The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 813 Emergency Rescue Mission (10)

Remember [new] in one second! The person in front of me is very different from the image I guessed.

He Tiantian was not too surprised.

Her smile remained unchanged, sweet but distant.

"Brother Shuanzi, Grandma Qiu——"

When He Tiantian saw the person, she was ready to repeat what she just said.

Shuanzi had already looked at He Tiantian up and down.

When he saw the fair-skinned and beautiful little girl, his eyes instantly lit up.

It's not lust or any intention, it's just human nature.

There is no way, both men and women have the attribute of beauty control in their bones.

When you see something good-looking, your eyes will shine subconsciously.

Qi Shuanzi looked at He Tiantian with only admiration and no evil intentions.

This is one of the main reasons why He Tiantian can maintain her smile.

"Okay! I understand, I'll go fetch water for Third Grandma!"

Shuanzi interrupted He Tiantian's words. He raised his feet and lifted the heels of his shoes.

Then, without waiting for He Tiantian to say anything else, he walked straight towards Mrs. Qiu's house.

Seeing this, He Tiantian hurriedly followed.

The two of them walked in tandem and had almost no communication.

Shuanzi walked a few steps quickly, walked into the yard, and picked up the pole and barrel with familiarity.

As for the water sprinkled around the water tank and the pitiful layer of water at the bottom of the tank, he seemed not to notice it.

Mrs. Qiu didn't say much when she saw Shuanzi working.

There was a deal between her and Shuanzi——

Shuanzi did some physical work for her, such as carrying water and chopping firewood, and she "exchanged" Shuanzi for some cloth stamps, meat stamps or industrial stamps.

No money is given, but these days, notes are worth more than money.

Moreover, working for the martyrs’ families “for free” is definitely a plus.

If word spreads, Shuanzi's reputation will be much better.

This is one of the main reasons why the captain and the village chiefs did not care too much about him being a well-known slacker and second-rater in the advancing brigade.

Mrs. Qiu refused to admit it. She asked Shuanzi to work for her because the two families were relatives who just came out of the fifth server. It was not because she felt that Shuanzi was an orphan and pitiful, so she took care of him!

Well, there's no sense of kinship, and it's not like she has bad intentions.

She is just a stubborn, hard-hearted, lonely old lady!

When He Tiantian walked in, Shuanzi had already carried the empty bucket out of the yard.

He Tiantian quickly turned aside and let others pass.

Shuanzi doesn't have a strong physique, but he's not too thin either.

The key is that with his white skin, he really doesn't look like a honest and honest farmer.

Moreover, aside from his carefree temperament, this man still looks pretty good.

It’s just that it doesn’t quite fit in with the current mainstream aesthetics: ahem, it’s not the sharp-edged Chinese character face, but a more delicate oval face.

There is no sword eyebrows and starry eyes, but there are some shadows of the little fresh meat of later generations.

Of course, if a person is not a girl, she is not as masculine as today's people.

He Tiantian bets that this person must have a story!

However, He Tiantian didn't have the time to gossip.

She didn't ask Mrs. Qiu out of curiosity.

Talking about people behind their backs is definitely not in line with He Tiantian's character and is also very unkind.

Mrs. Qiu was already prepared for He Tiantian to ask questions, but unexpectedly, the little stinky girl did not speak.

Mrs. Qiu glanced at He Tiantian and saw that she was not pretending, but really didn't care.

The old man couldn't help but look highly at He Tiantian——

Don't gossip behind your back, the little girl has a very good character!

Shuanzi did the work of fetching water and chopping firewood, so He Tiantian didn't have to suffer this.

She took Old Mrs. Qiu's food bowl and asked what to do while chopping wild vegetables.

"Chop some into pieces and grab two more handfuls of bran. We rely on these two chickens for our eggs, as well as those ducks and geese."

Mrs. Qiu's face was full of disgust when she saw that He Tiantian was not working hard.

However, only if the younger generation does not do well will the elders have room to "play their part".

Mrs. Qiu enjoys this kind of teaching feeling.

The key is that the little bratty girl didn't get angry when she was scolded by her. Instead, she obediently agreed and actively corrected her!


This sense of accomplishment is even more satisfying.

Under the guidance of Mrs. Qiu, He Tiantian finally mixed the chicken food.

Then, the old lady taught He Tiantian how to feed the chickens and how to pick up eggs without being bitten by the chickens.

"Hey, you little bratty girl, how did your master raise you when you were in the mountains?"

Mrs. Qiu was very satisfied with this feeling, but her words were not very pleasant.

She muttered: "Teaching you how to work is more tiring than letting my old lady do it by herself——"

"Old lady, thank you for your hard work! But don't worry, although I'm not very good at work, I will study hard!"

He Tiantian didn't care at all about the old man's dislike and continued to coax Mrs. Qiu like a child.

"Humph, you know how to say nice things! If I had known you couldn't even feed a chicken, I wouldn't have let you work to pay for the house!"

"Old lady, what should we have for breakfast?"

He Tiantian allowed the old lady to ramble on, and then changed the topic directly.

"What else can we eat? I just ate chicken stew yesterday and there is some chicken soup left. How about making noodles?"

Mrs. Qiu said angrily, disdainful of He Tiantian's greediness both inside and outside her words.

"Oh, we old ladies know how to love people best. White noodles, not everyone can afford them."

He Tiantian looked touched, holding Mrs. Qiu's arm and acting coquettishly.

Mrs. Qiu is used to being alone, how can she bear such coquettishness and entanglement?

Her body was a little stiff.

With a straight face, Mrs. Qiu wanted to pull He Tiantian's little paws apart, but she didn't dare to use too much force.

He just kept saying, "Who cares for you? Huh, you want white noodles? What a beautiful idea!"

After saying this, Mrs. Qiu felt a little regretful.

I said it too harshly, the little girl wouldn't take it seriously, would she?

She, she really doesn't care about the white noodles, she just has a habit of being unforgiving with her mouth.

Of course He Tiantian wouldn't care.

She deliberately widened her eyes, pouted her little mouth, and mumbled dissatisfiedly: "Huh? You can't eat white noodles. How can you roll noodles without white noodles!"

Seeing that He Tiantian was just complaining but not angry or angry, Mrs. Qiu secretly breathed out a sigh of relief and continued to say evilly: "If the noodles are not pure white, can't we roll noodles?"

“We still have cornmeal at home, mix it with white flour!”

"Hey!" He Tiantian responded sweetly.

She knew that this little old lady was a tsundere with a hard mouth and a soft heart!

He Tiantian hurried to the kitchen.

I scooped two bowls of white flour from the noodle vat in the corner, and scooped a bowl of cornmeal from the grain bag on the side.

Cornmeal these days is different from modern cornmeal.

It has not been deeply processed at all. It has obvious particles and will make your throat irritated when you eat it.

However, cornmeal is already very good, at least there is no gluten.

He Tiantian is very satisfied.

She hummed a little tune and was busy in the kitchen.

Mrs. Qiu didn't want to follow He Tiantian around the kitchen, so she sat in the yard.

I looked up and saw smoke rising from the chimney of my house, and heard the busy sounds of the kitchen and the humming of a young girl.

Suddenly, Mrs. Qiu felt that her monotonous and boring life had a little more color.

This courtyard is no longer a cold, lifeless tomb of the living dead.

Of course, in the past ten years, it is not that there have been smart and thick-skinned tribesmen who came to Mrs. Qiu to show their courtesy.

They worked for free, cooked and mended clothes, and except for washing their hair and bathing as soon as they arrived, these attentive descendants did everything that their children and grandchildren could do.

Mrs. Qiu had never softened her heart. She would either kick the person out directly, or wait for the person to finish the work and then give them some money and food to end the cause and effect.

He Tiantian was not the first person to be so "caring", but she really got into the old lady's heart.

It can only be said that there is still a matter of fate between people.

In addition, He Tiantian is more pure. She really regards Mrs. Qiu as her elder.

She really wanted to use Mrs. Qiu to gain a foothold in Sujia Village, but people made it clear.

She also said that she and Mrs. Qiu were just two lonely people who lived together.

Unlike those tribesmen who came to show courtesy to her family, they clearly cared about her money and the legacy left by her sons, but they still insisted on acting "filial"!


These days, direct grandchildren may not be filial to their grandparents, let alone those distant relatives who are separated by several houses? !

Mrs. Qiu has lived for more than seventy years and has experienced ups and downs several times. She has a bright eye and a clear heart, and she can naturally see people through.

"This child Banxia is very good. He will be a companion for the old lady and find a good family for her in the future. This will also seal the fate of our grandparents!"

"Oh, if I could have a bride-in-law and continue to live with the old lady... Oh, how can such a good thing happen!"

"Fortunately, this child is only eighteen this year and can still wait for two years to get married. By the way, the third child's comrade in the provincial capital seems to have several sons——"

Mrs. Qiu was thinking in a mess.

On the other side, the bolt moved back and forth several times and filled two large water tanks.

"Third Grandma, today's work is done!"

Shuanzi lifted up his clothes and wiped his sweat.

Mrs. Qiu is illiterate, but she can count.

When she saw that Shuanzi did not leave as usual, but stood there with a playful smile on her face, she secretly calculated in her mind.

have to!

Today is exactly one month.

The old lady didn't hesitate and turned around and went to the East Room.

She took out a small bundle wrapped in a handkerchief from the kang cabinet and opened it gently, revealing a pile of bills.

She has a subsidy from the county, which gives her about ten yuan and some cloth receipts every month.

The old lady lives by herself, and she rarely uses these things.

You can save some every month.

According to her agreement with Shuanzi, they settle accounts once a month.

Two kilograms of food stamps, or six taels of meat stamps, or an industrial stamp.

The old lady had never treated Shuanzi badly, and Shuanzi was particularly dedicated when he worked.

This time Shuanzi made no special request, so Mrs. Qiu got him two kilograms of food stamps.

"Third Grandma, I am going to the county today. Do you have anything to buy?"

After receiving the food stamps, Shuanzi said to Mrs. Qiu with a smile.

"Going to the county again?"

Mrs. Qiu opened her mouth, subconsciously wanting to scold her.

But looking at Shuanzi's careless look, and looking at his patched clothes, and thinking of his life experience, the old lady swallowed it back.

Alas, this is also a poor child.

I lost my parents when I was a child, living with my grandparents and uncle.

It's hard to live under someone else's roof.

Even a direct grandson or a direct nephew cannot resist the cruel reality.

Shuanzi was obedient when he was a child and worked hard.

However, at the age of twenty, his family still refused to marry him. His younger cousins ​​all hugged the fat boy, but he was still alone.

No matter how honest and honest a person is, they can't help it.

Shuanzi went from one extreme to the other and became a famous second-rater in the entire production brigade.

If I don't go to work every day, I just run to the county.

He was fooling around with a group of bad friends, and the Su family almost lost their face due to him.

In the past, people in the village felt sorry for him.

But when he really "degenerated", everyone felt that he deserved it - he was such a bastard, no wonder the family didn't care about him!


He didn't care at all about outsiders' gossip.

Because he understood a truth from his uncle and aunt: as long as people are shameless, they can live a good life!

Just like his biological uncle, when he was treated harshly, people in the village gossiped a lot.

But so what?

The uncle didn't feel any pain, he swallowed his parents' compensation, sold his house, and his life was still comfortable!

Shuanzi is now imitating his uncle. He doesn't care at all when outsiders call him a second-rate person or a bastard.

Anyway, he lived a comfortable life on his own, and he didn’t have to work like a cow or a horse for his uncle and the others——

In fact, Shuanzi felt an indescribable pleasure when he saw his uncle and aunt becoming so angry that he was so "bastard"!

Of course, having a bad reputation is not without its disadvantages.

For example, he is almost thirty years old, but he has not yet been able to find a wife.

There is really a lot of money in his small treasury. If he takes it out, it will definitely be enough for him to pay the bride price, build a house, and support his wife.

But outsiders don’t believe it.

Anyone who cares about their daughter would not want their good girl to marry a lazy second-rate guy.

And those families who do not care for their daughters and only want high betrothal gifts will not choose Shuanzi.

This kid doesn't even have a family. He's almost thirty and has to rely on his uncle to make a living.

He doesn't go to the fields or work on weekdays. If his uncle hadn't been willing to give him a mouthful of food, this kid would probably have starved to death.

With such a poor settlement, how can he afford a wife?


I have money, really!

I also have a way to make money, really!

However, he cannot say these words!

Once this happens, it could cause big trouble;

Secondly, he didn’t want to take advantage of his uncle’s family!

If you want to drive him out, a second-rate man who doesn't work and lives for free, there's no way!

At least the yard that the uncle swallowed must be returned to him.


Huh, let them spend it together.

Shuanzi feels that life is pretty good now. He goes home at meal time. He is a thirty-year-old young man, and his aunt does not dare to hit or scold him like they did when he was a child.

Plus, there are benefits to a bad reputation.

When ordinary people beat their elders, they must be afraid of being spurned and criticized by outsiders.

But a notorious second-rate guy, haha, everything he does is normal!



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