The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 816 Emergency Rescue Mission (13)

Latest website: Whoosh!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Small stones flew across the forest.

Some of them sank directly into the grass, and some hit tree trunks and branches, but they just missed the target.

He Tiantian was not discouraged and continued practicing.

In a certain world, when she was an archery athlete, even if she had the skills of a sharp archer, she still had to train day after day, year after year.

Now, everything has returned to its original state, and He Tiantian can only practice harder.

She walked, throwing pebbles along the way.

In addition to practicing the accuracy and strength of her hands, she also consciously trained her six senses.

There is no internal strength, and there is no cultivation method.

Even in martial arts, He Tiantian only remembers the moves. If she wants to master them again, she needs to practice them from scratch.

However, her soul is powerful.

And know how to train the six senses (mental power in a certain sense).

He Tiantian slowly followed the method to train her ears, eyesight, smell, intuition, etc.

At noon in the morning, He Tiantian climbed over the hill and came to the deeper mountain.

She found a big rock and gnawed on a piece of corn tortilla left over from last night.

Well, when she went out today, she was ready for a busy day outside.

Not only did he bring food and a kettle for himself, but he also made lunch for the old lady while he was rolling out noodles in the morning.

Old Mrs. Qiu was worried in her heart, but she still had a bad tone, "Be careful in the mountains and don't run around. If you encounter a wolf, my old lady won't be able to save you!"

"I know you care about me! Don't worry, old lady, I grew up in the mountains and I'm not afraid of these wolves and tigers!"

He Tiantian thanked her sweetly, which made Mrs. Qiu feel uncomfortable again.

The smile lines on He Tiantian's lips became deeper and deeper: she is such a cute little old lady.

Mrs. Qiu caught He Tiantian "snickering", her face became more and more embarrassed, and she couldn't help but laugh and curse in her heart: "You weird little stinky girl!"

He Tiantian was chewing corn pancakes while recalling her interactions with Mrs. Qiu.

Here’s a quick comment: The cornmeal these days is really rough. Even if it’s mixed with white flour, it’s a bit throaty!

He Tiantian could only chew in small bites, moisten the cold, rough cake with saliva, and then swallow it.

Fortunately, the old lady still has a military kettle left by her son at home. It has an aluminum body and an outer layer of military green paint.

The lid is made of black plastic and is connected to the body with a rope.

The kettle strap is also a military green canvas webbing. The strap can be adjusted, long or short, and can be worn on the back or on the shoulder.

He Tiantian wears it on his back, so he doesn't need to take it off. He just picks up the kettle, unscrews the lid and drinks the cold boiled water he poured in the morning.

After drinking several sips of water, He Tiantian's stomach instantly felt full.

After screwing on the lid and wiping his mouth, He Tiantian stood up and continued exploring the mountains.

In the afternoon, luck, oh no, to be precise, the training paid off.

He Tiantian successfully shot a hare.

The rabbit was quite fat and stuffed into the backpack, occupying two-thirds of the volume.

He Tiantian found another bunch of mushrooms with ordinary colors and shapes.

He Tiantian knew that these were non-poisonous oyster mushrooms.

She picked a lot and spread it all on the rabbit.

The backpack was full, but He Tiantian was not in a hurry to go back.

She looked up at the sun, which was still shining brightly. Looking at the shade of the trees, she concluded that the time was around three o'clock.

He Tiantian estimated the return trip time and felt that she could still walk further.

Carry the bamboo basket on your back, hold the stones in one hand and the bamboo pole in the other.

Bamboo poles sweep through the grass to drive away snakes, insects, etc. that may appear.

The stones are used to continue practicing and shoot "suspicious" targets at any time.

It's a pity that we didn't encounter any wild animals again.

Just when He Tiantian felt that today's "good luck" was exhausted and she wanted to go back, the corner of her eye swept across a patch of grass——

Huh? This is? !

"Ginseng? Did you dig this from the mountains?"

"It's just a bit small. It shouldn't be too old."

Mrs. Qiu is indeed an old lady who has seen the world.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw He Tiantian taking out a "little radish" wrapped in fresh bark from the basket like a baby.

"Hmm, I guess thirty or forty years, less than fifty years!"

He Tiantian has lost her medical skills, but she still has the common sense to identify herbal medicines.

There are also some simple methods of preparing herbal medicine.

She planned to process the wild ginseng and then sell it to the county.

"You little brat, you're lucky!"

Mrs. Qiu looked at the ginseng, then at the plump hare, and couldn't help but admire it.

"Hey, old lady, you are lucky. I walked out of the mountains the day before yesterday and walked so far, but I only caught a small hare."

"I slept at your place last night, and thanks to your blessing, I have gained so much today!"

He Tiantian's sweet words have definitely reached a certain level.

The coaxing of people has reached the point of becoming crazy.

Mrs. Qiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She never knew that she could be related to "Blessing".

In fact, over the years, she has been secretly criticized by those around her.

She is said to be a swindler and kills a good man.

He also said that she was a bastard. Otherwise, why would all three sons be gone? !

Even the only granddaughter died in infancy!

To overcome the six relatives.

A perfect evil star.

Sometimes, even Mrs. Qiu herself couldn't help but doubt——

Is my old lady’s life really hard?

Why are all my relatives gone? !

When the "relatives" of her mother's family and her husband's family were clamoring to adopt her, some people made slanderous remarks——

"You should be careful. This old lady's life is too tough. If the child is adopted to her, she won't live for a few years!"

If it weren't for the policy over the years that didn't allow it, those people wouldn't have dared to openly spread feudal superstition.

Mrs. Qiu will definitely be stigmatized.

Even so, there was not much discussion among the people in secret.

Today, it was definitely the first time that Mrs. Qiu heard someone praise her for being lucky.

If you hadn't already known about "Panalia", you would have known that this child is sweet-tongued, can coax people, and has no bad intentions.

Mrs. Qiu couldn't help but wonder, was this child deliberately speaking sarcastically? !

Thinking of this, Mrs. Qiu's expression became a little unpleasant.

Inexplicably, the air pressure around him became abnormal.

He Tiantian didn't seem to feel it, and continued to say with a smile, "I'm not trying to coax you with nice words!"

"Old lady, you don't know that when we were on the mountain in the afternoon, I wanted to go back."

"I suddenly thought of you. You were kind to me and let me use cooking to pay for food. But I can't just lick my face and eat for free!"

"You also said that Shuanzi next door has connections in the county. I was thinking that if I could find wild ginseng, I could ask Brother Shuanzi to help exchange it for grain and meat -"

"Guess what? I turned around and saw a few leaves with a small red flower on top. I dug it up and took a look. What could it be if it wasn't ginseng?"

What He Tiantian said was true.

She wasn't entirely lying, she was just exaggerating.

And all the credit goes to Mrs. Qiu.

Mrs. Qiu: ...

Angry and funny, this little brat is treating her like a child.

However, deep down in her heart, the old lady was still a little moved.

She has a bad life and an even worse temperament. She is the kind of lonely old lady who is the most disliked in the countryside.

All the children in the village walked around her.

It is estimated that in the hearts of these children, she, Mrs. Qiu, is no different from Grandma Wolf or the old monster.

Even when the children grow up, they will not get too close to Mrs. Qiu.

Young people are thin-skinned and simply can't stand Mrs. Qiu's venomous tongue.

And those who are older are concerned about "suppressing relatives and broom stars"...

Mrs. Qiu's loneliness definitely has both objective and subjective reasons.

Only this little bratty girl in front of her didn't dislike herself and was willing to make up lies to coax her.

Even though she knew that this little girl was cunning and a villain, and perhaps had the intention of taking advantage of her, Mrs. Qiu still couldn't help but want to "fall into the trap".

"Bah! I know it's nonsense."

"Do you really think I'm a child? You say a few nice words and I believe you?"

Mrs. Qiu scolded angrily with a straight face.

He Tiantian heard her "insincere words".

"Who said you are a child? I already told you, you are the ancestor of our family!"

"By the way, ancestors, come and see, how should we eat this hare? Stewed with mushrooms, or stir-fried?"

He Tiantian deliberately played tricks, and Mrs. Qiu's serious mask almost cracked.

"What am I looking at? I already told you that cooking is yours! What, you little brat, are you trying to be lazy?"

Mrs. Qiu tried hard to keep her evil appearance.

He Tiantian didn't care at all, she quickly shook her head and said obediently: "No! I don't want to be lazy. I just want to ask you if there is anything you should avoid!"

"Humph, it's good for farmers to have enough to eat. I remember back then, when I was in trouble, I even chewed the bark of a tree!"

"You still have taboos? That's why you kids, who have never experienced hardship, are so pretentious! Let me see, you are only slightly hungry!"

Mrs. Qiu is indeed an older person, and when she opens her mouth, she says, "Think about those days."

He Tiantian was not impatient at all, but asked curiously, "Old lady, have you ever eaten tree bark? Can you eat it? How to eat it!"

Mrs. Qiu choked.

Did this little stinky girl do this on purpose? !

The grandfather and grandson were talking and laughing, one was scolding, the other was coaxing, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

In the huge yard, there was finally laughter and joy.

Fortunately, the old lady is far away from the neighbors and will not be climbed on the wall.

There is no need to worry about peeping from neighbors because of the laughter, and there is no need to worry about killing a hare or stewing meat at home, which will attract the attention of neighbors.

After preparing the ginseng, He Tiantian came to deal with the rabbit again.

Mrs. Qiu was holding the soles of her shoes. She was working on the surface, but she was actually watching He Tiantian busy.

There was a tinkling sound in the kitchen, and smoke curled up from the chimney.

Mrs. Qiu's heart also became excited.

When He Tiantian was busy, she did not forget to chat with Mrs. Qiu:

"By the way, old lady, I went to see the captain today, and he told me to learn how to recognize herbal medicines. If I can learn how to see a doctor, he can even arrange a job for me as a hygienist!"

Upon hearing the captain, Mrs. Qiu's smile faded slightly.

Then, she sighed secretly and said slowly, "I guess Changshun is a person. Although he is a little selfish, he is generally not a bad person!"

It was just that things were so tense back then that she didn't return to Qiujiaping for many years.

There are also some criticisms of Qiu Changshun, the captain.

Because Mrs. Qiu could never forget that when Qiu Changshun was the team leader, he "reminded" her overtly and covertly that if she wanted to adopt or adopt a child, she should choose among her "own family"!


Bullshit family members!

These people were said to be her relatives, but in fact both of them were eyeing the pension that her son had paid for with his life.

He clamored that he wanted to be her grandson, but secretly he despised her for being stubborn and forbidding relatives!

At that time, Mrs. Qiu had just lost her only granddaughter, and she had to face persecution from her husband's family and her natal family.

She immediately broke down and started making a fuss on the spot.

The scene was chaotic, and everyone was scolded bloody by Mrs. Qiu.

Even Qiu Changshun was not spared.

He is the captain, the leader of three villages.

But Mrs. Qiu spat on her face, and she lost all dignity and dignity!

If it weren't for Mrs. Gu Nian's martyrdom, her son's comrades would send her things every year, and people would come to visit her during the holidays, Mrs. Qiu might have been ostracized by the entire production brigade.

Things have gotten better over the years, and Qiu Changshun also "rewarded" Shuanzi for taking care of Mrs. Qiu.

However, there was always a thorn in Mrs. Qiu's heart.

She and those people are destined to be unable to reconcile in this life.

"Just listen to what he said!"

Being a hygienist is not that easy.

People from the three villages were watching.

Although a foreigner in "Pinellia" may be a local, he will still be treated differently by everyone.

"However, if you learn to see a doctor, it is indeed a way out!"

Mrs. Qiu woke up from her memories and looked at He Tiantian who was busy in front of the stove.

After pondering for a moment, he said slowly, "Let's do this. You can go somewhere with me later!"

He Tiantian's heart skipped a beat.

Go somewhere?

Could it be that the old lady wanted to help her learn skills from a teacher?

But Sujia Village is a remote mountain village, and there is only one barefoot doctor in three villages.


There is also a place where there is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

He Tiantian probably had a guess, but she didn't reveal it.

She still looks innocent and innocent.

Neatly stewed rabbit meat, sprinkled with a handful of vermicelli, and mushrooms, peppers and other side dishes.

Lift the lid of the pot, and with the steaming white heat, there is also a fragrance that hits your head.

"Let's not eat it yet. You serve a bowl, then take two corn tortillas and put them in the basket together!"

Mrs. Qiu stood with her hands folded and directed them one by one.

Then, taking advantage of the darkness, the grandfather and grandson went out, walked around the village, and came to the brigade headquarters on the other side.

There are warehouses for the production brigade, livestock sheds, and educated youth centers.

Mrs. Qiu led He Tiantian straight to the barn.

"Don't send me anything! I don't need it!"

"I don't understand what you're saying. I don't know anything. Just leave!"

As soon as he entered the barn, he heard a hoarse but determined voice.

After a while, a young and slender figure carried something and left the barn in a evasive manner.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows: Oh, "a fellow-minded person"?

However, this person has been rejected, can I succeed in becoming a disciple?

"What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and leave!"

However, Mrs. Qiu didn't seem to see the figure flashing past on the side road. After urging He Tiantian, she walked into the cowshed with her little feet...

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