The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 817 Emergency Rescue Mission (14)

Remember [new] in one second! Mrs. Qiu entered the bullpen.

He Tiantian lowered her head and followed closely like a well-behaved little granddaughter.

Although she didn't raise her head to look at anyone, she still roughly looked around her from the corner of her lowered eyes.

There were three people living in the simple cowshed.

They are all old men in their fifties and sixties.

Their hair is gray, their skin is dark, and their bodies are thin.

One of them, wearing black-rimmed glasses with one leg lame, sat cross-legged on a pile of hay.

"Huh? Is it you?"

When the man saw Mrs. Qiu, although he was surprised, he was not too surprised and said hello casually.

"Not me or who?"

Mrs. Qiu said angrily.

That person seemed to be used to Mrs. Qiu's choking way of speaking.

After Mrs. Qiu said what she just said, she did not continue to say more, but directly took out the hare stewed with mushrooms and corn pancakes from the basket held by He Tiantian.

"Haha, it's indeed stewed meat. I asked about the smell just now!"

The speaker was another old man with an obvious scar on his forehead.

He looks ferocious, but he is optimistic and funny.

"There are also mushrooms and vermicelli. My favorite is the vermicelli soaked in broth. Tsk, it tastes better than meat!"

The scarred old man continued to speak, and when he spoke, he obviously swallowed his saliva.

“Eat it if you like it!”

The old man with glasses at the beginning was not as blunt as he had been when he rejected the person just now.

He stood up and found three pairs of chopsticks, handed them to the other two companions, then took a bite of meat and a bite of pancake, and started to feast on them.

The old man with the scar was not polite, he took the chopsticks and started to eat hard.

As he said, he really likes eating vermicelli.

Suck, sip, sip, the old man ate especially sweetly.

The remaining old man hesitated for a moment.

He was a little unsure about what Mrs. Qiu was here for.


All the hesitations are not worth the greed in the stomach.

Soon, he also joined the fight.

With a bowl of meat and vegetables and seven or eight pancakes, the three of them quickly ate without even the soup left.

The old man with glasses wiped his greasy mouth, burped happily, and then looked at Mrs. Qiu.

He said carelessly, "Tell me, what do you want from me? Are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

As he spoke, he looked up and down.

Um? The old lady looks pretty good.

Although still thin, he seems to have more energy.

It doesn't look like he's sick.

The old man with glasses asked directly, and Mrs. Qiu was also unambiguous.

She took He Tiantian's hand and said to the old man with glasses, "This is my granddaughter. She wants to study medicine. Please teach her!"

The old man with glasses blurted out, "She also wants to study medicine?"

What a good word "ye".

It seems that the person who was kicked out with something just now is indeed a "fellow-minded person."

Not only does he want to find a big shot in the bullpen, his goal is also medical skills.

Mrs. Qiu also heard the wit in this sentence.

But she didn't care, but said firmly, "We have always dealt with each other fairly. If you eat my flesh, you have to teach my granddaughter how to do it!"

Old man with glasses: ...

He touched his slightly bulging belly and then looked at the little girl with low eyebrows and smooth eyes.

He slightly regretted it.

Oh, I really shouldn’t have eaten everything without asking.

In fact, his "deal" with Old Mrs. Qiu in the past has always been that he helped Old Mrs. Qiu see a doctor, and Old Mrs. Qiu helped him get some food or quilts.

The two people interacted more often and developed a tacit understanding.

This time, the old man with glasses also thought that Mrs. Qiu was uncomfortable, so——

How did he know that this person was actually here to let his granddaughter become a disciple?


The old man with glasses subconsciously rejected it.

A lot of very unpleasant memories came to mind.

He really wished he could spit it out and then drive the person out as confidently as before.


What does it look like when you vomit something out after you have already eaten it?

For the old man with glasses, that was an annoyance and a frustration.

But Mrs. Qiu didn't seem to see the bespectacled old man's tangled look.

She turned to He Tiantian and said, "Little stinky girl, this is Jiang Yaohua, a famous old Chinese medicine doctor in our provincial capital. The medical skills are passed down from our ancestors. I heard that our ancestors even had imperial doctors."

"If you want to learn medicine, just call me master! Didn't you see that Dr. Jiang accepted the apprenticeship ceremony I prepared for you?"

He Tiantian hurriedly bowed deeply to the old man with glasses, Jiang Yaohua, "Ban Xia has met the master!"

Jiang Yaohua:......

He glanced at He Tiantian. Well, he was a fair and simple child.

The main reason is that his eyes are clean and smart, and he is a good prospect.

Much better than the girl just now.

Just now, he said respectful words, but he always had a sense of superiority.

She concealed it very well, and ordinary people probably wouldn't be able to tell.

Jiang Yaohua is different. He has experienced ups and downs in life, being betrayed and helped.

Now it is at its lowest point.

In the past few years in the countryside, he has not learned any other skills, but he has trained his eyes to become even more vicious!

He could tell at a glance whether he was a human or a ghost.

However, he doesn’t want to teach a good seedling.

Jiang Yaohua was really frightened. The person who betrayed him back then was one of his favorite apprentices.

But what Mrs. Qiu said was right, ahem, he had already eaten the "apprenticeship ceremony" and so on.

If you want to regret it now, you need to compensate others exactly as they are.

"...Don't be in a hurry to call me Master. I'll make a list of books for you. You can find a way to get them all. Memorize them all, and then come back to me!"

Jiang Yaohua couldn't refuse directly, so he simply made a "retreat in order to advance".

He rattled off a long list of book titles.

Mrs. Qiu's face became a little ugly. She is a thousand-year-old fox, no one can tell——

Old Man Jiang set up a difficult problem on purpose, hoping to scare "Panalia" away.

When the time comes, whether Ban Xia cannot find all these books or cannot memorize the contents well, it is because of her inability.

It’s not that Jiang Yaohua doesn’t want to teach!

This damn old man is really...

Mrs. Qiu's stomach started to feel angry, and she was about to have an attack.

I heard He Tiantian next to me say, "Okay! Master! I understand!"

He Tiantian knew that Jiang Yaohua did deliberately make things difficult for He Tiantian to retreat.

However, learning Chinese medicine does require basic knowledge.

He Tiantian studied in a systematic learning space. At that time, she also memorized Tangtou Song first, and then a series of classics such as Qian Jin Fang, Tang Materia Medica, and Compendium of Materia Medica.

Identify herbal medicines and memorize prescriptions. Once these foundations are solid, you can start practicing skills such as hearing, hearing, asking, and understanding with the master.

He Tiantian now wants to start learning again, and naturally he has to follow a fixed procedure, step by step.

Endorsement is the first step and the most important foundation.

Therefore, she did not think that Mr. Jiang deliberately made things difficult for her. This was a process that she had to go through to learn medical skills.

Seeing He Tiantian's serious look, Mrs. Qiu didn't feel any embarrassment or entanglement at all.

She knew that this little stinky girl was very seductive, and she probably already had a plan in mind.

In this case, Mrs. Qiu did not settle the score with Jiang Yaohua.

"Okay, now that the matter is settled, let's do it!"

Mrs. Qiu is a straightforward person, and she no longer hesitates when she decides.

She asked Jiang Yaohua to report the long list of book titles again, and she asked He Tiantian: "Little stinky girl, have you written them all down?"

What a sweet treat.

She already knew some traditional Chinese medicine classics, but the list of books listed by Jiang Yaohua was just a professional and systematic expansion.

He Tiantian wrote everything down.

"That's good! Let's go!"

Mrs. Qiu turned around and walked out of the bullpen.

"Master, let's go!"

He Tiantian said goodbye politely, and then hurried to catch up with Mrs. Qiu.

The grandfather and grandson quietly returned to the village under the cover of night.

The dishes in the big pot are no longer so hot, but they are still warm.

He Tiantian hurriedly set the table and served the food.

"Old lady, how do you know Dr. Jiang?"

While eating, He Tiantian started gossiping.

Mrs. Qiu was just as arrogant as He Tiantian, "You little brat, you don't like gossiping about people behind their backs!"

"Old lady, what you said is inappropriate!"

He Tiantian smiled with crooked eyebrows and raised a green finger, "First of all, I didn't ask you behind your back, I asked you in person."

Then, she raised her middle finger again, "Second, you are not an outsider, you are my family. I am not asking you these questions to find out secrets, but to care about you and want to know you!"

Mrs. Qiu was slightly stunned.

My mind couldn't help but recall the scene of mother and son sitting around together, chatting about daily life, before their sons were sacrificed.



It is natural for family members to get to know each other better.

When her sons got married, didn't she also secretly go to inquire about their girls?

This is not just gossip, but comes from the concern of the family!

Mrs. Qiu's heart was touched again.

But she still didn't want to show her vulnerable side and continued to keep a straight face, "Humph, you know how to be glib!"

"Hey, old lady Shengming, I just ate rabbit meat and my mouth is really greasy!"

He Tiantian licked her face and smiled innocently and brightly.

Mrs. Qiu rolled her eyes, but finally couldn't hold it back and was amused by He Tiantian's little appearance.

After laughing for a while, Mrs. Qiu did not forget the topic. She thought about it and said, "That year, I went to the back mountain to collect firewood and accidentally fell."

"Old Man Jiang happened to be passing by. He was very hesitant, but he finally rescued me!"

"Later, I learned that he was a powerful Chinese medicine doctor, and he also knew that I sent all three sons to the battlefield."

After so many years, Mrs. Qiu has come out of the shadow of "losing her son".

She could calmly mention the sacrifices of her three sons.

"I have more money on hand and Shuanzi to help, so I occasionally give Old Man Jiang some food, cotton, or urgently needed medicines, etc."

"As for Old Man Jiang, he will feel my pulse and see my doctor!"

Mrs. Qiu had been lonely for more than ten years, but her body had not completely collapsed, thanks to the contribution of the famous doctor Jiang Yaohua.

"So this is ah!"

He Tiandessert nodded.

The old lady and Jiang Yaohua have been friends for several years, and they can be considered a happy "cooperation".

Therefore, even though Jiang Yaohua was a scornful person, he was not too wary of Mrs. Qiu.

Not like the girl before.

Yes, we were next to the bullpen just now, although there was some distance between us.

He Tiantian's eyesight was not as perverted as when she had internal power, but she still saw something vaguely.

Looking at nothing else but the slender figure, He Tiantian dared to conclude that it must be a woman.

In addition, she also saw that when the girl turned around, her two big braids flicked.

He Tiantian was sure that the other party was very young, at least not married.

Because according to rural rules, girls must tie their hair up after getting married.

Or tie it into a big braid.

That girl has two cotton braids.

She also didn't walk like a married woman with children.

Therefore, He Tiantian made a rough guess about this person's situation——

People from the forward production brigade, young and unmarried girls;

She knew that Jiang Yaohua was a famous doctor and wanted to learn from him.

What's more, she can "predict" the future and knows that people like Jiang Yaohua will be able to return to the city in a few years!

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, good, we can initially target the wild writer!

"Old Man Jiang is a nice person, but he was scared out of his wits. He didn't dare to reveal his true abilities easily, for fear of getting into big trouble again!"

"However, he is really capable. Now that he is relaxed, you should learn from him!"

What Mrs. Qiu said next further confirmed He Tiantian's guess.

Jiang Yaohua is a master of traditional Chinese medicine, but the people in the advance brigade don't know that.

It is estimated that only Mrs. Qiu knows the details.

This is also a coincidence.

And that young girl, why did she come to become a disciple or invest in advance?



He Tiantian's mood instantly became cheerful.

Once she finds her goal, she can do the task better!

Moreover, leaving aside the wild writers, just being able to learn a skill from a good teacher professionally and systematically is also a great good thing for her.

He Tiantian was full of joy from inside to outside.

Mrs. Qiu was infected until she went to bed. She lay on the bed with the corners of her mouth raised.

The next day, early morning.

Shuanzi hadn't come back from the county yet, and his little brother Goudaner came rushing to carry water and firewood to Mrs. Qiu.

He Tiantian went to feed the chickens and cook.

Just like yesterday, He Tiantian not only made breakfast, but also prepared lunch for the old lady in advance.

As for her, she continued to fill a pot of water and took two steamed Sanhe noodle buns.

"Old lady, I'll go for a walk in the mountains again!"

There are more than a dozen books on the book list given by Jiang Yaohua. Even if you go to the recycling bin to search for them, it will cost a lot of money.

Maybe we still need to find Shuanzi and use black market and other means to get the books together.

Money, no less!

A branch of wild ginseng is less than fifty years old. If you sell it, it will cost you only a few dozen yuan at most, which is far from enough.

He Tiantian still needs to find a way to make money.

Mrs. Qiu is a mature woman, so she understands He Tiantian's thoughts.

She nodded, "Be careful, money is important, people are even more important!"

"Hey! I know! You should pay more attention to yourself at home. If there is any work, don't resist on your own, wait for me to come back!"

He Tiantian put the basket on her back and told Mrs. Qiu again and again.

In the old man's impatient eyes, He Tiantian walked away with a smile.

After leaving Sujiacun, He Tiantian did not rush up the mountain, but took a detour to Qiujiaping.

She has not forgotten that today is the big day for the hero and heroine to meet...


Dear friends, monthly pass, monthly pass, e=e=e=( # \u003eд\u003c)?

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