The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 793: The former heroine of the sadomasochistic novel (11)

"Father, this is Shi Ling'er, the little princess of the Spirit Beast Star!"

He Lianhuang took He Tiantian back to the Helian family's mansion.

Without any ambiguity, he led the person directly to He Lianjin, and solemnly introduced him in front of the whole family——

"Ling'er is also my lover, I love her, and I want to marry her!"

He Lianjin and everyone else were shocked.

The little princess of the Spirit Beast Star?

Oh, she is a princess, and her status matches He Lianhuang quite well.


Spirit beast star?

Isn't it the planet that his son ran to invade?

I just received news a few days ago that all the royal family members of the Spirit Beast Planet were killed by their son.

The Spirit Beast Star has also fallen into the control of the First Legion.

To put it more bluntly, the Spirit Beast Star has been occupied by Helianhuang, and the original natives are either slaves or slaughtered.

...Such a subjugated princess is simply not comparable to the most ordinary daughter of a wealthy businessman on the Empire Star.

As a man who can marry three wives for the benefit of his family.

Marriage has no so-called sanctity at all, but is just a means for him to achieve success.

As for love, ha! That's a trick used by men to deceive women!

People from aristocratic families like them never believe in bullshit love.

He Lianjin didn't like his first wife, Mrs. Morton, and he didn't have much affection for their common son.

However, it is undeniable that Helianhuang is the best successor.

He has outstanding abilities and is sane. How could he become a fool who talks about love?

He Lianjin couldn't believe that such silly words as "I love her" could actually come out of He Lianhuang's mouth.

Is this a dream?

Or is He Lianhuang in front of him mentally broken?

The old man He Lianjin's mind was filled with all kinds of unreliable speculations.

As a result, he did not comment immediately.

The beautiful woman sitting next to him was obviously more than ten years younger than him.

Well, this person is the third Mrs. Helian.

Ten years ago, the second Mrs. Helian died of illness, and within a month, the third Mrs. Helian took office.

He Lianjin's marriage to her was considered a political marriage.

However, the third lady was nearly twenty years younger than him.

An old husband and a young wife, no matter what considerations the husband has, he will be more tolerant and loving towards his wife.

Therefore, on the surface, among the three wives, He Lianjin loves this little wife the most.

The twins born to him by his third wife also succeeded in becoming his favorite son and daughter.

The third wife was a little proud of her favor.

Now she saw that the Helian family's recognized heir, the thorn in her side, actually brought back a princess who had subjugated her country.

He kept saying "I love you".

Tsk, this attitude is exactly the same as that of those innocent playboys who want to marry the poor girl who sees something wrong with her, even if she breaks up with the family.

If he hadn't known that He Lianhuang was the youngest general of the Empire Star and the dignified leader of the First Legion, he would have only looked at his stupid look of being "crazy for love".

The third lady all wondered, was this man the stupid son of a landlord? !

Of course, yes or no, it has nothing to do with the third lady.

Oh no, it does matter!

If He Lianhuang angered He Lianjin because of the marriage, or even fell out with the family, his status as heir would not be preserved.

Helianyan is a strong competitor, but his mother is dead, and now the old man's favorite person is her third wife.

A son is more valuable than his mother, and her son has the best chance of inheriting the Helian family.

The calculations in the third lady's mind were rattling.

The third lady started to "congratulate" He Lianhuang——

"Oh, the little princess of the Spirit Beast Star is the most suitable for our Admiral Helian!"

"Ah Huang, you really have a good sense. This teacher, teacher——"

The third lady was so eager to show off that she forgot Shi Ling'er's name.

She got stuck on the word "teacher", and her weak and delicate face turned red from suppressing it.

He Tiantian kindly reminded, "My princess' name is Shi Ling'er!"

"Ah, yes! Miss Shi Ling'er, she has a graceful appearance and a good temperament. Standing next to A Huang, it is a perfect match!"

The third lady said exaggeratedly.

He Lianjin's chest felt even tighter.

The little wife is not very smart, and He Lianjin has long known that.

He didn't care.

The first wife was smart, and she was a well-known iron lady and strong woman in the empire.

But, it’s so depressing!

Sometimes He Lianjin couldn't stand up straight in front of Mrs. Morton.

It's better to have a vase like Xiaosan with her appearance and figure.

If you are not smart, you will not overwhelm yourself as a grown man.

It's okay to be a monster occasionally, you should just add a little fun to yourself.

To say that he is extremely stupid is not to say that he is stupid.

Anyway, the third lady will not do anything to seek death.

...To sum up, He Lianjin is very satisfied with his little wife.


Today's third lady was equally stupid, but it made He Lianjin feel uncomfortable.

An upright girl can be quite powerful sometimes.

The key is that unexplainable feeling of suffocation, which is the most terrible thing.

He Tiantian said, what is an upright girl?

There is also a love brain to increase the firepower.

"Madam, you also have good taste!"

"Helian and I are a match made in heaven, a perfect match!"

He Tiantian smiled shyly, but her words were as direct and fearless as a "true love warrior".

He Lianjin covered his chest.

No, he couldn't listen any more.

It's enough to have a stupid woman in the family. If another second generation comes, will he still be alive?

"That's enough! Didn't you stew ginseng soup for me? Go to the kitchen and make sure you don't boil the soup dry!"

Helianjin shouted, breaking the weird atmosphere in the living room.

He turned to the third lady and ordered.

Third Lady:…

He picked his fingers and said reluctantly, "Isn't there a smart butler?"

Now is the era of full intelligence.

Intelligent robots simply don’t need to be too intelligent.

There is no need for a nanny or chef at all, a smart butler can take care of everything.

The third wife said she was making ginseng soup for her husband, but in fact she just set up a program. She didn’t even have to wash or cut it, the smart housekeeper took care of everything.

The third lady used to just show off and take all the credit for the smart butler's work.

That's all in normal times, she is happy to act virtuous.

But today is different.

He Lianhuang stayed at "True Love" and returned home.

The old man obviously refused.

According to the routine of retro bloody TV series, will He Lianhuang stage a drama of "rebellion from home for love" next?


This is the most classic and refreshing plot in romantic dramas.

The Third Madam also wants to watch a live version.

Her children's eyes were also widened, and their little faces were full of interest.

The two little ones only had to hold popcorn and Coke.

He Tiantian:......

This one is quite interesting.

It was different from some wealthy families she had seen.

Of course, this is also related to the third lady’s limited IQ.

If the two brothers Helianyan and Heliancan were present, the scene would have been even more intense.

He Lianyan is an important supporting actor in the original script.

He has been fighting and competing with the male protagonist all his life.

When he was young, he robbed his father and the attention of his family. When he grew up, he robbed his reputation and military power.

Then, seize the position of the head of the family.

Oh, by the way, He Lianyan is still He Lianhuang's love rival.

However, it is not the little princess Shi Ling'er that people like, but the supporting actress Princess Charlotte.

Charlotte is a princess from a certain planet who once fought with Helian Huang.

After the defeat, the planet was merged into the Empire Star, and Charlotte was awarded the title of princess.

The same princess, Charlotte also has her own planet and subjects.

As for Shi Ling'er, she was completely alone.

However, Helianhuang doesn't love Charlotte.

In other words, Helian Huang could not get enough benefits from Charlotte.

Charlotte becomes the supporting female character pursuing the male protagonist.

Helianyan loves Charlotte deeply.

It’s a classic n-corner romance, with a male and a female partner causing a lot of trouble for the male and female protagonists.

It is also them who always remind Shi Ling'er——

You are the princess of a subjugated country, and the reason why your dynasty was overthrown was all because of He Lianhuang's handiwork.

You didn't talk about revenge, but you actually made out with your enemy!

You are simply a cold-blooded, selfish and cold-hearted white-eyed wolf!

In the original work, there is no counterattack heroine like Shi Jiu to "accuse" Shi Ling'er. He Lianyan and Princess Charlotte played such "evil villain" roles.

Being scolded by the vicious villain, Shi Ling'er suffered from pain, regret, and self-blame.

She began to resist and act like a monster with the male protagonist.

There was one bloody drama after another in which you ran away and I chased you, I loved you, I hated you, but I couldn't bear to kill you.

After these trials, the male protagonist finally recognized his feelings for the female protagonist.

At the critical moment of the heroine, he risked his life to save her, and finally won the heroine's forgiveness.

The two were happily reunited.

Naturally, there will be no good ending if a man is paired with a woman or something.

In order to bring down Helian Huang, He Lianyan risked the disgrace of the world and colluded with the Zerg.

The conspiracy was exposed, and he was ruined and suffered the consequences, being devoured by the Zerg Queen.

Princess Charlotte also did harm to others and ended up betraying her relatives.

Her mental strength was severely damaged, her genetic chain collapsed, she became a useless person, and she was exiled to a garbage star to fend for herself.

"...Hey! Whether it's He Lianyan or Princess Charlotte, they can actually become cannon fodder for the counterattack!"

He Tiantian had just finished sorting out the original plot when she suddenly discovered that the settings of these two characters were quite interesting.

According to the routine of counterattack novels, they all have the potential to become protagonists.

Oh, by the way, there is also Xuanyuan Jia.

It was the seemingly dandy and gloomy Prince Jia whom he met when he first entered the city.

If there are still wild writers in this world, they are excellent candidates for time travel.

Because they all have the "conditions" for counterattack.


It’s not impossible!

No one stipulates that there is only one wild copywriter in a world.

In the last world, He Tiantian only met one wild copywriter.

In this world, one or n are all possible.

He Tiantian thought secretly and began to make calculations in her mind, "It seems that I need to focus on these characters!"

Whenever something seems off about them, they could be a wild copywriter.

Of course, if He Tiantian wants to create a male protagonist (or female protagonist) again, these important roles are also excellent choices.

However, He Tiantian didn’t want to!

The counterattack of the supporting characters is too unchallenging.

And it’s easy to select wild copywriters.

In case, the second wild copywriter is very good at disguise.

Even He Tiantian deceived him, tut tut, and raised an "enemy" with his own hands.

He Tiantian can vomit to death!

Therefore, she will never choose those roles easily.

If that doesn’t work, then go do it yourself!

Alas, there is a danger of ruining the character just like this.

He Tiantian felt that she had to think carefully and try to find the safest way!

While He Tiantian was thinking secretly, He Lianjin saw that the third lady refused to leave, and the two naughty children also looked like they were watching the fun.

He resisted the urge to hold his forehead and stood up directly.

He Lianjin said to He Lianhuang: "Follow me!"

He Lianhuang did not get up in a hurry, but turned to He Tiantian and said, "Ling'er, sit here and wait for me. I'll be back soon!"

"Don't be afraid, even if I'm not by your side, no one will dare to bully you!"

When He Lianhuang said this, he did not forget to glance at the third lady, mother and son.

The third lady smiled guiltily.

The two little ones were so frightened that they avoided looking at each other and did not dare to meet the cheap brother's eyes.

Seeing that the three of them were quite sensible, Helianhuang did not say any more threats.

He then stood up and pretended to follow He Lianjin to the study.

He Lianjin:......

You brat, you threatened my wife and children in front of me!

You are awesome!

Although he was dissatisfied, He Lianjin didn't say anything.

The eldest son, the young wife, the youngest son, etc., have different meanings.

The former is his best successor and his most proud work.

The latter was just his comfort in his later years.

It's not appropriate to call them pets, but in He Lianjin's mind, this is the position of Xiaojiao, his wife, mother and son.

It can be pampered and hurt, but it is far from being taken seriously.

Even if Helianhuang disappoints Helianjin, or if he can no longer shoulder the burden of the Helian family, Helianjin will not choose his younger son.

He also has Helian Yan.

He Lianjin is indeed He Lianhuang's biological father, no matter what he looks like on the surface.

In their hearts, they always know what they want, and they always plan for themselves and their family!

The father and son left the living room one after another and came to the study room on the second floor.

The third lady wanted to follow, but she didn't dare.

The "congratulations" just now made the old man very dissatisfied.

The third lady is not smart, but she is not stupid.

At least she still understands how to look at people's faces.

"Okay, you two have a rest, the tutor will be here later!"

Without He Lianjin and his son, the third lady returned to the reserved, noble and wealthy demeanor.

She sent the two children away first.

Seeing that there was no excitement, the twins were a little uninterested.

The two younger ones are only eight years old, nearly twenty years younger than Helian Huang.

They are not as naive as the third lady, who thinks they can seize power from their eldest brother.

However, they are still influenced by their mother, and occasionally fantasize about——

What if!

If the eldest brother fails, they may also have a chance to compete for the position of the head of the Helian family.

And if you want to become the head of the family, your personal abilities must keep up.

Mental power is innate and cannot be controlled by nurture.

The only thing they can work hard on is to study hard.

"...Hmm!" Not happy in his heart, the twins agreed obediently and returned to their room to wait for the tutor's arrival.

In the living room, only He Tiantian and the third lady were left.

The atmosphere got weird.

"Teacher, Master—" The third lady didn't know whether she really couldn't remember Shi Ling'er's name, or whether she was deliberately using it to show her contempt for Shi Ling'er, a princess who had lost her country.

She started to challenge the word "teacher" again.

He Tiantian did not remind her, but just rolled her eyes at her, "Idiot!"

In that look, there is no trace of stupidity that is obsessed with love. She is clearly a spoiled little princess!

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