The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 783: The former heroine of the sadomasochistic novel (1)

The second time!

He Tiantian and the man both sighed slightly in their hearts.

This is the second time she (he) has felt the presence of the same kind in reality.

The two of them did not look around in the crowd, and subconsciously restrained their breath.

Then, they quietly released their spiritual consciousness——


Disappeared? !

That familiar breath disappeared!

He Tiantian and the man sighed together again: "What a smart person."

Having such a suspected opponent is unintentionally scary.

The two of them were wary in their hearts.

"Tiantian, the reserved car has arrived!"

Yuan Mei didn't know He Tiantian's mood swings. She put down her phone and said to He Tiantian with a smile.

"Okay! Let's go!"

He Tiantian suppressed the speculation and fear in her heart, and her face remained calm.

The two quickly left the airport.

With this little episode, He Tiantian didn't show off her face, but she felt a little anxious in her heart.

After attending the celebration banquet, he went around the company again, fed Tan Rou two bowls of chicken soup, and He Tiantian returned to the first island.

The huge courtyard has completely changed its appearance.

The white wooden fence and wooden door of the same color are exquisite and clean.

Open the door and a cobblestone path stretches towards the house.

On one side is a small lotus pond and rockery. There are colorful tropical fish swimming in the lotus pond.

The small lotus leaves slowly unfolded, and there were also small buds in the process.

Around the lotus pond, there are clusters of flowers planted.

It's just that the planting time is still short, the flowers and trees have only sprouted, but have not yet grown or bloomed.

On the other side are big trees, swings, and small patches of cultivated fields.

Several kinds of vegetables that He Tiantian likes to eat are grown in the fields.

At this time, a layer of green shoots sprouted.

As you can imagine, within a few months, your yard will be filled with vegetables and flowers.

Even that row of wooden fences will be covered with bright flowers.

He Tiantian was sitting on the swing, covered by the shade of the trees. The slight sea breeze blew and the swing swayed slightly.

"Tiantian, let's do a mission!"

Classmate Xiao D held it in for a long time and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

It bounced its little round body and urged from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness: "You have been resting for two months. The yard has been renovated, the fields have been planted, and even the swing frame is made by hand -"

Classmate Xiao D felt a little sad as he said it. Look, you can buy it directly, but you have to do it yourself.

If you're not wasting time, what are you doing?

If you have this time, wouldn't it be better to do more tasks and earn more points?

Little D’s classmates were so idle that they almost grew hairy.

Well, okay, it's furry, but that's what it means!

As a smart assistant with no emotions, Xiao D’s biggest obsession deep in his core is work, work, work!

Being able to watch He Tiantian spend two months doing something completely worthless in its eyes is already the limit of Little D.

"Okay, let's do a mission."

In fact, a two-month break is a bit long for He Tiantian.

If she wasn't always worried that she would be lost in the world, she would still be willing to do the mission.

In addition to the points and rewards mentioned by Xiao D, what He Tiantian cares about most is the various experiences he has experienced in the mission world and the sense of accomplishment after completing the mission.

She enjoyed it very much.

Furthermore, there is another similar person in this world who is suspected of being an opponent.

He Tiantian tightened her body at all times, not daring to slack off even a little bit.

After two months, he had almost rested, and He Tiantian's mentality had almost adjusted.

Just in time, classmate Little D jumped out, so He Tiantian simply agreed.

"Okay! Which channel to choose this time?"

Classmate Xiao D asked cheerfully.

He Tiantian thought for a while and asked, "Is it still the original work + a fan?"

Little D nodded his big furry head, "Yes! There are the most tasks like this now!"

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, and she noticed.

The tasks of Dianniang Library seem to be divided into types and "progressed at any time".

He Tiantian feels that she is in the process of "continuous upgrading".

In the past, it was just a matter of continuing the script or creating a new story line.

Then, Dianniang's library was "poisoned", and under the intrusion of the virus, a wild system began to appear.

After the wild system was done, another evil force came.

With evil forces, there are wild copywriters.

One, two… the number of wild copywriters is growing.

Then, even the script started to get mixed up!

He Tiantian has no doubt that after she completes certain "original + fan" tasks, there will be new and more difficult types.

[I feel like I am fighting monsters and leveling up! 】

He Tiantian felt inexplicably unreal.

Although the mission world is originally virtual, the types of missions are constantly upgrading and changing.

It still made He Tiantian feel that she was not simply doing a task, but was playing a game.

This realization set off alarm bells in He Tiantian's heart.

However, she didn't have any more evidence yet, all she had was intuition.

Therefore, she didn't dare to reveal too much, and she rarely even "thought" for fear of being noticed by Little D's classmates.

"Okay! Let's continue this mission!"

He Tiantian continued to hide her emotions, and said to classmate Xiao D casually: "As for the channel, it doesn't matter!"

Because even if you choose a channel, with the mixture of original works and fans, the new world may not be the original channel.

Turning into a supernatural person in the city is considered easy. If you can't do it well, you can just change the male channel to the female channel.

It’s not like He Tiantian has never experienced it before!

Therefore, choosing a channel now basically doesn’t count.

"Okay! Mission World——"

Before he could finish saying the word "open", He Tiantian interrupted Xiao D again.

"Little D, can you pass the script to me first!"

He Tiantian felt that since the mission had been selected and he was about to enter the mission world, there was not much difference between transmitting the script one second before and the next.

"Tiantian, it's against the rules!"

Little D’s classmate doesn’t think so.

Because sometimes, traveling through the beginning is a difficult task in itself.

If it is spoiled in advance, it would be suspected of cheating.


Well, I knew it would be like this!

He Tiantian shrugged helplessly, "Okay, let's abide by the rules!"

Classmate Little D smiled and immediately returned to his stereotypical mechanical voice: "The mission world is open!"

With the standard mechanical sound, the space began to distort, and He Tiantian's soul seemed to have traveled through a time tunnel again.

Soon, the messy light disappeared, and He Tiantian felt a sharp pain before she could react!

The body he traveled through seemed to be being stabbed by some sharp blade.

The flesh has been pierced, and severe pain is felt.

He Tiantian has just passed on, and it has not yet completely integrated with the body.

But she still felt severe pain, as well as the despair and urgency of dying.

"Damn! Little classmate D, did you do this on purpose?"

He Tiantian rarely made requests to unlock scripts in advance.

This time, I suddenly remembered and said something casually. As a result, I really encountered a "death situation at the beginning".

Of course, now is not the time to scold fellow student Little D.

He Tiantian didn't think much, let alone opened her eyes to see what happened.

She followed her instinct and tried her best to dodge to one side the moment the sharp blade was about to penetrate her.

He Tiantian has made the wisest choice in the shortest time.

However, she arrived a little late.

The tip of the sword had already pierced her skin and would penetrate her chest in the next second.

Her desperate dodge caused the sword edge to scratch a deep scar on her body.

Wherever the sword edge scratched, the skin was torn open and blood flowed out.

There was another pain that penetrated into the bone marrow.

He Tiantian felt that her soul was trembling.


very painful!

The key is that He Tiantian's dodge did not completely escape the fate of being penetrated.

After the tip of the sword cut a deep bloody mark on He Tiantian's body, it still stabbed in hard.


The sharp weapon penetrated the body.

The whole process may seem very long, but in fact it only takes the blink of an eye.

It took less than three seconds for He Tiantian to go through time travel and get injured.

In other words, He Tiantian reacted quickly enough and dodged desperately at the critical moment.

Otherwise, she might die as soon as she sent it.

However, he didn't die, but he also lost half his life.

He Tiantian felt a burning pain in the wound.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she could still vaguely feel the cool breeze passing through the hole in her chest.

[Does this count as wearing a bra? 】

This thought came to mind, and He Tiantian smiled bitterly to herself.

She found that she was actually so humorous and knew how to enjoy hardships.

He Tiantian quickly suppressed these messy thoughts, and with the force of being penetrated, she lay back with all her strength.

On the surface, it seemed that she was seriously injured and was about to die before she collapsed to the ground.

In fact, He Tiantian wanted to "wrap" the murder weapon and temporarily avoid the murderer's attack range.

What if the killer realizes that he "jabbed the wrong way" and failed to kill the body with one blow, pulls out the murder weapon with his backhand, and stabs the heart fiercely——

Tsk, not to mention that pulling out the murder weapon will cause blood to splatter, which will directly lead to excessive blood loss or death due to serious injuries.

Even "do it again" is very life-threatening.


He Tiantian turned sideways and fell to the ground.

When she leaned back, she clenched her teeth and adjusted her angle.

Only then did he not fall vertically, and then let the weapon that penetrated his body cause him a second injury!

Falling to the ground, He Tiantian's sense of danger of dying slowly subsided.

"...Shi Ling'er, you deserve to die!"

"You lured the wolf into the house and killed the entire Shi family. You deserve death!"

"How shameless you are. You don't talk about avenging your tribe, but you still get involved with your enemies!"

"Let me ask you one last time, are you willing to kill Helian Huang?"

The cold female voice is young but not immature.

The righteous accusation was full of hatred and contempt for "Shi Ling'er".

He Tiantian was so painful that she almost lost consciousness.

The key is that the wound on his chest is bleeding.

If she doesn't treat her in time and doesn't need the other side to hit her, she will die due to excessive blood loss.

Yes, the other person!

This is the woman who scolded "Shi Ling'er".

She stands backlit, her figure is not tall and slender, but not weak.

He Tiantian was lying on her side, and the other party was still facing the light, so He Tiantian couldn't see her face clearly.

However, just by the sound, He Tiantian could tell that this person must have a frosty face at this moment.

And that Shi Ling'er, if there are no accidents, must be the body that He Tiantian traveled through.

He Tiantian roughly extracted a few key points from the other party's accusation——

First, the other party is an acquaintance of Shi Ling'er, or even a relative.

Because from the other party's scolding, He Tiantian not only heard disdain and resentment, but also a hint of "hating that iron cannot be transformed into steel."

If the other party was just a simple enemy, she would not have such emotions.

Second, Shi Ling'er should have done something wrong.

Uh, okay, it must be a huge mistake.

Luring the wolf into the house!

Kill the whole clan!

Even if it is an honest mistake, it is still a huge mistake.

Even, sometimes, the so-called "unintentional actions" are more hateful than intentional ones.

Third, Shi Ling'er is suspected of being in love!

Haha, this is absolutely obvious.

Didn't you listen to what the other party said? You're in trouble with your enemy!

Could it be that this is some ancient sadomasochism - I love you, so I destroyed your family? !


No, it’s too bloody!

He Tiantian coughed up a mouthful of blood.

For a moment, she couldn't decide whether the blood she vomited was because of her serious injury or because she was disgusted.

Last but not least, the enemy’s name is He Lianhuang——

However, when He Tiantian thought of the words "He Lianhuang", she suddenly felt a surge of deep attachment and endless resentment.

Love and hate!

This is the remaining consciousness of the original owner.

Fortunately, I still know how to hate, and I am not so stupid at last!

He Tiantian is very clear about her "luck". The probability of getting the best and villain script is as high as 99%.

And this time, if there are no accidents, it should be a top-notch script.

"...No! That's not the case!"

He Tiantian is too familiar with the tricks of the best and the villain.

Therefore, even though she didn't know anything at the moment, she could roughly make a guess based on just a few words from the other party.

And now she is going to test it a little bit.

She spoke with difficulty, her tone full of sorrow and anger, "There must be a misunderstanding in this!"

"He, he wouldn't do this to me like this!"

He Tiantian spoke intermittently while vomiting blood.

"Shi Ling'er, do you have any brains? At this time, you still say such things!"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? Wasn't the Shi clan killed by Helianhuang's First Legion?"

The woman was so angry that she was trembling with anger from "Shi Ling'er" who was "really in love with her head".

She looked intently at the person lying on the ground and suddenly sneered, "No, you are not brainless!"

"You have no heart! No one with any conscience would say something 'misunderstood'!"


He Tiantian endured the pain of serious injuries while trying to execute Wuji Jue.

She still paid some attention to the woman.

Suddenly, she discovered that this man seemed to have a strong malice towards her.

This is slightly inconsistent!

Something seems wrong...

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