The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 805 Emergency Rescue Mission (2)

"Tiantian, you, you agree now?"

This time it was Xiao D’s classmate who was confused!

Originally, it was ready to try its best to persuade He Tiantian.

Unexpectedly, Tiantian agreed so easily.

No hesitation, no shrinking, just like a big player who has discovered a new way to play!

She is eager to try, and she is full of ambition.

It seems that the emergency remediation task is not a big problem, but a brand new challenge.

"Yes! It's a challenge!"

"Little D, you are right to remind me, it is time for me to experience what I was like in the beginning!"

She needed to regain her sense of awe.

Not only for the system, but for everything, she should maintain a minimum of awe.

Furthermore, the current anti-virus mission has made her a little tired.

Even if there is no failure this time, even if there is no need to do any remedial tasks, He Tiantian still wants to have a brand new try.

And this time, it was just right.

It not only allows He Tiantian to reflect on herself, but also fulfills one of her wishes——

In reality, sometimes, He Tiantian can't help but wonder: If I didn't have the many skills given by the system, would I still be who I am now?

Proficient in multiple languages, proficient in Chinese and Western medicine, proficient in martial arts, proficient in archery...

She is already too powerful to be human.

After being too powerful, He Tiantian would occasionally be afraid.

It was all so fantasy, she had no sense of reality at all.

She is afraid that the skills, plug-ins, etc. she possesses are just a dream.

What's more, she had too many tasks to do, and she had an unreal feeling about the reality she was living in.

She secretly asked herself several times: Are you sure the world you live in really exists?

The world in the book is two-dimensional. Is it possible that the "reality" you consider to be three-dimensional?

To put it bluntly, there are times when He Tiantian wants to abandon those skills and cheats and let herself return to the real He Tiantian!

However, the skills that have been learned cannot be erased at all.

Like a proficient swimmer, the instinctive reaction when falling into water is to paddle.

If you want to feel the feeling of choking on water like a rookie version, you simply can't do it.

And drowning a proficient swimmer is very, very, very painful!

He Tiantian doesn't want to torture herself.

But if there is an opportunity to let her experience the "initial" state again, He Tiantian will never let it go.

"Tiantian, have you decided? Do you really want to challenge the emergency rescue mission?"

Classmate Xiao D is confirmed again.

He Tiantian nodded vigorously.

She didn't speak, but her firm eyes said it all.


Little D agreed, and then added: "Oh, by the way, let's talk about vilification first."

"Tiantian, if you fail the emergency rescue mission challenge, the points will be doubled. For example, this time, you will be deducted 24 points."

"In addition, the system will also forcibly strip off one of your skills. It may be foreign languages, medical skills, or it may be Wuji Jue."

When He Tiantian heard the words "Wujijue", he visibly hesitated.

Among all her skills, Wuji Jue is undoubtedly the most powerful and commonly used.

There is no way, my junior uncle's Wuji Jue is too wonderful.

No matter what world she is in, as long as there is a little spiritual energy, demonic energy, or yin energy, she can practice.

You can also practice all the way to ascension.

This is simply the most perfect and invincible skill plug-in.

If the emergency rescue mission fails, she risks losing Wuji Jue.

He Tiantian's body aches just thinking about it.


Soon, He Tiantian felt alert again.

Why am I so scared that I have to retreat into my comfort zone again?

Wuji Jue is indeed awesome, but if you can't survive without it, that would be terrible.

He Tiantian doesn't want to be kidnapped or coerced by anyone or anything.

"Yeah, I know!"

He Tiandian nodded, "I still decided to challenge!"

To put it bluntly, He Tiantian now has many skills and she can afford to "fail"!

What if all of her skills were wiped away in order to bring her back to her true self? !

She was just back to square one.

The worst case scenario is that you have to start all over again!

"Okay! Challenge the emergency rescue mission!"

Classmate Xiao D felt He Tiantian’s determination and stopped trying to persuade her.

In fact, its persuasion is just a show.

Because it also wanted He Tiantian to experience the emergency rescue mission.

In addition to remedying the failure, Xiao D also wants to make his friends really strong.

Just as He Tiantian thought, He Tiantian had enough capital and she was not afraid of the punishment for failure.

Of course, as a close assistant, Xiao D still hopes that He Tiantian can succeed in the challenge.

[Well, let’s find a way to pick a relatively simple remediation task for Tiantian. 】

Classmate Xiao D thought secretly.

He Tiantian started to make preparations.

Wearing, we must solve the identity problem.

"Little D, can I choose the channel independently for emergency rescue missions?"

If he could know in advance the era he was going to travel through, He Tiantian could make preparations in advance.

Ancient Chinese Channel, she had to get a set of Hanfu and put it on in advance.

The current channel doesn't matter.

But if it was a chronicle, she had to be prepared.

You can't just wear it and be regarded as a "heretic" just because the clothes are out of tune with the times.

"No choice!"

Classmate Xiao D gave a cold answer.

He Tiantian:......

Well, you know it is!

It is indeed a "challenge", and the difficulty is not that high.

However, this is not difficult for He Tiantian.

She went straight back into the real world and ordered some items online.

Can't use the space, but she is wearing it!

If it is something worn on the body or embedded in the body, it should be able to be brought into the world together.

A week later, He Tiantian received a large express package on the island.

This was transported from the mainland with the help of the Coast Guard.

Under Yuan Mei's curious eyes, He Tiantian returned to her room carrying the big package.

Just as she was unpacking the package, she suddenly thought of a question: "Wait a minute, classmate D, if I travel through time in real life, then in reality——"

In the past, it was just soul travel, and time in reality almost stood still.

Therefore, even if He Tiantian is standing, he can let his soul enter the world to do tasks.

Outsiders would never suspect it.

But now he is wearing a large living person who suddenly disappeared.

If He Tiantian was just an ordinary girl living alone, no one would pay attention to her.

But He Tiantian is not.

She has a "personal assistant" like Yuan Mei by her side. Not only 24 hours a day, she will follow her at least during the day.

If anything unusual happens to He Tiantian, Yuan Mei will discover it immediately.

"Don't worry, the time spent wearing it is very large. You have been in the world for a hundred years, but in reality, you only disappeared for an hour or two."

"And during the time when you 'disappear', the system will create a virtual 'you'. It's just that this 'you' can't speak or move, like a vegetative state!"

Therefore, as long as you travel at night while sleeping, no one will notice you.

When He Tiantian heard "Can't speak, can't move", she felt relieved a little.

She is afraid of "confusing falsehood with truth".

What if his real body goes off to do a mission, and the fake "He Tiantian" takes over the magpie's nest——

It's not that He Tiantian has persecution delusions, or that he doesn't believe in the system, but that there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

The substitute is imperfect and cannot truly replace herself, so He Tiantian feels more at ease.

Little D didn’t know that He Tiantian had already thought of so much.

It continued, "The system will definitely be very thorough when it does things, and it will never let you show any flaws in reality!"

"You know, the system is more afraid of being 'exposed' than you are!"

He Tiantian nodded, "Well, that's good!"

This time, He Tiantian had no doubts.

After packing up everything in the package, He Tiantian returned to the room to rest after dinner.

She put on the clothes and jewelry she had prepared, made some arrangements, and then lay on the bed.

Little D’s classmate:…

You know that Tiantian is the most "steady" and is really thoughtful.

After muttering silently, classmate D asked in a mechanical voice: "Tiantian, are you ready?"

"Well, let's get started!"

When He Tiantian said these words, her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

After traveling so many times and wearing it for the first time, she was instinctively nervous and flustered.

Taking a deep breath, He Tiantian closed her eyes.

"The world of emergency rescue missions begins!"

Deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the mechanical sound of classmate Xiao D did not fluctuate at all.

He Tiantian felt as if her body had lost weight and was suspended in the void.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent shaking, as if encountering the turbulence of time and space.

He Tiantian's whole body shook violently, her heartbeat increased, and all the muscles in her body were tense.

She had not received training as a pilot, but at this moment, she felt like she had been thrown into a high-speed centrifuge.

Fortunately, this feeling of overload did not last long.

After more than ten seconds, He Tiantian felt her body relax.

All the shackles were instantly removed.


He Tiantian seemed to be thrown in from mid-air.

He Tiantian subconsciously curled up her body, trying to flip her body in mid-air so that when she landed, she could roll around and relieve the force of her fall.

However, He Tiantian couldn't do such difficult movements.

"Mad, I forgot, I have no time left!"

He Tiantian cursed secretly, but still tried her best to flip and roll.

Her current state is like someone who has graduated from college long ago.

She has learned countless skills and knowledge and has mastered them skillfully.

But because of the passage of time, it was forgotten.

For example, the martial arts she had already mastered were all erased the moment she entered the world.

She just knew it, but couldn't master it.

The key is that there is no plot blessing.

The blessing of the plot is so important. The same move, with the blessing of the plot, is the powerful and domineering Dragon Subduing Palm.

But if there is no plot blessing, it is just a show.

This is the situation for He Tiantian at the moment.

She knew the moves and could do them, but she couldn't achieve the desired effect of the moves.


He Tiantian fell heavily to the ground.

She rolled hard and finally lost some of her strength.

No legs or feet were broken due to the fall, just some scratches.

He Tiantian:......

Feeling the burning pain in her palms and knees, she finally realized the helplessness of the "weak".

How long?

How long had she been so useless and helpless? !

In fact, in the previous world, He Tiantian was stabbed through the chest by Shijiu Jiu as soon as he penetrated it.

The injuries he suffered and the pain he encountered were much more intense than they are now.

However, she didn't feel too frustrated at that time.

Because she can use her skills to avoid disaster at critical moments.

What was originally a fatal disaster turned into a serious injury.

In the end, she still broke the deadlock.

But this time, even though she just fell in mid-air, there was nothing she could do.

We can only passively accept all this!

This feeling of powerlessness was far more intolerable to He Tiantian than the pain.

He Tiantian looked at the scratches on her palms and sighed silently——

This is just the beginning!

She calmed down slightly, endured the pain in her body, and slowly got up from the ground.

As she stood up, she looked around carefully.

Wearing, no identity, no memory, no idea where he is.

She could accept the script.

However, He Tiantian is not sure whether she is related to an important character in the plot.

Is your location anywhere relevant to the plot?

The script doesn't do much.

"Release mission——"

Just as He Tiantian was observing secretly, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

It wasn't from Xiao D's classmate, but a more indifferent voice.

“Kill the Wild Copywriter.”

He Tiantian was shocked.


This time he actually asked her to kill someone directly?

The task given to He Tiantian in the past was just to expel wild writers.

He Tiantian took advantage of the loopholes in the text and did not take the initiative. Instead, he destroyed the "counterattack" of the wild writers and directly outlasted the other party, or forced them to give up.

This time, the system didn't give her any chance at all and directly requested the murder.

He Tiantian resisted instinctively.

Killing is quite difficult for her.

Especially killing wild writers who are "similar" to myself.

This gave her the illusion of committing a crime in reality!

"Can you not kill people?"

He Tiantian couldn't hold back and replied with her thoughts.


For a while, just when He Tiantian thought that the other party was using silence to express rejection, the mechanical sound sounded again:

"Regain the halo of the heroine and regain the recognition of the world consciousness!"

After hearing this, He Tiantian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, this system is not non-negotiable!

He Tiantian accepted the task and then began to accept the script.

Ahem, although she said before that the script does not play a big role.

But through the script, she can still know at least the historical background.

"Damn, it's another chronicle!"

In the 1970s, He Tiantian had the biggest headache.

The identity issue is really difficult to solve.

After He Tiantian received the script, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Fortunately, she was prepared.

For example, her clothing can definitely be used to attack or retreat.

He Tiantian lowered her head and looked at the blue robe on her body. It was already stained with a lot of dirt and grass clippings.

She touched her ears again. The pierced gold earrings were still there, but the rings and bracelets on her fingers and wrists disappeared...

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