and waited for the train that was passing by.

When the train came, he was about to imitate Zheng Qi and take the opportunity to climb aboard.

As a result, he was caught after just a few steps following the train.

He was so shocked and angry that he turned around to see who was coming, and found that it was his cheap brother.

"What are you going to do with a cane basket on your back?"

He Tiantian asked coldly with a straight face.

Zheng Du felt guilty, but the train was about to pass, and he was anxious.

If we delay for a while longer, we will miss the morning trip!

"Brother, I, I have something to do! I will explain it to you when I come back!"

Zheng Du was anxious to get rid of the cheap brother's control, and while speaking vaguely, he forcefully shook off He Tiantian's hand.

When Zheng Du thought about it, his cheap eldest brother was very weak and had no strength at all.

However, to his surprise, Zheng Du couldn't break free even after trying several times.

"Brother! What are you going to do?" It's almost too late!

There are only two or three carriages left in the long train. If you can't climb up, you've really missed it!

Zheng Du was full of anxiety and his tone was not so pleasant!

"What? What are you asking me for? I still want to ask you!"

"Zheng Du, let me ask you, do you also want to engage in speculation in the county?"

Zheng Yu said bitterly, "This is wrong! If I catch you, everything for you will be ruined."

"When Zheng Qi did this, you still knew to tell me, I thought you really understood!"

"But look what you are doing now? Co-author, you confessed Zheng Qi just to go there yourself?"

"Zheng Du, Zheng Du, you, you -"

He Tiantian is a person who hates iron but cannot make steel.

A big, calloused hand clasped Zheng Du's wrist tightly.

No matter how hard she tried, she dragged Zheng Du directly to the village.

"Brother, you, let me go!"

"...I, I just want to make some money, and I can't do anything else. Isn't it nice to throw eggs around?"

"As for Zheng Qi, he is still young and is at the age to study hard. He doesn't dare to have a bad temper because of these things -"

Zheng Du struggled and quibbled.

He didn't mean to steal his nephew's wealth.

He was thinking about his nephew.

Zheng Qi didn't want to "Zheng Du" because Zheng Qi had a good reputation.

As for Zheng Du, he was originally a cheating, slippery, and lazy person.

Now one more speculative trick is nothing.

"Zheng Du! Listen to what you said?"

"You said before that you knew you were wrong and you were lying to me when you co-authored it!"

"I won't let Zheng Qi go astray, and neither can you!"

"If you don't want to farm, then follow me and learn carpentry..."

He Tiantian had a firm tone and a tough attitude, as if "I have control over you."

Zheng Du missed an opportunity to go to the county town, and now he was scolded by the cheap brother like a son.

He didn't like "Zheng Yu" very much, and he became more and more rebellious.

In a moment of anger, Zheng Du blurted out: "We are all separated, I don't need you to worry about it!"

He Tiantian suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked at Zheng Du deeply.

Her eyes were full of surprise and hurt.

It was as if she had never thought that her elder brother, whom she devoted her heart and soul to, never took her as her eldest brother to heart.

"Oh, Zheng Xiaosi, what you said is too hurtful!"

"No, your elder brother is taking care of you for your own good! If it were an outsider, Zheng Yu wouldn't bother to take care of you!"

"That's right, your eldest brother sold his blood for you and lost most of his life. But now you say such things, do you, do you still have a conscience!"

"Yes, you should be a conscientious person. As the elder brother, you should take good care of your younger brother, but as the younger brother, you should also know how to be grateful!"

Zheng Du's ears suddenly rang with a flurry of discussion.

He took a closer look and realized that before he knew it, he had been dragged by his eldest brother to the big locust tree at the end of the village.

There are some old people who can't do heavy work, and lazy second-rate people chatting here.

They may not know what happened between the Zheng brothers.

But just because of Zheng Du's aggressive, impatient and unconvinced look, and Zheng Du's angry words, everyone subconsciously sided with "Zheng Yu".

Alas, it is said that an eldest brother is like a father, but an elder brother is different from a real father.

The elder brother may take care of his younger brother like a father, but the younger brother may not be as filial and respectful as a son.

Even in customs and laws, there is no requirement that a younger brother should be raised by his elder brother who is like his father and die in his old age.

No, the Zheng brothers are living examples.

Zheng Yu treats Zheng Du better than his own father treats his son, but now, Zheng Du, let alone being filial to Zheng Yu, refuses to obey his discipline!

"After we separate our families, I am also your brother!"

He Tiantian seemed not to hear the words of support for her from the people around her.

She gritted her teeth and said firmly.

Zheng Du:......

Okay, his bad reputation has gotten even worse.

Zheng Du felt that he had to change his routine.

If he continues like this, there is no way he can make a fortune.

That means it can’t be cleared up smoothly!

The current situation is not good for him.

Nothing can be broken, nothing can be established!

Zheng Du decided to change his strategy and "put himself to death and survive"!

Thinking of this, Zheng Du was like a bull possessed and said angrily, "Brother, you also said that you are my brother, not my father!"

"Even if we don't separate our families, you, you can't control me!"

"Now that the family is divided, you have no control over it. What I do in the future, whether I am good or bad, has nothing to do with you!"

"...Zheng Yu, it's not that you are the only good son of the Zheng family. Sooner or later, I, Zheng Du, will become the pride of the family. You control me because you don't want me to stand out!"

This is quite inhumane to say.

At least the people around him couldn't help but shake their heads secretly.

As for He Tiantian, she showed a look of great irritation and hurt at the right time.

The brothers broke up!

In the afternoon, Zheng Du secretly left Zhengjiacun alone.

"My reputation is probably in tatters now!"

"But, it doesn't matter. People in the world laugh at the poor but not at the prostitutes. After a few years, when I return to my hometown in fine clothes, people will only praise me for my ability and determination, and for not being trapped in the countryside by my ignorant and incompetent brother... "

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