The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 814 Emergency Rescue Mission (11)

Remember [new] in one second! "Yes, I have a friend in the county who asked me to do something!"

Shuanzi calmed down and continued chatting with Mrs. Qiu.

He still looked arrogant, but when he looked at Mrs. Qiu, there was still some sincerity in his eyes.

In the eyes of the people in the village, the third grandma was withdrawn, had a bad mouth, and was a lonely old lady who was difficult to get along with.

But in Shuanzi's heart, the third grandma is a truly good person.

Fair deal?

Ha, what's fair?

It was just to help him carry some water and chop some firewood. The third grandma could give him food and tickets.

In the early years, if it hadn't been for the care of his third wife, both covertly and covertly, he might not have been able to "think about it" on his own.

Not even today.

Moreover, it was the note given by his third grandma that gave him the opportunity to go to the county town to see the world, and also gave him his own "career".

To Shuanzi, Mrs. Qiu was no ordinary relative, let alone a simple neighbor.

This old man is his benefactor.

Therefore, Shuanzi not only helped Mrs. Qiu work, he also secretly protected this poor and respectable old man.

"...Shuanzi, you are not young anymore, you should know what you are doing!"

Mrs. Qiu did not say any words of rebuke. Her eyes were complicated and her tone was filled with emotion.

"Don't blame my old lady for talking too much. You should be more careful and pay attention when you go to the county!"

Mrs. Qiu could guess what Shuanzi was doing in the county without asking carefully.

Alas, that is illegal.

Poor Shuanzi, this child has no parents, and no one who really cares about him.

He didn't have any worries in his heart, so he did things without any sense of propriety.

I just hope that in the future he will find a good girl and have a family, and he should be able to settle down and settle down.

"..." Shuanzi pursed his lips. He didn't speak, but nodded vigorously.

"I don't have anything to buy. I'll tell you when I'm short of something!"

Mrs. Qiu did not forget Shuanzi's question just now and answered smoothly.

"Okay! Then I'm leaving!"

Shuanzi glanced at the kitchen,

After thinking about it for a while, he finally said, "If you have anything to do, call me. If I'm not at home, you can call Goudan'er from Qian Street. He is my little brother, and I have taken care of him!"

"Okay, let's go, let's go! I'm an old lady, what can happen to me?"

Mrs. Qiu knew that Shuanzi was kind and she appreciated it.

But she was not good at expressing herself, so she muttered impatiently.

Shuanzi was also used to the old lady's sharp tongue, so he didn't take it seriously and turned around and walked out of the door.

On the other side, while He Tiantian was rolling out the noodles, the chicken soup in the big pot was also boiling.

She pulled a few green vegetables from the vegetable patch in the backyard, washed and chopped them, and then threw them into the pot.

Finally, she found a bottle of sesame oil and poured a few drops on it.

It already has the strong aroma of chicken soup, but with the addition of sesame oil, the taste becomes even more overbearing.

He Tiantian scooped out the noodles neatly.

Moving the small table to the yard, He Tiantian took the chopsticks and brought the bowl over.

Mrs. Qiu came closer and found that the two bowls of noodles were not the same.

His bowl was all made of white flour, while the portion He Tiantian ate was made of yellow "corn noodles".

"You little brat, you still cook two kinds of food?"

Mrs. Qiu was lying when she said she wasn't moved.

Although the things belong to you, there are always some people who won’t appreciate it if they take other people’s things.

"Old lady, you are old and have a weak stomach. It is better to eat some refined grains for easier digestion!"

"Me, I also like to eat some whole grains."

He Tiantian was like a considerate and filial granddaughter, and what she said made Mrs. Qiu's heart melt.

"Nonsense! Who wants to eat whole grains?"

There is no concept of health maintenance these days. The key is that whole grains are different from the whole grains of later generations.

Everyone still prefers to eat refined grains.

It's just that there is a lack of supplies and the family is poor, so they can only eat whole grains.

If you can mix in some refined grains, you already belong to a well-off family.

"By the way, old lady, I have settled in our village. Will I also have to work in the future?"

While He Tiantian was eating, he did not forget to ask the old lady about business.

Mrs. Qiu felt comfortable all over while eating fragrant white noodles in chicken soup.

After hearing He Tiantian's words, she subconsciously looked at He Tiantian.

Tsk, with tiny arms, tiny legs, and shiny white skin, they don’t look like work materials!

Mrs. Qiu already regards He Tiantian as her junior, so she naturally has to consider her.

She curled her lips in disgust, "Go to work? Just you?"

"Hmph, tell me, do you know how to farm or raise livestock?"

Moreover, in the production brigade, tasks such as feeding pigs and raising cattle are easy.

The work points are a little less, but it’s really not tiring.

This kind of work is basically done by a few heads of family, either taking care of the families of military martyrs, or settling villagers who were injured in the line of duty.

Ordinary normal villagers don't have such a good job at all.

"...I, I can collect herbs and hunt with stones!"

He Tiantian smiled and emphasized her skills in a small voice.

"Then do you know how to see a doctor? Although our production brigade has a health clinic, there is no barefoot doctor in our village. If you can see a doctor, I can ask the village chief to help you make arrangements!"

Even if no work points were given, as long as he had medical skills, the villagers would come to see a doctor and give him an egg and some grain, which would be enough for He Tiantian to chew alone.

He Tiantian felt a little guilty and said, "No! I, I only know a few herbal medicines and some common medical knowledge!"

Mrs. Qiu didn't say anything, but her expression was very clear: That's it!

"Forget it, you have just arrived and are not familiar with the place. You should get familiar with it for a few days first, and then think about starting work!"

Mrs. Qiu was also worried about what she should do for such a delicate little girl.

Marrying is a way out, and letting your husband's family support you directly.

But if you go to your in-laws’ house, don’t you need to work in the fields to earn work points?


Some men work in the county or serve as soldiers outside, but their wives also have to stay in their hometowns to do farm work!

In addition to working in the fields, he also has to serve his parents-in-law and the whole family.

It’s no easier than supporting oneself alone.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, the normal in-laws would be disgusted by the fact that Pinellia ternata cannot be carried on the shoulders or lifted by the hands.

Unless the man has lost his mind and insists on marrying her, life or death.

Otherwise, "Panxia" will most likely not be able to get married!

"Well, old lady, I listen to you!"

He Tiantian actually wanted to take a walk around the nearby Sancun.

She also needs to inquire about information to determine if there are plot characters nearby.

He Tiantian has accepted the plot——

This is a relatively classic stepmother story.

The male protagonist Huo Yuanzheng had a failed marriage and left behind three children.

He was busy at work and needed someone to take care of the family, so he wanted to marry another one.

My grandfather had a family friend who had two granddaughters of the same age.

The eldest granddaughter Qiu Guyu is older, stable, and has a good temper. Both the woman and the man intend for her to marry Huo Yuanzheng.

Huo Yuanzheng met Qiu Guyu and felt that this girl was indeed very nice. He fell in love with her at first sight.

The two soon married.

Qiu Guyu is kind and kind, and treats his three stepsons and stepdaughters with all his heart.

She exchanged sincerity for sincerity, and she successfully won the respect and love of her three children.

In their daily interactions, she and the cold-faced straight man Huo Yuanzheng also collided with the spark of love.

Marry first, fall in love later, raise children on the island, and live a very comfortable life.

After writing the most crucial part, the novel is unfinished.

The family went to the island and just started life, and the author directly forced the ending.

Most readers are confused: Damn! Is this the end?

This is no longer not about having more to say, but it is over as soon as it begins, as if it is stuck in your throat!

Readers protested loudly, but there were too many unfinished books and eunuch books in Dian Niang's library, and this one simply couldn't be ranked.

So, the evil forces came to continue writing secretly.

He Tiantian:......

This time it’s not a mixed world of original works + fan fiction.

It is just a novel world that is continued by wild writers.

However, this does not mean that He Tiantian's task is simple and easy.

First, she had to make sure that the Sujia Village she was in was the small village that appeared in the plot.

And Qiujiaping, isn’t it the heroine’s hometown?

After determining the location, He Tiantian could slowly identify the wild writer.

"Old lady, do you have any other instructions? If not, I'll go outside for a walk!"

After He Tiantian cleared away the dishes, he discussed with the old lady like this.

"What are you not telling me? You make me feel like a landlady!"

Mrs. Qiu glanced at He Tiantian and said angrily.

"You are not a landowner, you are the ancestor of our family! Of course the ancestor has to tell the younger generation to work!"

He Tiantian said with a smile.

"Bah! You know how to talk! When you go out, be careful, don't get close to everyone, and don't say anything to others!"

Mrs. Qiu teaches the little stinky girl every day.

He Tiantian obediently agreed, "Hey! I listen to you, old lady!"

Mrs. Qiu rolled her eyes, ignored He Tiantian, lowered her head, and continued to put on the shoe soles.

He Tiantian did not forget to say again sweetly, "Old lady, I'm leaving!"

Mrs. Qiu snorted from her nose, but still said nothing.

That look seemed to say: If you want to leave, leave quickly! Stop talking nonsense!

He Tiantian didn't care and left the house with a smile.

As soon as he went out and didn't go far, He Tiantian met his neighbor on the east side.

A middle-aged and elderly woman in her fifties and sixties.

He is not tall, has a thin body, dark skin, and wrinkles all over his face.

Maybe she was too thin, or maybe her bones were like this. Her cheekbones were very high and her cheeks were sunken.

The whole person looked very unpleasant.

Seeing He Tiantian walking over in a pair of coarse cloth clothes that didn't fit well, the woman rolled her eyes, squeezed out a smile, and walked up to him——

"Hey, you are the girl who lives in the third aunt's house, right?"

"I heard it's called Banxia. Are you eighteen this year?"

After saying this, the woman seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly: "Oh, by the way, my name is Ma Xifeng, and my natal family is from Hejia'ao next door."

"My husband's name is Su Guoyong, and Shuanzi is our nephew. We have been neighbors with Third Aunt for decades..."

When He Tiantian heard this, she knew she should say hello. She smiled shyly, "Hello, aunt, I am Banxia, ​​and I am eighteen years old this year!"

Her voice is clear and has the unique sweetness of a girl.

"Oh, this girl is good-looking and has a sweet mouth. She looks like she was raised by a good family!"

Ma Xifeng's triangular eyes looked up and down at He Tiantian.

The look that seemed to be looking at the goods was really unpleasant.

He Tiantian smiled sheepishly and said nothing. She couldn't answer this!

You can't brag.

It's okay in modern times, but in this era, it's better to keep a low profile as much as possible.

Furthermore, He Tiantian also wanted to get some news from Ma Xifeng.

"Daughter, you came here to look for a relative, do you have a clue in your heart?"

"Didn't your master tell you the specific location and time when he picked you up?"

"Oh, to tell you the truth, my natal brother also lost a child more than ten years ago. If he had grown up well, he should be almost like you!"

"Oh, let me take a closer look. Why do I feel that your facial features look a bit like my sister-in-law's?"

Ma Xifeng said matter-of-factly.

The exaggerated acting skills leave people speechless just watching.

He Tiantian resisted the twitching of the corner of her mouth and said with a hint of disappointment: "My master said he picked me up in the back mountain. He forgot the specific time. It was probably spring and summer."

"Because my master saw a patch of Pinellia ternata nearby, and this herb is most luxuriant in spring and summer."

Ma Xifeng doesn't know anything about pinellia and herbal medicine.

She just wanted to try to fish in troubled waters.

More than ten years ago, her sister-in-law did give birth to a daughter.

But as soon as the child hit the ground, her mother threw her into a urine bucket. She even ran to the village entrance and secretly buried the child in it.

This is a vicious secret method for "seeking a child" in their rural areas.

Bury the baby girl on the road and let thousands of people trample on her, so that no more baby girl will dare to reincarnate in their home!

They are so strange, and they dislike the newborn baby girl in every possible way.

When girls grow up and are ready for marriage, they shamelessly and unconscionably compete for them.

Ma Xifeng felt that if she brought a "niece" back to her parents' family, she would also be a hero to the family!

"My child, you have never seen my sister-in-law. She has the same eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes as you..."

"My parents love their children, and my brother is well-known as a kind-hearted person in Hejia'ao!"

"Although our Ma family does not have a common surname in Hejia'ao, there are still more than a dozen families. If something happens to one family, everyone will come to help!"

"In your generation, there are seventeen or eight young men! My daughter, just think about it. If you get married and are bullied by your husband's family, there will be more than a dozen strong young men coming to your mother's family..."

Ma Xifeng kept talking about the benefits of having her mother's family.

He Tiantian listened patiently, and occasionally interrupted to ask: "Auntie, what do you mean, most of the people in Hejia'ao have the last name?"

"Ah? Yes! But there are also people with other surnames. Just like our Ma family, when we were fleeing, several brothers fled here together and settled down——"

He Tiantian continued: "Auntie, I heard from Grandma Qiu that Hejia'ao is also a member of our advancing brigade? Is the brigade captain from Hejia'ao?"

"Ah? Yes! The captain is indeed from our village. His name is He Hongjun. Speaking of which, our Ma family is related to Captain He by marriage. My sister-in-law's niece is married to the captain's son."

He Tiantian:......

What is this called an in-law?

This Ma Xifeng is really good at building relationships.

However, this person is the best, but he has a nagging temperament. He Tiantian is ready to identify this person and find out the news...



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