The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 808 Emergency Rescue Mission (5)

The police's determination that He Tiantian was not a spy was definitely not arbitrary or easy to deceive.

He caught the spy.

Therefore, he knows how cunning those real spies are and how good they are at disguising and hiding.

The most basic thing is that their identities can withstand investigation.

Unlike the little girl in front of me, who appears directly in front of people, making people subconsciously wary.

In such a situation, it is absolutely impossible for a spy to be lurking.

Of course, we must also beware of spies "acting in the opposite direction."

However, even if they suspected that He Tiantian was a spy, the police also believed that——

Putting her under the nose where she can be monitored is far more useful than arresting her directly.

Playing the long game to catch big fish is the way to go!

... Considering this, the police seemed to believe He Tiantian's identity and said to Su Guoqiang: "This child should be someone from your neighborhood!"

"Not a spy?"

Su Guoqiang felt relieved.

However, a new problem came again.

"Then, how should this child be placed? Directly settled in our Sujia Village?"

When Su Guoqiang said this, he did not lower his voice.

He Tiantian, who was on the other side signing the confession and stamping his fingerprints, could hear it clearly.

She hurriedly said, "Uncle, my master told me to come and recognize my relative!"

Acknowledge? !

Su Guoqiang and the police officer looked at each other and saw each other's wry smile.

Neither of them are young. Even if they haven’t gone to Sujia Village, they can still imagine——

Su Guoqiang said: "What happened to the child Banxia?

It is estimated that the news has spread in our village and even the entire production brigade. Many families whose daughters died more than ten years ago will come to recognize their daughters! "

The police agreed, "That's right! Maybe there will be a big fuss over the recognition of my daughter!"

This public security officer also deals with ordinary people at the grassroots level all year round, and he doesn't know much about these people.

In fact, even if you don't understand, you can still tell the clues by looking at the targets of human traffickers - naive boys and grown-up girls.

In this era, in the countryside, a newborn baby girl is worthless, but a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old——

Su Guoqiang and the police officer glanced at He Tiantian subconsciously.

The little girl is fair and pretty, well-behaved and soft.

Although I have lost some weight, I look energetic.

After reading the book, you can also recognize herbal medicine.

Not to mention in the countryside, even in the city, there are young people who like it!

According to the "experience" of the two of them, such a eldest daughter can collect a hundred yuan as a bride price at least.

One hundred dollars.

For farmers who work hard for a year and may not be able to get a hundred yuan, this is definitely a huge amount of money.

The point is, this money is just free money.

As long as you recognize a girl, you can easily get it.

In the name of family affection, he can continue to let this child supplement his parents' family.

...This account is suitable no matter how you calculate it, even the most "honest" farmer can figure it out clearly!

The police knew these secrets very well, but due to his status, he couldn't tell He Tiantian clearly.

Su Guoqiang no longer has such worries.

He told He Tiantian exactly what he had guessed.

He Tiantian opened her mouth. It was obvious that for a girl who had lived in the mountains with her master since she was a child, her world was very simple.

She simply could not imagine how complex and ugly human nature could be.

However, the little girl is innocent, but she is not stupid.

After being silent for a long time, He Tiantian smiled helplessly: "Actually, I know what my master means!"

"He didn't really ask me to recognize him, but he asked me to come out of the mountains!"

"I, I also understand Master and your worries -"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian smiled silently and bitterly.

She looked lonely and hurt.

Yes, what a simple truth.

Being able to throw a newborn baby girl directly into the back of the mountain was enough to prove that the so-called "biological parents" had no affection for the child at all.

How could such a family be a good family? !


Ha, bullshit relatives! It was obvious that he was pushing a good child into a pit of fire!

Su Guoqiang and the policeman nodded in unison.

They feel the same way.

An old Taoist priest can barely live in the mountains with a baby girl.

But after he died, the child, who had grown into a eldest daughter, could no longer continue to suffer in the mountains alone.

People always want to get married, have children, and live a normal life.

"Your master has thought very carefully about you!"

The policeman sighed and nodded.

Because of their profession, police officers are instinctively sensitive and suspicious.

He suspected that the old Taoist priest most likely made the address of the found child vague on purpose.

He just didn't leave any more precise clues to prevent the evil-hearted couple who cruelly abandoned the child from taking the opportunity to get involved with the child!

Deliberately finding a back mountain where people from the three villages would go would not only attract real targets, but also give opportunities to those who want to fish in troubled waters.

In this way, several families are quarreling. The child Banxia may not be able to find his biological parents, but he can avoid being entangled by blood-sucking insects.

... Ordinary people should not expect so much, and subconsciously think that it is best to recognize relatives.

But the old Taoist priest is an expert outside the world, ah, no, he is an old magic stick who travels all over the world.

He will not stick to the world, but will truly consider her from the child's perspective!

The police officer did not see the old Taoist priest, but he had some vague feelings through the observation of "Pellinix".

Look at this child Banxia, ​​he talks about acknowledging his relatives, but he doesn't have that kind of natural admiration for his relatives.

Children will instinctively be close to and long for their parents.

If there is an abnormality, either the child hates it too much, or the child does not lack love.

The girl in front of me clearly belongs to the latter.

If nothing else, just looking at the delicate white skin, you can tell how carefully the old Taoist priest raised his children.

"Well, Master loves me the most!"

He Tiantian smiled with satisfaction, her big round eyes full of admiration and respect for "Master".

I guess I can’t find my real relatives, and I don’t want to find them either.

And there are several cheap parents in the village who are waiting to recognize their daughters. If He Tiantian wants to settle in Sujia Village, it will be a lot of trouble!

Su Guoqiang and the police were both in a dilemma.

At this moment, He Tiantian suddenly asked: "Uncle Village Chief, are there any orphans or elderly people in our village? Especially those whose children are martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the country?"

Su Guoqiang's eyes lit up, hey, why didn't he think of this?

It was the police officer who looked at He Tiantian with a bit of approval.

I just don't know if he is praising He Tiantian for her intelligence, or he is gratifying her respect for the martyrs.

"Yes! Yes!! There are many martyrs in our Sujia Village!"

Su Guoqiang said while thinking about suitable candidates in his mind.

Suddenly, Su Guoqiang seemed to have thought of something. His expression was a little strange, and his eyes fell on He Tiantian's face again.

This time, it was not just about looking at him, but trying to find someone's shadow through He Tiantian's face.

He Tiantian was a little frightened by Su Guoqiang's look, and subconsciously took a step back with an unnatural look on her face, "Uncle Village Chief, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that the child was frightened by him, Su Guoqiang quickly smiled: "No problem! I just suddenly discovered that your child actually looks a bit like Mrs. Qiu!"

"Mrs. Qiu? The heroic mother of the Three Martyrs?"

The policeman shouted softly.

Obviously, he also knew this martyred family member.

Su Guoqiang nodded vigorously, "Yes, she is Mrs. Qiu from our village."

The old man is almost seventy this year. Of his three sons, the eldest son beat up ghosts, the second son beat up the bald man, and the third son went to the Beibang battlefield and all died.

It turned out that the old man also had a granddaughter, the posthumous daughter of his younger son.

He was raised to three years old, but died of illness.

Su Guoqiang counted the time with his fingers. He was shocked to find that the year when Mrs. Qiu's granddaughter died was exactly 1954.

Su Guoqiang had already asked He Tiantian and found out that she was eighteen years old and was born in 1954.

Although reincarnation or something like that is very unreliable, such talk is not allowed at the moment.

However, for the older generation in rural areas like Su Guoqiang, they still believe in these ghosts and legends deep in their hearts.

Even the police officer, who is a staunch materialist warrior, also feels that an appearance and date of birth like "Panalia" may be a psychological comfort for a lonely old lady who has lost all her relatives.

In recent years, there have been people in the village and even the county who have cared about her and wanted to adopt a child for the old lady so that she could have a companion.

But they were all rejected by the old lady.

The old lady has experienced too much suffering in the world, and all her relatives have passed away one by one. Her temperament is inevitably a bit stubborn and weird.

She was like a lonely she-wolf, guarding her homeland and not letting anyone set foot in it.

This child named Banxia looks like Mrs. Qiu, and her birthday is somewhat related to her deceased granddaughter.

Perhaps Mrs. Qiu could relax and raise this child in her own home.

The police had not been in contact with He Tiantian for long, but they saw that her eyes were clean and they respected the old Taoist priest very much.

I think he is a good boy who values ​​friendship and conscience.

Mrs. Qiu gave her a settled home, and this child should also take good care of Mrs. Qiu.

Kill two birds with one stone!

New troubles and old problems are all solved!

Of course, these are just wishful thinking of Su Guoqiang and the police.

Whether the matter can be accomplished or not depends on whether Mrs. Qiu is happy or not.

"Let's go! Go back to the village!"

Su Guoqiang wanted to get this done as soon as possible, so he told the police and then rode his bicycle to Sujiacun with He Tiantian.

When he was approaching the village entrance, Su Guoqiang had a quick thought.

He did not walk directly under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, but entered the village from the path on the other side.

Ban Xia, portrayed by He Tiantian, is an innocent, simple and charming girl, but not a fool.

Su Guoqiang had already spoken so clearly at the police station before. It would be a bit too much for her to deliberately ask, "Uncle, why are you hiding away?"


Why else?

Of course they were afraid of causing a disturbance as soon as they entered the village.

It's better to go directly to Mrs. Qiu. If things go well, "Panania" will directly fall on Mrs. Qiu's household registration book.

With a grandma like Mrs. Qiu, let’s talk about Sujia Village, not even the entire advance brigade dared to come and recognize my daughter!

If things don't go well and Mrs. Qiu is still so hard to talk to, Su Guoqiang will look for other martyrs' relatives or five-guarantee households.

Anyway, try not to cause trouble in the village!

"Third Aunt, that's what happened. Look, this is the girl..."

Su Guoqiang spoke patiently to a black-skinned old lady in her seventies with a smile on her face.

Mrs. Qiu's man has a high seniority in Sujia Village.

Therefore, the village head Su Guoqiang also calls Mrs. Qiu aunt.

Mrs. Qiu was sitting against the wall, holding a shoe awl in her hand and trying hard to pick up the soles of her shoes.

Hearing Su Guoqiang's words, she raised her eyelids and glanced at He Tiantian.

When he saw He Tiantian's facial features, he was slightly stunned.

However, she was just stunned. Soon, she lowered her head again and continued to pull the twine hard.

“Third Aunt, this child should be from our Sujia Village, but I don’t know which cruel pair of parents—”

Su Guoqiang still wanted to continue persuading.

He felt that at least the child's birthday should be revealed.

May 4th should be a special year for Mrs. Qiu.

Before Su Guoqiang could say this, He Tiantian had already picked up the broom and swept the yard.

She looks thin, and she is not very efficient at work, but the little girl is very serious and doesn't show off at all.

Su Guoqiang was stunned, and soon he understood He Tiantian's intention.

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart: This girl is so smart!

Mrs. Qiu's hand pulling the hemp thread paused for a moment, but she did not raise her head, but continued to pick up the soles.

He Tiantian finished sweeping the floor and started collecting firewood again.

Look at the water tank and see that the water is full.

She then came to the kitchen, where the pots were cold and the stove was cold. There was a bamboo basket covered on the table next to the stove.

Picking up the bamboo basket, there was a plate of dark soy sauce pickles, a half-eaten Sanhe noodle steamed bun, and a bowl of sweet potato porridge.

No need to ask, this should be leftover from lunch.

The old lady probably just warmed it up and had a meal in the evening.

He Tiantian walked around the kitchen and got a rough idea.

Then, she turned around and left the kitchen.

I looked up at the sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun was still hanging on the horizon.

Mrs. Qiu likes peace and quiet. Her yard is on the outskirts of the village, relatively close to the back mountain.

He Tiantian didn't say anything, just left the yard and went up the mountain!

This time, not only Su Guoqiang was a little confused, but also Mrs. Qiu finally put down the soles in her hands and raised her head to chase He Tiantian's figure.

"...This child should, should-" He was not scared away, but thought of other ways to impress the old lady.

Maybe they went to the mountains to pick wild vegetables, hunt rabbits or something.

Oh, by the way, when I went home yesterday, the little girl gave her old lady a rabbit.

Although he is not too fat, he only weighs about two pounds after removing the hair.

But, it is meat after all.

The little girl grew up in the mountains with an old Taoist priest and should be able to hunt.


Can this impress the old lady?

Mrs. Qiu's face was full of grooves, her mouth had been pursed all year round, and the corners of her mouth were drooping, giving her a somewhat mean and fierce look.

She had no expression. Although she was surprised at how smart and independent this little girl was, she didn't show much emotion.

The two of them just sat in the yard, neither of them speaking.

Before it got dark, He Tiantian came down from the back mountain, carrying a pheasant with flapping wings and three or four pheasant eggs.

He Tiantian went straight into the kitchen, and not long after, smoke began to rise from the chimney on the roof...

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