The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 807 Emergency Rescue Mission (4)

Su Guoqiang himself didn't realize that his train of thought had already followed that of He Tiantian.

He did not continue to doubt He Tiantian's origins, but was thinking about which village or family the child in front of him was thrown into the mountains behind.

It wasn't that Su Guoqiang was easy to deceive, but the situation He Tiantian mentioned was too common for them.

Even in the past two years, life has been much better than before, and there are still very few families in the village who have lost their baby girls.

For example, Su Dali has given birth to three daughters.

Last year, my wife became pregnant again. She gave birth at the beginning of this year, but she told the villagers that she gave birth to a stillborn baby.

What stillbirth?

It was obvious that he disliked the fact that she was a girl and threw the child directly into the back of the mountain.

The next day, someone went to the mountains to collect firewood and saw a tattered swaddling clothes and some scattered blood stains.

Alas, in one night, the child was eaten by wolves, not even a bone or scraps were left!

Apart from these "instances" that have happened, the most important thing is that the eyes of the child in front of me are too clean.

It's like you can see the whole thing at a glance.

A child with such a pair of clean eyes is definitely not someone who grew up in a complicated environment.

It's even less likely to be a spy.

Of course, things cannot be so absolute.

You still need to be vigilant.

Su Guoqiang continued to ask He Tiantian: "Is your master a Taoist priest? Have you always lived in the mountains?"

"Well, Master said that he wants to practice. It's not convenient outside, but it's quiet in the mountains!"

He Tiantian still looks innocent and innocent.


Su Guoqiang's mouth twitched.

have to!

This is really a magic stick!

Leave it outside,

It will definitely be sorted out.

No wonder they fled into the mountains.

Su Guoqiang became more and more certain of his guess.

"Um, kid, did your master say that there were any signs when he saw you?"

Su Guoqiang already believed that He Tiantian was an abandoned child by the villagers in their area.

But the specific village and household needs further verification.

Of course, he also knows that asking about "marks" is basically a hundred questions.

Those families who abandon their daughters are not even willing to have children, so how can they leave anything on their children to prove their identity?

Some are so good that I can’t even part with a piece of cloth!

Sure enough, He Tiantian shook her head, "No, otherwise master would name me after the herbs he saw on the roadside!"

Su Guoqiang nodded, yes.

If there is a mark, the old Taoist priest will definitely name the child according to the mark.

Rather than just randomly seeing herbs around, just give them——

Wait, herbs!

Su Guoqiang's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked: "Son, do you, your master know about herbal medicine? Does he know how to treat doctors?"

He Tiantian nodded, "Yes! We have been sick all these years in the mountains, and it's all thanks to Master!"

Su Guoqiang was even happier.

There is only one health clinic in their forward production brigade, and there is only one barefoot doctor in the health clinic.

There are three small mountain villages in the production brigade, and they are not too close to each other.

If the villagers of the health center in Qiujiaping, Sujia Village and Hejiaao next door get sick, they have to rush to Qiujiaping.

Forget about minor illnesses and pains. If a leg is broken or an arm is broken, a trip to the health center will be useless. You need to go to the county.

However, there is a health center where you can get injections and take anti-inflammatory medicine.

That's it, they don't have it in Sujiacun or Hejia'ao.

If there is a doctor in the village, even if he only knows a little bit about it, he can help the villagers a lot.

Su Guoqiang rubbed his hands excitedly, "Child, do you know how to see a doctor?"

If the master knows it, the apprentice should be good too.

He Tiantian shook her head, "I can't!"

Medical skills have been erased by the system, and He Tiantian only knows some basic basics.

At most, I know a few herbs.

This is what I learned in the wilderness survival training class.

He Tiantian didn't dare to take over everything, such as medical skills, but it was about people's lives, so there couldn't be any ambiguity.

Su Guoqiang's face fell a little instantly, and he was no longer so enthusiastic about He Tiantian.

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice Su Guoqiang's disappointment, with a little hope in her eyes: "Master asked me to go down the mountain to find my parents. Senior, can you help me?"

Su Guoqiang:......


It’s really impossible to find it!

However, Su Guoqiang looked He Tiantian up and down.

Although this child looks embarrassed, he has grown up.

A girl of seventeen or eighteen is a fortune in the countryside.

Su Guoqiang dared to bet that as long as the news spread, many people would come to recognize his daughter.

This, I recognize, is not a child, but a betrothal gift, an unjust person who helps her mother's family.

If this is the case, this child will be cheated.

But if you don’t recognize your relatives, this child’s household registration——

Yea, it's not a big problem.

These days, it is extremely difficult to obtain an urban household registration, but settling in a rural area is not a hassle.

As long as he is sure that she is not a spy, and as long as the child is willing, Su Guoqiang can help keep the child in their Sujia Village.

By the way, it is not easy for a boy in Sujia Village to find a wife.

Even for a village head like Su Guoqiang, it is difficult for his youngest son to find a satisfactory wife.

Su Guoqiang had already determined that He Tiantian was the child abandoned by nearby villagers.

But he couldn't let go easily.

"Oh, let's report it to the police!"

Su Guoqiang glanced at He Tiantian again. This child's eyes were so clean that he really didn't look like a bad person.

I just hope that the police can investigate carefully. If there is no problem, it would be good to leave the child in Sujiacun.

It's just that it's getting late, and Sujia Village is too far away from the county.

Su Guoqiang took He Tiantian home.

Su Guoqiang's wife is from Hejia'ao next door, and is known as Mrs. He.

When she saw her old man bringing back a girl, and after hearing Su Guoqiang's guess, she couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, what a sin, what a sin!"

Especially seeing He Tiantian's well-behaved and quiet appearance, Mrs. He's motherly nature was overflowing.

She took He Tiantian to wash up, and took out a set of old clothes left by her married daughter at her parents' house for He Tiantian to change into.

"Oh, this girl looks so good!"

Seeing the tidy He Tiantian, Mrs. He's eyes were a little straight.

The little girl looks about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a fair and dewy face, clean and clear eyes, a small nose, a small mouth, and an oval face as big as a palm.

The hair is not very long, only reaching the shoulders, but it is black and smooth.

Everything about this child is fine, except that he is a little thinner, but he is not the skinny and malnourished kind.

Maybe she doesn't meet the elders' standard of "lucky", but I don't think she's flirtatious or restless either.

It’s, it’s—

Mrs. He has never read a book and does not understand any adjectives.

She just felt that this girl was good-looking, more delicate and good-looking than the educated youth from the city.

He Tiantian smiled shyly.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. He felt even more strange.

"Hey, you kid, you have a bad life, but you are also somewhat lucky."

Being abandoned by your biological parents right after birth is definitely a bad fate.

However, I met a good master again.

Judging from the smooth appearance of this child, you can tell that the old Taoist priest raised him very carefully.

To put it bluntly, if the child continues to stay in her patriarchal home.

Those days may not have been that long, and they are certainly not as good as they are now.

"Are you still literate? Do you know some foreign languages?"

Mrs. He held He Tiantian's hand and asked questions.

Like her wife Su Guoqiang, she found that this child was really well-behaved and would answer whatever she asked.

Therefore, Mrs. He soon knew that this girl had actually read books and understood the chirping birds.

He Tiantian:......

Of course I have.

In reality, she is a real high school student.

English is no longer a problem.

Although many foreign language skills have been erased by the system, basic English is a required course in high school.

Moreover, high school students’ English is actually pretty good.

It cannot be said that it has broken through level 4 or 6, but it is still much higher than many people today.

Therefore, He Tiantian said that she can speak foreign languages ​​without any psychological burden at all.

"When my master was young, he traveled around, went to the capital and the devil's capital, and got to know many crooked nuts!"

He Tiantian continued to talk nonsense.

Mrs. He became more and more convinced.

No wonder this old Taoist priest ran to the mountains.

Such a complicated experience, coupled with the pretentiousness, tsk tsk——

However, the old Taoist priest is dead, but the little girl may be from their local area.

Mrs. He instinctively defended her shortcomings.

"Daughter, your master has left, so don't talk more about him!"

"I'll go to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow. You can tell me as much as you can about your situation."

In fact, Mrs. He, like Su Guoqiang, was already very sure that this child was from a village near them.

Going to the police station or something is just a formality.

The police force is limited, and they are surrounded by mountains. It is impossible to enter the mountains to search.

In the end, the child named Banxia was probably left in Sujia Village, and the people in their village just watched.

"Well, thank you, aunt!"

He Tiantian nodded obediently and said sweetly.

This cute and soft little appearance immediately made Mrs. He feel strange for a while.

Alas, my youngest son is already in his twenties, five or six years older than this child.


No, no, my stupid son is not worthy at all!

This girl is so good-looking and has a good temperament. Mrs. He has no shortage of girls, but she still can't help but like her.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Su Guoqiang rode the only bicycle in the village, carrying He Tiantian, all the way to the county seat.

As soon as the two of them left, the news about He Tiantian spread——

"Hey, have you heard? Last night, a girl came out of the mountain. She is seventeen or eighteen years old. She said she came to our village to find a relative!"

"I heard! My father saw that child at the entrance of the village. He was skinny and in rags, just like a beggar!"

"What's wrong with the beggar? No matter how shabby she is, she's still a 17 or 18-year-old girl!"

"Seventeen or eighteen years old, that's about five years. Oh, my wife is not pregnant -"

"Don't children in Su Dali's family often die?"

"You can pull him down. Su Dali is only thirty years old this year. Eighteen years ago, he was still a young man."

"Hey, did Su Dahe's family give birth to a daughter who was said to have been snatched away by a wolf?"

"... Su Dahai also has one. The village chief uncle said that the old Taoist priest picked up the child in the back mountain. Our three villages are all next to the three heads——"

Therefore, the girl may not be from Sujia Village.

"Oh, my natal family is from Hejia'ao. I'll go back quickly and ask if there are any missing children in the village!"

"My daughter got married in Qiujiaping. Although Qiujiaping is a little far away, but in case of emergency, helping other parents find the child is a good deed!"

On the way to work in the morning, the villagers were chattering.

Some people who were married from other villages or had in-laws in two other villages could not help but feel moved.

As for those families who have lost their girls, they are even more shocked -

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old can get married directly.

Even if you don't have a bite of your own food, you can get back a large sum of money as a gift!

This is like a gold ingot falling from the sky.

These people have no intention of working, as if they have twenty-five mice in their arms, scratching their hearts with a hundred claws!

While they were working, they looked eagerly at the entrance to the village.

With such excitement, as soon as Su Guoqiang and the two entered the village, they would rush up and call their daughter.

Not to mention what the people in the village are thinking, just talk about Su Guoqiang and He Tiantian.

After riding for more than two hours, Su Guoqiang, a man in his fifties, was exhausted even though he usually went to the ground and was strong.

When we arrived at the county seat, it was almost noon.

Su Guoqiang was sweating profusely and panting.

He Tiantian looked embarrassed.

The two entered the public security bureau, found a police officer they knew well, and told him about He Tiantian's situation.

public security:……

He also agreed with Su Guoqiang's guess.

However, there still needs to be some scrutiny.

As a result, He Tiantian ushered in the "Three Trials".

He Tiantian blinked her big innocent eyes, well-behaved and soft.

Whatever the police asked, she answered.

Through He Tiantian’s answer, the police learned:

Every once in a while, the old Taoist priest will go out to the mountains.

Use the medicinal materials you prepare and the prey you hunt to exchange for various supplies.

The old Taoist priest is not young and has experienced the Republic of China.

Slowly, an image became more and more vivid in the mind of the police officer——

He has strong martial arts skills, is well-informed, is proficient in art, can draw talismans, and can exorcise evil spirits. He is a worldly expert with an immortal spirit.


What an outsider? He is clearly an old charlatan who is pretending to be a fool.

However, this old magic stick is quite kind, and he will take good care of the abandoned baby when he finds it.

Just looking at the delicate skin of this child named Banxia, ​​one can tell that she has never suffered anything or suffered anything since she was a child.

Tsk, the ten fingers are like small green onions, except for the callus on the middle finger of the right hand.

The other fingers are soft and delicate.

The callus on my right hand is also caused by holding pens all year round.

Such a pampered girl who can still read and write all year round is rare not to mention in the countryside, even in the city.

He Tiantian, who was wearing it, said: I am extremely glad that I live in modern times, and I am extremely grateful to my beloved country!

He Tiantian was very frank and her eyes were so clean that even the police could not have any suspicion.

Out of duty, after questioning, the police carefully examined He Tiantian.

He had no belongings with him, so He Tiantian gave them to Mrs. He, including the hare and wild yam.

She couldn't stay at someone's house for nothing.

Apart from these, there are just the clothes on her body, oh, by the way, there is also a pair of gold earrings.

The police even took apart the soles of the cloth shoes and asked the lesbians to help check He Tiantian's underwear.

Nothing unusual.

"Probably not a spy..."

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