The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 777: The villain who whitewashed the article (End)

As usual, He Tiantian went to the old house to see Zheng Du every two days.

Every time she was either holding a plate of steamed buns with three-height noodles, or holding a few eggs.

Swaggering through the city, from the beginning of the village to the end of the village.

In less than half a day, everyone in the village knew how she, the eldest brother, took care of her younger brother who had left the family to live alone.

Even that day at the entrance of the village, He Tiantian had a quarrel with Zheng Du.

The next day, He Tiantian didn't hold any grudge at all and ran to the old house again.

Not surprisingly, He Tiantian met General Tie Gatekeeper.

She squatted at the door until evening.

The neighbors around saw it and hurriedly told her: "Oh, Carpenter Zheng, I seem to have seen your mistress going out this morning carrying a big bag of things!"

"Going out? Didn't this bastard not listen to my advice and go to the county again?"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian seemed to suddenly realize that she had almost let something slip.

She quickly stopped talking, stood up, and walked towards the village, looking around.

She was just in case she bumped into Zheng Du when he came home at any time.

I squatted at the east end of the village for half a night, but I never saw Zheng Du.

He Tiantian was extremely anxious.

That night, she barely slept a wink.

As soon as it got light, she got up again.

He Tiantian went to the old house first, but the door was still locked.

Then, He Tiantian went to the entrance of the village again.

After two days of struggling like this, Zheng Qi couldn't stand it any longer, so he climbed over the wall and entered the old house.

"Dad, my uncle's bedding is gone! His clothes were also taken away!"

When Zheng Qi saw the bare bed, he knew that his best uncle,

Maybe he sneaked out and became a blind streamer!

"Xiao Si'er! Xiao Si'er!! You, you kid, my brother is doing it for your own good, why did you run out?"

"Without a letter of introduction and without a serious job, how can you survive if you go out?"

He Tiantian was shocked and anxious.

Seeing her like this, everyone couldn't help but sigh: Alas, Carpenter Zheng is a good brother, but it's a pity that Zheng Du is so unsatisfactory and has no conscience!

"Zheng Yu" just said a few words to him, but he actually ran away from home!

These days, running out without a letter of introduction is a blind move.

Most of the villagers in their Zhengjia Village are honest and responsible people.

Many people have never left the county town in their lives.

Even in Zheng Carpenter's family, for three generations, there was no one as bold and reckless as Zheng Du.

Not to mention "Zheng Yu", other clan members and villagers secretly blamed Zheng Du for his nonsense, but they couldn't help but worry about him.

Mrs. Wang cried every day.

She cried because she felt sorry for her little son.

She was making trouble because she felt that the eldest son "Zheng Yu" was not a good elder brother and failed to take care of his younger brother!


This old lady is not only biased, but also unreasonable.

I just felt sorry for Boss Zheng, so I almost dug out my heart and gave it to my younger brother, but in the end——

"I'm going to get Xiaosi back!"

He Tiantian wiped her face vigorously and made this decision firmly.

Everyone would like to give a few words of advice——

"No one knows where Zheng Xiaosi has gone. Guo Jia is so old, where are you going to find him?"

"You are the backbone of the family, and you go out to look for someone else. What will you do as a big family?"

But when the words came to their lips, everyone swallowed them back.

He Tiantian's face was full of determination, with an attitude of "I will get my brother back even if I go to heaven or to earth."

As for the livelihood of the Zheng family, ahem, apart from Carpenter Zheng, the Zheng family has another "little scholar".

Zheng Qi wrote several short stories and sent them to literary journals such as "Children's Literature", and they were all published.

A slap-length article actually received five yuan in royalties.

In less than half a month, Zheng Qi earned about 20 yuan from manuscript fees alone.

This is more than a formal worker’s monthly salary.

The key is that it doesn't take much effort, you can make money just by using a pen.

As for the Zheng family, it is also because of Zheng Qi's income that "Zheng Yu" can stay at home and recuperate.

Now, "Zheng Yu" just ran out to find someone, and the situation at home didn't seem to allow it.

"Dad, if you really want to go find your fourth uncle, then go ahead. I'm still at home!"

Zheng Qi spoke, but he did not dissuade his biological father.

First of all, he knew that his biological father had a heavy sense of responsibility and that his fourth uncle had not started a family. In his biological father's opinion, he was just a child who had not grown up and needed to be taken good care of.

Secondly, grandma was making too much noise, and it was clear from inside her words that it was their eldest brother who forced the fourth uncle to run away from home.

Although everyone knows that Zheng Du is unreliable, grandma tells such nonsense every day, and even if she tells too many lies, they become the truth.

I simply asked my biological father to go out and look for it.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, but there is still no good result. Even their eldest brother has a clear conscience.

Outsiders can't even fault their big house.

Song Chunhong wriggled her lower lip, she didn't want to care whether Zheng Xiaosi was dead or alive.

However, in the past month or two, Zheng Qi has become more and more sensible.

"Zheng Yu" also values ​​Zheng Qi, the "eldest son", more and more.

In the Zheng family, Zheng Qi's voice has firmly surpassed Song Chunhong's.

Even the children Zheng Qin and Zheng Shu are more convinced of Zheng Qi.

Another thing is that the matter is related to the brother-in-law of her husband's family. Song Chunhong is a daughter-in-law, so it's really hard to say anything.

If you say too much, you will be wrong. If you don’t say anything, it is the right thing to do!

"Go! Go quickly! Even if you run to southern and northern Xinjiang, you still have to find my treasure!"

Mrs. Wang urged her repeatedly.

He Tiantian saw that her family's opinions were very "unanimous", so she delayed any further and went directly to the brigade headquarters to issue a letter of introduction.

Because he was not sure where Zheng Laosi had gone, it was more difficult for the captain to write the letter of introduction.

In the end, he simply gave He Tiantian some blank letters with official seals, and asked He Tiantian to fill in the address herself.

He Tiantian started looking for someone from all over the world.

Zheng Du was away for three years, and He Tiantian was looking for him for three years.

Of course, He Tiantian doesn't wander around all the time.

Except for the first year, she searched almost everywhere.

In the second and third years that followed, He Tiantian would only run out during slack times.

He only went out for three or four months a year, but He Tiantian still gained a lot.

"Brother, did you draw this?"

On a train bound for the capital, a middle-aged man wearing a dark blue Chinese tunic suit caught a glimpse of a stack of furniture drawings held by He Tiantian out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Yes, I am a carpenter from my ancestors, and I like to study the drawings of these furniture!"

He Tiantian grinned, showing an honest and simple smile.

She looks like a typical old farmer.

However, the man in Mao suit did not despise her because of it.

The reason is that He Tiantian has really good drawings!

Moreover, the man in Mao suit looked carefully. The furniture painted by this peasant carpenter was not the current popular style, but ancient furniture with a strong Ming and Qing style.

"Brother, can I take a look?" the man in Mao suit asked politely.

"Yes! Why can't you! Oh, this old gentleman, you are a scholar, you look so polite!"

He Tiantian continued to smile honestly, and very actively handed her drawing to the man in the tunic suit.

"Thank you, bro!"

The man in Chinese tunic suit thanked him first, and then answered He Tiantian's question smoothly, "I am a scholar."

In fact, in a sense, he is also a carpenter.

He prefers the research and restoration of ancient furniture. He graduated from Yenching University and once went to the Forbidden City to restore ancient furniture.


Now that everything has passed, the man in Mao suit has been transferred back to work in the capital.

He should still continue to work in related industries.

However, after this period of time, the craftsmen suffered a severe breakdown.

There are even fewer people who understand the true craftsmanship of ancient furniture.

This time when I returned to the capital, I unexpectedly found a farmer carpenter.

Although I haven't seen "his" craftsmanship with my own eyes, being able to draw such a standard picture also proves that this old man is definitely a master hidden among the people.

"Brother, your drawings are really good!"

The man in Chinese tunic suit read through the drawings page by page and gave He Tiantian a heartfelt thumbs up.

He Tiantian smiled naively and declined repeatedly: "Oh, it's nothing, just painting blindly! I haven't read any books, and I haven't learned to paint, but when it comes to painting furniture, I just feel comfortable!"

"The young man in my family said that I have talent. Hehe, what is talent or not? Our family has been carpenters for generations. We have seen too much, but we won't know how to do it!"

He Tiantian seems humble, but she speaks the words of Versailles.

The man in Mao suit didn't care.

Although this old man is suspected of boasting, he is an illiterate peasant carpenter who can draw such professional drawings. He is indeed talented.

"Brother, I have a job, I wonder if you are interested..."

The man in Chinese tunic suit was eager for talent and took the initiative to invite He Tiantian.

"What kind of work? What, do you want to pay me?"

After He Tiantian said this, she smiled sheepishly and hurriedly explained: "Don't be offended, I am really short of money. I went to the capital to find someone..."

He Tiantian talked nonchalantly about her troubled little brother.

She also mentioned her experience in the past three years, while looking for people outside, while working for others to save travel expenses.

After listening to He Tiantian's words, the man in Mao suit felt more and more that this old man's character was trustworthy.

Being affectionate, righteous and responsible is simply too precious for him who has experienced the most painful betrayal.

The man in Chinese tunic suit nodded slightly, "Give me money! Of course I will give you money!"

In addition to money, there is also a great honor.

Repairing ancient furniture for the Forbidden City is definitely the most glorious moment for a carpenter.

In ancient times, he could also be dubbed the title of "Queen Craftsman".

In 1979, Zheng Du came back, riding a motorcycle that was not even available in the county, and suddenly entered Zhengjia Village.

The whole village was frightened and came to watch the excitement.

But Zheng Yu’s family was the only one missing.

Zheng Du:......

By showing off my wealth, am I showing off my loneliness?

"Oh, Xiao Si'er, you're back, your brother is looking for you again!"

"In the past few years since you left, your brother has gone out to look for you every year. He has searched all over the capital, southern Xinjiang, northwest, northeast..."

"Tell me, where have you been? Why didn't I meet your elder brother?"

When the captain saw Zheng Du, who was all dressed up, he was both happy and complaining at the same time.

This brat is so ignorant. He is already twenty years old, but he still acts like a child.

Oh, no!

Zheng Du is worse than a child.

Zheng Qi, who was younger than him, was still a junior. He was admitted to university the year before last and went directly to the capital.

There is also Zheng Yu, although he is always away from home, he still has adventures when looking for people outside.

I heard that I did a lot of work in the capital and met a great professor in the provincial capital.

I settled down directly in the provincial capital, and at the beginning of this year, I took my whole family there.

"...What, my, my mother was taken to the provincial capital by my eldest brother?"

Zheng Du's ears were filled with the chatter of the villagers.

Through these noisy voices, he quickly summarized several key points——

First, after he left Zhengjia Village, Brother Cheap has been looking for him.

Secondly, the cheap guy is a carpenter and is actually hired as a restoration expert by the provincial capital museum.

Third, the cheap nephew Zheng Qi lived up to the opportunity of being reborn and successfully entered university. He also became a well-known young scholar and literary star.

Fourth, although the cheap brother does not do business, he is an expert specially hired by several museums and enjoys room-sharing treatment.

Oh, by the way, there is also a self-employed man named Liu Jianguo, who saw the "potential" of the cheap brother and insisted on cooperating with him life or death.

Liu Jianguo provided money, equipment, and workers. The cheap brother only needed to put his name on the line to receive dividends from this newly opened furniture factory.

"Your eldest brother has honored his ancestors. I heard that he even went to the capital to work in the Forbidden City!"

"If this were left to ancient times, your eldest brother would be the royal carpenter."

"Of course, there is nothing wrong now. Your eldest brother can't read a single word, but he has become an expert. I heard that he will even give lectures at the university..."

When the captain mentioned "Zheng Yu", his face was filled with pride.

That kind of pride, that kind of pride, as if Zheng Yu was not his clan brother, but his biological eldest brother.

On the contrary, "Zheng Yu"'s younger brother Zheng Du, instead of being half happy when he heard about his eldest brother's deeds, felt like he was in an ice cellar.

It’s over!

He completely lost!

The eldest brother's current state is no longer something that can be measured with money.

People who ride horses are considered experts.

These days are not the future. Expert is not a derogatory term, but a symbol of status and honor.

On the other hand, Zheng Du had been working outside for three years, and his net worth had already exceeded the one hundred thousand mark.

so what?

To tell the truth, Zheng Du is just a self-employed person with some money.

For relatives and villagers in my hometown, even if they are envious, they are just thinking quietly in their hearts.

In this era, no matter how rich a self-employed person is, he or she has less social status than a formal employee.

"Zheng Yu" has surpassed many workers. He is an expert recognized by the capital.

Zheng Du is a copywriter. He is very aware of the importance of reputation and status to a person.

Even if it is just a name, people can still get enough dividends.

This is much better than his miserable life on the black market!

With status and money, not to mention now, even forty years from now, the entire Zhengjia Village will be regarded as the pride of the whole village.

Even Mrs. Wang, no matter how partial she was to Zheng Du, could not say "You are more promising than your elder brother."

Zheng Du:......

In this life, he will probably always be overshadowed by his elder brother's light.

In fact, even Zheng Qi, the reborn male protagonist, would probably be difficult to surpass Zheng Du!

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