"Ding! The task of expelling the wild copywriter is completed, and you will be rewarded with 10 points!"

"Ding! Reward 1,000 achievement points."

"Ding! I received a reward of 10,000 points from readers!"

He Tiantian sat on the train and once again set foot on the train to find her younger brother and do some restoration work on ancient furniture along the way.

Amidst the clanging sound of the train, a series of mechanical sounds suddenly sounded from the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness.

He Tiantian: ...What's going on? This, this completes the mission?

She didn't react for a moment.

"Yes! Yes!"

Little D, the classmate who had just been released from the dark room, excitedly praised his friend for being awesome and explained:

"The wild writer realized that it was impossible to complete the mission, so he applied to give up."

"His spirit has left this world, so——"

He Tiantian's mission of expelling wild writers has been completed.

He Tiantian still couldn't react, "He gave up on his own?"


Classmate Xiao D shook Xiao Yuan's body and said cheerfully: "This wild copywriter is quite decisive!"

"Tiantian, if you think about it, his mission is nothing more than to seize the opportunity of the male protagonist and replace him as the new male protagonist!"

"But, because of my powerful Tiantian, let alone crushing the male protagonist, he can't even surpass you!"

"Haha, Tiantian, speaking of which, you are the most powerful. Without having a personal identity, you turned an honest peasant carpenter into a national treasure-level restoration master..."

Gee, such a height would be difficult for a self-employed writer to reach in his lifetime.

Of course, this does not mean that "Zheng Du" cannot use golden fingers.

He Tiantian has some rewards from Dian Niang Mall or treasure chests.

The evil force where "Zheng Du" is located should also provide certain skill plug-ins.

But, the character, dear!

Zheng Du is the best person who is lazy and greedy for pleasure.

If he suddenly transforms into a technical expert, Haha, not to mention the people around him, Mrs. Wang will be the first one not to believe it!

Rather than directly destroying the small world, it is better to exit early.

He Tiantian nodded slowly.

It's not that she didn't expect this, she had withdrawn from the world in advance several times.

She was just a little surprised. She didn't expect the wild copywriter to give up so simply.

In other words, He Tiantian was prepared to stay with the other party for decades.

"Tiantian, he ran away in the middle, but he allowed you to complete the task ahead of schedule, which is considered to be acknowledging current affairs!"

"What about you? Should you continue to stay in this world, or should you leave early?"

Little D’s classmate jumped up and down and asked a question in a programmed manner.

"Leave early!"

Now that her enemies are gone, there's no need for her to endure it any longer.

The family arrangements have been made. The key is that with Zheng Qi, the reborn male protagonist, the Zheng family doesn't need to worry too much about He Tiantian.

As long as there are no cheating wild writers to cause trouble, Zheng Qi and the entire Zheng family will be fine with Zheng Qi's abilities and his aura as the protagonist.


Classmate Xiao D responded cutely.

He Tiantian developed a touch of consciousness to maintain the operation of "Zheng Yu" in the world, and her soul returned to the library space.

It was still a familiar space, and there were still rows of bookshelves. He Tiantian sighed with satisfaction.

She then clicked on her personal panel——

Points: 137 points.

Achievement points: 7300 points.

Reward: 115,000 points.

Soul fragments: He Xiutian's gratitude; He Fubao's gratitude; Zhao Chuanyu's gratitude.

In addition, there are Iron Man, 10% off cards and Dragon Ball, and 50m3 of space.

He Tiantian also has an additional skill in woodcraft!

Seeing the records on his personal dashboard, He Tiantian only felt fulfilled.

This is all the result of her hard work.

It also recorded in detail the entire process of her transformation step by step.

Once, she was just an ordinary girl with low self-esteem, sensitivity, and being bullied.

Now, she has grown into a real strong person.

... No matter what the secret of the Dianniang system is, it has helped him stand on a high point little by little, and may even reach the sky.

He Tiantian lowered her eyelids slightly, hiding all the emotional fluctuations in her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she was the confident and proud writer again.

"Tiantian, continue the mission or return to reality?"

Little D didn't know He Tiantian's inner fluctuations, but he still followed the procedure and asked in a strict manner.

"Get back to reality."

Xu Shi suddenly realized that he had changed a lot, and He Tiantian felt a little confused for no reason.

He Tiantian did not continue the task. She needed to return to reality and make sure that she was still He Tiantian, not the characters in Zheng Yu, Zheng Baozhu, etc.


Little D was stunned for a moment. Hey, it never accurately predicted the predictions of its friends.

"Okay! Back to reality!"

Little D's classmate was stunned for only a moment, and soon it started broadcasting again with a stereotypical mechanical voice.

The space was distorted, and the soul was enveloped by a huge suction force. With just a shake, He Tiantian returned to reality.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

This is the crisp sound made by shells.

He Tiantian's body was shaking slightly.

He Tiantian opened her eyes and found that she was facing the blue sky.

And her whole body seemed to be suspended in mid-air.

The gentle sea breeze, carrying the saltiness of the sea and the fragrance of fruit trees, blew slowly.

A string of wind chimes made of shells and conches hung above He Tiantian's head.

She also had a bracelet made of shells tied around her wrist.

Those tinkling noises come from these places.

He Tiantian maintained her original posture blankly, her body swaying slightly, feeling the sea breeze.

After a while, she gathered her thoughts and recalled what she had done before traveling through time -

Well, I was swinging on my first island.

Enjoy the leisurely life of the island comfortably.

When you enter the book world to do tasks, time in reality stands still.

Therefore, He Tiantian returned to reality and still maintained the state before time travel.

Lying on the swing frame, He Tiantian quickly adapted to the frequency of this natural shaking.

She grabbed the armrest of the swing seat, turned over and sat up.

Immediately afterwards, He Tiantian jumped down from the swing nimbly.

He Tiantian didn't wear shoes, and her feet stepped into the soft sand.

It feels really good to be down to earth!

The slight touch of sand came from the soles of his feet, and He Tiantian had a real feeling of "I'm back."

He Tiantian did not rush back to the room, but walked around the swing frame.

Perhaps because she had been a carpenter for several years in the small world that had just ended, the knowledge of woodcraft had already been deeply engraved in her bones.

He Tiantian suddenly suffered an "occupational disease" when she saw the swing frame that Duan Yong had bought when he was buying new furniture.

Well, judging from her level as a professional carpenter, this swing frame is pretty well made.

However, now there are machine assembly lines, and very few are purely manual.

The mortise and tenon craftsmanship is also used for show, and is rarely used in daily furniture production.

For a small swing seat, the traditional method is definitely to use mortise and tenon, or at most just use a little glue.

There shouldn't be a single nail on the entire chair.

But in fact, the armrests, backrests and other parts of the chair are all nailed together with nails.

He Tiantian studied it carefully and shook his head secretly.

Such a swing frame full of "modern craftsmanship", in the eyes of an "old carpenter" like her, was unqualified in every aspect.

Of course, as times advance, so-called traditional craftsmanship is gradually fading away.

He Tiantian's eyes quickly moved away from the swing frame and turned to look at the other wooden furnishings in the courtyard.

A small wooden fence, an antique wooden pavilion, and a table and four chairs placed under the pavilion.

The tables and chairs are all carved from stone. The round tabletop is carved with a chess board, and the four stools are round drums.

The yard is large, but the layout is a bit messy.

There is one piece in the east and one in the west. The key is that they don’t match well, as if they just come up with whatever comes to mind.

He Tiantian:......

It's not just random.

The first island was her first personal possession.

However, He Tiantian is too busy.

I am busy traveling across the world to do tasks, busy conducting various research in reality, and when I have a little leisure, I also go to film movies and engage in endorsements.

He Tiantian left all the development and construction of the first island to others.

The only thing that took some effort is this small courtyard.

However, He Tiantian didn't have an overall plan, she just made something whenever something suddenly occurred to her.

Therefore, whether it is the small building or courtyard where she lives personally, or the "laboratory" behind it, they do not appear to be so "professional".

He Tiantian walked around the yard and suddenly felt that she was "wasteful".

All the good places were ruined by her.

This yard needs to be re-planned!

He Tiantian had discovered a long time ago that she felt that she was paying more and more attention to the world in books, but she was not that concerned about her real world.

This is wrong!

He Tiantian doesn't want to lose herself in the virtual world.

Then, she needs to manage her real world well.

… Let’s start with her first island, her small courtyard.

"Tiantian, you are busy doing research again!"

Yuan Mei came back from a stroll on the other two islands. As soon as she entered the yard, she saw He Tiantian lying on the stone table under the pavilion writing something.

She asked casually.

He Tiantian finished the last stroke and said with a smile, "No! I want to reorganize my courtyard!"


Yuan Mei was slightly stunned and looked at He Tiantian intently.

She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that there was something different about He Tiantian in front of her.

It's not that He Tiantian has changed in appearance and temperament after not seeing each other for a long time.

But rather, well, how to describe it?


Yes, that’s the feeling!

In the past, He Tiantian was kind and pure, but it lacked a bit of real feeling.

Perhaps because of his family of origin, this child lacks a sense of belonging to people, family, and society as a whole.

She seemed to be alone, living a lonely and alienated life.

If He Tiantian was just an ordinary girl, it wouldn't matter if she had a colder and more withdrawn personality.

We are all mortals, who doesn't have any "personality"?

But He Tiantian is different. She has a super high IQ and strong research and development capabilities.

If such a person is too aloof and indifferent, he is very likely to go to the other extreme.

Although, for now, He Tiantian is kind and has a strong sense of belonging, honor and responsibility for Guo Jia.

However, no one can guarantee that He Tiantian will continue like this.

She is too young and her family of origin is too bad.

She is always in a state of dissociation from this world.

The leaders of the relevant departments specially hired a psychologist to secretly study He Tiantian's psychological condition.

Experts give advice: give this child more "tie".

With bonds, family ties may not be expected for the time being, but there should be as much friendship and love as possible.

Let her have more and a stronger sense of belonging to this world and our Guo Jia, and let her truly integrate into it.

...In this way, it will be beneficial to her and everyone.

It was because of the experts' advice that the leaders paid special attention to He Tiantian.

Guo Jia does not allow completely private islands, but He Tiantian is an exception.

He Tiantian wanted to work in the entertainment industry, but instead of forcibly dissuading her, her boss tried every means to pave the way for her and protect her.

However, the effect doesn't seem to be very good.

Don’t talk about anything else, just talk about this first island.

He Tiantian seemed to attach great importance to it, but He Tiantian left all the planning and construction of the first island to others.

On the surface, it seems that leaving professional matters to professionals is the wisest approach.

But, "home" is different.

A place like home needs to be planned and decorated by yourself.

A brick, a tile, a plate, a bowl. Only by doing it yourself or arranging it can you have a real sense of participation.

The house built in this way is truly your own home.

Why is it so sweet?

The construction of the house is left to the construction company.

Leave the decoration to the decoration company.

Duan Yong is responsible for purchasing furniture and making overall arrangements.

During the whole process, He Tiantian came around twice.

Rather than building a house for herself, she was clearly just "going through the motions."

This state is wrong!

At least it's not common sense.

Yuan Mei was secretly worried, but she was just an "assistant" and couldn't help He Tiantian make decisions.

She couldn't even "remind" much.

He Tiantian is so smart and very sensitive.

Yuan Mei couldn't let He Tiantian feel any discomfort.

Yuan Mei could only think of other ways and suggested that He Tiantian open a studio and help place more veterans...

Yuan Mei followed the advice of psychological experts and gave He Tiantian more "responsibility."

It also gave He Tiantian more desire for money and other aspects.

Yes, He Tiantian acted too desirelessly.

As an assistant assigned to He Tiantian by relevant departments, Yuan Mei is relatively familiar with some of He Tiantian's contributions.

With so many scientific and technological inventions, any one of them can make He Tiantian famous.

But He Tiantian didn't keep it for himself, but handed it over directly.

It is true that "turning it over" reflects He Tiantian's noble sentiments of being selfless and dedicated to the country.

However, it is too "noble" and actually lacks a sense of reality.

She doesn't seem to be that eager for money or honor...

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