The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 792: The former heroine of the sadomasochistic novel (10)

"Ling'er, this spirit, spirit animal bag——"

After a while, He Lianhuang found his voice.

His throat was dry and he stuttered when speaking, but his eyes were burning.

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice anything unusual about He Lianhuang. After hearing his words, he casually replied, "Yes, it's the spirit beast bag!"

"According to legend, the spirit beast bag is used to house spirit beasts, but it can also be used to put other things!"

Therefore, "Shi Ling'er" regarded the spirit beast bag as a space bag.

He Lianhuang:......

He wiped his face, "Spirit Beast Bag or Space Bag, it's just a name."

The most important thing is that this thing is really like a space button. You can open up a separate space and store items!

that's enough.

He Lianhuang regained his composure and found that "Shi Ling'er" still failed to understand what he meant.

Alas, he really can't have too many illusions about a woman who only thinks about love.

He Lianhuang decided to speak more straightforwardly: "Ling'er, this spirit beast bag is very similar to the space link of our empire star."

"...Can I, can I send it to a research institute for research?"

Even though Helianhuang was sure that "Shi Ling'er" loved him madly, he would not refuse any request he made.

However, at this moment, He Lianhuang was still a little uncomfortable saying such obviously inappropriate words.

As "Shi Ling'er" has said, the spirit beast bag is a treasure that has been passed down by the Shi family for thousands of years.

Perhaps it is more precious than the jade seal of the Divine Lion Dynasty.

Now he wants to "borrow" it, which is a bit overwhelming.

Sure enough, after hearing what He Lianhuang said, He Tiantian looked embarrassed.

She looked at Helian Huang, then looked down at the spirit beast bag, and muttered, "Helian, it's not that I don't want to, but, there is a prohibition on this spirit beast bag!"

When it came to the words "prohibited", He Tiantian seemed to have finally found a reason.

Her tone became particularly confident, and a flash of joy flashed across her face.

He seemed to be congratulating himself. Originally he was just trying to find an excuse to talk nonsense, but he got to the point.

【Yes! How could I forget this? ! 】

He Lianhuang:......

He Tiantian's expression was so obvious that He Lianhuang had a hard time not seeing it.

"Restriction? What restriction?"

Why is it becoming more and more mythical the more you talk about it?

Oh, yes, the existence of the spirit beast bag is magical enough.

Now, if there is any kind of restriction, it is simply not normal.

"If you want to open the spirit beast bag, you need to meet certain conditions!"

He Tiantian organized her words, and she gave a thumbs up first, "First, bloodline. Only the descendants of my Shi clan can open the restriction!"

"Second, fate. Even the bloodline of the Shi clan may not be able to open it."

"For example, my father, he is still the clan leader and emperor, but he still cannot use the spirit beast bag."

"And my ancestors and elders, they can't open it either..."

Speaking of this, He Tiantian felt a little proud, "No one in the Shi clan has been able to open this spirit beast bag for more than a hundred years! Except for me!"

After hearing He Tiantian's words and looking at He Tiantian's showy appearance, He Lianhuang thought:

No wonder!

Let me just say, "Shi Ling'er" doesn't look very reliable at first glance.

And she is still a woman.

If the spirit beast bag is really a treasure more important than the jade seal, why would the Lion King give it to Shi Ling'er?

Even if it is to be passed on to the next generation, it should be given to the prince.

It turns out to be a piece of shit!

Oh no, to be precise, it is a treasure that requires strict conditions to be used.

"My spirit is the most powerful!"

He Lianhuang complimented him nonchalantly.

He understood what He Tiantian meant. There were restrictions on the spirit beast bag, and no one except "Shi Ling'er" could open it.

If you can't open it, you won't be able to do various experiments.


It’s not that you can’t, it’s just that you need to——

He Lianhuang looked deeply at He Tiantian, his blue eyes like a sea of ​​affection.

Ahem, interstellar era, global integration.

There are no longer pure Chinese people on the Imperial Star.

Even for a large family like the Helian family, which boasts of inheritance for hundreds of years, their descendants still have the shadow of "fusion" to some extent.

On the contrary, Shi Ling'er, who came from the Spirit Beast Star, was actually more pure than the most traditional and noble girl from the Imperial Star.

She seemed to be a noble lady who had stepped out of the ancient Blue Star Lady Pictures.

He Lianhuang was attracted at first sight. Shi Ling'er's hair color and eye color definitely played a crucial role.

"Ling'er, I told you that my situation in the Helian family is not very good!"

"I discovered Red Lanthanum, but the Spirit Beast Planet will always be your hometown, Ling'er. If I can, I'm not willing to destroy its original appearance!"

"...Ling'er, are you willing to help me?"

He Lianhuang acted pitiful and threatened, which made He Tiantian secretly despise him.


Scumbag man!

He just knows how to take advantage of women!

I just hate that the original owner is stupid, but of course, I can also say that she is really kind.

They just identified He Lianhuang!

He can even put down the hatred between his country and his family, let alone a small spirit animal bag.

"I do!"

He Tiantian didn't need He Lianhuang to continue coaxing, and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"You want to study this spirit beast bag and then develop a new spatial link? Is that right?"

Again, Shi Linger is not really stupid.

She is quite smart when it comes to things that don't involve love.

He Lianhuang's behavior was so obvious that He Tiantian had no reason to understand.


He Lianhuang: Shi Ling'er, if you understand what I'm thinking, you can't be more tactful.

This is the second time that He Lianhuang was speechless and choked because his lover was too "naive"!

"May I?"

He Lianhuang did not answer the "right or wrong" question, but asked more tactfully.


He Tiantian knows the truth of giving up when things are good.

People can be upright and sincere, but they cannot pretend to be confused.

If the scale is not grasped well, it can easily arouse suspicion and then collapse the character.

I knew that my Linger was the best to me! "

He Lianhuang achieved his goal, so he naturally did not hesitate to use his sweet words.

He Tiantian showed a shy and satisfied smile at the right time.

Fortunately, Shi Nineteen did not see this scene, otherwise, she would have had to jump——

"Shi Ling'er, you love brain! You can even give family heirlooms to a dog man for research?"

"Do you have a brain? Even if true love blinds you, you should have a minimum IQ!"

Everyone's family was ruined, and they were almost dependent on others. Finally, they had a trump card. Not only did they say they had hidden it, they actually showed it to the man!

He Tiantian: How can you be sure that the trump card you brought out is not the trump card? !

"Ling'er, let's go home first. Once I contact the research institute, we'll do the test!"

He Lianhuang himself didn't notice that his current attitude towards "Shi Ling'er" seemed to have returned to the time when he was living on the Spirit Beast Star and was picked up by Shi Ling'er after being seriously injured.

Sweet words are the basis, eyes kill, head touches kill, subwoofer kills...

He Lianhuang was very good at using his own strengths to weave a big net and then firmly control Shi Ling'er.

"Helian, I will listen to you, I will listen to you!"

He Tiantian smiled sweetly. Soon, she seemed to think of something again, and a trace of worry flashed in her big, clean and bright eyes.

He Lianhuang raised his eyebrows and asked softly, "Ling'er, what's wrong?"

He Tiantian lowered her head slightly and said with a hint of worry: "Helian, will your parents like me?"

"W-will they object to us being together?"

No matter how innocent a girl is, she still understands the dilemma she faces when she loses the protection of her family and becomes an orphan.

Especially a girl like Shi Ling'er who grew up in a feudal dynasty.

They are clearly classed at heart, and they highly respect "well-matched" people.

It is true that she was once a high-ranking royal princess.

However, the Divine Lion Dynasty was destroyed, and all her relatives died.

Her subjects also became slaves of Helian Huang and the First Legion.

Such a subjugated princess is simply not as good as the most ordinary wealthy daughter on the Empire Planet.

A fallen phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken!

Of course Shi Linger understands this truth.

"What if they want to break us up?"

"I love you, you are the only one for me, I, I only have you left now!"

While He Tiantian was worried, she did not forget to express her sincerity - He Lianhuang, my love!

He Lianhuang:......

The corners of his lips couldn't help but rise, and he knew that Shi Ling'er loved him terribly!

Coupled with the ruin of her country and her family, and even her former bodyguards hunting her down, Shi Ling'er could only rely on He Lianhuang.

This woman has become a dodder flower and can only cling to his body.

"Don't worry, my parents are both reasonable people!"

He Lianhuang coaxed gently.

It's hard to say how credible his words are.

He Lianhuang's father is He Lianjin, the head of the Helian family of this generation.

He Lianjin has six brothers, and he is the eldest.

He Lianhuang married three wives and had a total of four sons and two daughters.

Helianhuang is the eldest son of the eldest son and the recognized heir of the Helian family.

However, there are many heirs in a big family, and there are also many grievances and grievances.

In addition to He Lianhuang's half-brothers and sisters, his cousins ​​of the same generation also looked at him covetously.

The words He Lianhuang said to Shi Ling'er before were not all lies.

A large part of it is true.

For example, many of his brothers are eyeing his heir apparent.

For another example, during the months when Helianhuang disappeared, his brothers and cousins ​​were all trying to carve up his First Legion.

Even his direct relative, He Lianjin, began to train his second son, He Lianyan.

That person who was only one year younger than Helian Huang, but equally outstanding.

He Lianhuang was so eager to occupy the Spirit Beast Star and embezzle all the red lanthanum mines. The various pressures placed on him by his family were the main reason.

"My mother divorced my father right after I was born. My mother was from the Morton family, and the Morton family had the Second Legion under their command!"

Because of the spirit beast bag, "Shi Ling'er"'s status in He Lianhuang's mind was once again elevated.

He Lianhuang patiently introduced his family's situation to He Tiantian.

"After my mother got divorced, she returned to the Morton family and is now the exclusive mecha master of the Second Legion."

When it came to his biological mother, He Lianhuang didn't have much tenderness in his eyes.

My parents are in a political marriage, which cannot keep up with their relationship.

Before the two families could exchange benefits, conflicts arose when Mrs. Morton became pregnant.

If the month hadn't been so big at that time, Helianhuang might not have had the chance to be born.

Even if he was born, it could not prevent the break between the two families.

He Lianjin and Mrs. Morton divorced happily, and He Lian Huang was left at the Helian family.

Almost that year, He Lianjin married a well-matched wife.

And his second son, He Lianyan, is only one year younger than Helian Huang!

In other words, He Lianjin's divorce from Mrs. Morton was not just due to family reasons.

There is already a third party among them.

He Lianjin remarried and soon had a new son. He Lianhuang's position as the eldest son of his first wife was somewhat embarrassing.

Fortunately, although Mrs. Morton did not take Helian Huang away, she did not remarry or have children after the divorce.

For more than twenty years, Helianhuang has been Mrs. Morton's only child.

As for Mrs. Morton, not only is she supported by the Morton family, she is also one of the best mecha masters in the Empire!

With such a biological mother, even if the Helian family and the Morton family turned against each other, Helian Jin and the entire Helian family would not treat Helian Huang too harshly.

Later, when He Lianhuang was six years old, he tested his mental power and found that it was a rare S-level test.

The position of the heir to the Helianhuang family was instantly stabilized.

After growing up, He Lianhuang's mental power broke through to SS level after graduating from the First Military Academy.

He successfully took over the First Legion under his family's control.

"...My father doesn't pay much attention to my marriage, but my mother respects my opinion!"

He Lianjin actually wanted to marry Helian Huang, at least to a woman who would be helpful to the Helian family.

However, He Lianhuang has grown up, and he is no longer the poor little boy who needed pity and care from others.

He can decide his marriage and his future!

Furthermore, who said Shi Ling'er couldn't help him?

The former red lanthanum mine, the huge spirit beast star, and—the spirit beast bag!

He Lianhuang had a hunch that "Shi Ling'er" might have some secrets.

The spirit beast bag is just one of them.

In the future, she will bring herself more surprises.

Well, even if there are no other surprises, just a spiritual beast star and a red lanthanum mine are enough to make Helian Huang think about marrying his teacher Ling'er.

"Besides, my Ling'er is so beautiful, so smart, and so cute, both my father and mother will love it!"

He Lianhuang's sweet words seemed to be free of money, and he was throwing them at He Tiantian desperately.

He Tiantian's face was flushed, and her eyes were full of sweetness and happiness.

"How can I be so good?"

With an insincere humility, He Tiantian confirmed again: "Uncle and aunt will really like me?"

"Really, my words are more true than pearls!"

He Lianhuang tried his best to coax women.

The male god, who has always been serious and aloof, actually said something witty!

Of course, the aura of king and domineering is He Lianhuang's nature.

He said very domineeringly, "Even if they don't like it, it doesn't matter!"

"As long as I like you, that's enough!"

"...Yeah!" He Tiantian smiled contentedly, her pupils filled with Helianhuang's reflection.

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