The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 782 Similar species

He Tiantian plays two roles——

The first role is Bai Yueguang, the fruit party agent Tanlang played by Wu Kai.

Greedy Wolf is the code name, which means the Big Dipper Killing Star.

The role played by Wu Kai is the number one killer of the military commander. He is both good and evil, and he is careless.

To describe it in modern terms, he is handsome and handsome.

Tanlang was originally a young gangster on the street, without a father or mother, and was bullied.

The only warmth he received was from the eldest lady of the martial arts school.

The eldest lady not only gave Tanlang a bite of food, but also asked him to work in the martial arts gym.

In her spare time, the eldest lady also teaches Tanlang martial arts.

Greedy Wolf, who was stuck in the quagmire, saw the light and began to work hard.

He follows the eldest lady and wants to become a hero who serves the country and the people like the eldest lady.

However, the current situation is turbulent and the people are suffering, and martial arts schools are not immune.

There was a ronin who was a gangster and challenged the master of the martial arts gym, who was the eldest lady’s biological father.

The owner of the museum was worried about getting into trouble, but he didn't want to be defeated by a ghost.

He was careful and only defeated Ronin by one move.

When the owner thought about it, he had already given up a lot to Ronin and didn't let him lose too badly.

As long as the other party shows some martial ethics, he will understand his painstaking efforts.

However, the ghosts are not human beings, and they have no so-called martial ethics.

On the surface, Ronin was full of admiration, bowing, and praising the master of the hall for his extraordinary martial arts.

Secretly, the ronin colluded with the military police and took action against the martial arts gym.

Late at night, there was an explosion, and the owner of the gym, the eldest lady, and many brothers and sisters in the martial arts gym were all blown away.

Greedy Wolf wanted to buy a midnight snack for the eldest lady,

Not in the martial arts hall, I was lucky enough to escape.

Carrying the hot wonton noodles, I looked at the martial arts school that was good before I left, but now it has become a ruin.

Greedy Wolf is going crazy.

He searched desperately through the ruins, his fingers drawing blood, but he only found some burnt or mutilated bones.

The martial arts school is gone, the eldest lady is dead, and Greedy Wolf has awakened.

He wants to kill ghosts and smash them, and he wants revenge.

So Greedy Wolf joined the army.

At this time, the Fruit Party was a regular army, so Greedy Wolf joined naturally.

Greedy Wolf is young and strong, and is also good at kung fu. He was quickly selected to become a member of the military commander's action team.

He always remembered the kindness, enthusiasm and chivalrous spirit of the eldest lady, so he was not corrupted by the spies.

In his heart, he even began to be disappointed with Guo Dang - he didn't resist!

If he can't kill ghosts, why should he be a soldier?

Just when Tanlang was confused and shaken, he got the task of stealing the bomber blueprints.

On the cruise ship, Tan Lang met the second character played by He Tiantian - international spy, beautiful snake, and rose with a thousand faces.

Rose is actually the eldest lady's twin sister. She accidentally got lost when she was a child, and was picked up by an American missionary and brought back to the United States.

In the United States, Rose experienced countless darkness and trials at a young age.

In order to survive, she studied hard and struggled desperately, and finally became a beautiful spy who only cares about money.

Rose learned that in the intelligence market, the bomber blueprint had been sold for tens of thousands of dollars, and she was moved.

Together with her companions, she came to this hometown that she had long been unfamiliar with.

Twin flowers, identical in appearance, but completely different personalities.

The eldest lady is enthusiastic and kind, like a vibrant sun, lighting up Greedy Wolf's life with her own light.

She may not understand the great principles of the new era, but she has a traditional and upright chivalrous spirit.

Serve the country and the people, help the weak and the poor, resist foreign enemies, and protect our homeland.

Rose is cruel and cunning. She has no sense of right and wrong, good and evil, black and white, and no faith.

Rose discovers that Tanlang takes special care of her. After some tricks and secret investigation, Rose accidentally learns about her life experience.

I know that I am Chinese and have a sister who looks exactly the same.

Rose was not moved, but began to take advantage of Greedy Wolf.

On the cruise ship, various forces are intertwined, each showing their special powers for a blueprint.

On the deck, singing and dancing, fragrant clothes and shadows on the temples;

Below deck, conspiracies, assassinations, poisonings, and all kinds of darkness are taking place.

Greedy Wolf was dragged down by Rose. At the critical moment, he knew clearly that Rose was not a eldest lady, nor a kind-hearted Chinese, but he still died to save Rose.

Before his death, Greedy Wolf even told Rose that he knew the other party was lying to him and using him, but he was still willing to do so.

Not only because Rose looks like the eldest lady, but also because she is the eldest lady's only biological sister.

Love the house and the bird!

He couldn't save the eldest lady back then, but now he must save her twin sister, even if he sacrifices himself.

rose was touched.

Of course, the three views developed since childhood cannot be overturned just because of one person's death.

The Red Party agent played by Fu Shaojing not only helped Rose, but also slowly guided her.

Perhaps, Rose was not completely influenced until the end.

But she began to have the concept of the motherland in her heart, and also understood the heroes Hong and Guo, who had different stances but were still willing to join hands to fight the enemy.

At the end of the film, Rose snatched the blueprints from Major Inukai and handed them to Fu Shaojing.

And she alone led Inukai and other ghosts away.

In the dark night, with a faint light on the deck, Rose, played by He Tiantian, has no way to escape and has no choice but to jump into the deep sea.

Behind her were the furious Inukai and his group.

In the process of jumping into the sea, He Tiantian turned over deftly and pulled the trigger. All the bullets that flew out did not enter the bodies of the ghosts.

Inuyang was killed on the spot, several ghosts were killed or injured, and the remaining ghosts were shooting wildly at the sea.

The next day, the cruise ship was about to sail into the port of Xiangjiang.

At dawn, the bright red sun rises from the sea level.

Fu Shaojing stood on the bow of the ship, facing the rising sun, and his whole body was surrounded by a bright light.

In the sea far away from the cruise ship, there was a slender figure swimming hard towards the coast.

She may not have been able to walk with Fu Shaojing, but her figure was also shrouded in the red light of the sun.

the end!

The movie screen freezes, and information about the starring actors, main creators, behind-the-scenes teams, cooperating shooting units, etc. begins to flash on the big screen.

The movie ended, and after a moment of silence, the cinema burst into applause.

The movie is not top-notch, but it is remarkable.

The plot is compact, with brain-burning espionage battles, fierce gun battles, and fist-to-fist fighting. It is very exciting and passionate, and there is no peeing throughout the whole process.

Especially the actors, no matter the protagonist or the supporting role, all the acting skills are online.

The most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian.

Cheng Yiming is no longer greasy at all, and his villain challenge this time was very successful.

The handsome face is no longer the only focus on the screen.

Gui Shao's hypocrisy, cruelty, insidiousness, and viciousness were portrayed by Cheng Yiming to the core.

He even contributed a classic shot——

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, he smiles gently, but his eyes are as cold and fierce as poisonous snakes.

The audience was unprepared and frightened by him.

Hearing the gasps and exclamations in the cinema, the corners of Cheng Yiming's lips couldn't help but rise.

I am finally no longer a greasy guy with bad acting skills.

I finally proved myself.

Lao Tzu——

Turn over!

Cheng Yiming felt that he didn't need to buy hot searches this time. His name would definitely be on the hot search list tomorrow.

Um, what's the title?

[Cheng Yiming’s acting skills are explosive! 】

[Cheng Yiming is back at the top! ! 】

[Cheng Yiming is no longer greasy! Cheng Yiming has acting skills! ! ! 】

【shock! Cheng Yiming was so scared that the children in the cinema next door were so scared that he cried! 】

Haha, just thinking about it, Cheng Yiming felt extremely happy.

This time, he finally chose the right script.

It’s enjoyable when you’re playing it, and it’ll bring you huge profits after it’s released!

Cheng Yiming couldn't conceal his excitement and was very grateful to Feng Jing, the other leading actors, and the entire crew.

Especially He Tiantian, a newcomer who was making a movie for the first time, was so "resistant".

When I acted opposite her, it was so enjoyable to perform.

It’s even more refreshing to see it on the big screen!

Cheng Yiming subconsciously turned his head to look at He Tiantian sitting in the next seat.

He, a veteran who has been famous for many years, couldn't help but be excited at this moment.

A newcomer like He Tiantian, who is still young and has witnessed his own success, may not be excited.

The result, of course, was that there was no result.

He Tiantian's face was calm, and only the upward curve of the corners of her lips showed that she was in a good mood.

Cheng Yiming:......

No, no, this girl's psychological quality is so powerful?

Calm and calm, emotion and anger are indescribable...cough, Cheng Yiming is running out of words.

In my heart, I couldn't help but give He Tiantian a thumbs up: Awesome, little girl, you have a bright future!

He Tiantian was so calm, of course he wasn't showing off.

But whoever has so many colorful experiences like her would not get carried away just because of the success of a movie.

Happy, definitely happy.

But it's not that exaggerated.

He Tiantian's acting skills have been praised by film critics, but He Tiantian can only think "this is not what it should be".

To put it bluntly, one person plays two roles. They have the same face, but they give people completely different feelings.

Even if He Tiantian plays a heroine with schizophrenia who has eighteen split personalities, she can still interpret each personality vividly.

Not to mention shocking the public's eyes, there is absolutely no problem with the performance making people's scalp numb and frightening.

He Tiantian didn't take it seriously, but "Breaking Dawn" really won praise from many film critics.

That night, some celebrities and bloggers who had watched the premiere commented.

The box office of "Breaking Dawn" exceeded 30 million on its first day.

This is definitely a considerable achievement for a non-prime-time spy movie.

Feng Jing and the investors were very happy.

Feng Jing even shouted in their creative group——

Have a celebration party!

Red envelopes!

It was just a joke at first, but Feng Jing took it seriously.

The designated red envelope was sent directly to the group.

He Tiantian quickly snatched the one that belonged to her.

Click on it and see, well, 8888, neither big nor small, the key is that it is festive and auspicious enough.

"Thank you, director!"

"...The boss is awesome!"

"Haha, thank you boss!"

Cheng Yiming and others also received red envelopes.

When you reach a place like theirs, a few thousand dollars is nothing, the key is that the atmosphere is good enough.

They all joked and thanked him.

Feng Jing promptly asked everyone to continue to cooperate with road shows, video shooting and other publicity work.

Cheng Yiming and others would not refuse.

This kind of publicity is always a win-win situation.

Not only can you promote your movie, but you can also increase your own exposure.

After all, the current general environment is not good, and many outdated or fourth- and fifth-tier stars have gone to live broadcasts to bring goods.

Internet celebrities and the like have always been looked down upon.

From celebrities to Internet celebrities, there are always good deeds that netizens will ridicule as "self-destruction."

Even for male idols like Cheng Yiming, Fu Shaojing, and Wu Kai who are either famous, have celebrity status, or have traffic and fans, there are far less announcements than in the past.

It is extremely rare for a film to be as well-received and successful as "Breaking Dawn", and to have the official media support the film.

Even if Cheng Yiming and others reject a few notices, they will actively cooperate with Feng Jing in publicity.

He Tiantian also cooperated, but she still missed her first island.

After traveling to a few cities, she became a little tired, so she asked for leave from Feng Jing, secretly hid on the island, and continued to work on her small courtyard.

He Tiantian became famous and quickly disappeared. Her fans were shocked and anxious at the same time——

Is this girl stupid?

Why are you so low-key despite the opportunity for continued exposure?

In other words, there are no truly low-key people in the entertainment industry.

The so-called low-key, to put it bluntly, is just not popular enough.

Don't say that you only focus on acting and nothing else.

If you are really obsessed with acting, you should find ways to increase your exposure.

Only when you become popular can you have more choices and truly shoot the works you like.

When you enter the entertainment industry and say you don't want to be famous, it's the same as a businessman saying you don't love money.

It's all lies!

But this girl He Tiantian became famous overnight without any need for hype.

As long as she follows the crew and promotes step by step, she will become the new star.

From a rookie in the entertainment industry to a rising star and movie star.

However, even with such a good opportunity, He Tiantian let it go.

There are no road shows, no variety shows, and no photos of her in the promotional videos...

If she hadn't occasionally reposted or liked messages from the crew and creators on v-blog, everyone would have wondered, did this girl have a falling out with the crew?

Feng Jing: ...I would be crazy and stupid to fall out with He Tiantian.

Not to mention falling out, Feng Jing was urging his screenwriter to prepare for the next work at full speed.

Well, this time it's not a group drama, but a real heroine drama.

Just let He Tiantian be the only protagonist, and let the official media promote him properly...

Feng Jing thought happily, and he tried his best to hide the news from some old colleagues and friends who came to inquire about the news.

Are you kidding me? It's too late to hide a golden doll like He Tiantian. He doesn't want to give anyone an advantage.

He Tiantian: you wish!

Anyway, I was just having fun, and I didn’t really think about it.

In August, one month after the movie was released, the box office officially exceeded 600 million, making it the champion of this medium-sized July 1st period.

The celebration party must be held.

If it doesn't open, the movie will be canceled.

Feng Jing ordered people to arrange the celebration banquet and posted a notice in the creative group.

He also emphasized @He Tiantian and warmly invited me.

He Tiantian couldn't refuse. The key was that her courtyard was completely renovated and it was time for He Tiantian to start school.

Oh, by the way, there is also the company. Mr. Tan is almost bald.

He Tiantian felt that it was necessary to go to the capital.

In Beijing, the lobby of the airport is busy with people coming and going.

When He Tiantian got off the plane, someone boarded the plane, two groups of people, like soldiers from two camps.

First they are clearly separated, then they cross, and finally they pass by each other.

In the crowd, He Tiantian and a man in casual clothes suddenly seemed to sense something, and they all let out a soft hum——


Such a familiar smell? !

As if they are the same kind!

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