The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 788: The former heroine of the sadomasochism novel (6)

He Lianhuang complained secretly, but a look of pain appeared on his face.

He nodded heavily, "Ling'er, I can't lie to you. The affairs of the Shi family's royal family do have something to do with me -"

Confident people are so confident.

Now He Lianhuang doesn't even bother to coax in front of "Shi Ling'er".

Because he was sure that even if Shi Ling'er knew what she had done, she would still love him.

There was no way, Shi Ling'er loved him to the core, and would never leave him even if his whole family was killed.

Of course, He Lianhuang will still pay attention to propriety even if he has nothing to fear.

His expressions are very spot-on, and he profoundly interprets the pain and helplessness of a man caught between love and responsibility.

He seemed to be saying——

Ling'er, it's not that I don't love you, but I have my own responsibilities.

He Tiantian:......

Mad, what a scumbag.

It's really disgusting to stand up and down again!

"you you!"

He Tiantian's eyes suddenly widened, her originally clear and innocent eyes filled with anger and despair.

"Did you really kill my father, mother and brothers and sisters?"

"He Lianhuang, how could you do this? How, how could you do this?"

"I hate you! I hate you, Helian Huang! I, I want to kill you!"

He Tiantian shouted crazily, as if she was a little milk beast that had lost its mind.

It's just that she was protected too well, or in other words, deep down in her heart, she never thought of really hurting Helian Huang.

She shouted "I'm going to kill you", but the only action she took was to grab two small fists and beat He Lianhuang's chest desperately.

He Tiantian: ...I'm sorry, I don't want to do this either.

But that's how the character is originally.

She could only endure her nausea and vividly interpret an infatuated woman who lives for love, is crazy about love, and bangs against the wall for love.

He Lianhuang received a few mild blows, but when he saw that He Tiantian was still venting, he became a little impatient.

He held He Tiantian's two small fists with both hands and shouted, "Ling'er, listen to me!"

He Tiantian was startled and raised her head blankly, with crystal tears still hanging on her long and curled eyelashes.

When Helian Huang saw her delicate and pure appearance, his heart softened again.

His expression became affectionate and tolerant again, "Ling'er, I know that you are very angry, very sad, and very painful right now."

"But am I not in the same pain and sadness as you?"

"I came to Spirit Beast Planet to help you. However, the Lion King didn't believe me and didn't listen to my explanation at all. He directly sent out a hundred thousand black iron guards-"

He Tiantian blinked, her heart seemed to have already turned to her lover's side.

Hearing Helianhuang's sophistry, he pouted and muttered dissatisfiedly: "How could dad do this to you?"

After saying this, He Tiantian seemed to realize that something was wrong, and quickly returned to the anger and pain just now, "But, but you can't, can't -"

"Ling'er, I really have no choice, so I have to fight back!"

"You don't know, Ling'er, my situation in Empire Star is not good..."

He Tiantian looked at He Lianhuang infatuatedly, with an expression of "You tell me, I believe you."

But I couldn't help but curse in my heart: Come on, come on!

The most common trick used by scumbags is to act miserable and pretend to be pitiful.

Use your own "miserable" situation to impress the love brain, making the other person have an inexplicable sense of responsibility and mission, and then come to help him and save him.

As for the murders that men had to commit because of their own helplessness, they were completely forgotten by true love.

"I am the heir of the Helian family, but I am not the only one in this generation. The people in the second, third and sixth houses are all eyeing me!"

"I was missing for a few months, and those cousins ​​who had ulterior motives took advantage of my absence to infiltrate the First Legion without mercy!"

"They probably already thought that I had died in the interstellar turbulence!"

"Fortunately, I met you, the most important person in my life, my true love, my only one——"

He Lianhuang held He Tiantian's hand and confessed with great affection.

He Tiantian: ...Oh, you are quite skilled in business.

Is this natural, or is it just too much experience?

Great skills in flirting with girls!

He was complaining crazily in his heart, but He Tiantian's face showed expressions of surprise, emotion, and embarrassment.

She lowered her head slightly, exposing her slender neck.

She was once again intoxicated by He Lianhuang's sweet words.

However, He Lianhuang did not forget his "whitewashing" plan. After the sensationalization, he continued to return to the topic.

"With your help, Ling'er, I finally returned to the Empire Star!"

"Ling'er, you should really go back with me, so you can see how shocked, panicked, and scared those people were when they saw me!"

Speaking of this, He Lianhuang's tone was obviously cheerful and proud.

When everyone thought he was dead, he returned in a mecha with great fanfare.

All his injuries were healed, and his mental power broke through from SS level to SSS level. He once again became the youngest and most mentally powerful admiral in the Empire Star!

No one can break his record and no one can shake his status.

He Lian Yan, He Lian Can, He Lian Ye... none of them can compare to him, He Lian Huang!

Of course, now is not the time to show off, but to act pitiful.

The arrogance and arrogance on He Lianhuang's face disappeared in a flash, and he quickly returned to the rhythm of "succumbing to misery".

"But, how many months have I been away? He Lianyan, that bastard, has already reached out to the First Legion!"

"I must retake the First Legion as soon as possible, as well as the support of the entire Helian family!"

"...Red Lanthanum, I really, really need it. And to you, Red Lanthanum is just a wasteland where waste is piled -"

He Lianhuang continued to make excuses for his atrocities.

In his eloquent words, he is not an invader, he wants to make a deal with the Spirit Beast Star.

Use the red lanthanum that the Spirit Beast Star does not need in exchange for the "high technology" that can allow the Spirit Beast Star to develop rapidly.

However, the Lion King is too stubborn. To put it worse, he is short-sighted and has no overall perspective.

Not only did he reject Helianhuang's "cooperation", he also directly sent troops to attack.

He Lianhuang was just "self-defense".

In war, there will inevitably be casualties. The overthrow of the Shi clan was an "accident."

He Tiantian: ...I believe you! You scumbag, you look like you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, but you lie so easily.

However, the original owner fell for He Lianhuang's tricks.

It was obviously a lie, but she believed it to be true and began to consider the problem from her lover's perspective.

"How can dad do this? It's obviously a win-win situation, why does he have to go to this point?"

"I have pity on my grandma and a dozen brothers and sisters. Originally, they didn't have to die!"

Therefore, it is not that He Lianhuang, the executioner, is too cruel, but that the emperor of a dynasty like the Lion King does not know how to kneel down and acts like a dog or a puppet for the intruders!

Helianhuang's eyes flickered.

Well, it goes without saying, as long as the result is good, that's fine.

And the result is that he really succeeded in coaxing "Shi Ling'er".

Helianhuang was not satisfied, so he kept trying, "In addition to the Helian family, there is also the royal family!"

"Ling'er, I mentioned to you in the past that there is also the Xuanyuan family in our empire star."

"The Xuanyuan clan relies on being a royal family and occupies the best resources of the Empire Star. With just one Xuanyuan He, he owns the third and ninth legions!"

"Ling'er, you don't know that the ninth legion originally belonged to our Helian family, but the Xuanyuan family found a way to take it away!"

"This time I disappeared during the interstellar cruise. Xuanyuan He thought he had found an opportunity. He colluded with my cousin He Lianyan and began to infiltrate the First Legion..."

"...Ling'er, I'm attacked from both sides. It's really hard for me! I have to do one thing to prove myself and take back everything that originally belongs to me."

He Lianhuang paused deliberately. He wanted to give "Shi Ling'er" time to think and digest.

Sure enough, after a while, He Tiantian seemed to understand what He Lianhuang said.

She said tentatively, "Red lanthanum?!"

"Yes! It's red lanthanum!"

He Lianhuang showed an exaggerated expression of approval, as if "Shi Ling'er" had guessed some incredible truth.

He Tiantian's vanity was instantly satisfied.

She smiled sweetly, and her expression seemed to say: That's right, my teacher Ling'er is not an idiot!

But soon, He Tiantian seemed to have thought of something, and her smile instantly stopped.

She showed a sad and angry expression again, "But, but you can't just--- destroy the Shi clan just for the sake of red lanthanum."

This time, He Lianhuang did not argue, but gave a wry smile.

He Tiantian paused for a moment in accusation, uh, yes, just now He Lianhuang said that he had discussed it with the Lion King, but the Lion King didn't agree and directly sent out 100,000 Royal Guards!

He Tiantian opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end, she still didn't say a word.

Her heart had already been on Helianhuang's side, and she considered the issue entirely from Helianhuang's perspective.

But she couldn't blame her father for being "ignorant of current affairs" without conscience. After all, her father and the entire Shi family were dead.

The dead are great!

No matter how infatuated "Shi Ling'er" is, she can't say anything to complain about her dead relatives.

So, she was entangled, and she no longer simply "hated Helian Huang".

The sadness and hatred I felt when I first heard the bad news were not as strong as they were at the beginning.

He Tiantian knew the original owner's temperament very well.

He Tiantian thinks that Shi Ling'er is starting to deceive himself again at this moment.

He Lianhuang made a not-so-good excuse, and Shi Ling'er accepted it easily.

It's not that she's crazy, it's that she hopes to have a reason to "forgive herself"!

Even if you know that this reason is ridiculous, as long as it is there, it is enough!

Shi Linger wants to tell herself and everyone:

The overthrow of the Shi family is not my fault!

I did not lead the wolf into the house, and I did not communicate with the enemy inside or outside.

I, I was just saving people with good intentions, and He Lianhuang just wanted to "cooperate" with the Lion King.

It's a pity that there were too many "accidents", which led to tragedy.

Therefore, Shi Ling'er and I are not sinners of the Shi family, let alone a white-eyed wolf who ignores the blood feud.

All tragedies are just fate playing tricks on people.

He Tiantian followed the example of the original owner and comforted herself with this obvious excuse to evade responsibility.

Her entire being was filled with struggles and contradictions, and she finally felt "relieved".

He Lianhuang saw He Tiantian's emotional changes in his eyes.

When he heard the half-sentence "But you can't just do it for Hong Lan——", Helianhuang knew that he had successfully coaxed Shi Ling'er again.

It stands to reason that He Lianhuang has successfully wiped out the Shi clan, and the entire Spirit Beast Star has fallen into his hands.

Shi Ling'er, an innocent little princess, has lost the value of being used.

There was no need for Helian Huang to continue coaxing him.

However, He Lianhuang still did it.

First of all, he really liked this little princess.

Stupid, a little stupid, but simple and direct, he could see everything about her at a glance.

He doesn't have to be wary of her, he doesn't have to be afraid, but he can feel relaxed and casual like never before.

This is much better than those noble ladies in the Empire Star who are of noble birth, but only have their own family in their hearts.

He Tiantian: ...Yes, after all, it is rare for people like Shi Ling'er to sacrifice the whole family's love brain for love.

Secondly, He Lianhuang had an intuition that Shi Ling'er might still be useful!

Although there is no evidence yet, He Lianhuang's intuition has always been very accurate.

The third and most important thing is that Shi Ling'er is so coaxable.

It doesn't take much effort at all, just a few nonsense words to coax Shi Ling'er into a circle.

No, Shi Ling'er, who was crying and shouting to kill him a second ago, was now coquettishly angry at him.

He Lianhuang was familiar with the routine, and regardless of He Tiantian's "crying", he forcefully hugged her into his arms.

He said nonchalantly, "Yes! Yes! It's all my fault. I should have discussed it more carefully with the Lion King."

"Blame me! It's all my fault! But, Ling'er, don't worry, I will definitely treat you well in the future and compensate you twice as much!"

"I love you, I-I want to marry you!"

When he said the last words, He Lianhuang released his grip.

He held He Tiantian's shoulders with both hands and looked at He Tiantian affectionately, "Marry me, Ling'er, will you marry me?"

He Tiantian was shy and excited at the same time.

She seemed to have been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

When her lover finally said these words, her eyes were red.

The crystal teardrops rolled down again.

But unlike the sadness and anger just now, she was "crying with joy" at this moment.

He Tiantian: ...Inexplicably, I feel like I have a split personality!

But, acting is like that.

Even if you don't like your role, you must try your best to perform it.

"No! I, I can't marry you! My father, mother, my brothers and sisters, they--"

"Ling'er, listen to me, the Lion King and the others love you the most. I believe that they will definitely want you to be happy."

"Do they really want me to be happy?"

"Of course! They are the ones who love you the most. And your subjects should also hope that you can marry me!"

"...No! They won't, they will only hate me and want to kill me!"

He Tiantian subconsciously raised her right hand and gently touched her chest.

The penetrating injury here has been completely healed, but He Tiantian still remembers the pain when she was pierced, and the angry and ferocious expression of Shi Nineteenth!

"Ling'er, how about I take you back to the Empire Star. Let's come back after a while!"

He Lianhuang made this arrangement not just for "Shi Ling'er".

He had just wiped out the Shi clan, and the air was still filled with the smell of blood.

He needs some time to buffer...

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