The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 828 Emergency Rescue Mission (25)

Remember [new] in one second! "In addition, I, I will give you two more dollars to buy some delicious food for the child to make up for it!"

Qiu Xiaoxue knew that the rebellious Dabao would definitely not apologize to Niudan, so she didn't waste any time.

She pinched her nose first and apologized to the victim and her family on behalf of the naughty child.

Then, enduring the pain, she took out two banknotes directly from her pants pocket.

Alas, if you don’t become a householder, you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are.

Huo Yuanzheng is the deputy battalion commander, and his monthly allowance, subsidies, etc. add up to not much.

But the problem is, he has a wife and three children to support.

The children are all growing up, so the clothes they wear can be a little different, but the food they eat must not be ambiguous.

Even Qiu Xiaoxue herself couldn't stand boiling vegetables and eating whole grain pancakes every day.

Half of Huo Yuanzheng's salary was used to buy meat and fine grain.

The other half has to deal with certain accidents in daily life——

For example, at this moment, Huo Dabao beat the child until his eyes were black and blue, turning him into a "panda".

Parents came to our door not only wanting an explanation, but also demanding compensation!

This is not the first time!

When it comes to compensation, Qiu Xiaoxue is extremely skilled and understands the "market" very well.

Two dollars is not much, but it is not much.

These days, a pound of meat only costs seventy or eighty cents.

Compensating someone with more than two kilograms of pork is definitely considered kind.

"Huh! You still know some sense!"

The strong woman quickly grabbed two dollars.

It was obvious that he had received benefits, but this man still said:

"Xiao Qiu, I'm not talking about you. Although you are a stepmother, your child is too naughty and you still have to take care of it!"

"A child is just like a sapling. If it is not pruned and straightened, it will not grow straight or tall!"

The strong woman looks like a country shrew, but she actually works as a teacher in an elementary school in a military compound.

Her man is the instructor of the company.

Listening to men teach their children every day,

She also learned a lot of "big principles".

"Right now Dabao is just bullying the children in our compound. If you don't discipline him strictly, he might dare to hurt and kill others in the future!"

"You can't just spoil your children when you raise them, otherwise, you will spoil even good children!"

The strong woman said this without forgetting to glance at Qiu Xiaoxue.

That look in his eyes shouldn't be too obvious——

Dear, you are the stepmother! It really hurts when a mother slaps her child!

And yours?

She is more spoiled than her own mother, maybe she has some bad intentions.

As a primary school teacher who has just graduated from primary school, the strong woman has not read "Zuo Zhuan", so naturally she does not know the story of "Zheng Bo and Duan Yu Yan".

But the principles are all the same.

I don't know the word "pengshu", but I can still do it.

Qiu Xiaoxue:......

What are you talking about?

Is it because I am a bad stepmother with a sweet face and a bitter heart, harboring evil intentions? !

Ma De, is it over yet? !

Sorry, I said it!

I also lost the money!

What else do you want?

It’s not my biological son. It’s not easy for a stepmother like me to do this.

You, you——

Feeling aggrieved and angry, Qiu Xiaoxue's face looked a little ugly.

She said stiffly to the strong woman, "Sister-in-law Feng, I think I heard Xiaoya crying. I won't say more to you!"

"Walk slowly!"

Not sending it!

After saying this, Qiu Xiaoxue closed the door directly.

The strong woman opened her mouth and wanted to continue to "promote" Qiu Xiaoxue, the stepmother.

As a result, he watched helplessly as the courtyard door was closed in front of him.

This, this is too arrogant and disrespectful.

How can there be such a military wife? !

She, she——

The muscular woman was furious.

The military wives who were watching the excitement around also pointed.

Soon, Qiu Xiaoxue became the subject of a new round of discussion among military wives.

Someone else said directly:

"She is indeed a girl from the countryside. She is unruly and unreasonable! She doesn't even understand the ways of the world!"

"Oh, that's right! It's such a pity, Captain Huo, why did he marry such a wife?"

"Isn't it for the sake of the children? But this Qiu Xiaoxue can't even take care of her children, and her home is in a mess. It's such a loss for Captain Huo to marry her!"

"Isn't that right? I've heard that there were several girls on our island back then..."

Qiu Xiaoxue contributed another wave of topics to the military compound on the island.

She didn't know it herself.

Because she had just returned to the house, and before she could sit down and take a breath, Xiaoya woke up from her nap.

have to!

Continue to serve your little ancestor.

Feed water, feed, change clothes, and wash clothes.

I was so busy that my feet didn't even touch the floor, and my waist couldn't straighten up.

"Ma De, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have needed to redeem the 'Dream Pill' with points. Keeping the points and redeeming them for a marrow cleansing pill, or simply a small space, would also make my life better!"

Qiu Xiaoxue supported her sore waist and finally coaxed the crying little girl to play in the car.

Only then did she have some time to regret.

"Xiao Qiu! Is Xiao Qiu at home?"

Qiu Xiaoxue just picked up the tea cup, wanting to drink some water and take a breath.

There was another knock on the door.

Qiu Xiaoxue closed her eyes.


It’s really endless!

Who is it this time?

Dabao or Xiaobao?

"Xiao Qiu, you have to take care of your little treasure, how can you smash the glass?"

"Fortunately, I wasn't near the window, otherwise, I would have been scratched by the glass shards!"

"... Even if I'm not injured, two pieces of glass are still a lot of money. The key is that at this time and in this situation on the island, even if you have money, you can't buy suitable glass!"

This is the neighbor to the east, and his attitude is not as tyrannical as that of a strong woman.

But there was dissatisfaction and complaint both inside and outside the words.

Biting her back teeth hard, Qiu Xiaoxue forced out a smile and said, "Compensate! Sister Cao, how much will it cost, we will pay!"

After taking out another ten yuan, Qiu Xiaoxue was almost numb.

It's only afternoon, and the day hasn't even ended yet, and the two naughty kids have already caused two waves of trouble.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Qiu Xiaoxue leaned against the doorframe tiredly. As a result, Xiaoya's heartbreaking crying came from the room behind her again!


There is no way I can live this day!

Qiu Xiaoxue robbed the heroine of her life, but failed to live a satisfactory life like the heroine.

Qiu Guyu, the former heroine, now faces the most important thing in her life.

get married!

She married Su Chuanxin, a famous second-rate man from Sujia Village next door.

Not to mention people outside, even Father Qiu and Mother Qiu strongly disagreed.

Su Chuanxin came to propose marriage in person and paid the couple a thousand yuan directly.

"This is the bride price! In addition, the village has approved a homestead site for me. I asked a friend to get some bricks and tiles to build a five-room large tile house!"

Being rich means being so arrogant!

Whether it was the sky-high betrothal gift of 1,000 yuan or the wedding room with five large tile-roofed houses, the two elders of the Qiu family were immediately stunned.

"One, one thousand dollars?"

"And there are five new big tile-roofed houses?"

Father Qiu, Mother Qiu, look at me, and I look at you. Then, their eyes were glued to the large pile of big balls.

"This, this is not something you--" did you get it by breaking the law?

With great difficulty, Father Qiu took his eyes away from the pile of banknotes.

Money really makes his heart beat.

But after all, he still loves his daughter a little bit.

These days, if you work hard, you will definitely not be able to make so much money.

Father Qiu was afraid that Su Chuanxin was not upright.

She is rich now, but if she is caught, won't her daughter's life be ruined? !

"Over the years, I have helped my third grandma do things outside and made some money."

When Su Chuanxin saw that Father Qiu was mumbling and couldn't hold back a complete sentence, he knew what he was worried about.

In fact, in the past, he had no choice but to go out to seek a living.

If possible, he didn't want to go to the black market.

Not to mention the last time he met Qiu Guyu, he had almost been caught several times in the past few years.

To be honest, Su Chuanxin himself was a little scared.

He has already made almost enough money.

Now, he has a girl he likes, and she is willing to marry him.

Su Chuanxin was unwilling to take any more risks.

Of course, he will not come back to farm.

He already has his own plans for the future.

Over the years of working outside, he has earned not only money, but also experience and control over business conditions.

However, he did make money in the past by buying and selling.

Now facing his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he could only find a way to blur the matter.

"Oh? You mean Mrs. Qiu from your village?"

When it comes to the girl married by Qiu Jiaping, Father Qiu still knows a little bit about her.

First the man died, then the son, and finally, even the only granddaughter died.

Saying life is hard is really hard, saying life is hard, ahem, is also really hard!

Over the years, the discussion about Mrs. Qiu has never stopped in the advancing brigade.

However, everyone is just gossiping, but they all know in their hearts: This old lady cannot be offended!

Full of loyalty!

The key is that although his son is dead, many of his comrades and old friends are still thinking about their old mother.

Gifts during the holidays, regular remittances, and the county’s care.

While everyone was envious, they could not help but be afraid.

In their minds, Mrs. Qiu knew a real capable person.

Su Chuanxin has been taking care of Mrs. Qiu these years, carrying water and doing heavy work for her.

Everyone in the three villages knows this.

Now Su Chuanxin told Father Qiu that he not only helped the old lady with farm work, but also helped the old lady with some things outside.

Su Chuanxin did not say what the specific matter was.

Father Qiu and Mother Qiu made up a lot of things on their own.

However, no matter what plot they imagined, they were no longer so repulsive and distrustful of Su Chuanxin.

Mrs. Qiu is a well-known heroic mother in the county. With her as her "backer", Su Chuanxin will definitely not be in trouble.

Father Qiu and Mother Qiu's expressions softened a lot.

Seeing this, Su Chuanxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He continued to increase the weights, "Besides, I also have a few friends in the county!"

"If the waiter wants to be a worker in the county, I can help. But I can't be a formal worker. I can only try temporary work first -"

Xiaoer is Qiu Guyu's younger brother. He is seventeen this year and has just graduated from junior high school.

Everyone in the house is worried about his future.

At the beginning, Qiu's father was so interested in the Huo family's marriage, because he wanted to wait until Qiu Guyu married Huo Yuanzheng, and then asked the Huo family to send his son to serve as a soldier.

It's a pity that Qiu Guyu didn't want to be a stepmother, so he pushed the marriage aside.

The waiter's future is at a loss.

During this time, Xiaoer has been working in the fields with his parents.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother had not complained about Qiu Guyu in their hearts, and even the younger brother Xiaoer had some complaints about his sister.

Therefore, Qiu Guyu went to the county to work as a "nanny" for his cousin, not only because he couldn't stand the gossip in the village.

Just family——

Alas, Qiu Guyu understands!

She blames herself too!

However, people are selfish.

She is indeed not a good, filial daughter or a good sister who is devoted to her younger brother.

She can't sacrifice herself for others!

Fortunately, she went to the county and met Shuanzi.

Although this man looks unremarkable, he is very down-to-earth.

As soon as he agreed to his marriage, he stuffed himself with several bankbooks.

Qiu Guyu was dumbfounded when he saw the money on the booklet.

Oh my God, this man is so powerful.

When the average salary per worker was only thirty or forty, he had already saved tens of thousands of yuan!

Qiu Guyu was not greedy for money, she was more concerned about Su Chuanxin's attitude.

Through his eyes, Qiu Guyu saw enthusiasm and joy. He was also very considerate and trusting of himself.

Unlike Huo Yuanzheng in the dream.

He married a new wife, but he was wary of her in every possible way.

Not only did he give her all his savings, he even gave her only half of his salary.

She also needs to keep accounts.

There must be a clear record of how every penny is spent.

Of course, Qiu Guyu would not give up the money from the Huo family and instead support his natal family.

Now that she is married, she will devote herself to running her own family.

She can record household accounts very clearly.

But there are absolutely two different things between being willing to do this kind of thing and being forced to do it!

In the dream, in the Huo family, Qiu Guyu lived a very miserable life.

Huo Yuanzheng and his three children had no basic respect for her, as if she was a free nanny.

Su Chuanxin was the best. In this man, Qiu Guyu felt respected and loved!

This is the wife, not an outsider who looks after the children and does housework.

Qiu Guyu had already set his sights on Su Chuanxin, but now that he heard that he could help his younger brother work as a temporary worker in the county, his whole heart melted with joy!

Father Qiu and Mother Qiu were overjoyed.

"Shuanzi, you, can you send the waiter to the county to be a worker?" Father Qiu immediately stuttered.

"Temporary workers! It's difficult for regular workers to operate, but temporary workers should have no problem!"

Su Chuanxin said confidently.

"Okay! Haha! Good son-in-law!"

Father Qiu looked at Su Chuanxin intently. It took a long time before he laughed heartily.

First there is a gift of 1,000 yuan, and then there is a future arrangement for his son.

If such a son-in-law is not considered good, then there will be no good son-in-law in the world.

Father Qiu agreed on the spot.

Soon, the news spread.

While everyone was laughing at Qiu Guyu's "self-destruction," news spread from the Qiu family that a thousand yuan gift and Qiu's second brother went to work as a temporary worker in the county paper mill.

In fact, even without this news, just looking at the five large tile-roofed houses built by Su Chuanxin with great fanfare and the bicycles pushed back from the county seat, no one would laugh at Qiu Guyu anymore.

What's the joke?

You married well, the man is not a second-rate man.

But can your husband's family give you a gift of 1,000 yuan, build you a new house, or arrange a job for your brother? !

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