The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 787: The former heroine of the sadomasochistic novel (5)

This fanfic has a proper heroine.

Compared with the plot of the original work where love comes and goes, you chase me and you run away, and the heart and body are tortured, it is simply not that exciting!

This is what readers like to read.

Isn’t it nice to have a sadistic relationship, take revenge, start a career, and become a queen? !

Not to mention that the readers are very excited, even He Tiantian couldn’t help but give a thumbs up after reading it——

"Master Nineteen, well done!"

It's a pity that in this world where the two are mixed together, He Tiantian was not able to transform into Master Nineteen, but instead became the much criticized and even reviled former female lead Master Ling'er.

He Tiantian: ...I’m used to it, and there’s no disturbance in my heart.

However, after He Tiantian received the script and integrated the original owner's memory, he discovered a problem.

Division Nineteen should have had his core changed.

The time when He Tiantian came was either early or late. The Divine Lion Clan had been wiped out, and Shi Ling'er was coaxed by He Lianhuang to stay at the base.

According to the plot of the fanfic, Shi Jiu will find Shi Ling'er, tell her the truth, and persuade her to leave Helianhuang and lead the orcs to fight against the invaders!

Shi Nineteen did come, but instead of persuading her, she stabbed Shi Ling'er in the chest.

She didn't even wait for Shi Ling'er to refuse, let alone for her to agree to marry He Lianhuang, she just "struck first to gain advantage".

This is very wrong.

The character of Shijiu Nineteen is a secret guard who has been educated in "loyalty to the emperor" since childhood.

She takes it as her own duty to guard the Shi family and the Divine Lion Dynasty.

Even if he saw that Shi Ling'er was confused, selfish, and unwilling to take on the responsibility of being a princess, Shi Nineteen was just disappointed.

She really had murderous intentions towards Shi Ling'er, but it was Shi Ling'er who agreed to He Lianhuang's proposal regardless of the hatred of her family and country.

Shi Jiu believed that Shi Ling'er's move was a betrayal of the Shi clan and the greatest shame of the Lion Dynasty.

Shijiu 19 cannot bear the desecration of his "faith", and he does not want the Shi family to become an accomplice of the evil forces and the exploitation of the orcs!

Therefore, Shi Nineteenth made up his mind to kill Shi Ling'er.

When He Tiantian came through, "Teacher Nineteenth" obviously took action in advance.

She was either reborn, had a precognitive dream, or was a wild writer who knew the plot well.

He Tiantian lay in the treatment cabin with her eyes closed, feeling her body recovering while continuing to organize her thoughts.

Shi Jiu was time-traveled by a wild writer. Whether it was the need of the plot or the person herself, she had great malice towards Shi Ling'er.

The confrontation between He Tiantian and Shi Jiu is inevitable.

He Tiantian:......

Am I somewhat similar to Zheng Du from the previous world?

According to my own three views, I should despise the characters I traveled through.

But in order to complete the mission, he had to fight the enemies of "justice" to the end.

The only difference is probably that Zheng Du desperately wanted to clear the original owner's name, while He Tiantian refused to clear her name!

What to wash?

The original owner is a great love brain.

I can forget the hatred between my country and my family, and I can still love and love the murderer who killed his father, his mother and his whole family——


He Tiantian was about to vomit again.

This kind of extremely selfish, heartless and conscienceless character cannot be washed away with bleach.

He Tiantian didn't want to wash it either.

However, the task still needs to be done.

Wild writers will also be expelled.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative, He Tiantian will still fight to the death of the other party as before.

Of course, if you want to survive someone else's death, the first priority is to "survive."

He Tiantian has not forgotten "Shijiu Nineteen"'s deep malice towards her, as well as his strong murderous intention.

Also, He Lianhuang is so disgusting and beyond belief.

He Tiantian didn't want to make excuses with him.

It's not impossible to act, but He Tiantian resisted in her heart.

Because of her mission, she couldn't kill someone as good as Shi Ling'er.

But He Lianhuang and his ilk don't have any pressure.

However, He Lianhuang is the male protagonist, and the fanfic is the female protagonist, and there is no male protagonist at all.

If he wants this small world to be stable, He Tiantian needs to find a new male protagonist.

After all, He Tiantian doesn't want to be a heroine - ahem, character design, my dear, a mentally retarded person who only knows love and love, will he start a career? !

As for the original heroine "Teacher Nineteen", He Tiantian must also be stopped.

No way, who made her a wild copywriter?

If she really becomes the heroine, the energy of this small world will be stolen by her.

He Tiantian's mission was a complete failure!

Oh, so confusing!

The same goes for the system. Evil forces can take advantage of loopholes and turn their own wild writers into the heroines of fan fiction.

But Dian Niang can only let her upright copywriter be the best villain.

It is true that Shi Linger is also the heroine.

But the problem is, she is the heroine of ancient sadomasochism novels. There is no market for it long ago.

She has fallen from the throne of the heroine and has become the ultimate supporting female character that most readers despise and despise.

He Tiantian:......

"Ling'er! Ling'er! Are you feeling better?"

When He Tiantian was thinking about how to not only fit the character but also kill He Lianhuang, He Lianhuang's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

He Tiantian slowly opened her eyes, and the warm and thick liquid enveloped her body.

Miraculously, she could still open her eyes and breathe normally.

He Tiantian mastered the technology of Gene Enhancement Fluid 2.0, but she bet that the genetic fluid in this treatment cabin far exceeded Gene Enhancement Fluid 2.0.

If you think about it, you can understand that the interstellar era that He Tiantian traveled through before was only in its initial stage.

According to the civilization classification, it should belong to the third level civilization.

The Imperial Star where He Lianhuang is located has already exceeded Level 4, and its technological level is absolutely crushing the previous interstellar era.

Seeing He Tiantian open his eyes, He Lianhuang felt relieved.

He pressed the end button.


The treatment cabin was opened, and He Lianhuang bent down and picked up He Tiantian.

He Tiantian didn't speak the whole time, her eyes were dull, as if she had suffered a major blow.

"Ling'er? You, why don't you speak? Are you still feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Seeing He Tiantian's half-dead look, Helianhuang's tone became a little more urgent.

His blue eyes are like the blue sea water, full of tenderness.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, a girl will inevitably have the illusion that I am his true love!

He Tiantian can see through the appearance to the essence.

Perhaps, this world is a new world where original works + fans are mixed.

The male protagonist is no longer a pure "original male protagonist", he has been influenced by fan literature.

The author of the fanfic is almost as capable as a conspiracy theory.

The male protagonist seems to have been "demonized".

Although in the original work, the male protagonist is also a scumbag, he is sincere to the female protagonist.

In the fanfic, the male protagonist is an out-and-out politician and careerist. He has no love at all, only his career and his family.

He has no love for Shi Ling'er, only coaxing and using him.

For example, at this moment, He Tiantian saw no true feelings in He Lianhuang's eyes, only disgusting hypocrisy.

He Tiantian:......

Fanfiction is toxic, and good scumbags directly become scumbags.

Classmate Little D, who was locked in a small dark room, couldn't help complaining: Scumbags and scum are not good things.

He Tiantian couldn't hear the complaints from classmate Xiao D. She endured her nausea and started to show off her acting skills.

"Ling'er! Ling'er, did you hear what I said?"

He Lianhuang continued to call, but there was a hint of impatience in his tone.

He Tiantian: ...that's it? That's it? !

You are not qualified to be a scumbag.

This time, He Tiantian did not continue with the puppets. She seemed to hear He Lianhuang's call.

His eyes slowly turned and finally were aimed at He Lianhuang.

She looked at it intently, with concentration and a little bit of madness.

He Lianhuang had great mental strength and had led troops in wars for many years, so he would not be flustered or hairy by the look in the eyes of a little girl.

But, it was a bit uncomfortable.

"What happened? Why are you looking at me like that?"

He Lianhuang still tried to use a gentle tone of voice, like coaxing a child, and most likely maintained patience.

"He Lianhuang!"

He Tiantian finally spoke, with a hoarse voice and a thick nasal sound.

He Lianhuang's heart moved slightly, what is going on?

Shi Ling'er knew the "truth" about the overthrow of the Lion Dynasty.

In fact, it's not really the truth. When He Lianhuang killed the Lion King, he didn't hide it at all.

It is estimated that everyone except Shi Ling'er knows about the huge spirit beast star!

"Someone told me that you killed my father, mother and all my relatives?"

He Tiantian's frosty face did not last long.

When she said "I was told," there was obvious disbelief and hope in her eyes.

She was eagerly looking forward to getting a negative answer from Helianhuang.

It seemed that as long as He Lianhuang said no, she would believe what he said.

He Lianhuang didn't show it on his face, but he was secretly proud in his heart: He knew that this idiot Shi Ling'er was easy to fool!

Everyone knows that everyone is riding a horse, but Shi Ling'er actually still harbors fantasies...

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