The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 804 Emergency Rescue Mission (1)

Failed? !

He Tiantian was completely confused.

She is not arrogant and thinks that she cannot fail.

But she did this task very carefully.

Although the character of Qi Shi Ling'er failed to counterattack and become the protagonist, it still forced the wild writers who wanted to counterattack the heroine to give up.

He Tiantian felt that it should be considered relatively successful.

Why did it fail?

However, before He Tiantian could think about it, her soul was torn and squeezed by a huge force.

Immediately afterwards, He Tiantian's soul was thrown out of the world and returned to the library space.

On the huge bookshelf, a book was just one cover away from completion, but it turned into ashes.

He Tiantian watched this scene with her own eyes and subconsciously thought——

It turns out that after the mission failed, there were such "special effects" in the library space.

"Tiantian, do you still have time to think about this?"

Student D was released from the dark room.

It immediately rolled in front of He Tiantian.

It was a little angry, "Failed! The mission failed! Points will be deducted!"

When He Tiantian saw Xiao D's classmate being so angry, she was not so unacceptable.

"Just deduct points. It's just one point. I can afford it!"

It has already failed. No matter how upset or regretful it is, it will be useless.

It is better to accept it calmly, then find the reason for the failure, and warn yourself not to make the same mistake again.

"What kind of points? Tiantian, that was the punishment at the beginning, but now the price has been increased!"

Classmate Xiao D became even more angry when he saw He Tiantian's appearance.

It instantly turned into an afro,

Every hair is straight.

“Price increase??”

He Tiantian suddenly raised her voice, as if she was accusing a profiteer who increased prices at will.

"Well, it's not a price increase! But, it's that rewards and penalties are directly proportional."

Seeing this, classmate Xiao D hurriedly explained: "For example, if this task is successful, the reward points are six points. If it fails, six points should be deducted!"

"In addition, this mission is to fight against the evil forces in Dianniang Library. For a writer like you, it is a 'home game' and has home field advantage..."

Little D’s classmate said blatantly.

He Tiantian frowned slightly.

After listening for a while, she finally understood——

Fighting at home, the writer has the right time, place and people, and success is what he deserves.

But if it fails, it will be a bit too sorry for such an advantage.

In order to motivate (shock?) the writers, the Dianniang system stipulates that if such an anti-virus task fails, points will be doubled.

"...So, for the failure of this mission, I will be deducted twelve points?"

This time, He Tiantian really felt pain.

Twelve points.

Put it in the system mall and use it with the discount card, and she can upgrade the space again.

As a result, so many points were deducted from her just because of this failure.

"That's right! And it's not just points. Tiantian, your winning record has been broken, and your ranking on the leaderboard will also drop..."

Little D’s classmate jumped anxiously while continuing.

Looking at the sad and angry look on Little D’s classmate, it seems that the winning record has been broken, which is even more unacceptable than being deducted twelve points!

He Tiantian:......

Indeed, He Tiantian, who had always been the winner and was suddenly defeated, was indeed very uncomfortable.

It's not that she can't afford to lose, but, but -

He Tiantian couldn't tell what she felt in her heart.

She has done dozens of tasks, from stumbling at the beginning to becoming more comfortable later.

In the world, she successfully transformed herself into a truly strong person through one mission after another.

She thought she was on top of the world, but was kicked down.

The most shameful thing is that she failed and she didn’t know who she lost to!

Thinking of this question, He Tiantian began to reorganize the world that had just been forced to end in his mind.

She included all the characters that appeared in the world, important roles, supporting roles, supporting roles, and even the set boards that did not appear but had only names.

She studied them all carefully.

Suddenly, He Tiantian blurted out a name: "Helian Ye! Is it him?"

Classmate Xiao D was still telling He Tiantian the negative consequences of the failure of this mission.

When Leng Buding heard He Tiantian's words, he subconsciously replied: "How did you know it was him? I thought you would guess Nangong Jue!"

have to!

No need to ask, it is indeed this person!

He is simply a little transparent in the world.

The side branch of the Helian family does not have super high mental power, nor does it have a bloody life experience.

There is no conflict or grudge between him and the original male protagonist (that is, He Lianyan)...

In terms of role alone, Helian Ye does not have all the elements for time travel and counterattack.

Therefore, when He Tiantian targeted the wild writer, he did not list him as a suspect at all.

Now that he knew the result and "reviewed" it again, He Tiantian suddenly realized: "This person is so awesome!"

He Tiantian herself is a master at disguising and hiding.

She rarely loses her character.

And that Helian Ye not only did not lose to He Tiantian in this aspect, but actually had a tendency to surpass him.

Well, I just surpassed He Tiantian!

The result is clear——

He counterattacked and became the male protagonist, but He Tiantian failed in the mission.

Until the end of the mission, He Tiantian didn't know who she lost to?

The "Gou" that He Tiantian is proud of does not have much advantage in front of others!

[Did the wild writers who I defeated feel exactly the same as I did when they were forced to leave the world? 】

He Tiantian's mood at this time was one of frustration, annoyance, and even a little vague regret——

If I had known this earlier, I would have done whatever I wanted!

Haha, hindsight and all that are excuses that losers find for themselves.

The last thing He Tiantian wants to do is to think twice after the fact.

As for Nangong Jue, whom classmate Xiao D mentioned jokingly, He Tiantian just said "hehehe".

"I hope it's Nangong Jue!"

An immortal created by He Tiantian himself.

If Nangong Jue was really transported through time, He Tiantian wouldn’t be so upset——

Because if this is the case, it means that there is a bug in the system.

It was not her subjective lack of ability that caused the failure.

But it was not Nangong Jue, and He Tiantian would have failed because he did not discover the abnormality of He Lian Ye, and did not take any action to stop He Lian Ye's rise.

"This Helian Ye is indeed very powerful!"

Classmate Xiao D nodded in agreement.

Although it was locked up in a small dark room, it could not enter the world with He Tiantian.

But it can watch "live broadcast".

Little D has a God's perspective, and what it sees is far more detailed and objective than what He Tiantian has experienced personally.

It also left a deeper impression on Helian Ye.


Classmate Xiao D thought about it carefully, organized his words, and said slowly: "He is very similar to you, just like a male version of He Tiantian!"

The same caution, the same outstanding ability, the same superb acting skills, the same lack of failure!

Ahem, okay, the last point is that He Tiantian is going to lose it.

However, there is no chance of redress!

remedy? !


When classmate Xiao D thought of this, his downy hair instantly became stiff again.

He Tiantian said lightly, "Male version of He Tiantian? Haha, it's the enhanced version!"

After all, she lost to others.

Little D didn't care to discuss the "enhanced version of He Tiantian". He said eagerly: "Tiantian, there is no remedy!"

"You can challenge the emergency rescue mission!"

He Tiantian was stunned for a moment, "Emergency rescue mission?"

She had done rescue missions and remedial missions before, but this was the first time she heard about it.

"Yes! Emergency rescue mission! Our system is very user-friendly!"

"If the writer fails the task and doesn't want his points to be deducted, he can challenge the emergency remediation task!"

"If the mission is successful, there will be no reward, but it can offset the failure of the previous mission!"

Classmate Xiao D talked a lot.

He Tiantian nodded slowly, "It is indeed humane!"

For He Tiantian, she has 137 points, which is enough for her to fail more than ten times.

Apart from the heartache and frustration, there was no real harm to He Tiantian.

But if they are some newbies who have just completed the task, they don't have many points to begin with.

Failure will result in double deductions.

If one fails, the rookies' points will be deducted into negative numbers.

Although the system will not erase it at every turn, if the points are negative, it should still affect the writer's actual situation.

Physically disabled, in a vegetative state, or simply——

In order to avoid such tragic consequences, the existence of emergency remediation tasks is very necessary and "humane".

He Tiantian couldn't help but put double quotes on the word "humanity".

It’s not that she’s yin and yang, but——

"The emergency rescue mission must be very difficult!"


At least a little harder than everyday tasks.

Little D did not answer directly, but asked: "Tiantian, do you still remember what you looked like when you first did the task?"

He Tiantian was stunned!

When you first did a mission?

It was only two years ago, but why does it feel like it was thousands of years ago?

The memory was so long that it felt strange to her.

He Tiantian thought about it carefully, and then she slowly started to feel it——

"At that time, I was still a pitiful little kid who was bullied. I had low self-esteem, was weak, sensitive, and lacked love."

"When I entered the world for the first time, I thought I was reborn. When I was doing tasks, I was in a daze and had no plan at all!"

He Tiantian murmured softly.

She didn't seem to be answering a question, but instead seemed to be reminiscing about the past.

"...Do you like that feeling?"

Classmate Xiao D asked another abrupt question.

He Tiantian was stunned again, "That feeling?"

"Yes! I am confused and trembling, like a rookie, both novel and a little scared!"

Classmate Xiao D took over the conversation and explained further.

"Rookie? New and intimidating?"

He Tiantian softly spat out these words.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something: "Awe! Yes, I know why I lost!"

Sure enough, she still couldn't let go of her only failure.

"I lost to that wild copywriter. Of course it was because he was so powerful, but it was also because I was going too smoothly. I was too arrogant and too confident!"

He claims to be an all-powerful and full-level strong man, so he is aloof and self-righteous.

He Tiantian no longer had the initial awe.

And people without awe are terrible and pathetic, and can easily destroy themselves!

Seeing that He Tiantian had gotten to the key point so quickly, classmate Xiao D nodded approvingly, "That's right! That's it!"

After saying this, classmate Little D asked with a hint of temptation, "Tiantian, do you feel like you have rediscovered this feeling?"

He Tiantian subconsciously wanted to nod.

But, soon, she realized that classmate D was bewitching her!

Her brain was working rapidly, "Little D, you mean, the emergency rescue mission has something to do with this 'initial' state?"

Little D’s classmate:…

You know my Tiantian is too smart.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this rare setback for Tiantian to successfully fool her once.

As a result, people become lost again, but they do not lose their IQ.

"Yes! The so-called emergency recovery mission requires the writer to return to the original state and enter the world."

"There are no plug-ins with system rewards and skills without plot blessings. What you were like when you first entered the world of emergency rescue missions!"

"For example, you are restored to 'factory settings', just like a pure rookie."

He Tiantian frowned, "There are no system reward plug-ins, no plot blessing?"

In other words, her space and all the skills she learned in the system cannot be used? !

Classmate Little D nodded vigorously, "That's right!"

After thinking about it, it added, "In addition, you are not a real rookie, but a star writer with a record in the province. You challenge the emergency remediation task, and there is a restriction-"

He Tiantian looked at classmate Xiao D.

Classmate Little D met He Tiantian's gaze and said slowly, "You can't soul-wear, you can only wear it!"

"Wearing?" He Tiantian's eyes widened.

It's not that she's making a fuss, but the difficulty level of wearing it is much higher than that of soul penetration.

Just one question of origin is enough to cause a headache.

If it were left to a special era, unknown origins would be a big problem. If you don't get it right, you will be regarded as a monster, a spy, etc. and be killed.

If you can't even guarantee your own safety, how can you complete your mission?

"It's really difficult, otherwise it wouldn't be an emergency rescue mission!"

Little D felt He Tiantian's mood swings. He didn't explain much, but admitted it bluntly.


If it is not difficult, how can we talk about any remedy?

He Tiantian resisted instinctively at first. She was used to being an almighty, full-level boss, and suddenly becoming a novice again was definitely not an easy task.

This is not about returning to the novice village, but about being a novice again.

The primary problem is the psychological gap.

Next, there is how the task is completed.

What she is wearing, she has no skills, she is just a low self-esteem, cowardly high school girl——

"Okay! I want to challenge the emergency rescue mission!"

He Tiantian answered firmly, his eyes filled with burning light!

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