The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 815 Emergency Rescue Mission (12)

Latest website: He Tiantian knows how to use clichés very well.

She stood outside the gate of Su Guochang and chatted with Su Guochang's daughter-in-law Ma Xifeng for a long time, and then she learned something about the situation in Hejia'ao.

Well, there is also Qiujiaping.

He Tiantian was 70% sure: she was lucky this time, or in other words, the system did not torture her to death, and did not deliberately place her in a place that had nothing to do with the plot location.

This Qiujiaping is the Qiujiaping in the world, the hometown of the heroine Qiu Guyu!

"...Thank you, auntie, I'm new here. Fortunately, I have an enthusiastic person like you to help me with some advice!"

He Tiantian knew the information she wanted and was too lazy to chat with Ma Xifeng.

It’s not that she is trying to burn bridges by crossing the river, it’s that Ma Xifeng’s purpose is too clear——

Three and a half of the five sentences she said were related to her natal family, and the other one was "warning" He Tiantian about how a girl would be bullied if she didn't have a natal family.

The remaining half of the sentence was not all the information He Tiantian needed. She still needed to find ways to refine it.

Ma Xifeng still refused to give up and insisted on helping her mother-in-law get a cheap niece back!

He Tiantian: ...Thank you! Thank you very much!

"It's getting late, you should go to work. I won't disturb you anymore!"

Seeing that Ma Xifeng still looked unsatisfied, He Tiantian hurriedly said goodbye politely.

"You kid, you are like an educated youth from the city, you are so polite!"

Ma Xifeng felt a little embarrassed when he said "you" every time.

However, He Tiantian was right to remind him that it was indeed getting late.

Although she has a daughter-in-law, she has basically stopped doing the work at home.

However, she still has to work in the production team.

The captain would not look at her differently just because she became a mother-in-law.

She must do all the work she should do!


You're right, I'm just a warm-hearted person, and my family members are all rare honest people..."

Yes, this person is really persistent. He has already turned around to go back to his yard, but he still didn't forget to chat with He Tiantian for a few more words.

He Tiantian gave the other party a polite smile, said nothing more, and continued walking out of the village.

Sujiacun, Hejia'ao and Qiujiaping are all nearby small mountain villages.

The three villages are surrounded by a large piece of farmland in the middle.

Therefore, the county merged the three villages into one production brigade, just to facilitate unified management when working in the fields.

After leaving Sujia Village and walking a few hundred meters further, you can see farmland and villagers coming from the other two villages.

He Tiantian didn't have to deliberately look for people to chat with. She only needed to look at her strange and delicate face to attract those nosy ladies and aunts to take the initiative to chat.

"Ah, this girl looks unfamiliar? She's not from our advanced production brigade, is she? She's from the city visiting relatives? Or is she an educated youth who just came down?"

"What kind of educated youth comes from the city? He comes from the mountains to find relatives! But this kid is so good-looking, and his white skin is even more delicate than those educated youths!"

"...Looking for a relative. Oh, I wouldn't be able to remember if I didn't mention it. Seventeen or eight years ago, my sister also gave birth to a daughter——"

"Bah, your sister married in Hejia'ao, far away from the back mountain!"

"Why is it so far away? People from Hejia'ao usually go to the back mountains to collect firewood and dig wild vegetables!" Why can't we just throw away a child!

"I think this girl looks a bit like Guyu from our village -"


Qiu Guyu?

He Tiantian's heart trembled slightly when she heard the name.

"Auntie, are you from Qiujiaping?"

He Tiantian had a goal, so she focused on chatting with this middle-aged woman who looked to be in her fifties and had a strong body.

"Yes! But my natal family is from our Sujia Village. My family has never lost a child, alas——"

As she spoke, the sturdy peasant woman sighed with regret.

Although the girl in front of her looks delicate and weak, she doesn't look like a working material.

But, people are raised well.

I didn't see the young men who came to work. They either walked by on purpose or hid aside to look at them secretly.

Tsk, those pairs of eyes are almost glued to the little girl’s face.

Besides, what’s wrong if you don’t know how to work?

There are no arms or legs, and people are neither stupid nor dull, so why can’t they learn?

When those educated youths first came here, they all had their eyes set high above their heads.

You've been here for two years and you've been hungry for two years. Aren't you all honest? !

Everyone went to work in the fields with everyone!

"The daughter-in-law who is beaten will be rubbed into the dough." As soon as she enters the door of her husband's house, it is not the husband's family who has the final say on how to train her.

If a girl can work, it is easy to get married.

But good-looking young men are really rare.

And parents at home can rarely defeat their precious son!

As a woman, I have a beautiful little girl at home, and when I want a bride price, I dare to ask for a lot of money.

It's a pity that she was not pregnant seventeen or eight years ago, otherwise——

The corners of He Tiantian's mouth twitched. She was deliberately trying to make others fish in troubled waters and trigger a fight.

In this way, she can solve the identity problem without being entangled by a top family to suck blood.

However, He Tiantian still underestimated the desire of these top people to take advantage.

She has settled in Mrs. Qiu's house, but they still don't give up.

He Tiantian couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

However, this is not all bad, at least it can make her "life experience" more believable.

He Tiantian and the peasant woman negotiated for a long time, and heard a piece of news from the other party——

Tomorrow a matchmaker will come to Qiu Guyu's house to propose marriage.

Oh haha!

Is this a blind date between the male protagonist and the female protagonist?

He Tiantian is not curious. Her principle is not to get involved with the male and female protagonists.

However, He Tiantian still wanted to take a look.

There is no other reason. He Tiantian feels that if the wild writer wants to counterattack the male (female) protagonist, he must destroy the destined marriage between the male and female protagonist.

Since this book is a stepmother novel about the heroine, the heroine is the most important.

If the wild writer dresses as a female character, she will seize the opportunity of the heroine, counterattack the heroine, and eventually become the new daughter of the world in this small world.

If he is unfortunate enough to be dressed as a man, he will rush to have contact with the heroine.

Only by becoming a partner with the female protagonist can the male partner become the male protagonist.

Therefore, He Tiantian is certain that no matter whether the wild writer is a man or a woman this time, he or she will not let Qiu Guyu go on a blind date.

Of course, if the wild writer this time has a higher rank and stronger ability, she can also take other methods -

Even if you don't show up or directly get involved, you can still ruin the marriage of the hero and heroine.

Such as doing various small actions.

For more high-end ones, you can also use system props to directly "create dreams".

He Tiantian chatted with some aunties on the field ridge for a while.

She satisfied the curiosity of the people in the village, and she successfully heard the information she wanted from these aunts and wives.

The captain of the production brigade began to shout at the top of his voice, while the villagers lazily got to the ground.

He Tiantian knew that the day's work had begun.

She just arrived, so she doesn't have to work so quickly.

But you can’t wander around on the field ridge, it’s too eye-catching!

He Tiantian first went to the team leader, met with him, introduced herself, and said:

"When I first arrived, Grandma Qiu said I didn't understand anything and asked me to rest for two days."

"When the household registration is officially completed, I will come to work. When the time comes, I will ask the team leader to arrange work for me!"

He Tiantian is still sweet and sweet.

When Captain Qiu Changshun saw her, he seemed to be seeing his eldest granddaughter who was sixteen or seventeen years old.

Qiu Changshun instinctively had a headache when he saw such a delicate and tender little girl.

How can he work if he is so squeamish? !

The educated youth in the production brigade was enough to give him a headache. Unexpectedly, Sujiacun would get such a person for him.

However, Qiu Changshun had long heard the old lady at home talk about the life experience of "Panxia".

"This child, maybe, is from our Qiujiaping!"

"Oh, I don't know who's family is so evil. A good child is thrown into the back of the mountain after he is born..."

"Pinellia" will settle in Sujia Village, mainly because she happened to come to Sujia Village when she came out of the mountain.

In addition, Qiu Changshun also heard the old woman say: "Fortunately, this child has settled in our aunt's house, and no one from the Su family has taken advantage of him!"

Qiujiaping, Hejia'ao and Sujiacun will be integrated into one production brigade, not just geographical location.

It is also because the three villages have been married to each other over the years.

Mrs. Qiu's natal family is from Qiujiaping.

According to seniority, Qiu Changshun is the nephew of Mrs. Qiu.

Although she has already released the fifth server, Qiu Changshun still calls Mrs. Qiu "aunt".

Ahem, after Mrs. Qiu's granddaughter died in infancy, the Qiujiaping clan members also came to "discuss" with Mrs. Qiu.

She wants to adopt her natal nephew to her.

Mrs. Qiu couldn't bear the disturbance and simply fell out with her parents.

Originally, she had no direct relatives in Qiujiaping. Those so-called relatives were the closest cousins ​​in the next room.

In order to keep her peaceful life, Mrs. Qiu directly came to "disown her relatives", and her mother-in-law's family ignored her.

What happened back then was very tense.

That is to say, after more than ten years, slowly passed by, the comrades of Mrs. Qiu's son worked hard again, and the "relatives" of Qiujiaping and Sujiacun did not continue the cold war with Mrs. Qiu!

However, due to the estrangement in the early years, Qiu Changshun, the captain, seemed to have lost a bit of confidence when facing Mrs. Qiu.

Qiu Changshun has very complicated feelings for Mrs. Qiu, including admiration, complaint, and guilt.

However, in the final analysis, everyone's surname is Qiu, passed down from the same ancestor.

Whether as a junior or as a captain, Qiu Changshun hopes that his aunt and mother, a well-known hero in the county, can enjoy her old age in peace.

Shuanzi, oh, that's Su Chuanxin.

He worked for Mrs. Qiu every day. In order to express his support and encouragement, Qiu Changshun specially recorded one or two work points for Su Chuanxin every day.

This little work point is not worth anything.

But having work points shows that Su Chuanxin does not do nothing.

When the food is divided after autumn, at least he can have a share.

However, Su Chuanxin only did the heavy work of fetching water and chopping firewood for the old lady, and could not stay close to serve her.

Now there is an extra "Pinellia", and this child is most likely from their Qiujiaping family.

By following Mrs. Qiu, she can not only take care of the old lady, but also not let the people of the Su family take advantage of Mrs. Qiu!

Best of both worlds!

With Qiu Changshun thinking like this, he became a little closer to the girl "Panxia"

Now I saw the real person. The little girl was indeed as delicate as the legend.

However, the child was quite sensible, and Qiu Changshun regarded her as his junior.

"Okay! You get familiar with the area first, and I will also think about what kind of job to arrange for you!"

Qiu Changshun readily agreed.

He Tiantian quickly thanked her.

As a second-generation liar, what He Tiantian is best at is definitely a clever mouth.

After saying these words of compliment and intimacy, Qiu Changshun became more and more pleased with He Tiantian.

Hearing that He Tiantian knew about herbal medicine, he smiled and said, "It seems that your master is a powerful doctor, but it's a pity that you didn't learn the real skill."

"However, you can learn it even when you go down the mountain. You don't have to learn too much. You just need to be able to see a headache, bandage a wound, and give an injection!"

"At that time, if you can't be a health worker, you can still treat people in the village!"

That's what Qiu Changshun said.

Being a hygienist is a good job. If his granddaughter hadn't been unable to learn it, she wouldn't have been able to make it easier for a barefoot doctor from Hejia'ao.

However, this does not prevent Qiu Changshun from taking this as a favor and making a big deal out of it.

He Tiantian looked "serious", her big almond-shaped eyes full of gratitude.

"Thank you, Captain, I will study hard!"

He Tiantian looked so serious that she could barely raise her hand to swear.

"Well, study hard! Take good care of the old lady!"

After Qiu Changshun finished explaining, he turned and returned to the field.

It's already May, and in just over a month, the wheat in the fields will be ready for harvest.

The work in the fields is not heavy, but weeding and insect removal still require the team members to do it.

"Hey! Uncle Captain, I know!"

He Tiantian looked at Qiu Changshun's back and agreed firmly.

Qiu Changshun didn't look back or say anything, he just raised his hand to show that he understood.

"This can be regarded as a successful visit to the pier!"

He Tiantian muttered secretly, turned around and went to the mountain.

Since she promised the old lady, she has enough meat.

Then she will keep her word.

Furthermore, He Tiantian also wanted to continue practicing throwing stones.

She knew the techniques of archery and projection, and had some vague memories of them.

It's just that my hands are very raw.

I practiced all day in the mountains yesterday and could barely hit the target.

not enough!

He Tiantian wants to hit every target with every shot.

He Tiantian also wanted to see if there were any precious medicinal materials in the mountains.

She has successfully solved her identity problem, and now she has to solve her livelihood problem.

He Tiantian can directly go to the fields to earn work points.

However, we must admit that farming is too hard and tiring.

He Tiantian is not afraid of hardship, but if there is a shortcut, He Tiantian doesn't mind taking it.

Dig herbs to make money, or hunt some game...

Mrs. Qiu accepted her, but she couldn't be an old man.

There is indeed a fate between people.

However, we must also pay attention to propriety.

What comes and goes is "coming and going".

Just blindly asking for things from the other party, even if she is eloquent, she cannot always coax the old lady to pay for things.

The old lady loves her, and she sincerely reciprocates, so that the grandparents and grandchildren can live together for a long time!

He Tiantian entered the mountain and picked up small stones as she walked.

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